2 <?xml-stylesheet type=
"text/css" href=
3 <?xml-stylesheet type=
"text/css" href=
5 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=933681
7 <window title=
"Mozilla Bug 933681"
8 xmlns=
9 <script src=
11 <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
12 <body xmlns=
13 <a href=
14 target=
"_blank">Mozilla Bug
17 <!-- test code goes here -->
18 <script type=
21 /** Test for ES constructors on Xrayed globals. **/
22 SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
23 let global = Cu.getGlobalForObject.bind(Cu);
25 function checkThrows(f, rgxp, msg) {
28 ok(false,
"Should have thrown: " + msg);
30 ok(true,
"Threw as expected: " + msg);
31 ok(rgxp.test(e),
"Message correct: " + e);
35 var { AppConstants } = SpecialPowers.ChromeUtils.importESModule(
36 "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"
38 var isNightlyBuild = AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD;
39 var isReleaseOrBeta = AppConstants.RELEASE_OR_BETA;
41 let typedArrayClasses = ['Uint8Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Int16Array',
42 'Uint32Array', 'Int32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array',
44 let errorObjectClasses = ['Error', 'InternalError', 'EvalError', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError',
45 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError', 'AggregateError'];
47 // A simpleConstructors entry can either be the name of a constructor as a
48 // string, or an object containing the properties `name`, and `args`.
49 // In the former case, the constructor is invoked without any args; in the
50 // latter case, it is invoked with `args` as the arguments list.
51 let simpleConstructors = ['Object', 'Function', 'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'Number',
52 'String', 'RegExp', 'ArrayBuffer', 'WeakMap', 'WeakSet', 'Map', 'Set',
53 {name: 'Promise', args: [function(){}]}];
55 // All TypedArray constructors can be called with zero arguments.
56 simpleConstructors = simpleConstructors.concat(typedArrayClasses);
58 // All Error constructors except AggregateError can be called with zero arguments.
59 simpleConstructors = simpleConstructors.concat(errorObjectClasses.filter(name =
> {
60 return name !== 'AggregateError';
64 window.iwin = document.getElementById('ifr').contentWindow;
67 // Test constructors that can be instantiated with zero arguments, or with
68 // a fixed set of arguments provided using `...rest`.
69 for (let c of simpleConstructors) {
71 if (typeof c === 'object') {
75 ok(iwin[c],
"Constructors appear: " + c);
76 is(iwin[c], Cu.unwaiveXrays(iwin.wrappedJSObject[c]),
77 "we end up with the appropriate constructor: " + c);
78 is(Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(new iwin[c](...args)).constructor), iwin[c],
79 "constructor property is set up right: " + c);
80 let expectedProto = Cu.isOpaqueWrapper(new iwin[c](...args)) ?
81 iwin.Object.prototype : iwin[c].prototype;
82 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(new iwin[c](...args)), expectedProto,
83 "prototype is correct: " + c);
84 is(global(new iwin[c](...args)), iwin,
"Got the right global: " + c);
87 // Test Object in more detail.
88 var num = new iwin.Object(
89 is(Cu.waiveXrays(num).valueOf(),
"primitive object construction works");
90 is(global(num), iwin,
"correct global for num");
91 var obj = new iwin.Object();
93 var withProto = Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(iwin).Object.create(obj));
94 is(global(withProto), iwin,
"correct global for withProto");
95 is(Cu.waiveXrays(withProto).foo,
"Inherits properly");
98 var primitiveFun = new iwin.Function('return
99 is(global(primitiveFun), iwin,
"function construction works");
100 is(primitiveFun(),
"basic function works");
101 var doSetFoo = new iwin.Function('arg', 'arg.foo =
102 is(global(doSetFoo), iwin,
"function with args works");
105 ok(false,
"should have thrown while setting property on object");
107 ok(!!/denied/.test(e),
"Threw correctly: " + e);
109 var factoryFun = new iwin.Function('return {foo:
110 is(global(factoryFun), iwin,
"proper global for factoryFun");
111 is(factoryFun().foo,
"factoryFun invokable");
112 is(global(factoryFun()), iwin,
"minted objects live in the content scope");
113 testXray('Function', factoryFun, new iwin.Function(), ['length', 'name']);
114 var echoThis = new iwin.Function('return this;');
115 echoThis.wrappedJSObject.bind =
116 var boundEchoThis = echoThis.bind(document);
117 is(boundEchoThis(), document,
"bind() works correctly over Xrays");
118 is(global(boundEchoThis), window,
"bound functions live in the caller's scope");
119 ok(/return this/.test(echoThis.toSource()), 'toSource works: ' + echoThis.toSource());
120 ok(/return this/.test(echoThis.toString()), 'toString works: ' + echoThis.toString());
121 is(iwin.Function.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(echoThis),
"Function.prototype works for standard classes");
122 is(echoThis.prototype, undefined,
"Function.prototype not visible for non standard constructors");
123 iwin.eval('var foopyFunction = function namedFoopyFunction(a, b, c) {}');
124 var foopyFunction = Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(iwin).foopyFunction);
125 ok(Cu.isXrayWrapper(foopyFunction),
"Should be Xrays");
126 is(foopyFunction.name,
".name works over Xrays");
127 is(foopyFunction.length,
".length works over Xrays");
128 ok(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(foopyFunction).includes('length'),
"Should list length");
129 ok(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(foopyFunction).includes('name'),
"Should list name");
130 ok(!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(foopyFunction).includes('prototype'),
"Should not list prototype");
131 ok(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(iwin.Array).includes('prototype'),
"Should list prototype for standard constructor");
133 // Test BoundFunction.
134 iwin.eval('var boundFoopyFunction = foopyFunction.bind(null,
135 var boundFoopyFunction = Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(iwin).boundFoopyFunction);
136 is(boundFoopyFunction.name,
"bound namedFoopyFunction",
"bound .name works over Xrays");
137 is(boundFoopyFunction.length,
"bound .length works over Xrays");
138 is(JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(boundFoopyFunction).sort()), '[
"Should list length and name");
139 // Mutate .name, it's just a data property.
