3 - native look on windows
4 - In the index view if I select a cave with a "&" char in the name the status bar on the bottom shows it as "&". So "Skulls & Bones" becomes "Skulls & Bones". But only in the status bar, in the index window the name is correct.
5 - Moreover can you tell me where to change the word "Höhle" to "Höhlen" for the status bar? It should be plural.
6 - And another small thing: If I changed something in editor, get back to the game and want to quit the game a message appears if I want to save the changes. As I set german as language the message appears in german but the key for "Ja" (yes) is not "J" but "Y" ("N" is still "Nein" and "No" - so no difference). Shouldn't it be "J" for german systems?
7 - editor file open ablak; cancel, de mégis bepróbálkozik
8 - options ablaknál az sdl verzióban is legyen valami módon help/description az egyes opciókhoz! fine scrollinghoz beírni, hogy lehet nem lesz jobb tőle.
9 - Don Pedro's BD7 Cave M is set to BD1 engine, when it needs to be set to BD2. Otherwise the amoeba is affected by the magic wall bug.
10 - Magic wall break scan implemented so it affects amoeba. Buggy timing is not implemented, however.
11 - Quitting on Q from menu. escape quittingnél kérdezzen rá? maradjon meg az escape.
12 - rocket launcher help, rocket launcher - one rocket or infinite rockets / one rocket
18 restart level (esc) nem csökkenti az életek számát
20 utolsó elfogyott élet után tűzgomb, de nem mutatja a game over feliratot
22 screen::set_size valahogy átnevezni, reinit vagy bármi
24 a pixmapstorage-t egy külön headerbe tenni. aki örököl belőle, elég lenne csak azt includeolja
26 most már a felesleges includeokat el kell tűntetni
30 opengl esetén ne legyen replay saver. vagy megoldani valahogy, full pixbufokkal az egészet?
31 speciális pixmap (= pixbuf) és speciális screen (= pixbuf), az lenne a legszebb.
34 az ikon ne legyen két (három?!) helyre is bepastelve. talán a screen-be kéne menjen?
37 pixbuffactory::gimme_a_screen ?
41 - Masters Boulder Dash Cave B, the inbox timing is out rendering the cave unsolvable (firefly
42 smash under both PAL and NTSC), a quick change of the hatch value from 2 to 3 for all leveels
45 two different particle effects for diamond: diamond fall, diamond collect
49 replay menünél legyen szép a lapozás (most néha címke marad alulra)
51 gtk version settings - install theme button
53 "show variables in test" stuff
55 gtkapp.cpp - the timing & other routines should be in the gtkmainwindow class
57 settings.cpp - all settings to a static class
58 all parameters to another static class - to know what's happening
62 How about a gate that shuts after a certain amount of diamonds have been collected? Just put the gate in front of the exit and have a number somewhere that counts down the diamonds until it closes.
63 portable conveyor belts? destructible, convey each other.
65 - option "More than 1 bomb" in the cave settings
70 *) Rockford's revenge cave 9 scrolling
71 itt az a kérdés, melyik legyen az active player. az, akit először/utoljára megtalál a cave scan,
72 vagy az, akit először/utoljára megtalál ÉS tudott mozogni?
73 a születő rockford is számítson aktívnak!
77 *) magicwall breakscan; De Luxe Caves 1 Cave L, De Luxe Caves 2 Cave A ????, Deluxe Caves 3 Cave A
78 *) The second issue is not so important. In bd1-games, the magicwall stops the amoeba even if the
79 amoeba is located above the magicwall. For the moment, I implemented it this way: When an
80 element passes the magicwall I set all the following amoebas to the delayed state. This causes a
81 conversion, if no amoeba was able to grow before the scan of this element. Of course, this is
82 not how it works. Ok, I have to adjust my implementation. I remarked that the conversion takes
83 place in the same scan, not in the next. So it's much easier to implement: When a stone drops
84 into the magicwall, you only have to set the variable that indicates if the amoeba is "enclosed"
85 and have to convert in this scan to "True". All the falling amoebas will be converted.
87 I do not know if this is possible at all but an adaptive frame rate corresponding with the
88 monitor refresh rate would be nice but I do not know if the influence on the game speed would be
91 bdcff beolvasás miért hash table?
92 size és hasonló szarok miatt
93 de tobb értéket is kéne tárolni esetleg, a hash table ezt akadályozza
94 multimap nem oldja meg?
95 c++98 multimap insert: There are no guarantees on the relative order of equivalent elements.
97 cave play statistics: 1 2 3 4 5
103 something missing in GDash - now you can immediately see which caves you've played, and which
104 ones you should try again, also, high score, best time, most collected diamonds. delete
105 highscore stuff from cave, caveset & bdcff
107 editor cave statistics:
112 - number of Fireflies
115 - beolvasás/kiírás scanned bit
116 - bdcff import/export
122 - brc import explosion effect
124 - settingst szétdobni
126 replay hogy minden keypresst elmentsen?
127 keypress->mov az iteratebe
134 mi legyen a replay checksumokkal
138 cow movement not perfect
140 pal emulation should be somehow the attribute of the screen object.