Bug 1915045 Ensure decode tasks are scheduled on BufferingState::Enter() r=media...
[gecko.git] / dom / bindings / parser / tests / test_attr.py
1 import WebIDL
4 def WebIDLTest(parser, harness):
5 testData = [
6 ("::TestAttr%s::b", "b", "Byte%s", False),
7 ("::TestAttr%s::rb", "rb", "Byte%s", True),
8 ("::TestAttr%s::o", "o", "Octet%s", False),
9 ("::TestAttr%s::ro", "ro", "Octet%s", True),
10 ("::TestAttr%s::s", "s", "Short%s", False),
11 ("::TestAttr%s::rs", "rs", "Short%s", True),
12 ("::TestAttr%s::us", "us", "UnsignedShort%s", False),
13 ("::TestAttr%s::rus", "rus", "UnsignedShort%s", True),
14 ("::TestAttr%s::l", "l", "Long%s", False),
15 ("::TestAttr%s::rl", "rl", "Long%s", True),
16 ("::TestAttr%s::ul", "ul", "UnsignedLong%s", False),
17 ("::TestAttr%s::rul", "rul", "UnsignedLong%s", True),
18 ("::TestAttr%s::ll", "ll", "LongLong%s", False),
19 ("::TestAttr%s::rll", "rll", "LongLong%s", True),
20 ("::TestAttr%s::ull", "ull", "UnsignedLongLong%s", False),
21 ("::TestAttr%s::rull", "rull", "UnsignedLongLong%s", True),
22 ("::TestAttr%s::str", "str", "String%s", False),
23 ("::TestAttr%s::rstr", "rstr", "String%s", True),
24 ("::TestAttr%s::obj", "obj", "Object%s", False),
25 ("::TestAttr%s::robj", "robj", "Object%s", True),
26 ("::TestAttr%s::object", "object", "Object%s", False),
27 ("::TestAttr%s::f", "f", "Float%s", False),
28 ("::TestAttr%s::rf", "rf", "Float%s", True),
31 parser.parse(
32 """
33 interface TestAttr {
34 attribute byte b;
35 readonly attribute byte rb;
36 attribute octet o;
37 readonly attribute octet ro;
38 attribute short s;
39 readonly attribute short rs;
40 attribute unsigned short us;
41 readonly attribute unsigned short rus;
42 attribute long l;
43 readonly attribute long rl;
44 attribute unsigned long ul;
45 readonly attribute unsigned long rul;
46 attribute long long ll;
47 readonly attribute long long rll;
48 attribute unsigned long long ull;
49 readonly attribute unsigned long long rull;
50 attribute DOMString str;
51 readonly attribute DOMString rstr;
52 attribute object obj;
53 readonly attribute object robj;
54 attribute object _object;
55 attribute float f;
56 readonly attribute float rf;
59 interface TestAttrNullable {
60 attribute byte? b;
61 readonly attribute byte? rb;
62 attribute octet? o;
63 readonly attribute octet? ro;
64 attribute short? s;
65 readonly attribute short? rs;
66 attribute unsigned short? us;
67 readonly attribute unsigned short? rus;
68 attribute long? l;
69 readonly attribute long? rl;
70 attribute unsigned long? ul;
71 readonly attribute unsigned long? rul;
72 attribute long long? ll;
73 readonly attribute long long? rll;
74 attribute unsigned long long? ull;
75 readonly attribute unsigned long long? rull;
76 attribute DOMString? str;
77 readonly attribute DOMString? rstr;
78 attribute object? obj;
79 readonly attribute object? robj;
80 attribute object? _object;
81 attribute float? f;
82 readonly attribute float? rf;
84 """
87 results = parser.finish()
89 def checkAttr(attr, QName, name, type, readonly):
90 harness.ok(isinstance(attr, WebIDL.IDLAttribute), "Should be an IDLAttribute")
91 harness.ok(attr.isAttr(), "Attr is an Attr")
92 harness.ok(not attr.isMethod(), "Attr is not an method")
93 harness.ok(not attr.isConst(), "Attr is not a const")
94 harness.check(attr.identifier.QName(), QName, "Attr has the right QName")
95 harness.check(attr.identifier.name, name, "Attr has the right name")
96 harness.check(str(attr.type), type, "Attr has the right type")
97 harness.check(attr.readonly, readonly, "Attr's readonly state is correct")
99 harness.ok(True, "TestAttr interface parsed without error.")
100 harness.check(len(results), 2, "Should be two productions.")
101 iface = results[0]
102 harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should be an IDLInterface")
103 harness.check(
104 iface.identifier.QName(), "::TestAttr", "Interface has the right QName"
106 harness.check(iface.identifier.name, "TestAttr", "Interface has the right name")
107 harness.check(
108 len(iface.members), len(testData), "Expect %s members" % len(testData)
111 attrs = iface.members
113 for i in range(len(attrs)):
114 data = testData[i]
115 attr = attrs[i]
116 (QName, name, type, readonly) = data
117 checkAttr(attr, QName % "", name, type % "", readonly)
119 iface = results[1]
120 harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should be an IDLInterface")
121 harness.check(
122 iface.identifier.QName(), "::TestAttrNullable", "Interface has the right QName"
124 harness.check(
125 iface.identifier.name, "TestAttrNullable", "Interface has the right name"
127 harness.check(
128 len(iface.members), len(testData), "Expect %s members" % len(testData)
131 attrs = iface.members
133 for i in range(len(attrs)):
134 data = testData[i]
135 attr = attrs[i]
136 (QName, name, type, readonly) = data
137 checkAttr(attr, QName % "Nullable", name, type % "OrNull", readonly)
139 parser = parser.reset()
140 threw = False
141 try:
142 parser.parse(
144 interface A {
145 [SetterThrows] readonly attribute boolean foo;
149 results = parser.finish()
150 except WebIDL.WebIDLError:
151 threw = True
152 harness.ok(threw, "Should not allow [SetterThrows] on readonly attributes")
154 parser = parser.reset()
155 threw = False
156 try:
157 parser.parse(
159 interface A {
160 [Throw] readonly attribute boolean foo;
164 results = parser.finish()
165 except WebIDL.WebIDLError:
166 threw = True
167 harness.ok(threw, "Should spell [Throws] correctly")
169 parser = parser.reset()
170 threw = False
171 try:
172 parser.parse(
174 interface A {
175 [SameObject] readonly attribute boolean foo;
179 results = parser.finish()
180 except WebIDL.WebIDLError:
181 threw = True
182 harness.ok(
183 threw, "Should not allow [SameObject] on attributes not of interface type"
186 parser = parser.reset()
187 threw = False
188 try:
189 parser.parse(
191 interface A {
192 [SameObject] readonly attribute A foo;
196 results = parser.finish()
197 except WebIDL.WebIDLError:
198 threw = True
199 harness.ok(not threw, "Should allow [SameObject] on attributes of interface type")