140 iwin.eval('Object.defineProperty(boundFoopyFunction,
"name", {value:
"foobar", configurable: true, writable: true});');
141 is(boundFoopyFunction.name,
"mutated .name works over Xrays");
142 iwin.eval('boundFoopyFunction.name =
143 is(boundFoopyFunction.name, undefined,
"only support string for .name");
144 iwin.eval('delete boundFoopyFunction.name');
145 is(boundFoopyFunction.name, undefined,
"deleted .name works over Xrays");
147 iwin.eval('Object.defineProperty(boundFoopyFunction,
"length", {value:
456, configurable: true, writable: true});');
148 is(boundFoopyFunction.length,
"mutated .length works over Xrays");
149 iwin.eval('boundFoopyFunction.length =
150 is(boundFoopyFunction.length, undefined,
"only support number for .length");
153 var targetObject = new iwin.Object();
154 targetObject.foo =
155 var forwardingProxy = new iwin.Proxy(targetObject, new iwin.Object());
156 is(global(forwardingProxy), iwin,
"proxy global correct");
157 is(Cu.waiveXrays(forwardingProxy).foo,
"forwards correctly");
159 // Test AggregateError.
161 // AggregateError throws when called without an iterable object as its first argument.
162 let args = [new iwin.Array()];
164 ok(iwin.AggregateError,
"AggregateError constructor is present");
165 is(iwin.AggregateError, Cu.unwaiveXrays(iwin.wrappedJSObject.AggregateError),
166 "we end up with the appropriate AggregateError constructor");
167 is(Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(new iwin.AggregateError(...args)).constructor), iwin.AggregateError,
168 "AggregateError constructor property is set up right");
169 let expectedProto = Cu.isOpaqueWrapper(new iwin.AggregateError(...args)) ?
170 iwin.Object.prototype : iwin.AggregateError.prototype;
171 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(new iwin.AggregateError(...args)), expectedProto,
172 "AggregateError prototype is correct");
173 is(global(new iwin.AggregateError(...args)), iwin,
"Got the right global for AggregateError");
177 var toEval =
"({a: 2, b: {foo: 'bar'}, f: function() { return window; }})";
178 is(global(iwin.eval(toEval)), iwin,
"eval creates objects in the correct global");
179 is(iwin.eval(toEval).b.foo, 'bar',
"eval-ed object looks right");
180 is(Cu.waiveXrays(iwin.eval(toEval)).f(), Cu.waiveXrays(iwin),
"evaled function works right");
215 // Maintain a static list of the properties that are available on each standard
216 // prototype, so that we make sure to audit any new ones to make sure they're
220 var gPrototypeProperties = {};
221 var gConstructorProperties = {};
222 // Properties which cannot be invoked if callable without potentially
223 // rendering the object useless.
224 var gStatefulProperties = {};
225 function constructorProps(arr) {
226 // Some props live on all constructors
227 return arr.concat([
229 gPrototypeProperties.Date =
230 [
231 "getMonth",
232 "getHours",
233 "getUTCSeconds",
234 "setYear",
235 "setDate",
236 "setUTCMinutes",
237 "setUTCMilliseconds",
238 "toLocaleDateString",
239 "toISOString",
240 "toGMTString", Symbol.toPrimitive];
241 gConstructorProperties.Date = constructorProps([
242 gPrototypeProperties.Object =
243 [
244 "hasOwnProperty",
245 "__defineGetter__",
247 gConstructorProperties.Object =
248 constructorProps([
249 "keys",
250 "getOwnPropertyNames",
251 "preventExtensions",
252 "isSealed",
253 "entries",
254 gPrototypeProperties.Array =
255 [
256 "pop",
257 "includes",
258 "findIndex",
"fill", Symbol.iterator, Symbol.unscopables,
259 "values",
260 "toReversed",
261 gConstructorProperties.Array =
262 constructorProps([
"of", Symbol.species]);
263 for (let c of typedArrayClasses) {
264 gPrototypeProperties[c] = [
265 gConstructorProperties[c] = constructorProps([
267 // There is no TypedArray constructor, looks like.
268 is(window.TypedArray, undefined,
"If this ever changes, add to this test!");
269 for (let c of errorObjectClasses) {
270 gPrototypeProperties[c] = [
271 gConstructorProperties[c] = constructorProps([]);
274 if (typeof Error.isError ===
"function") {
275 gConstructorProperties.Error.push(
278 // toString and toSource only live on the parent proto (Error.prototype).
279 gPrototypeProperties.Error.push('toString');
280 gPrototypeProperties.Error.push('toSource');
282 gPrototypeProperties.Function =
283 [
284 "length",
"caller", Symbol.hasInstance];
285 gConstructorProperties.Function = constructorProps([])
287 gPrototypeProperties.RegExp =
288 [
289 Symbol.match, Symbol.matchAll, Symbol.replace, Symbol.search, Symbol.split,
290 "flags",
291 "unicode",
292 gConstructorProperties.RegExp =
293 constructorProps([
294 "leftContext",
295 "$5",
296 "$`",
"$'", Symbol.species])
298 gPrototypeProperties.Promise =
299 [
"finally", Symbol.toStringTag];
300 gConstructorProperties.Promise =
301 constructorProps([
302 "withResolvers", Symbol.species]);
304 gPrototypeProperties.ArrayBuffer =
305 [
"slice", Symbol.toStringTag,
306 gConstructorProperties.ArrayBuffer =
307 constructorProps([
"isView", Symbol.species]);
308 gStatefulProperties.ArrayBuffer = [
310 gPrototypeProperties.SharedArrayBuffer = [
"detached", Symbol.toStringTag,
311 gConstructorProperties.SharedArrayBuffer = constructorProps([Symbol.species]);
312 gStatefulProperties.SharedArrayBuffer = [
314 gPrototypeProperties.Map =
315 [
"size", Symbol.toStringTag,
316 "keys",
"entries", Symbol.iterator];
317 gConstructorProperties.Map =
318 constructorProps([
"groupBy", Symbol.species]);
320 gPrototypeProperties.Set =
321 [Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.iterator,
322 "difference",
323 "isSubsetOf",
325 gConstructorProperties.Set =
326 constructorProps([Symbol.species]);
328 gPrototypeProperties.WeakMap =
329 [
"constructor", Symbol.toStringTag,
330 gConstructorProperties.WeakMap =
331 constructorProps([]);
333 gPrototypeProperties.WeakSet =
334 [
"constructor", Symbol.toStringTag,
335 gConstructorProperties.WeakSet =
336 constructorProps([]);
338 gPrototypeProperties.DataView =
339 [
"byteOffset", Symbol.toStringTag,
340 "getInt8",
341 "getInt32",
342 "setInt8",
343 "setInt32",
344 "getBigInt64",
345 "getFloat16",
346 gConstructorProperties.DataView = constructorProps([]);
348 // Sort an array that may contain symbols as well as strings.
