Backed out changeset 7272b7396c78 (bug 1932758) for causing fenix debug failures...
[gecko.git] / dom / canvas / test / webgl-conf / checkout / py / lint /
1 #! /usr/bin/env python3
2 import os
3 import subprocess
4 import re
5 import sys
6 import fnmatch
8 from collections import defaultdict
9 from optparse import OptionParser
11 lint_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
12 repo_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(lint_root))
15 def git(command, *args):
16 args = list(args)
17 proc_kwargs = {"cwd": repo_root}
18 command_line = ["git", command] + args
20 try:
21 return subprocess.check_output(command_line, universal_newlines=True, **proc_kwargs)
22 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
23 raise
26 def iter_files(flag=False, floder=""):
27 if floder != "" and floder != None:
28 os.chdir(repo_root)
29 for pardir, subdir, files in os.walk(floder):
30 for item in subdir + files:
31 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pardir, item)):
32 yield os.path.join(pardir, item)
33 os.chdir(lint_root)
34 else:
35 if not flag:
36 os.chdir(repo_root)
37 for pardir, subdir, files in os.walk(repo_root):
38 for item in subdir + files:
39 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pardir, item)):
40 yield os.path.join(pardir, item).split(repo_root + "/")[1]
41 os.chdir(lint_root)
42 else:
43 for item in git("diff", "--name-status", "HEAD~1").strip().split("\n"):
44 status = item.split("\t")
45 if status[0].strip() != "D":
46 yield status[1]
49 def check_filename_space(path):
50 bname = os.path.basename(path)
51 if re.compile(" ").search(bname):
52 return [("FILENAME WHITESPACE", "Filename of %s contains white space" % path, None)]
53 return []
56 def check_permission(path):
57 bname = os.path.basename(path)
58 if not re.compile('\.py$|\.sh$').search(bname):
59 if os.access(os.path.join(repo_root, path), os.X_OK):
60 return [("UNNECESSARY EXECUTABLE PERMISSION", "%s contains unnecessary executable permission" % path, None)]
61 return []
64 def parse_allowlist_file(filename):
65 data = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(set))
67 with open(filename) as f:
68 for line in f:
69 line = line.strip()
70 if not line or line.startswith("#"):
71 continue
72 parts = [item.strip() for item in line.split(":")]
73 if len(parts) == 2:
74 parts.append(None)
75 else:
76 parts[-1] = int(parts[-1])
78 error_type, file_match, line_number = parts
79 data[file_match][error_type].add(line_number)
81 def inner(path, errors):
82 allowlisted = [False for item in range(len(errors))]
84 for file_match, allowlist_errors in data.items():
85 if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, file_match):
86 for i, (error_type, msg, line) in enumerate(errors):
87 if "*" in allowlist_errors:
88 allowlisted[i] = True
89 elif error_type in allowlist_errors:
90 allowed_lines = allowlist_errors[error_type]
91 if None in allowed_lines or line in allowed_lines:
92 allowlisted[i] = True
94 return [item for i, item in enumerate(errors) if not allowlisted[i]]
95 return inner
98 _allowlist_fn = None
99 def allowlist_errors(path, errors):
100 global _allowlist_fn
102 if _allowlist_fn is None:
103 _allowlist_fn = parse_allowlist_file(os.path.join(lint_root, "lint.allowlist"))
104 return _allowlist_fn(path, errors)
107 class Regexp(object):
108 pattern = None
109 file_extensions = None
110 error = None
111 _re = None
113 def __init__(self):
114 self._re = re.compile(self.pattern)
116 def applies(self, path):
117 return (self.file_extensions is None or
118 os.path.splitext(path)[1] in self.file_extensions)
120 def search(self, line):
121 return
124 class TrailingWhitespaceRegexp(Regexp):
125 pattern = " $"
129 class TabsRegexp(Regexp):
130 pattern = "^\t"
131 error = "INDENT TABS"
134 class CRRegexp(Regexp):
135 pattern = "\r$"
136 error = "CR AT EOL"
138 regexps = [item() for item in
139 [TrailingWhitespaceRegexp,
140 TabsRegexp,
141 CRRegexp]]
144 def check_regexp_line(path, f):
145 errors = []
147 applicable_regexps = [regexp for regexp in regexps if regexp.applies(path)]
149 try:
150 for i, line in enumerate(f):
151 for regexp in applicable_regexps:
152 if
153 errors.append((regexp.error, "%s line %i" % (path, i+1), i+1))
154 except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
155 return [("INVALID UNICODE", "File %s contains non-UTF-8 Unicode characters" % path, None)]
157 return errors
160 def output_errors(errors):
161 for error_type, error, line_number in errors:
162 print("%s: %s" % (error_type, error))
165 def output_error_count(error_count):
166 if not error_count:
167 return
169 by_type = " ".join("%s: %d" % item for item in error_count.items())
170 count = sum(error_count.values())
171 if count == 1:
172 print("There was 1 error (%s)" % (by_type,))
173 else:
174 print("There were %d errors (%s)" % (count, by_type))
177 def main():
178 global repo_root
179 error_count = defaultdict(int)
181 parser = OptionParser()
182 parser.add_option('-p', '--pull', dest="pull_request", action='store_true', default=False)
183 parser.add_option("-d", '--dir', dest="dir", help="specify the checking dir, e.g. tools")
184 parser.add_option("-r", '--repo', dest="repo", help="specify the repo, e.g. WebGL")
185 options, args = parser.parse_args()
186 if options.pull_request == True:
187 options.pull_request = "WebGL"
188 repo_root = repo_root.replace("WebGL/sdk/tests", options.pull_request)
189 if options.repo == "" or options.repo == None:
190 options.repo = "WebGL/sdk/tests"
191 repo_root = repo_root.replace("WebGL/sdk/tests", options.repo)
193 def run_lint(path, fn, *args):
194 errors = allowlist_errors(path, fn(path, *args))
195 output_errors(errors)
196 for error_type, error, line in errors:
197 error_count[error_type] += 1
199 for path in iter_files(options.pull_request, options.dir):
200 abs_path = os.path.join(repo_root, path)
201 if not os.path.exists(abs_path):
202 continue
203 for path_fn in file_path_lints:
204 run_lint(path, path_fn)
205 for state_fn in file_state_lints:
206 run_lint(path, state_fn)
208 if not os.path.isdir(abs_path):
209 if re.compile('\.html$|\.htm$|\.xhtml$|\.xhtm$|\.frag$|\.vert$|\.js$').search(abs_path):
210 with open(abs_path) as f:
211 for file_fn in file_content_lints:
212 run_lint(path, file_fn, f)
215 output_error_count(error_count)
216 return sum(error_count.values())
218 file_path_lints = [check_filename_space]
219 file_content_lints = [check_regexp_line]
220 file_state_lints = [check_permission]
222 if __name__ == "__main__":
223 error_count = main()
224 if error_count > 0:
225 sys.exit(1)