Backed out changeset b71c8c052463 (bug 1943846) for causing mass failures. CLOSED...
[gecko.git] / netwerk / base / LoadInfo.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at */
7 #ifndef mozilla_LoadInfo_h
8 #define mozilla_LoadInfo_h
10 #include "mozilla/dom/FeaturePolicy.h"
11 #include "mozilla/dom/UserNavigationInvolvement.h"
12 #include "nsIInterceptionInfo.h"
13 #include "nsILoadInfo.h"
14 #include "nsIPrincipal.h"
15 #include "nsIWeakReferenceUtils.h" // for nsWeakPtr
16 #include "nsIURI.h"
17 #include "nsContentUtils.h"
18 #include "nsString.h"
19 #include "nsTArray.h"
21 #include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
22 #include "mozilla/dom/ClientInfo.h"
23 #include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerDescriptor.h"
25 class nsDocShell;
26 class nsICookieJarSettings;
27 class nsINode;
28 class nsPIDOMWindowOuter;
30 namespace mozilla {
32 namespace dom {
33 class PerformanceStorage;
34 class XMLHttpRequestMainThread;
35 class CanonicalBrowsingContext;
36 class WindowGlobalParent;
37 } // namespace dom
39 namespace net {
40 class EarlyHintPreloader;
41 class LoadInfoArgs;
42 class LoadInfo;
43 } // namespace net
45 namespace ipc {
46 // we have to forward declare that function so we can use it as a friend.
47 nsresult LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(const mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
48 const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType,
49 nsINode* aCspToInheritLoadingContext,
50 net::LoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
52 } // namespace ipc
54 namespace net {
56 using RedirectHistoryArray = nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIRedirectHistoryEntry>>;
58 /**
59 * Class that provides an nsILoadInfo implementation.
61 class LoadInfo final : public nsILoadInfo {
62 template <typename T, typename... Args>
63 friend already_AddRefed<T> mozilla::MakeAndAddRef(Args&&... aArgs);
65 public:
69 // Used for TYPE_DOCUMENT load.
70 static already_AddRefed<LoadInfo> CreateForDocument(
71 dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext, nsIURI* aURI,
72 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
73 const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
74 const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
75 uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
77 // Used for TYPE_FRAME or TYPE_IFRAME load.
78 static already_AddRefed<LoadInfo> CreateForFrame(
79 dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext,
80 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
81 const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
82 uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
85 static already_AddRefed<LoadInfo> CreateForNonDocument(
86 dom::WindowGlobalParent* aParentWGP, nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
87 nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
88 uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
90 // aLoadingPrincipal MUST NOT BE NULL.
91 LoadInfo(nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
92 nsINode* aLoadingContext, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
93 nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType,
94 const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aLoadingClientInfo =
95 Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>(),
96 const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor>& aController =
97 Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor>(),
98 uint32_t aSandboxFlags = 0);
100 // Constructor used for TYPE_DOCUMENT loads which have a different
101 // loadingContext than other loads. This ContextForTopLevelLoad is
102 // only used for content policy checks.
103 LoadInfo(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aOuterWindow, nsIURI* aURI,
104 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
105 nsISupports* aContextForTopLevelLoad, nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags,
106 uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
108 private:
109 // Use factory function CreateForDocument
110 // Used for TYPE_DOCUMENT load.
111 LoadInfo(dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext, nsIURI* aURI,
112 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
113 const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
114 const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
115 nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
117 // Use factory function CreateForFrame
118 // Used for TYPE_FRAME or TYPE_IFRAME load.
119 LoadInfo(dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext,
120 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
121 const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
122 nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
124 // Used for loads initiated by DocumentLoadListener that are not TYPE_DOCUMENT
126 LoadInfo(dom::WindowGlobalParent* aParentWGP,
127 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
128 const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
129 nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType,
130 nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
132 public:
133 // Compute a list of ancestor principals and BrowsingContext IDs.
134 // See methods AncestorPrincipals and AncestorBrowsingContextIDs
135 // in nsILoadInfo.idl for details.
136 static void ComputeAncestors(
137 dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* aBC,
138 nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>& aAncestorPrincipals,
139 nsTArray<uint64_t>& aBrowsingContextIDs);
141 // create an exact copy of the loadinfo
142 already_AddRefed<nsILoadInfo> Clone() const;
144 // hands off!!! don't use CloneWithNewSecFlags unless you know
145 // exactly what you are doing - it should only be used within
146 // nsBaseChannel::Redirect()
147 already_AddRefed<nsILoadInfo> CloneWithNewSecFlags(
148 nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags) const;
149 // creates a copy of the loadinfo which is appropriate to use for a
150 // separate request. I.e. not for a redirect or an inner channel, but
151 // when a separate request is made with the same security properties.