349 function sortProperties(arr) {
350 function sortKey(prop) {
351 return typeof prop +
":" + prop.toString();
353 arr.sort((a, b) =
> sortKey(a) < sortKey(b) ? -
1 : +
356 // Sort all the lists so we don't need to mutate them later (or copy them
357 // again to sort them).
358 for (let c of Object.keys(gPrototypeProperties))
359 sortProperties(gPrototypeProperties[c]);
360 for (let c of Object.keys(gConstructorProperties))
361 sortProperties(gConstructorProperties[c]);
363 function filterOut(array, props) {
364 return array.filter(p =
> !props.includes(p));
367 function isTypedArrayClass(classname) {
368 return typedArrayClasses.includes(classname);
371 function propertyIsGetter(obj, name) {
372 return !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name).get;
375 function testProtoCallables(protoCallables, xray, xrayProto, localProto, callablesExcluded) {
376 // Handle undefined callablesExcluded.
377 let dontCall = callablesExcluded ?? [];
378 for (let name of protoCallables) {
379 info(
"Running tests for property: " + name);
380 // Test both methods and getter properties.
381 function lookupCallable(obj) {
384 desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
388 obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
390 return desc ? (desc.get || desc.value) : undefined;
392 ok(xrayProto.hasOwnProperty(name), `proto should have the property '${name}' as own`);
393 ok(!xray.hasOwnProperty(name), `instance should not have the property '${name}' as own`);
394 let method = lookupCallable(xrayProto);
395 is(typeof method, 'function',
"Methods from Xrays are functions");
396 is(global(method), window,
"Methods from Xrays are local");
397 ok(method instanceof Function,
"instanceof works on methods from Xrays");
398 is(lookupCallable(xrayProto), method,
"Holder caching works properly");
399 is(lookupCallable(xray), method,
"Proto props resolve on the instance");
400 let local = lookupCallable(localProto);
401 is(method.length, local.length,
"Function.length identical");
402 if (!method.length && !dontCall.includes(name)) {
403 is(method.call(xray) +
"", local.call(xray) +
404 "Xray and local method results stringify identically");
406 // If invoking this method returns something non-Xrayable (opaque), the
407 // stringification is going to return [object Object].
408 // This happens for set[@@iterator] and other Iterator objects.
409 let callable = lookupCallable(xray.wrappedJSObject);
410 if (!Cu.isOpaqueWrapper(method.call(xray)) && callable) {
411 is(method.call(xray) +
412 callable.call(xray.wrappedJSObject) +
413 "Xray and waived method results stringify identically");
419 function testCtorCallables(ctorCallables, xrayCtor, localCtor) {
420 for (let name of ctorCallables) {
421 // Don't try to test Function.prototype, since that is in fact a callable
422 // but doesn't really do the things we expect callables to do here
423 // (e.g. it's in the wrong global, since it gets Xrayed itself).
424 if (name ==
"prototype" && localCtor.name ==
"Function") {
427 info(`Running tests for property: ${localCtor.name}.${name}`);
428 // Test both methods and getter properties.
429 function lookupCallable(obj) {
432 desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
433 obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
435 return desc.get || desc.value;
438 ok(xrayCtor.hasOwnProperty(name),
"ctor should have the property as own");
439 let method = lookupCallable(xrayCtor);
440 is(typeof method, 'function',
"Methods from ctor Xrays are functions");
441 is(global(method), window,
"Methods from ctor Xrays are local");
442 ok(method instanceof Function,
443 "instanceof works on methods from ctor Xrays");
444 is(lookupCallable(xrayCtor), method,
445 "Holder caching works properly on ctors");
446 let local = lookupCallable(localCtor);
447 is(method.length, local.length,
448 "Function.length identical for method from ctor");
449 // Don't try to do the return-value check on Date.now(), since there is
450 // absolutely no reason it should return the same value each time.
452 // Also don't try to do the return-value check on Regexp.lastMatch and
453 // Regexp[
"$&"] (which are aliases), because they get state off the global
454 // they live in, as far as I can tell, so testing them over Xrays will be
455 // wrong: on the Xray they will actaully get the lastMatch of _our_
456 // global, not the Xrayed one.
457 if (!method.length &&
458 !(localCtor.name ==
"Date" && name ==
"now") &&
459 !(localCtor.name ==
"RegExp" && (name ==
"lastMatch" || name ==
"$&"))) {
460 is(method.call(xrayCtor) +
"", local.call(xrayCtor) +
461 "Xray and local method results stringify identically on constructors");
462 is(method.call(xrayCtor) +
463 lookupCallable(xrayCtor.wrappedJSObject).call(xrayCtor.wrappedJSObject) +
464 "Xray and waived method results stringify identically");
469 function testXray(classname, xray, xray2, propsToSkip, ctorPropsToSkip = []) {
470 propsToSkip = propsToSkip || [];
471 let xrayProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(xray);
472 let localProto = window[classname].prototype;
473 let desiredProtoProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(localProto).sort();
475 is(desiredProtoProps.toSource(),
476 gPrototypeProperties[classname].filter(id =
> typeof id ===
477 "A property on the " + classname +
478 " prototype has changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
479 is(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(localProto).map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
480 gPrototypeProperties[classname].filter(id =
> typeof id !==
481 "A symbol-keyed property on the " + classname +
482 " prototype has been changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
484 let protoProps = filterOut(desiredProtoProps, propsToSkip);
485 let protoCallables = protoProps.filter(name =
> propertyIsGetter(localProto, name, classname) ||
486 typeof localProto[name] == 'function' &&
487 name != 'constructor');
488 let callablesExcluded = gStatefulProperties[classname];
489 ok(!!protoCallables.length,
"Need something to test");
490 is(xrayProto, iwin[classname].prototype,
