Bug 1895215 - [devtools] Display cookie's partitionKey in storage panel. r=timhuang...
[gecko.git] / gfx / vr / ipc / VRManagerChild.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
10 #include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
11 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
12 #include "mozilla/dom/AnimationFrameProviderBinding.h"
13 #include "mozilla/dom/WebXRBinding.h"
14 #include "mozilla/dom/XRFrame.h"
15 #include "mozilla/gfx/PVRManagerChild.h"
16 #include "mozilla/ipc/SharedMemory.h" // for SharedMemory, etc
17 #include "mozilla/layers/ISurfaceAllocator.h" // for ISurfaceAllocator
18 #include "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h" // for LayersBackend
20 namespace mozilla {
21 namespace dom {
22 class Promise;
23 class GamepadManager;
24 class Navigator;
25 class VRDisplay;
26 class FrameRequestCallback;
27 } // namespace dom
28 namespace gfx {
29 class VRLayerChild;
30 class VRDisplayClient;
32 class VRManagerEventObserver {
33 public:
35 virtual void NotifyVRDisplayMounted(uint32_t aDisplayID) = 0;
36 virtual void NotifyVRDisplayUnmounted(uint32_t aDisplayID) = 0;
37 virtual void NotifyVRDisplayConnect(uint32_t aDisplayID) = 0;
38 virtual void NotifyVRDisplayDisconnect(uint32_t aDisplayID) = 0;
39 virtual void NotifyVRDisplayPresentChange(uint32_t aDisplayID) = 0;
40 virtual void NotifyPresentationGenerationChanged(uint32_t aDisplayID) = 0;
41 virtual bool GetStopActivityStatus() const = 0;
42 virtual void NotifyEnumerationCompleted() = 0;
43 virtual void NotifyDetectRuntimesCompleted() = 0;
45 protected:
46 virtual ~VRManagerEventObserver() = default;
49 class VRManagerChild : public PVRManagerChild {
50 friend class PVRManagerChild;
52 public:
55 static VRManagerChild* Get();
57 // Indicate that an observer wants to receive VR events.
58 void AddListener(VRManagerEventObserver* aObserver);
59 // Indicate that an observer should no longer receive VR events.
60 void RemoveListener(VRManagerEventObserver* aObserver);
61 void StartActivity();
62 void StopActivity();
63 bool RuntimeSupportsVR() const;
64 bool RuntimeSupportsAR() const;
65 bool RuntimeSupportsInline() const;
67 void GetVRDisplays(nsTArray<RefPtr<VRDisplayClient>>& aDisplays);
68 bool RefreshVRDisplaysWithCallback(uint64_t aWindowId);
69 bool EnumerateVRDisplays();
70 void DetectRuntimes();
71 void AddPromise(const uint32_t& aID, dom::Promise* aPromise);
72 gfx::VRAPIMode GetVRAPIMode(uint32_t aDisplayID) const;
74 static void InitSameProcess();
75 static void InitWithGPUProcess(Endpoint<PVRManagerChild>&& aEndpoint);
76 static bool InitForContent(Endpoint<PVRManagerChild>&& aEndpoint);
77 static void ShutDown();
79 static bool IsCreated();
80 static bool IsPresenting();
81 static TimeStamp GetIdleDeadlineHint(TimeStamp aDefault);
83 PVRLayerChild* CreateVRLayer(uint32_t aDisplayID, uint32_t aGroup);
85 static void IdentifyTextureHost(
86 const layers::TextureFactoryIdentifier& aIdentifier);
87 layers::LayersBackend GetBackendType() const;
89 nsresult ScheduleFrameRequestCallback(dom::FrameRequestCallback& aCallback,
90 int32_t* aHandle);
91 void CancelFrameRequestCallback(int32_t aHandle);
93 void RunFrameRequestCallbacks();
94 void NotifyPresentationGenerationChanged(uint32_t aDisplayID);
97 void UpdateDisplayInfo(const VRDisplayInfo& aDisplayInfo);
98 void FireDOMVRDisplayMountedEvent(uint32_t aDisplayID);
99 void FireDOMVRDisplayUnmountedEvent(uint32_t aDisplayID);
100 void FireDOMVRDisplayConnectEvent(uint32_t aDisplayID);
101 void FireDOMVRDisplayDisconnectEvent(uint32_t aDisplayID);