152 already_AddRefed<nsILoadInfo> CloneForNewRequest() const;
154 // The `nsContentPolicyType GetExternalContentPolicyType()` version in the
155 // base class is hidden by the implementation of
156 // `GetExternalContentPolicyType(nsContentPolicyType* aResult)` in
157 // LoadInfo.cpp. Explicit mark it visible.
158 using nsILoadInfo::GetExternalContentPolicyType;
160 void SetIsPreflight();
161 void SetUpgradeInsecureRequests(bool aValue);
162 void SetBrowserUpgradeInsecureRequests();
163 void SetBrowserWouldUpgradeInsecureRequests();
164 void SetIsFromProcessingFrameAttributes();
166 // Hands off from the cspToInherit functionality!
168 // For navigations, GetCSPToInherit returns what the spec calls the
169 // "request's client's global object's CSP list", or more precisely
170 // a snapshot of it taken when the navigation starts. For navigations
171 // that need to inherit their CSP, this is the right CSP to use for
172 // the new document. We need a way to transfer the CSP from the
173 // docshell (where the navigation starts) to the point where the new
174 // document is created and decides whether to inherit its CSP, and
175 // this is the mechanism we use for that.
177 // For example:
178 // A document with a CSP triggers a new top-level data: URI load.
179 // We pass the CSP of the document that triggered the load all the
180 // way to docshell. Within docshell we call SetCSPToInherit() on the
181 // loadinfo. Within Document::InitCSP() we check if the newly created
182 // document needs to inherit the CSP. If so, we call GetCSPToInherit()
183 // and set the inherited CSP as the CSP for the new document. Please
184 // note that any additonal Meta CSP in that document will be merged
185 // into that CSP. Any subresource loads within that document
186 // subesquently will receive the correct CSP by querying
187 // loadinfo->GetCsp() from that point on.
188 void SetCSPToInherit(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCspToInherit) {
189 mCspToInherit = aCspToInherit;
192 bool HasIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindowSet() {
193 return mIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow.isSome();
195 void ClearIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow() {
196 mIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow.reset();
199 void SetContinerFeaturePolicy(
200 const Maybe<dom::FeaturePolicyInfo>& aContainerFeaturePolicy) {
201 mContainerFeaturePolicyInfo = aContainerFeaturePolicy;
204 #ifdef DEBUG
205 void MarkOverriddenFingerprintingSettingsAsSet() {
206 mOverriddenFingerprintingSettingsIsSet = true;
208 #endif
210 private:
211 // private constructor that is only allowed to be called from within
212 // HttpChannelParent and FTPChannelParent declared as friends undeneath.
213 // In e10s we can not serialize nsINode, hence we store the innerWindowID.
214 // Please note that aRedirectChain uses swapElements.
215 LoadInfo(
216 nsIPrincipal* aLoadingPrincipal, nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
217 nsIPrincipal* aPrincipalToInherit, nsIPrincipal* aTopLevelPrincipal,
218 nsIURI* aResultPrincipalURI, nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings,
219 nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCspToInherit,
220 const nsACString& aTriggeringRemoteType,
221 const nsID& aSandboxedNullPrincipalID,
222 const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aClientInfo,
223 const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aReservedClientInfo,
224 const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo>& aInitialClientInfo,
225 const Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor>& aController,
226 nsSecurityFlags aSecurityFlags, uint32_t aSandboxFlags,
227 uint32_t aTriggeringSandboxFlags, uint64_t aTriggeringWindowId,
228 bool aTriggeringStorageAccess, nsContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType,
229 LoadTainting aTainting, bool aBlockAllMixedContent,
230 bool aUpgradeInsecureRequests, bool aBrowserUpgradeInsecureRequests,