"Xray proto is correct");
491 is(xrayProto, xray.__proto__,
"Proto accessors agree");
492 var protoProto = classname ==
"Object" ? null : iwin.Object.prototype;
493 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(xrayProto), protoProto,
"proto proto is correct");
494 testProtoCallables(protoCallables, xray, xrayProto, localProto, callablesExcluded);
495 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(xrayProto).sort().toSource(),
496 protoProps.toSource(),
"getOwnPropertyNames works");
497 is(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(xrayProto).map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
498 gPrototypeProperties[classname].filter(id =
> typeof id !==
"string" && !propsToSkip.includes(id))
499 .map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
500 "getOwnPropertySymbols works");
502 is(xrayProto.constructor, iwin[classname],
"constructor property works");
504 xrayProto.expando =
505 is(xray.expando,
"Xrayed instances see proto expandos");
506 is(xray2.expando,
"Xrayed instances see proto expandos");
508 // Now test constructors
509 let localCtor = window[classname];
510 let xrayCtor = xrayProto.constructor;
511 // We already checked that this is the same as iwin[classname]
513 let desiredCtorProps =
514 Object.getOwnPropertyNames(localCtor).sort();
515 is(desiredCtorProps.toSource(),
516 gConstructorProperties[classname].filter(id =
> typeof id ===
517 "A property on the " + classname +
518 " constructor has changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
519 let desiredCtorSymbols =
520 Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(localCtor).map(uneval).sort()
521 is(desiredCtorSymbols.toSource(),
522 gConstructorProperties[classname].filter(id =
> typeof id !==
523 "A symbol-keyed property on the " + classname +
524 " constructor has been changed! You need a security audit from an XPConnect peer");
526 let ctorProps = filterOut(desiredCtorProps, ctorPropsToSkip);
527 let ctorSymbols = filterOut(desiredCtorSymbols, ctorPropsToSkip.map(uneval));
528 let ctorCallables = ctorProps.filter(name =
> propertyIsGetter(localCtor, name, classname) ||
529 typeof localCtor[name] == 'function');
530 testCtorCallables(ctorCallables, xrayCtor, localCtor);
531 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(xrayCtor).sort().toSource(),
532 ctorProps.toSource(),
"getOwnPropertyNames works on Xrayed ctors");
533 is(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(xrayCtor).map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
534 ctorSymbols.toSource(),
"getOwnPropertySymbols works on Xrayed ctors");
537 // We will need arraysEqual and testArrayIterators both in this global scope
539 function arraysEqual(arr1, arr2, reason) {
540 is(arr1.length, arr2.length, `${reason}; lengths should be equal`)
541 for (var i =
0; i < arr1.length; ++i) {
542 if (Array.isArray(arr2[i])) {
543 arraysEqual(arr1[i], arr2[i], `${reason}; item at index ${i}`);
545 is(arr1[i], arr2[i], `${reason}; item at index ${i} should be equal`);
550 function testArrayIterators(arrayLike, equivalentArray, reason) {
551 arraysEqual([...arrayLike], equivalentArray, `${reason}; spread operator`);
552 arraysEqual([...arrayLike.entries()], [...equivalentArray.entries()],
553 `${reason}; entries`);
554 arraysEqual([...arrayLike.keys()], [...equivalentArray.keys()],
556 if (arrayLike.values) {
557 arraysEqual([...arrayLike.values()], equivalentArray,
558 `${reason}; values`);
561 var forEachCopy = [];
562 arrayLike.forEach(function(arg) { forEachCopy.push(arg); });
563 arraysEqual(forEachCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; forEach copy`);
566 arrayLike.every(function(arg) { everyCopy.push(arg); return true; });
567 arraysEqual(everyCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; every() copy`);
570 var filterResult = arrayLike.filter(function(arg) {
571 filterCopy.push(arg);
574 arraysEqual(filterCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; filter copy`);
575 arraysEqual([...filterResult], equivalentArray, `${reason}; filter result`);
578 arrayLike.find(function(arg) { findCopy.push(arg); return false; });
579 arraysEqual(findCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; find() copy`);
581 var findIndexCopy = [];
582 arrayLike.findIndex(function(arg) { findIndexCopy.push(arg); return false; });
583 arraysEqual(findIndexCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; findIndex() copy`);
586 var mapResult = arrayLike.map(function(arg) { mapCopy.push(arg); return arg});
587 arraysEqual(mapCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; map() copy`);
588 arraysEqual([...mapResult], equivalentArray, `${reason}; map() result`);
591 arrayLike.reduce(function(_, arg) { reduceCopy.push(arg); },
592 arraysEqual(reduceCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; reduce() copy`);
594 var reduceRightCopy = [];
595 arrayLike.reduceRight(function(_, arg) { reduceRightCopy.unshift(arg); },
596 arraysEqual(reduceRightCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; reduceRight() copy`);
599 arrayLike.some(function(arg) { someCopy.push(arg); return false; });
600 arraysEqual(someCopy, equivalentArray, `${reason}; some() copy`);
603 function testDate() {
604 // toGMTString is handled oddly in the engine. We don't bother to support
606 let propsToSkip = ['toGMTString'];
608 testXray('Date', new iwin.Date(), new iwin.Date(), propsToSkip);
610 // Test the self-hosted toLocaleString.
611 var d = new iwin.Date();
612 isnot(d.toLocaleString, Cu.unwaiveXrays(d.wrappedJSObject.toLocaleString),
"Different function identities");
613 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(d.toLocaleString), window,
"Xray global is correct");
614 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(d.wrappedJSObject.toLocaleString), iwin,
"Underlying global is correct");
615 is(d.toLocaleString('de-DE'), d.wrappedJSObject.toLocaleString('de-DE'),
"Results match");
620 function testObject() {
621 testXray('Object', Cu.unwaiveXrays(Cu.waiveXrays(iwin).Object.create(new iwin.Object())),
622 new iwin.Object(), []);
624 // Construct an object full of tricky things.
