Bug 1918529 - fix some subpixel misalignment issues with gfx.webrender.svg-filter...
[gecko.git] / dom / canvas / test / webgl-conf / checkout / conformance / glsl / misc / shader-varying-packing-restrictions.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
3 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
4 found in the LICENSE.txt file.
5 -->
7 <!DOCTYPE html>
8 <html>
9 <head>
10 <meta charset="utf-8">
11 <title>WebGL varying packing restrictions Conformance Test</title>
12 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../resources/js-test-style.css"/>
13 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../resources/glsl-feature-tests.css"/>
14 <script src="../../../js/js-test-pre.js"></script>
15 <script src="../../../js/webgl-test-utils.js"></script>
16 <script src="../../../js/glsl-conformance-test.js"></script>
17 </head>
18 <body>
19 <div id="description"></div>
20 <div id="console"></div>
21 <canvas id="example" width="2" height="2"> </canvas>
22 <script id="vshaderArrayTest" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
23 attribute vec4 a_position;
24 varying $(type) v_varying[$(numTestType)];
25 void main()
27 gl_Position = a_position;
28 $(vcode)
30 </script>
31 <script id="fshaderArrayTest" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
32 precision mediump float;
33 varying $(type) v_varying[$(numTestType)];
34 void main()
36 gl_FragColor = $(fcode);
38 </script>
39 <script id="vshaderVaryingTest" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
40 attribute vec4 a_position;
41 $(varyings)
42 void main()
44 gl_Position = a_position;
45 $(vcode)
47 </script>
48 <script id="fshaderVaryingTest" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
49 precision mediump float;
50 $(varyings)
51 void main()
53 gl_FragColor = $(fcode);
55 </script>
56 <script>
57 "use strict";
58 description();
59 debug("");
60 var wtu = WebGLTestUtils;
61 var gl = wtu.create3DContext("example");
63 var varyingTypes = [
64 { type: "float", componentsPerRow: 1, rows: 1, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = 1.0;", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index), 0, 0, 0)", },
65 { type: "vec2", componentsPerRow: 2, rows: 1, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = vec2(0, 0);", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index), 0, 0)", },
66 { type: "vec3", componentsPerRow: 3, rows: 1, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = vec3(0, 0, 0);", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index), 0)", },
67 { type: "vec4", componentsPerRow: 4, rows: 1, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index))", },
68 // Yes, the spec says mat2 takes 4 columns, 2 rows.
69 { type: "mat2", componentsPerRow: 4, rows: 2, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = mat2(1.0);", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index)[0], 0, 0)", },
70 { type: "mat3", componentsPerRow: 3, rows: 3, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = mat3(1.0);", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index)[0], 0)", },
71 { type: "mat4", componentsPerRow: 4, rows: 4, vcode: "v_varying$(id)$(index) = mat4(1.0);", fcode: "vec4(v_varying$(id)$(index)[0])", },
74 var vArrayTestSource = wtu.getScript("vshaderArrayTest");
75 var fArrayTestSource = wtu.getScript("fshaderArrayTest");
76 var vVaryingTestSource = wtu.getScript("vshaderVaryingTest");
77 var fVaryingTestSource = wtu.getScript("fshaderVaryingTest");
79 var minVaryingVectors = 8;
80 var maxVaryingVectors = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS);
81 var tests = [];
83 for (var ii = 0; ii < varyingTypes.length; ++ii) {
84 var info = varyingTypes[ii];
85 wtu.log("checking: " + info.type);
86 // Compute the maximum amount of this type allowed in a single array.
87 var numVars = Math.floor(maxVaryingVectors / info.rows);
88 // Compute the minimum required to work in a single array.