231 bool aBrowserDidUpgradeInsecureRequests,
232 bool aBrowserWouldUpgradeInsecureRequests, bool aForceAllowDataURI,
233 bool aAllowInsecureRedirectToDataURI,
234 bool aSkipContentPolicyCheckForWebRequest, bool aOriginalFrameSrcLoad,
235 bool aForceInheritPrincipalDropped, uint64_t aInnerWindowID,
236 uint64_t aBrowsingContextID, uint64_t aFrameBrowsingContextID,
237 bool aInitialSecurityCheckDone, bool aIsThirdPartyContext,
238 const Maybe<bool>& aIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow,
239 bool aIsOn3PCBExceptionList, bool aIsFormSubmission, bool aIsGETRequest,
240 bool aSendCSPViolationEvents, const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
241 RedirectHistoryArray&& aRedirectChainIncludingInternalRedirects,
242 RedirectHistoryArray&& aRedirectChain,
243 nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>>&& aAncestorPrincipals,
244 const nsTArray<uint64_t>& aAncestorBrowsingContextIDs,
245 const nsTArray<nsCString>& aCorsUnsafeHeaders, bool aForcePreflight,
246 bool aIsPreflight, bool aLoadTriggeredFromExternal,
247 bool aServiceWorkerTaintingSynthesized, bool aDocumentHasUserInteracted,
248 bool aAllowListFutureDocumentsCreatedFromThisRedirectChain,
249 bool aNeedForCheckingAntiTrackingHeuristic, const nsAString& aCspNonce,
250 const nsAString& aIntegrityMetadata, bool aSkipContentSniffing,
251 uint32_t aHttpsOnlyStatus, bool aHstsStatus,
252 bool aHasValidUserGestureActivation, bool aTextDirectiveUserActivation,
253 bool aIsSameDocumentNavigation, bool aAllowDeprecatedSystemRequests,
254 bool aIsInDevToolsContext, bool aParserCreatedScript,
255 nsILoadInfo::StoragePermissionState aStoragePermission,
256 const Maybe<RFPTargetSet>& aOverriddenFingerprintingSettings,
257 bool aIsMetaRefresh, uint32_t aRequestBlockingReason,
258 nsINode* aLoadingContext,
259 nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy aLoadingEmbedderPolicy,
260 bool aIsOriginTrialCoepCredentiallessEnabledForTopLevel,
261 nsIURI* aUnstrippedURI, nsIInterceptionInfo* aInterceptionInfo,
262 bool aHasInjectedCookieForCookieBannerHandling,
263 nsILoadInfo::SchemelessInputType aSchemelessInput,
264 nsILoadInfo::HTTPSUpgradeTelemetryType aHttpsUpgradeTelemetry,
265 bool aIsNewWindowTarget,
266 dom::UserNavigationInvolvement aUserNavigationInvolvement);
268 LoadInfo(const LoadInfo& rhs);
270 NS_IMETHOD GetRedirects(JSContext* aCx,
271 JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRedirects,
272 const RedirectHistoryArray& aArra);
274 friend nsresult mozilla::ipc::LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(
275 const mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
276 const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType, nsINode* aCspToInheritLoadingContext,
277 net::LoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
279 ~LoadInfo();
281 void ComputeIsThirdPartyContext(nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aOuterWindow);
282 void ComputeIsThirdPartyContext(dom::WindowGlobalParent* aGlobal);
284 // This function is the *only* function which can change the securityflags
285 // of a loadinfo. It only exists because of the XHR code. Don't call it
286 // from anywhere else!
287 void SetIncludeCookiesSecFlag();
288 friend class mozilla::dom::XMLHttpRequestMainThread;
290 // nsDocShell::OpenInitializedChannel and EarlyHintPreloader::OpenChannel
291 // needs to update the loadInfo with the correct browsingContext.
292 friend class ::nsDocShell;
293 friend class mozilla::net::EarlyHintPreloader;
294 void UpdateBrowsingContextID(uint64_t aBrowsingContextID) {
295 mBrowsingContextID = aBrowsingContextID;
297 void UpdateFrameBrowsingContextID(uint64_t aFrameBrowsingContextID) {
298 mFrameBrowsingContextID = aFrameBrowsingContextID;
300 MOZ_NEVER_INLINE void ReleaseMembers();
302 // if you add a member, please also update the copy constructor and consider
303 // if it should be merged from parent channel through
304 // ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs.