625 let symbolProps = '';
626 uniqueSymbol = iwin.eval('var uniqueSymbol = Symbol(
"uniqueSymbol"); uniqueSymbol');
627 symbolProps = `, [uniqueSymbol]:
628 [Symbol.for(
630 iwin.eval(`(function() {
632 primitiveProp:
42, objectProp: { foo:
2 },
633 xoProp: top, hasOwnProperty:
634 get getterProp() { return
2; },
635 set setterProp(x) { },
636 get getterSetterProp() { return
3; },
637 set getterSetterProp(x) { },
638 callableProp: function() { },
639 nonXrayableProp: new Map()[Symbol.iterator]()
642 Object.defineProperty(o,
643 { get: function() { return
5; }, set: function() {} });
646 testTrickyObject(trickyObject);
649 function testArray() {
650 // The |length| property is generally very weird, especially with respect
651 // to its behavior on the prototype. Array.prototype is actually an Array
652 // instance, and therefore has a vestigial .length. But we don't want to
653 // show that over Xrays, and generally want .length to just appear as an
654 // |own| data property. So we add it to the ignore list here, and check it
657 // |Symbol.unscopables| should in principle be exposed, but it is
658 // inconvenient (as it's a data property, unsupported by ClassSpec) and
660 let propsToSkip = ['length', Symbol.unscopables];
662 testXray('Array', new iwin.Array(
20), new iwin.Array(), propsToSkip);
664 let symbolProps = '';
665 uniqueSymbol = iwin.eval('var uniqueSymbol = Symbol(
"uniqueSymbol"); uniqueSymbol');
666 symbolProps = `trickyArray[uniqueSymbol] =
667 trickyArray[Symbol.for(
"registrySymbolProp")] =
669 iwin.eval(`var trickyArray = [];
670 trickyArray.primitiveProp =
671 trickyArray.objectProp = { foo:
2 };
672 trickyArray.xoProp = top;
673 trickyArray.hasOwnProperty =
674 Object.defineProperty(trickyArray, 'getterProp', { get: function() { return
2; }});
675 Object.defineProperty(trickyArray, 'setterProp', { set: function(x) {}});
676 Object.defineProperty(trickyArray, 'getterSetterProp', { get: function() { return
3; }, set: function(x) {}, configurable: true});
677 Object.defineProperty(trickyArray, 'nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp', { get: function() { return
5; }, set: function(x) {}});
678 trickyArray.callableProp = function() {};
679 trickyArray.nonXrayableProp = new Map()[Symbol.iterator]();
683 // Test indexed access.
684 trickyArray.wrappedJSObject[
9] =
"some indexed property";
685 is(trickyArray[
"some indexed property",
"indexed properties work correctly over Xrays");
686 is(trickyArray.length,
"Length works correctly over Xrays");
687 checkThrows(function() {
"use strict"; delete trickyArray.length; }, /config/,
"Can't delete non-configurable 'length' property");
688 delete trickyArray[
689 is(trickyArray[
9], undefined,
"Delete works correctly over Xrays");
690 is(trickyArray.wrappedJSObject[
9], undefined,
"Delete works correctly over Xrays (viewed via waiver)");
691 is(trickyArray.length,
"length doesn't change");
692 trickyArray[
11] =
"some other indexed property";
693 is(trickyArray.length,
"length now changes");
694 is(trickyArray.wrappedJSObject[
"some other indexed property");
695 trickyArray.length =
696 is(trickyArray.length,
"Setting length works over Xray");
697 is(trickyArray[
11], undefined,
"Setting length truncates over Xray");
698 Object.defineProperty(trickyArray, 'length', { configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false, value:
0 });
699 trickyArray[
1] =
700 is(trickyArray.length,
"Length remains non-writable");
701 is(trickyArray[
1], undefined,
"Frozen length forbids new properties");
702 is(trickyArray instanceof iwin.Array, true,
"instanceof should work across xray wrappers.");
703 testTrickyObject(trickyArray);
705 testArrayIterators(new iwin.Array(
5), [
708 // Parts of this function are kind of specific to testing Object, but we factor
709 // it out so that we can re-use the trickyObject stuff on Arrays.
710 function testTrickyObject(trickyObject) {
712 // Make sure it looks right under the hood.
713 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.getterProp,
"Underlying object has getter");
714 is(Cu.unwaiveXrays(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.xoProp), top,
"Underlying object has xo property");
716 // Test getOwnPropertyNames.
717 var expectedNames = ['objectProp', 'primitiveProp'];
718 if (trickyObject instanceof iwin.Array)
719 expectedNames.push('length');
720 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(trickyObject).sort().toSource(),
721 expectedNames.sort().toSource(),
"getOwnPropertyNames should be filtered correctly");
722 var expectedSymbols = [Symbol.for(
"registrySymbolProp"), uniqueSymbol];
723 is(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(trickyObject).map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
724 expectedSymbols.map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
725 "getOwnPropertySymbols should be filtered correctly");
727 // Test that cloning uses the Xray view.
728 var cloned = Cu.cloneInto(trickyObject, this);
729 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(cloned).sort().toSource(),
730 expectedNames.sort().toSource(),
"structured clone should use the Xray view");
731 is(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(cloned).map(uneval).sort().toSource(),
732 "[]",
"structured cloning doesn't clone symbol-keyed properties yet");
734 // Test iteration and in-place modification. Beware of 'expando', which is the property
735 // we placed on the xray proto.
737 for (let prop in trickyObject) {
738 if (prop == 'primitiveProp')
739 trickyObject[prop] = trickyObject[prop] -
740 if (prop != 'expando') {
741 // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign
742 trickyObject[prop] = trickyObject[prop];
746 is(propCount,
"Should iterate the correct number of times");
749 is(Object.keys(trickyObject).sort().toSource(),
750 ['objectProp', 'primitiveProp'].toSource(),
"Object.keys should be filtered correctly");
752 // Test getOwnPropertyDescriptor.
753 is(trickyObject.primitiveProp,
"primitive prop works");
754 is(trickyObject.objectProp.foo,
"object prop works");
755 is(typeof trickyObject.callableProp, 'undefined',
"filtering works correctly");
756 is(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(trickyObject, 'primitiveProp').value,
"getOwnPropertyDescriptor works");
757 is(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(trickyObject, 'xoProp'), undefined,
"filtering works with getOwnPropertyDescriptor");
759 // Test defineProperty.
761 trickyObject.primitiveSetByXray = 'fourty two';
762 is(trickyObject.primitiveSetByXray, 'fourty two',
"Can set primitive correctly over Xray (ready via Xray)");
763 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.primitiveSetByXray, 'fourty two',
"Can set primitive correctly over Xray (ready via Waiver)");
765 var newContentObject = iwin.eval('new Object({prop:
99, get getterProp() { return
2; }})');
766 trickyObject.objectSetByXray = newContentObject;
767 is(trickyObject.objectSetByXray.prop,
"Can set object correctly over Xray (ready via Xray)");
768 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.objectSetByXray.prop,
"Can set object correctly over Xray (ready via Waiver)");
769 checkThrows(function() { trickyObject.rejectedProp = {foo:
33}}, /cross-origin object/,
770 "Should reject privileged object property definition");
772 // Test JSON.stringify.