89 var minVars = Math.floor(minVaryingVectors / info.rows);
90 // Compute the maximum allowed as single elements
91 var numPerRow = Math.floor(4 / info.componentsPerRow);
92 var numMax = Math.floor(maxVaryingVectors * numPerRow / info.rows);
94 // Test array[1] of the type
95 var vcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.vcode, {id: "", index: "[0]"});
96 var fcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.fcode, {id: "", index: "[0]"});
97 tests.push({
98 vShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(vArrayTestSource, {numTestType: 1, vcode: vcode}, info),
99 vShaderSuccess: true,
100 fShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(fArrayTestSource, {numTestType: 1, fcode: fcode}, info),
101 fShaderSuccess: true,
102 linkSuccess: true,
103 passMsg: "shaders with varying array of " + info.type + " with 1 element should succeed",
106 // Test required number of varyings
107 var vcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.vcode, {id: "", index: "[" + (minVars - 1) + "]"});
108 var fcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.fcode, {id: "", index: "[" + (minVars - 1) + "]"});
109 tests.push({
110 vShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(vArrayTestSource, {numTestType: minVars, vcode: vcode}, info),
111 vShaderSuccess: true,
112 fShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(fArrayTestSource, {numTestType: minVars, fcode: fcode}, info),
113 fShaderSuccess: true,
114 linkSuccess: true,
115 passMsg: "shaders with varying array of " + info.type + " with " + minVars + " elements (the minimum required) should succeed",
118 // Test array[max + 1] accessing last element. WebGL requires this to fail.
119 var vcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.vcode, {id: "", index: "[" + numVars + "]"});
120 var fcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.fcode, {id: "", index: "[" + numVars + "]"});
121 tests.push({
122 vShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(vArrayTestSource, {numTestType: numVars + 1, vcode: vcode}, info),
123 vShaderSuccess: false,
124 fShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(fArrayTestSource, {numTestType: numVars + 1, fcode: fcode}, info),
125 fShaderSuccess: false,
126 linkSuccess: false,
127 passMsg: "shaders with varying array of " + info.type + " with " + (numVars + 1) + " elements (one past maximum) accessing last element should fail",
130 // Test array[max + 1] accessing first element. WebGL requires this to fail but ES allows truncating array.
131 var vcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.vcode, {id: "", index: "[0]"});
132 var fcode = wtu.replaceParams(info.fcode, {id: "", index: "[0]"});
133 tests.push({
134 vShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(vArrayTestSource, {numTestType: numVars + 1, vcode: vcode}, info),
135 vShaderSuccess: false,
136 fShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(fArrayTestSource, {numTestType: numVars + 1, fcode: fcode}, info),
137 fShaderSuccess: false,
138 linkSuccess: false,
139 passMsg: "shaders with varying array of " + info.type + " with " + (numVars + 1) + " elements (one past maximum) accessing first element should fail",
142 // Note: We can't test max varyings as actual GL drivers are only required to be able to
143 // do the minimum number. After that it can fail for any reason, for example running out of
144 // instruction space.
146 var generateCode = function(numVars) {
147 var varyings = [];
148 var vcodes = [];
149 var fcodes = [];
150 for (var uu = 0; uu < numVars; ++uu) {
151 varyings.push(" varying " + info.type + " v_varying" + uu + ";");
152 vcodes.push(wtu.replaceParams(info.vcode, {id: uu, index: ""}));
153 fcodes.push(wtu.replaceParams(info.fcode, {id: uu, index: ""}));
155 return {
156 varyings: varyings.join("\n"),
157 vcode: vcodes.join("\n "),
158 fcode: fcodes.join(" + \n "),
162 // Test max+1 varyings of type.
163 tests.push({
164 vShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(vVaryingTestSource, generateCode(numMax + 1), info),
165 vShaderSuccess: false,
166 fShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(fVaryingTestSource, generateCode(numMax + 1), info),
167 fShaderSuccess: false,
168 linkSuccess: false,
169 passMsg: "shaders with " + (numMax + 1) + " varyings of " + info.type + " (one past maximum) should fail",
172 // Test required varyings of type.
173 tests.push({
174 vShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(vVaryingTestSource, generateCode(minVars), info),
175 vShaderSuccess: true,
176 fShaderSource: wtu.replaceParams(fVaryingTestSource, generateCode(minVars), info),
177 fShaderSuccess: true,
178 linkSuccess: true,
179 passMsg: "shaders with " + minVars + " varyings of " + info.type + " (the minimum required) should succeed",
183 GLSLConformanceTester.runTests(tests);
184 var successfullyParsed = true;
185 </script>
186 </body>
187 </html>