Daily bump.
[gcc-git-mirror.git] / libgomp / testsuite / libgomp.fortran / imperfect-destructor.f90
1 ! { dg-do run }
3 ! Like imperfect2.f90, but adds bindings to the blocks.
5 module m
6 implicit none
7 type t
8 integer :: i
9 contains
10 final :: fini
11 end type t
13 integer :: ccount(3), dcount(3)
15 contains
17 subroutine init(x, n)
18 type(t) :: x
19 integer :: n
20 x%i = n
21 ccount(x%i) = ccount(x%i) + 1
22 end subroutine init
24 subroutine fini(x)
25 type(t) :: x
26 dcount(x%i) = dcount(x%i) + 1
27 end subroutine fini
28 end module m
30 program foo
31 use m
33 integer :: f1count(3), f2count(3), g1count(3), g2count(3)
35 f1count(1) = 0
36 f1count(2) = 0
37 f1count(3) = 0
38 f2count(1) = 0
39 f2count(2) = 0
40 f2count(3) = 0
42 g1count(1) = 0
43 g1count(2) = 0
44 g1count(3) = 0
45 g2count(1) = 0
46 g2count(2) = 0
47 g2count(3) = 0
49 call s1 (3, 4, 5)
51 ! All intervening code at the same depth must be executed the same
52 ! number of times.
53 if (f1count(1) /= f2count(1)) error stop 101
54 if (f1count(2) /= f2count(2)) error stop 102
55 if (f1count(3) /= f2count(3)) error stop 103
56 if (g1count(1) /= f1count(1)) error stop 104
57 if (g2count(1) /= f1count(1)) error stop 105
58 if (g1count(2) /= f1count(2)) error stop 106
59 if (g2count(2) /= f1count(2)) error stop 107
60 if (g1count(3) /= f1count(3)) error stop 108
61 if (g2count(3) /= f1count(3)) error stop 109
63 ! Intervening code must be executed at least as many times as the loop
64 ! that encloses it.
65 if (f1count(1) < 3) error stop 111
66 if (f1count(2) < 3 * 4) error stop 112
68 ! Intervening code must not be executed more times than the number
69 ! of logical iterations.
70 if (f1count(1) > 3 * 4 * 5) error stop 121
71 if (f1count(2) > 3 * 4 * 5) error stop 122
73 ! Check that the innermost loop body is executed exactly the number
74 ! of logical iterations expected.
75 if (f1count(3) /= 3 * 4 * 5) error stop 131
77 ! Check that constructors and destructors are called equal number of times.
78 if (ccount(1) /= dcount(1)) error stop 141
79 if (ccount(2) /= dcount(2)) error stop 142
80 if (ccount(3) /= dcount(3)) error stop 143
82 contains
84 subroutine f1 (depth, iter)
85 integer :: depth, iter
86 f1count(depth) = f1count(depth) + 1
87 end subroutine
89 subroutine f2 (depth, iter)
90 integer :: depth, iter
91 f2count(depth) = f2count(depth) + 1
92 end subroutine
94 subroutine g1 (depth, iter)
95 integer :: depth, iter
96 g1count(depth) = g1count(depth) + 1
97 end subroutine
99 subroutine g2 (depth, iter)
100 integer :: depth, iter
101 g2count(depth) = g2count(depth) + 1
102 end subroutine
104 subroutine s1 (a1, a2, a3)
105 integer :: a1, a2, a3
106 integer :: i, j, k
108 !$omp do collapse(3)
109 do i = 1, a1
110 call f1 (1, i)
111 block
112 type (t) :: local1
113 call init (local1, 1)
114 call g1 (local1%i, i)
115 do j = 1, a2
116 call f1 (2, j)
117 block
118 type (t) :: local2
119 call init (local2, 2)
120 call g1 (local2%i, j)
121 do k = 1, a3
122 call f1 (3, k)
123 block
124 type (t) :: local3
125 call init (local3, 3)
126 call g1 (local3%i, k)
127 call g2 (local3%i, k)
128 end block
129 call f2 (3, k)
130 end do
131 call g2 (local2%i, j)
132 end block
133 call f2 (2, j)
134 end do
135 call g2 (local1%i, i)
136 end block
137 call f2 (1, i)
138 end do
140 end subroutine
142 end program