773 var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(newContentObject);
774 ok(/prop/.test(jsonStr),
"JSON stringification should work: " + jsonStr);
777 delete newContentObject.prop;
778 ok(!newContentObject.hasOwnProperty('prop'),
"Deletion should work");
779 ok(!newContentObject.wrappedJSObject.hasOwnProperty('prop'),
"Deletion should forward");
780 delete newContentObject.getterProp;
781 ok(newContentObject.wrappedJSObject.hasOwnProperty('getterProp'),
"Deletion be no-op for filtered property");
783 // We should be able to overwrite an existing accessor prop and convert it
785 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.getterSetterProp,
"Underlying object has getter");
786 is(trickyObject.getterSetterProp, undefined,
"Filtering properly over Xray");
787 trickyObject.getterSetterProp = 'redefined';
788 is(trickyObject.getterSetterProp, 'redefined',
"Redefinition works");
789 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.getterSetterProp, 'redefined',
"Redefinition forwards");
791 // We should NOT be able to overwrite an existing non-configurable accessor
793 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp,
794 "Underlying object has getter");
795 is(trickyObject.nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp, undefined,
796 "Filtering properly over Xray here too");
797 is((trickyObject.nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp = 'redefined'), 'redefined',
798 "Assigning to non-configurable prop should fail silently in non-strict mode");
799 checkThrows(function() {
801 trickyObject.nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp = 'redefined';
802 }, /config/,
"Should throw when redefining non-configurable prop in strict mode");
803 is(trickyObject.nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp, undefined,
804 "Redefinition should have failed");
805 is(trickyObject.wrappedJSObject.nonConfigurableGetterSetterProp,
806 "Redefinition really should have failed");
808 checkThrows(function() { trickyObject.hasOwnProperty =
33; }, /shadow/,
809 "Should reject shadowing of pre-existing inherited properties over Xrays");
811 checkThrows(function() { Object.defineProperty(trickyObject, 'rejectedProp', { get() { return undefined; }}); },
812 /accessor property/,
"Should reject accessor property definition");
815 function testTypedArrays() {
816 // We don't invoke testXray with %TypedArray%, because that function isn't
817 // set up to deal with
"anonymous" dependent classes (that is, classes not
818 // visible as a global property, which %TypedArray% is not), and fixing it
819 // up is more trouble than it's worth.
821 var typedArrayProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array.prototype);
823 var desiredInheritedProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(typedArrayProto).sort();
825 filterOut(desiredInheritedProps, [
827 var inheritedCallables =
828 inheritedProps.filter(name =
> (propertyIsGetter(typedArrayProto, name) ||
829 typeof typedArrayProto[name] ===
"function") &&
830 name !==
832 for (let c of typedArrayClasses) {
833 var t = new iwin[c](
834 checkThrows(function() { t[
2]; }, /performant/,
"direct property-wise reading of typed arrays forbidden over Xrays");
835 checkThrows(function() { t[
2] =
3; }, /performant/,
"direct property-wise writing of typed arrays forbidden over Xrays");
836 var wesb = new Cu.Sandbox([iwin], {isWebExtensionContentScript: true});
838 wesb.eval('t[
2] =
839 is(wesb.eval('t.wrappedJSObject[
"direct property-wise writing of typed arrays allowed for WebExtension content scripts");
840 is(wesb.eval('t[
"direct property-wise reading and writing of typed arrays allowed for WebExtensions content scripts");
842 t.wrappedJSObject[
2] =
843 is(t.wrappedJSObject[
"accessing elements over waivers works");
844 t.wrappedJSObject.expando = 'hi';
845 is(t.wrappedJSObject.expando, 'hi',
"access expandos over waivers works");
846 is(Cu.cloneInto(t, window)[
"cloneInto works");
847 is(Cu.cloneInto(t, window).expando, undefined,
"cloneInto does not copy expandos");
848 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).sort().toSource(),
849 '[
850 "Only indexed properties visible over Xrays");
851 Object.defineProperty(t.wrappedJSObject, 'length', {value:
852 is(t.wrappedJSObject.length,
"Set tricky expando")
853 is(t.length,
"Length accessor works over Xrays")
854 is(t.byteLength, t.length * window[c].prototype.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
"byteLength accessor works over Xrays")
856 // Can create TypedArray from content ArrayBuffer
857 var buffer = new iwin.ArrayBuffer(
858 new window[c](buffer);
860 var xray = new iwin[c](
861 var xrayTypedArrayProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(xray));
862 testProtoCallables(inheritedCallables, new iwin[c](
0), xrayTypedArrayProto, typedArrayProto);
864 // When testing iterators, make sure to do so from inside our web
865 // extension sandbox, since from chrome we can't poke their indices. Note
866 // that we have to actually recreate our functions that touch typed array
867 // indices inside the sandbox, not just export them, because otherwise
868 // they'll just run with our principal anyway.
870 // But we do want to export is(), since we want ours called.
871 wesb.eval(String(arraysEqual));
872 wesb.eval(String(testArrayIterators));
873 Cu.exportFunction(is, wesb,
875 wesb.eval('testArrayIterators(t, [
879 function testErrorObjects() {
880 // We only invoke testXray with Error, because that function isn't set up
881 // to deal with dependent classes and fixing it up is more trouble than
883 testXray('Error', new iwin.Error('some error message'), new iwin.Error());
885 // Make sure that the dependent classes have their prototypes set up correctly.
886 for (let c of errorObjectClasses.filter(x =
> x !=
"Error")) {
887 var args = ['some message'];
888 if (c === 'AggregateError') {
889 // AggregateError's first argument is the list of aggregated errors.
890 args.unshift(new iwin.Array('error
1', 'error
892 var e = new iwin[c](...args);
893 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(e).name, c,
"Prototype has correct name");
894 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(e)), iwin.Error.prototype,
"Dependent prototype set up correctly");
895 is(e.name, c,
"Exception name inherited correctly");
897 function testProperty(name, criterion, goodReplacement, faultyReplacement) {
898 ok(criterion(e[name]), name +
" property is correct: " + e[name]);
899 e.wrappedJSObject[name] = goodReplacement;
900 is(e[name], goodReplacement, name +
" property ok after replacement: " + goodReplacement);
901 e.wrappedJSObject[name] = faultyReplacement;
902 is(e[name], name == 'message' ?
