[gdash.git] / src / Makefile.am
1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
3 localedir = $(datadir)/locale
5 DEFS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" -DPKGDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" @DEFS@
7 INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
9 bin_PROGRAMS = gdash
11 strip: $(bin_PROGRAMS)
12         strip $(bin_PROGRAMS)
14 # base sources and headers:
15 #   the gdash engine.
16 baseheaders = \
17         misc/printf.hpp \
18         misc/smartptr.hpp \
19         misc/autogfreeptr.hpp \
20         cave/cavetypes.hpp \
21         cave/elementproperties.hpp \
22         cave/helper/namevaluepair.hpp \
23         cave/helper/reflective.hpp \
24         cave/helper/adoptingcontainer.hpp \
25         cave/helper/cavemap.hpp \
26         cave/helper/cavehighscore.hpp \
27         cave/colors.hpp \
28         cave/cavebase.hpp \
29         cave/cavestored.hpp \
30         cave/helper/caverandom.hpp \
31         cave/helper/cavesound.hpp \
32         cave/object/caveobjectfill.hpp \
33         cave/object/caveobjectboundaryfill.hpp \
34         cave/object/caveobjectcopypaste.hpp \
35         cave/object/caveobjectfillrect.hpp \
36         cave/object/caveobjectfloodfill.hpp \
37         cave/object/caveobject.hpp \
38         cave/object/caveobjectrectangular.hpp \
39         cave/object/caveobjectjoin.hpp \
40         cave/object/caveobjectline.hpp \
41         cave/object/caveobjectmaze.hpp \
42         cave/object/caveobjectpoint.hpp \
43         cave/object/caveobjectrandomfill.hpp \
44         cave/object/caveobjectraster.hpp \
45         cave/object/caveobjectrectangle.hpp \
46         cave/caverendered.hpp \
47         cave/particle.hpp \
48         cave/helper/cavereplay.hpp \
49         cave/caveset.hpp \
50         fileops/bdcffhelper.hpp \
51         fileops/bdcffload.hpp \
52         fileops/bdcffsave.hpp \
53         fileops/c64import.hpp \
54         fileops/brcimport.hpp \
55         fileops/binaryimport.hpp \
56         fileops/loadfile.hpp \
57         fileops/highscore.hpp \
58         cave/gamecontrol.hpp \
59         settings.hpp \
60         misc/util.hpp \
61         misc/logger.hpp \
62         misc/about.hpp \
63         misc/helptext.hpp \
64         gfx/pixbuf.hpp \
65         gfx/pixmapstorage.hpp \
66         gfx/screen.hpp \
67         gfx/pixbuffactory.hpp \
68         gfx/pixbufmanip.hpp \
69         gfx/pixbufmanip_hqx.hpp \
70         gfx/cellrenderer.hpp \
71         gfx/fontmanager.hpp \
72         cave/gamerender.hpp \
73         cave/titleanimation.hpp \
74         framework/app.hpp \
75         framework/activity.hpp \
76         framework/titlescreenactivity.hpp \
77         framework/showtextactivity.hpp \
78         framework/messageactivity.hpp \
79         framework/gameactivity.hpp \
80         framework/selectfileactivity.hpp \
81         framework/inputtextactivity.hpp \
82         framework/askyesnoactivity.hpp \
83         framework/settingsactivity.hpp \
84         framework/thememanager.hpp \
85         framework/replaymenuactivity.hpp \
86         framework/replaysaveractivity.hpp \
87         framework/commands.hpp \
88         input/joystick.hpp \
89         input/gameinputhandler.hpp \
90         sound/sound.hpp
92 basesources = \
93         misc/printf.cpp \
94         cave/colors.cpp \
95         cave/cavetypes.cpp \
96         cave/elementproperties.cpp \
97         cave/helper/cavereplay.cpp \
98         cave/caverendered.cpp \
99         cave/particle.cpp \
100         cave/caverenderedengine.cpp \
101         cave/helper/caverandom.cpp \
102         cave/helper/cavesound.cpp \
103         cave/helper/cavehighscore.cpp \
104         cave/cavebase.cpp \
105         cave/cavestored.cpp \
106         cave/object/caveobject.cpp \
107         cave/object/caveobjectrectangular.cpp \
108         cave/object/caveobjectfill.cpp \
109         cave/object/caveobjectboundaryfill.cpp \
110         cave/object/caveobjectcopypaste.cpp \
111         cave/object/caveobjectfillrect.cpp \
112         cave/object/caveobjectfloodfill.cpp \
113         cave/object/caveobjectjoin.cpp \
114         cave/object/caveobjectline.cpp \
115         cave/object/caveobjectmaze.cpp \
116         cave/object/caveobjectpoint.cpp \