102 void FireDOMVRDisplayPresentChangeEvent(uint32_t aDisplayID);
103 void FireDOMVRDisplayConnectEventsForLoad(VRManagerEventObserver* aObserver);
105 void HandleFatalError(const char* aMsg) override;
106 void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aReason) override;
108 void RunPuppet(const nsTArray<uint64_t>& aBuffer, dom::Promise* aPromise,
109 ErrorResult& aRv);
110 void ResetPuppet(dom::Promise* aPromise, ErrorResult& aRv);
112 protected:
113 explicit VRManagerChild();
114 ~VRManagerChild();
116 PVRLayerChild* AllocPVRLayerChild(const uint32_t& aDisplayID,
117 const uint32_t& aGroup);
118 bool DeallocPVRLayerChild(PVRLayerChild* actor);
120 // MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY until we can mark ipdl-generated things as
123 mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUpdateDisplayInfo(
124 const VRDisplayInfo& aDisplayInfo);
125 mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvUpdateRuntimeCapabilities(
126 const VRDisplayCapabilityFlags& aCapabilities);
127 mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvReplyGamepadVibrateHaptic(
128 const uint32_t& aPromiseID);
131 mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyPuppetCommandBufferCompleted(bool aSuccess);
133 mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNotifyPuppetResetComplete();
135 bool IsSameProcess() const { return OtherPid() == base::GetCurrentProcId(); }
137 private:
138 void FireDOMVRDisplayMountedEventInternal(uint32_t aDisplayID);
139 void FireDOMVRDisplayUnmountedEventInternal(uint32_t aDisplayID);
140 void FireDOMVRDisplayConnectEventInternal(uint32_t aDisplayID);
141 void FireDOMVRDisplayDisconnectEventInternal(uint32_t aDisplayID);
142 void FireDOMVRDisplayPresentChangeEventInternal(uint32_t aDisplayID);
143 void FireDOMVRDisplayConnectEventsForLoadInternal(
144 uint32_t aDisplayID, VRManagerEventObserver* aObserver);
145 void NotifyPresentationGenerationChangedInternal(uint32_t aDisplayID);
146 void NotifyEnumerationCompletedInternal();
147 void NotifyRuntimeCapabilitiesUpdatedInternal();
149 nsTArray<RefPtr<VRDisplayClient>> mDisplays;
150 VRDisplayCapabilityFlags mRuntimeCapabilities;
151 bool mDisplaysInitialized;
152 nsTArray<uint64_t> mNavigatorCallbacks;
154 struct XRFrameRequest {
155 XRFrameRequest(mozilla::dom::FrameRequestCallback& aCallback,
156 int32_t aHandle)
157 : mCallback(&aCallback), mHandle(aHandle) {}
159 XRFrameRequest(mozilla::dom::XRFrameRequestCallback& aCallback,
160 mozilla::dom::XRFrame& aFrame, int32_t aHandle)
161 : mXRCallback(&aCallback), mXRFrame(&aFrame), mHandle(aHandle) {}
163 void Call(const DOMHighResTimeStamp& aTimeStamp);
165 // Comparator operators to allow RemoveElementSorted with an
166 // integer argument on arrays of XRFrameRequest
167 bool operator==(int32_t aHandle) const { return mHandle == aHandle; }
168 bool operator<(int32_t aHandle) const { return mHandle < aHandle; }
170 RefPtr<mozilla::dom::FrameRequestCallback> mCallback;
171 RefPtr<mozilla::dom::XRFrameRequestCallback> mXRCallback;
172 RefPtr<mozilla::dom::XRFrame> mXRFrame;
173 int32_t mHandle;
176 nsTArray<XRFrameRequest> mFrameRequestCallbacks;
178 * The current frame request callback handle
180 int32_t mFrameRequestCallbackCounter;
181 mozilla::TimeStamp mStartTimeStamp;
183 nsTArray<RefPtr<VRManagerEventObserver>> mListeners;
184 bool mWaitingForEnumeration;
186 layers::LayersBackend mBackend;
187 nsRefPtrHashtable<nsUint32HashKey, dom::Promise> mGamepadPromiseList;
188 RefPtr<dom::Promise> mRunPuppetPromise;
189 nsTArray<RefPtr<dom::Promise>> mResetPuppetPromises;
194 } // namespace gfx
195 } // namespace mozilla