Use One-Time Initialization for glyph run caching to avoid duplicate glyph run genera...
[gdipp.git] / gdipp_lib / helper.cpp
1 #include "stdafx.h"
2 #include "helper.h"
3 #include "gdipp_lib/minidump.h"
5 namespace gdipp
8 bool wstring_ci_less::operator()(const std::wstring &string1, const std::wstring &string2) const
10 return (_wcsicmp(string1.c_str(), string2.c_str()) < 0);
13 BOOL get_dir_file_path(HMODULE h_module, const wchar_t *file_name, wchar_t *out_path)
15 // append the file name after the module's resident directory name
16 // if the module handle is NULL, use the current exe as the module
18 DWORD dw_ret;
19 BOOL b_ret;
21 dw_ret = GetModuleFileNameW(h_module, out_path, MAX_PATH);
22 if (dw_ret == 0)
23 return FALSE;
25 b_ret = PathRemoveFileSpecW(out_path);
26 if (!b_ret)
27 return FALSE;
29 return PathAppendW(out_path, file_name);
32 void init_minidump()
34 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(minidump_filter);
37 void register_minidump_module(HMODULE h_module)
39 h_minidump_modules.push_back(h_module);
42 char get_gdi_weight_class(unsigned short weight)
45 emulate GDI behavior:
46 weight 1 to 550 are rendered as Regular
47 551 to 611 are Semibold
48 612 to infinity are Bold
50 weight 0 is DONTCARE
53 const long weight_class_max[] = {0, 550, 611};
54 const char max_weight_class = sizeof(weight_class_max) / sizeof(long);
56 for (char i = 0; i < max_weight_class; ++i)
58 if (weight <= weight_class_max[i])
59 return i;
62 return max_weight_class;
65 unsigned long get_render_config_trait(char weight_class, bool italic, LONG height, const wchar_t *font_name)
67 const size_t font_name_len = wcslen(font_name) + 1;
68 const size_t trait_size = sizeof(weight_class) + sizeof(italic) + sizeof(height) + font_name_len * sizeof(wchar_t);
69 BYTE *trait_data = new BYTE[trait_size];
71 *reinterpret_cast<char *>(trait_data) = weight_class;
72 *reinterpret_cast<bool *>(trait_data + sizeof(char)) = italic;
73 *reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(trait_data + sizeof(char) + sizeof(bool)) = height;
74 wcscpy_s(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(trait_data + sizeof(char) + sizeof(bool) + sizeof(LONG)), font_name_len, font_name);
76 unsigned long trait_id;
77 MurmurHash3_x86_32(trait_data, static_cast<int>(trait_size), 0, &trait_id);
78 delete[] trait_data;
80 return trait_id;