Bug 1915045 Ensure decode tasks are scheduled on BufferingState::Enter() r=media...
[gecko.git] / js / xpconnect / tests / chrome / test_bug860494.xhtml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://global/skin"?>
3 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"?>
4 <!--
5 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=860494
6 -->
7 <window title="Mozilla Bug 860494"
8 xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
9 <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
11 <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
12 <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
13 <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=860494"
14 target="_blank">Mozilla Bug 860494</a>
15 </body>
17 <!-- test code goes here -->
18 <script type="application/javascript">
19 <![CDATA[
20 /** Test for Bug 860494 **/
22 SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
24 function go() {
25 var iwin = $('ifr').contentWindow;
26 // NB: mochitest-chrome actually runs the test as a content docshell.
27 is(iwin.top, window.top, "iframe names shouldn't shadow |top| via Xray");
28 is(iwin.parent, window, "iframe names shouldn't shadow |parent| via Xray");
29 ok(!!/http/.exec(iwin.location), "iframe names shouldn't shadow |location| via Xray");
30 is(iwin.length, 7, "iframe names shouldn't shadow |length| via Xray");
31 is(iwin.window, iwin, "iframe names shouldn't shadow |window| via Xray");
32 is(iwin.navigator, Cu.unwaiveXrays(iwin.wrappedJSObject.navigator),
33 "iframe names shouldn't shadow |navigator| via Xray");
34 ok(iwin.alert instanceof Function,
35 "iframe names shouldn't shadow |alert| via Xray");
37 // Now test XOWs.
38 var sb = new Cu.Sandbox("https://www.example.com");
39 sb.win = iwin;
40 sb.topWin = top;
41 sb.parentWin = window;
42 sb.is = is;
43 sb.ok = ok;
44 Cu.evalInSandbox('ok(win.top === topWin, "iframe names shouldnt shadow |top| via cross-origin Xray");', sb);
45 Cu.evalInSandbox('ok(win.parent === parentWin, "iframe names shouldnt shadow |parent| via cross-origin Xray");', sb);
46 Cu.evalInSandbox('is(win.length, 7, "iframe names shouldnt shadow |length| via cross-origin Xray");', sb);
47 Cu.evalInSandbox('ok(win.window === win, "iframe names shouldnt shadow |window| via cross-origin Xray");', sb);
48 Cu.evalInSandbox('ok(win.navigator === win[5], "iframe names that correspond to non-cross-origin-visible properties should expose the subframe: navigator");', sb);
49 Cu.evalInSandbox('ok(win.alert === win[6], "iframe names that correspond to non-cross-origin-visible properties should expose the subframe: alert");', sb);
51 SimpleTest.finish();
54 ]]>
55 </script>
56 <iframe id="ifr" type="content" onload="go();" src="https://example.org/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_bug860494.html" />
57 </window>