2 <?xml-stylesheet href=
"chrome://global/skin" type=
3 <?xml-stylesheet href=
6 <window title=
"Mozilla Bug ????" xmlns=
7 <script src=
9 <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
11 <body xmlns=
12 <a href=
"https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=>?????" target=
"_blank">Mozilla Bug ????
15 <!-- test code goes here -->
16 <script type=
17 /* eslint-disable no-eval */
19 add_task(async () =
> {
20 var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(
22 await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
23 "set": [[
28 if (typeof x != 'object' && typeof x != 'function')
32 if (typeof x ==
33 rval = eval(`(${x.toString()})`);
35 if (x.__lookupGetter__(i))
36 rval.__defineGetter__(i, eval(`(${x.__lookupGetter__(i).toString()})`))
38 rval[i] = getCOW(x[i]);
43 // Give the sandbox a way to create ChromeObjectWrapped objects.
44 sandbox.getCOW = getCOW;
46 // Define test API functions in the sandbox.
47 const TEST_API = ['is', 'ok', 'info'];
48 TEST_API.forEach(function (name) { sandbox[name] = window[name]; });
54 var cow = getCOW(empty);
56 // Because private fields may not be enabled, we construct A via the below eval of an IFFE,
57 // and return early if it syntax errors.
60 A = eval(`(function(){
67 class A extends Base {
80 is(e instanceof SyntaxError, true,
"Syntax error: Private fields not enabled");
81 is(/private fields are not currently supported/.test(e.message), true,
"correct message");
86 is(A.gx(empty),
"Correct value read");
87 A.sx(empty, 'wrapped');
89 function assertThrewInstance(f, error) {
95 is(e instanceof error, true,
"Correct Error");
97 is(threw, true,
100 // Note: These throw warnings:
102 // WARNING: Silently denied access to property ##x: Access to privileged JS object not permitted (@chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/js/xpconnect/tests/chrome/test_private_field_cows.xhtml:
27): file /js/xpconnect/wrappers/XrayWrapper.cpp, line
104 // It's not clear to me if we ougth to wire this up to -not-? I suspect this is a result of invoking
106 assertThrewInstance(() =
> A.gx(cow), TypeError);
107 assertThrewInstance(() =
> A.sx(cow, 'unwrapped'), TypeError);
108 assertThrewInstance(() =
> new A(cow), Error);
109 assertThrewInstance(() =
> A.gx(cow), TypeError);
112 // Stringify the COW test suite and directly evaluate it in the sandbox.
113 Cu.evalInSandbox('(' + COWTests.toString() + ')()', sandbox);
115 // Test that COWed objects passing from content to chrome get unwrapped.
116 function returnCOW() {
122 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
123 var unwrapped = Cu.evalInSandbox(
124 '(' + returnCOW.toString() + ')()',