"" : undefined, name +
" property skipped after suspicious replacement");
904 testProperty('message', x =
> x == 'some message', 'some other message',
905 testProperty('fileName', x =
> x == '', 'otherFilename.html', new iwin.Object());
906 testProperty('columnNumber', x =
> x ==
907 testProperty('lineNumber', x =
> x ==
50, 'foo');
909 if (c === 'AggregateError') {
911 is(errors.length,
"errors property has the correct length");
912 is(errors[
0], 'error
"errors[0] has the correct value");
913 is(errors[
1], 'error
"errors[1] has the correct value");
915 e.wrappedJSObject.errors =
916 is(e.wrappedJSObject.errors,
"errors is a plain data property");
917 is(e.errors,
"visible over Xrays");
920 // Note - an Exception newed via Xrays is going to have an empty stack given the
921 // current semantics and implementation. This tests the current behavior, but that
922 // may change in bug
1036527 or similar.
924 // Furthermore, xrays should always return an error's original stack, and
927 ok(/^\s*$/.test(stack),
"stack property should be correct");
928 e.wrappedJSObject.stack =
"not a stack";
929 is(e.stack, stack,
"Xrays should never get an overwritten stack property.");
931 // Test the .cause property is correctly handled, too.
932 if (isNightlyBuild) {
933 let cause = 'error cause';
934 let options = new iwin.Object();
935 options.cause = cause;
938 let e = new iwin[c](...args);
941 e.wrappedJSObject.cause =
942 is(e.wrappedJSObject.cause,
"cause is a plain data property");
943 is(e.cause,
"visible over Xrays");
948 function testRegExp() {
949 // RegExp statics are very weird, and in particular RegExp has static
950 // properties that have to do with the last regexp execution in the global.
951 // Xraying those makes no sense, so we just skip constructor properties for
953 // RegExp[@@species] is affected by above skip, but we don't fix it until
954 // compelling use-case appears, as supporting RegExp[@@species] while
955 // skipping other static properties makes things complicated.
956 // Since RegExp.escape is a method, there's no obvious reason to skip it,
957 // but it would require some changes in the Xray code (would need to special
958 // case it in xpc::JSXrayTraits::resolveOwnProperty and
959 // xpc::JSXrayTraits::enumerateNames) that are not necessarily worth the effort
960 // since it is a static method with no state.
961 let ctorPropsToSkip = [
962 "leftContext",
963 "$4",
964 "$+",
"$'", Symbol.species];
965 testXray('RegExp', new iwin.RegExp('foo'), new iwin.RegExp(), [],
968 // Test the self-hosted |flags| property, toString, and toSource.
969 for (var flags of [
"gimy"]) {
970 var re = new iwin.RegExp(
"foo", flags);
971 is(re.flags, re.wrappedJSObject.flags,
"Results match");
973 isnot(re.toString, Cu.unwaiveXrays(re.wrappedJSObject.toString),
"Different function identities");
974 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(re.toString), window,
"Xray global is correct");
975 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(re.wrappedJSObject.toString), iwin,
"Underlying global is correct");
976 is(re.toString(), re.wrappedJSObject.toString(),
"Results match");
978 isnot(re.toSource, Cu.unwaiveXrays(re.wrappedJSObject.toSource),
"Different function identities");
979 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(re.toSource), window,
"Xray global is correct");
980 if (re.wrappedJSObject.toSource) {
981 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(re.wrappedJSObject.toSource), iwin,
"Underlying global is correct");
982 is(re.toSource(), re.wrappedJSObject.toSource(),
"Results match");
985 // Test with modified flags accessors
987 var props = [
989 for (var prop of props) {
990 origDescs[prop] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExp.prototype, prop);
991 Object.defineProperty(RegExp.prototype, prop, {
993 throw new Error(
"modified accessor is called");
999 is(re.flags, flags,
"Unmodified flags accessors are called");
1000 is(re.toString(),
"/foo/" + flags,
"Unmodified flags and source accessors are called");
1001 is(re.toSource(),
"/foo/" + flags,
"Unmodified flags and source accessors are called");
1004 for (var prop of props) {
1005 Object.defineProperty(RegExp.prototype, prop, origDescs[prop]);
1012 // Note: this is a small set of basic tests. More in-depth tests are located
1013 // in test_promise_xrays.html.
1014 function testPromise() {
1015 testXray('Promise', new iwin.Promise(function(){}), new iwin.Promise(function(){}));
1017 // Test catch and then.
1018 var pr = new iwin.Promise(function(){});
1019 isnot(pr.catch, Cu.unwaiveXrays(pr.wrappedJSObject.catch),
"Different function identities");
1020 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(pr.catch), window,
"Xray global is correct");
1021 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(pr.wrappedJSObject.catch), iwin,
"Underlying global is correct");
1023 isnot(pr.then, Cu.unwaiveXrays(pr.wrappedJSObject.then),
"Different function identities");
1024 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(pr.then), window,
"Xray global is correct");
1025 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(pr.wrappedJSObject.then), iwin,
"Underlying global is correct");
1028 function testArrayBuffer() {
1029 let constructors = ['ArrayBuffer'];
1031 for (const c of constructors) {
1032 testXray(c, new iwin[c](
0), new iwin[c](
1034 var t = new iwin[c](
1035 is(t.byteLength,
12, `${c} byteLength is correct`);
1037 is(t.slice(
8, `${c} byteLength is correct after slicing`);
1038 is(Cu.getGlobalForObject(t.slice(
4)), iwin,
"Slice results lives in the target compartment");
1039 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(t.slice(
4)), iwin[c].prototype,
"Slice results proto lives in target compartment")
1041 var i32Array = new Int32Array(t);
1042 // i32Array is going to be created in the buffer's target compartment,
1043 // but usually this is unobservable, because the proto is set to
1044 // the current compartment's prototype.
1045 // However Xrays ignore the object's proto and claim its proto is
1046 // the default proto for that class in the relevant compartment,
1047 // so see through this proto hack.
