4 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=589640
7 <title>Test for Bug
8 <script src=
9 <link rel=
"stylesheet" type=
"text/css" href=
"/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
10 <script class=
"testbody" type=
11 SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
13 function debug(message) {
14 document.getElementById(
"debug").appendChild(document.createTextNode(message +
18 var svg = document.getElementById(
19 for (var el =
0; el < svg.children.length; el++) {
20 is(svg.children[el].id, svg.children[el].localName, svg.children[el].localName +
" in the SVG namespace has a valid ID");
21 debug(svg.children[el].localName +
".id = " + svg.children[el].id);
28 <body onload=
29 <a target=
"_blank" href=
"https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=589640">Mozilla Bug
30 <pre id=
31 <!-- NOTE: This test relies on the ids being the same as the element names -->
34 <animate id=
"animate" />
35 <animateColor id=
"animateColor" />
36 <animateMotion id=
"animateMotion" />
37 <animateTransform id=
"animateTransform" />
38 <circle id=
"circle" />
39 <clipPath id=
"clipPath" />
40 <color-profile id=
"color-profile" />
41 <cursor id=
"cursor" />
44 <ellipse id=
"ellipse" />
45 <feBlend id=
"feBlend" />
46 <feColorMatrix id=
"feColorMatrix" />
47 <feComponentTransfer id=
"feComponentTransfer" />
48 <feComposite id=
"feComposite" />
49 <feConvolveMatrix id=
"feConvolveMatrix" />
50 <feDiffuseLighting id=
"feDiffuseLighting" />
51 <feDisplacementMap id=
"feDisplacementMap" />
52 <feDistantLight id=
"feDistantLight" />
53 <feDropShadow id=
"feDropShadow" />
54 <feFlood id=
"feFlood" />
55 <feFuncA id=
"feFuncA" />
56 <feFuncB id=
"feFuncB" />
57 <feFuncG id=
"feFuncG" />
58 <feFuncR id=
"feFuncR" />
59 <feGaussianBlur id=
"feGaussianBlur" />
60 <feImage id=
"feImage" />
61 <feMerge id=
"feMerge" />
62 <feMergeNode id=
"feMergeNode" />
63 <feMorphology id=
"feMorphology" />
64 <feOffset id=
"feOffset" />
65 <fePointLight id=
"fePointLight" />
66 <feSpecularLighting id=
"feSpecularLighting" />
67 <feSpotLight id=
"feSpotLight" />
68 <feTile id=
"feTile" />
69 <feTurbulence id=
"feTurbulence" />
70 <filter id=
"filter" />
72 <font-face id=
"font-face" />
73 <font-face-format id=
"font-face-format" />
74 <font-face-name id=
"font-face-name" />
75 <font-face-src id=
"font-face-src" />
76 <font-face-uri id=
"font-face-uri" />
77 <foreignObject id=
"foreignObject" />
80 <glyphRef id=
"glyphRef" />
84 <linearGradient id=
"linearGradient" />
85 <marker id=
"marker" />
87 <metadata id=
"metadata" />
88 <missing-glyph id=
"missing-glyph" />
91 <pattern id=
"pattern" />
92 <polygon id=
"polygon" />
93 <polyline id=
"polyline" />
94 <radialGradient id=
"radialGradient" />
96 <script id=
"script" />
101 <switch id=
"switch" />
102 <symbol id=
"symbol" />
104 <textPath id=
"textPath" />