3 gritty amoeba+magic sound
5 voodoo kills player any way it is hurt
11 Is there a certain mode one can enable, such that the objects you are placing will ONLY appear on a certain level?
13 lehessen csak nézni is
17 How about a gate that shuts after a certain amount of diamonds have been collected? Just put the gate in front of the exit and have a number somewhere that counts down the diamonds until it closes.
22 portable conveyor belts? destructible, convey each other.
30 theme image glob pattern
32 amikor bezárja az editor ablakot, akkor kéne egy replay checksum update?
33 vagy a delete event, és akkor rákérdez
36 As for the status bar in GDash: Maybe a little bit larger font would do the thing. There is enough space to use a larger font.
38 Maybe game notes can be displayed under the title screen as soon as the game is loaded. Optionally at least if someone does not like to show it automatically.
40 Already suggested I think: Atari sounds.
43 amoeba threshold - belül %-ban tárolódik,
44 de az editor átállítja?
46 bdcff beolvasás miért hash table?
47 size és hasonló szarok miatt
48 de tobb értéket is kéne tárolni esetleg, a hash table ezt akadályozza
54 option "More than 1 bomb" in the cave settings
57 *) magicwall breakscan; De Luxe Caves 1 Cave L, De Luxe Caves 2 Cave A, Deluxe Caves 3 Cave A