Bug 1918529 - fix some subpixel misalignment issues with gfx.webrender.svg-filter...
[gecko.git] / dom / canvas / test / webgl-conf / checkout / conformance / glsl / preprocessor / comments.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
3 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
4 found in the LICENSE.txt file.
5 -->
7 <!DOCTYPE html>
8 <html>
9 <head>
10 <meta charset="utf-8">
11 <title>Comments</title>
12 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../resources/js-test-style.css"/>
13 <script src="../../../js/js-test-pre.js"></script>
14 <script src="../../../js/webgl-test-utils.js"></script>
15 <script src="../../../js/glsl-conformance-test.js"></script>
16 </head>
17 <body>
18 <div id="description"></div>
19 <div id="console"></div>
20 <script>
21 "use strict";
22 description();
24 // Your syntax highlighter may hate this file.
25 // Because this stuff is tricky, we collect all tests here, including duplicating from other tests.
26 // That way, this test file is a one-stop-shop for validation testing.
28 const nonAscii = [
29 65533,
30 65533,
31 65533,
32 65533,
33 834,
34 96,
35 65533,
36 114,
37 65533,
38 98,
39 65533,
40 104,
41 65533,
42 104,
43 65533,
44 322,
45 834,
46 514,
47 65533,
48 65533,
49 322,
50 65533,
51 65533,
52 66,
53 ].map(x => String.fromCodePoint(x)).join('');
55 GLSLConformanceTester.runTests([{
56 vShaderSource: `void main() {}`,
57 vShaderSuccess: true,
58 linkSuccess: true,
59 passMsg: 'Normal minimal testcase'
60 }, {
61 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/*`,
62 vShaderSuccess: false,
63 linkSuccess: false,
64 passMsg: 'Missing block-comment-end'
65 }, {
66 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/**`,
67 vShaderSuccess: false,
68 linkSuccess: false,
69 passMsg: 'Partial block-comment-end'
70 }, {
71 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/**/`,
72 vShaderSuccess: true,
73 linkSuccess: true,
74 passMsg: 'Complete block-comment-end'
75 }, {
76 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/* **/`,
77 vShaderSuccess: true,
78 linkSuccess: true,
79 passMsg: 'Complete block-comment-end with **/'
80 }, {
81 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/`,
82 vShaderSuccess: false,
83 linkSuccess: false,
84 passMsg: 'Partial line-comment-begin at EOF'
85 }, {
86 vShaderSource: `void main() {}//`,
87 vShaderSuccess: true,
88 linkSuccess: true,
89 passMsg: 'Complete line-comment-begin at EOF'
90 }, {
91 vShaderSource: `//
92 void main() {}`,
93 vShaderSuccess: true,
94 linkSuccess: true,
95 passMsg: `Minimal line comment: "//,\\n"`
96 }, {
97 vShaderSource: `//\
99 void main() {}`,
100 vShaderSuccess: true,
101 linkSuccess: true,
102 passMsg: `Minimal continued line comment: "//,\\,\\n,\\n"`
103 }, {
104 vShaderSource: `//\
106 void main() {}`,
107 vShaderSuccess: true,
108 linkSuccess: true,
109 passMsg: `Line-comment continuation with content that must be skipped: "//,\\,\\n,a,\\n"`
110 }, {
111 vShaderSource: `void main() {} // The quick brown fox jumped\\over the lazy dog`,
112 vShaderSuccess: true,
113 linkSuccess: true,
114 passMsg: 'Backslash in comment'
115 }, {
116 vShaderSource: `void main() {} // The quick brown fox jumped\\over the lazy dog
118 vShaderSuccess: true,
119 linkSuccess: true,
120 passMsg: 'Backslash in comment with newline before EOF'
121 }, {
122 vShaderSource: `void main() {} // The quick brown fox jumped\\
123 over the lazy dog`,
124 vShaderSuccess: true,
125 linkSuccess: true,
126 passMsg: 'Line-comment with backslash-line-continuation'
127 }, {
128 vShaderSource: `void main() {} // The quick brown fox jumped\\
129 over the lazy dog
131 vShaderSuccess: true,
132 linkSuccess: true,
133 passMsg: 'Line-comment with backslash-line-continuation with newline before EOF'
134 }, {
135 vShaderSource: `void main() {}//${String.fromCodePoint(0x8f)}`,
136 vShaderSuccess: true,
137 linkSuccess: true,
138 passMsg: 'upper-ascii in line-comment'
139 }, {
140 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/*${String.fromCodePoint(0x8f)}*/`,
141 vShaderSuccess: true,
142 linkSuccess: true,
143 passMsg: 'upper-ascii in block-comment'
145 // -
146 // Like comment_frag.frag from conformance/ogles/GL/build/build_049_to_056.html
147 }, {
148 vShaderSource: `
149 void main()
151 /****** // comment not closed
153 vShaderSuccess: false,
154 linkSuccess: false,
155 passMsg: 'Unclosed block-comment containing line-comment'
158 // -
159 // Like conformance/glsl/misc/non-ascii-comments.vert.html
160 }, {
161 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/*${String.fromCodePoint(0x8f)}`,
162 vShaderSuccess: false,
163 linkSuccess: false,
164 passMsg: 'upper-ascii in unterminated block-comment'
165 }, {
166 vShaderSource: `void main() {}// ${nonAscii}`,
167 vShaderSuccess: true,
168 linkSuccess: true,
169 passMsg: 'More non-ascii in line-comment'
170 }, {
171 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/*
172 * ${nonAscii}
173 */`,
174 vShaderSuccess: true,
175 linkSuccess: true,
176 passMsg: 'More non-ascii in block-comment'
177 }, {
178 vShaderSource: `void main() {}/*
179 * ${nonAscii}
181 vShaderSuccess: false,
182 linkSuccess: false,
183 passMsg: 'More non-ascii in unterminated block-comment'
186 // -
187 // Like deqp/data/gles2/shaders/preprocessor.html | preprocessor.comments.comment_trick_2_*
188 }, {
189 vShaderSource: `void main() {
190 float out0;
191 /**/
192 out0 = 1.0;
194 out0 = 0.0;
195 /**/
197 vShaderSuccess: true,
198 linkSuccess: true,
199 passMsg: '/**/ /*/ /**/'
200 }]);
201 </script>
202 </body>
203 </html>