1048 todo_is(Object.getPrototypeOf(i32Array), Int32Array.prototype,
"Int32Array has correct proto");
1049 is(i32Array.length,
3, `Int32Array created from Xray ${c} has the correct length`);
1050 is(i32Array.buffer, t,
"Int32Array has the correct buffer that we passed in");
1052 i32Array = new iwin.Int32Array(t);
1053 is(Object.getPrototypeOf(i32Array), iwin.Int32Array.prototype,
"Xray Int32Array has correct proto");
1054 is(i32Array.length,
3, `Xray Int32Array created from Xray ${c} has the correct length`);
1055 is(i32Array.buffer, t,
"Xray Int32Array has the correct buffer that we passed in");
1057 t = (new iwin.Int32Array(
1058 is(t.byteLength,
8, `Can access ${c} returned by buffer property`);
1062 function testMap() {
1063 testXray('Map', new iwin.Map(), new iwin.Map());
1065 var t = iwin.eval(`new Map([[
"a"], [null,
1066 is(t.size,
"Map size is correct");
1067 is(t.get(
"Key 1 has the correct value");
1068 is(t.get(null),
"Key null has the correct value");
1069 is(t.has(
1), true,
"Has Key 1");
1070 is(t.set(
"Correctly sets key");
1071 is(t.delete(null), true,
"Key null can be deleted");
1074 t.forEach((value) =
> values.push(value));
1075 is(values.toString(),
"forEach enumerates values correctly");
1078 is(t.size,
"Map is empty after calling clear");
1081 function testSet() {
1082 testXray('Set', new iwin.Set(), new iwin.Set());
1084 var t = iwin.eval(`new Set([
1, null])`);
1085 is(t.size,
"Set size is correct");
1086 is(t.has(
1), true,
"Contains 1");
1087 is(t.has(null), true,
"Contains null");
1088 is(t.add(
5), true,
"Can add value to set");
1089 is(t.delete(null), true,
"Value null can be deleted");
1092 t.forEach(value =
> values.push(value));
1093 is(values.toString(),
"forEach enumerates values correctly");
1096 is(t.size,
"Set is empty after calling clear");
1099 function testWeakMap() {
1100 testXray('WeakMap', new iwin.WeakMap(), new iwin.WeakMap());
1102 var key1 = iwin.eval(`var key1 = {}; key1`);
1103 var key2 = iwin.eval(`var key2 = []; key2`);
1104 var key3 = iwin.eval(`var key3 = /a/; key3`);
1107 var t = iwin.eval(`new WeakMap([[key1,
"a"], [key2,
1108 is(t.get(key1),
"key1 has the correct value");
1109 is(t.get(key2),
"key2 has the correct value");
1110 is(t.has(key1), true,
"Has key1");
1111 is(t.has(key3), false,
"Doesn't have key3");
1112 is(t.has(key5), false,
"Doesn't have key5");
1113 is(t.set(key4,
"Correctly sets key");
1114 is(t.get(key1),
"key1 has the correct value after modification");
1115 is(t.get(key2),
"key2 has the correct value after modification");
1116 is(t.delete(key1), true,
"key1 can be deleted");
1117 is(t.delete(key2), true,
"key2 can be deleted");
1118 is(t.delete(key3), false,
"key3 cannot be deleted");
1119 is(t.delete(key4), true,
"key4 can be deleted");
1120 is(t.delete(key5), false,
"key5 cannot be deleted");
1123 function testWeakSet() {
1124 testXray('WeakSet', new iwin.WeakSet(), new iwin.WeakSet());
1126 var key1 = iwin.eval(`var key1 = {}; key1`);
1127 var key2 = iwin.eval(`var key2 = []; key2`);
1128 var key3 = iwin.eval(`var key3 = /a/; key3`);
1131 var t = iwin.eval(`new WeakSet([key1, key2])`);
1132 is(t.has(key1), true,
"Has key1");
1133 is(t.has(key2), true,
"Has key2");
1134 is(t.has(key3), false,
"Doesn't have key3");
1135 is(t.has(key5), false,
"Doesn't have key5");
1136 is(t.add(key4,
5).has(key4), true,
"Can add value to set");
1137 is(t.delete(key1), true,
"key1 can be deleted");
1138 is(t.delete(key2), true,
"key2 can be deleted");
1139 is(t.delete(key3), false,
"key3 cannot be deleted");
1140 is(t.delete(key4), true,
"key4 can be deleted");
1141 is(t.delete(key5), false,
"key5 cannot be deleted");
1144 function testProxy() {
1145 let ProxyCtor = iwin.Proxy;
1146 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ProxyCtor).sort().toSource(),
1147 [
1148 "Xrayed Proxy constructor should not have any properties");
1149 is(ProxyCtor.prototype, undefined,
"Proxy.prototype should not be set");
1150 // Proxy.revocable can safely be exposed, but it is not.
1151 // Until it is supported, check that the property is not set.
1152 is(ProxyCtor.revocable, undefined,
"Proxy.reflect is not set");
1155 function testDataView() {
1156 testXray('DataView', new iwin.DataView(new iwin.ArrayBuffer(
1157 new iwin.DataView(new iwin.ArrayBuffer(
1159 const versions = [() =
> iwin.eval(`new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(
1160 () =
> new DataView(new iwin.ArrayBuffer(
1162 for (const constructor of versions) {
1163 let t = constructor();
1164 is(t.byteLength,
8, `byteLength correct for
1165 is(t.byteOffset,
0, `byteOffset correct for
1166 is(t.buffer.byteLength,
8, `buffer works for
1168 const get = [
1169 "getInt32",
1171 const set = [
1172 "setInt32",
1174 for (const f of get) {
1176 is(x,
0, `${f} is
0 for
1177 is(typeof x, 'number', `typeof ${f} is number for
1180 for (const f of [
"getBigUint64"]) {
1182 is(x, BigInt(
0), `${f} is
0n for
1183 is(typeof x, 'bigint', `typeof ${f} is bigint for
1186 for (let i =
0; i < set.length; i++) {
1188 is(t[get[i]](
13, `${get[i]}(
0) afer ${set[i]}(
13) is
13 for
1191 for (const k of [
"BigUint64"]) {
1192 t[
"set" + k](
0, BigInt(
1193 is(t[
"get" + k](
0), BigInt(
13), `get${k}(
0) afer set${k}(
13n) is
13n for
1198 function testNumber() {
1199 // We don't actually support Xrays to Number yet. This is testing
1200 // that case. If we add such support, we might have to start
1201 // using a different non-Xrayed class here, if we can find one.
1202 let xrayCtor = iwin.Number;
1203 is(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(xrayCtor).sort().toSource(),
1204 Object.getOwnPropertyNames(function() {}).sort().toSource(),
1205 "We should not have any static properties on a non-Xrayable constructor");
1206 is(xrayCtor.noSuchProperty, undefined,
1207 "Where did our noSuchProperty property come from?");
1212 <iframe id=
"ifr" onload=
"go();" src=
"http://example.org/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_empty.html" />