117         cave/object/caveobjectrandomfill.cpp \
118         cave/object/caveobjectraster.cpp \
119         cave/object/caveobjectrectangle.cpp \
120         cave/caveset.cpp \
121         fileops/bdcffhelper.cpp \
122         fileops/bdcffload.cpp \
123         fileops/bdcffsave.cpp \
124         fileops/c64import.cpp \
125         fileops/brcimport.cpp \
126         fileops/binaryimport.cpp \
127         fileops/loadfile.cpp \
128         fileops/highscore.cpp \
129         cave/gamecontrol.cpp \
130         settings.cpp \
131         misc/util.cpp \
132         misc/logger.cpp \
133         misc/about.cpp \
134         misc/helptext.cpp \
135         gfx/pixbuf.cpp \
136         gfx/screen.cpp \
137         gfx/pixbuffactory.cpp \
138         gfx/pixbufmanip.cpp \
139         gfx/pixbufmanip_hq2x.cpp \
140         gfx/pixbufmanip_hq3x.cpp \
141         gfx/pixbufmanip_hq4x.cpp \
142         gfx/cellrenderer.cpp \
143         gfx/fontmanager.cpp \
144         cave/gamerender.cpp \
145         cave/titleanimation.cpp \
146         framework/app.cpp \
147         framework/activity.cpp \
148         framework/titlescreenactivity.cpp \
149         framework/showtextactivity.cpp \
150         framework/messageactivity.cpp \
151         framework/gameactivity.cpp \
152         framework/selectfileactivity.cpp \
153         framework/inputtextactivity.cpp \
154         framework/askyesnoactivity.cpp \
155         framework/settingsactivity.cpp \
156         framework/thememanager.cpp \
157         framework/replaymenuactivity.cpp \
158         framework/replaysaveractivity.cpp \
159         framework/commands.cpp \
160         input/joystick.cpp \
161         input/gameinputhandler.cpp \
162         sound/sound.cpp \
163         mainwindow.cpp \
164         main.cpp
166 # gtk sources and headers:
167 #   the gdash gtk ui, with editor.
168 gtksources = \
169         gtk/gtkpixbuf.cpp \
170         gtk/gtkpixbuffactory.cpp \
171         gtk/gtkscreen.cpp \
172         gtk/gtkui.cpp \
173         gtk/gtkuisettings.cpp \
174         gtk/gtkgameinputhandler.cpp \
175         misc/helphtml.cpp \
176         editor/editorwidgets.cpp \
177         editor/editorautowidgets.cpp \
178         editor/editorcellrenderer.cpp \
179         editor/exporthtml.cpp \
180         editor/exportcrli.cpp \
181         editor/editor.cpp \
182         gtk/gtkapp.cpp \
183         gtk/gtkmainwindow.cpp
185 gtkheaders = \
186         gtk/gtkpixbuf.hpp \
187         gtk/gtkpixbuffactory.hpp \
188         gtk/gtkscreen.hpp \
189         gtk/gtkui.hpp \
190         gtk/gtkuisettings.hpp \
191         gtk/gtkgameinputhandler.hpp \
192         misc/helphtml.hpp \
193         editor/editorwidgets.hpp \
194         editor/editorautowidgets.hpp \
195         editor/editorcellrenderer.hpp \
196         editor/exporthtml.hpp \
197         editor/exportcrli.hpp \
198         editor/editor.hpp \
199         gtk/gtkapp.hpp \
200         gtk/gtkmainwindow.hpp \
201         mainwindow.hpp
203 # sdl sources and headers:
204 #   the sdl and the opengl engine.
205 sdlsources = \
206         framework/shadermanager.cpp \
207         framework/volumeactivity.cpp \
208         sdl/sdlpixbuf.cpp \
209         sdl/sdlabstractscreen.cpp \
210         sdl/sdlscreen.cpp \
211         sdl/sdlpixbuffactory.cpp \
212         sdl/ogl.cpp \
213         sdl/sdlgameinputhandler.cpp \
214         sdl/sdlmainwindow.cpp \
215         sdl/IMG_savepng.c
217 sdlheaders = \
218         framework/shadermanager.hpp \
219         framework/volumeactivity.hpp \
220         sdl/sdlpixbuf.hpp \
221         sdl/sdlabstractscreen.hpp \
222         sdl/sdlscreen.hpp \
223         sdl/sdlpixbuffactory.hpp \
224         sdl/ogl.hpp \
225         sdl/sdlgameinputhandler.hpp \
226         sdl/sdlmainwindow.hpp \
227         sdl/IMG_savepng.h
231 noinst_HEADERS = \
232         $(baseheaders) \
233         $(gtkheaders) \
234         $(sdlheaders)
238 programheaders=$(baseheaders)
239 programsources=$(basesources)
240 if GTK
241   programheaders+=$(gtkheaders)
242   programsources+=$(gtksources)
243 endif
244 if SDL
245   programheaders+=$(sdlheaders)
246   programsources+=$(sdlsources)
247 endif
253 gdash_LDFLAGS = -g -Wall
255 gdash_SOURCES = $(programsources)