GDAL svn repostory is now read-only. New development goes to
[gdal.git] / .travis.yml
1 # This is the config file for building GDAL and running its autotest suite
2 # with
4 matrix:
5   fast_finish: true
6   include:
8     - os: linux
9       compiler: gcc
10       language: cpp
11       sudo: required
12       dist: precise
13       cache:
14         apt: true
15         directories:
16           - $HOME/.ccache
17       env:
18         - BUILD_NAME=precise
19         - DETAILS="debug build, no libtool"
20     - os: linux
21       compiler: clang
22       language: cpp
23       sudo: required
24       dist: trusty
25       cache:
26         apt: true
27         directories:
28           - $HOME/.ccache
29       env:
30         - BUILD_NAME=trusty_clang
31         - DETAILS="optimized build, no libtool"
32     - os: linux
33       compiler: clang
34       language: cpp
35       sudo: required
36       dist: trusty
37       cache:
38         apt: true
39         directories:
40           - $HOME/.ccache
41       env:
42         - BUILD_NAME=mingw_w64
43         - DETAILS="optimized build, libtool"
44     - os: linux
45       compiler: gcc
46       language: cpp
47       sudo: required
48       dist: precise
49       cache:
50         apt: true
51         directories:
52           - $HOME/.ccache
53       env:
54         - BUILD_NAME=python3
55         - DETAILS=""
56     - os: linux
57       compiler: gcc
58       language: cpp
59       sudo: false
60       dist: trusty
61       cache:
62         apt: true
63         directories:
64           - $HOME/.ccache
65       apt:
66         packages:
67           - ccache
68       env:
69         - BUILD_NAME=android
70         - DETAILS=""
71     - os: linux
72       compiler: gcc
73       language: cpp
74       sudo: false
75       dist: precise
76       cache:
77         apt: true
78         directories:
79           - $HOME/.ccache
80       apt:
81         packages:
82           - ccache
83       env:
84         - BUILD_NAME=big_endian
85         - DETAILS=""
86     - os: linux
87       compiler: gcc
88       language: cpp
89       sudo: required
90       dist: precise
91       cache:
92         apt: true
93         directories:
94           - $HOME/.ccache
95       env:
96         - BUILD_NAME=gcc52_stdcpp14_sanitize
97         - DETAILS=""
98     - os: linux
99       compiler: gcc
100       language: cpp
101       sudo: required
102       dist: precise
103       cache:
104         apt: true
105         directories:
106           - $HOME/.ccache
107       env:
108         - BUILD_NAME=ubuntu_1604
109         - DETAILS=""
110     - os: linux
111       compiler: gcc
112       language: cpp
113       sudo: required
114       dist: trusty
115       cache:
116         apt: true
117         directories:
118           - $HOME/.ccache
119       env:
120         - BUILD_NAME=trusty_32bit
121         - DETAILS=""
122     - osx_image: xcode8
123       language: objective-c
124       compiler: clang
125       cache:
126         apt: true
127         directories:
128           - $HOME/.ccache
129       env:
130         - BUILD_NAME=osx
131         - DETAILS="debug build, libtool"
133     - os: linux
134       compiler: gcc
135       language: cpp
136       sudo: required
137       dist: trusty
138       cache:
139         apt: true
140       env:
141         - BUILD_NAME=csa_part_1
142         - DETAILS="CLang Static Analyzer part 1"
144     - os: linux
145       compiler: gcc
146       language: cpp
147       sudo: required
148       dist: trusty
149       cache:
150         apt: true
151       env:
152         - BUILD_NAME=csa_part_2
153         - DETAILS="CLang Static Analyzer part 2"
155 before_install:
156   - ./gdal/ci/travis/${BUILD_NAME}/
158 install:
159   - ./gdal/ci/travis/${BUILD_NAME}/
161 script:
162   - ./gdal/ci/travis/${BUILD_NAME}/
164 notifications:
165   email:
166     recipients:
167       -
169   irc:
170     channels:
171       - ""
172     use_notice: true
173     on_success: change