305 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mLoadingPrincipal;
306 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mTriggeringPrincipal;
307 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPrincipalToInherit;
308 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mTopLevelPrincipal;
309 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mResultPrincipalURI;
310 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mChannelCreationOriginalURI;
311 nsCOMPtr<nsICSPEventListener> mCSPEventListener;
312 nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> mCookieJarSettings;
313 nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> mCspToInherit;
314 Maybe<dom::FeaturePolicyInfo> mContainerFeaturePolicyInfo;
315 nsCString mTriggeringRemoteType;
316 nsID mSandboxedNullPrincipalID;
318 Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo> mClientInfo;
319 UniquePtr<mozilla::dom::ClientSource> mReservedClientSource;
320 Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo> mReservedClientInfo;
321 Maybe<mozilla::dom::ClientInfo> mInitialClientInfo;
322 Maybe<mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor> mController;
323 RefPtr<mozilla::dom::PerformanceStorage> mPerformanceStorage;
325 nsWeakPtr mLoadingContext;
326 nsWeakPtr mContextForTopLevelLoad;
327 nsSecurityFlags mSecurityFlags;
328 uint32_t mSandboxFlags;
329 uint32_t mTriggeringSandboxFlags = 0;
330 uint64_t mTriggeringWindowId = 0;
331 bool mTriggeringStorageAccess = false;
332 nsContentPolicyType mInternalContentPolicyType;
333 LoadTainting mTainting = LoadTainting::Basic;
334 bool mBlockAllMixedContent = false;
335 bool mUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
336 bool mBrowserUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
337 bool mBrowserDidUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
338 bool mBrowserWouldUpgradeInsecureRequests = false;
339 bool mForceAllowDataURI = false;
340 bool mAllowInsecureRedirectToDataURI = false;
341 bool mSkipContentPolicyCheckForWebRequest = false;
342 bool mOriginalFrameSrcLoad = false;
343 bool mForceInheritPrincipalDropped = false;
344 uint64_t mInnerWindowID = 0;
345 uint64_t mBrowsingContextID = 0;
346 uint64_t mWorkerAssociatedBrowsingContextID = 0;
347 uint64_t mFrameBrowsingContextID = 0;
348 bool mInitialSecurityCheckDone = false;
349 // NB: TYPE_DOCUMENT implies !third-party.
350 bool mIsThirdPartyContext = false;
351 Maybe<bool> mIsThirdPartyContextToTopWindow;
352 bool mIsOn3PCBExceptionList = false;
353 bool mIsFormSubmission = false;
354 bool mIsGETRequest = true;
355 bool mSendCSPViolationEvents = true;
356 OriginAttributes mOriginAttributes;
357 RedirectHistoryArray mRedirectChainIncludingInternalRedirects;
358 RedirectHistoryArray mRedirectChain;
359 nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>> mAncestorPrincipals;
360 nsTArray<uint64_t> mAncestorBrowsingContextIDs;
361 nsTArray<nsCString> mCorsUnsafeHeaders;
362 uint32_t mRequestBlockingReason = BLOCKING_REASON_NONE;
363 bool mForcePreflight = false;
364 bool mIsPreflight = false;
365 bool mLoadTriggeredFromExternal = false;
366 bool mServiceWorkerTaintingSynthesized = false;
367 bool mDocumentHasUserInteracted = false;
368 bool mAllowListFutureDocumentsCreatedFromThisRedirectChain = false;
369 bool mNeedForCheckingAntiTrackingHeuristic = false;
370 nsString mCspNonce;
371 nsString mIntegrityMetadata;
372 bool mSkipContentSniffing = false;
373 uint32_t mHttpsOnlyStatus = nsILoadInfo::HTTPS_ONLY_UNINITIALIZED;
374 bool mHstsStatus = false;
375 bool mHasValidUserGestureActivation = false;
376 bool mTextDirectiveUserActivation = false;
377 bool mIsSameDocumentNavigation = false;
378 bool mAllowDeprecatedSystemRequests = false;
379 bool mIsUserTriggeredSave = false;
380 bool mIsInDevToolsContext = false;
381 bool mParserCreatedScript = false;
382 nsILoadInfo::StoragePermissionState mStoragePermission =
383 nsILoadInfo::NoStoragePermission;
384 Maybe<RFPTargetSet> mOverriddenFingerprintingSettings;
385 #ifdef DEBUG
386 // A boolean used to ensure the mOverriddenFingerprintingSettings is set
387 // before use it.
388 bool mOverriddenFingerprintingSettingsIsSet = false;
389 #endif
390 bool mIsMetaRefresh = false;
392 // Is true if this load was triggered by processing the attributes of the
393 // browsing context container.
394 // See nsILoadInfo.isFromProcessingFrameAttributes
395 bool mIsFromProcessingFrameAttributes = false;
397 // See nsILoadInfo.isMediaRequest and nsILoadInfo.isMediaInitialRequest.
398 bool mIsMediaRequest = false;
399 bool mIsMediaInitialRequest = false;
401 // See nsILoadInfo.isFromObjectOrEmbed
402 bool mIsFromObjectOrEmbed = false;
404 // The cross origin embedder policy that the loading need to respect.
405 // If the value is nsILoadInfo::EMBEDDER_POLICY_REQUIRE_CORP, CORP checking
406 // must be performed for the loading.
407 // See
408 nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy mLoadingEmbedderPolicy =
411 bool mIsOriginTrialCoepCredentiallessEnabledForTopLevel = false;
413 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mUnstrippedURI;
415 nsCOMPtr<nsIInterceptionInfo> mInterceptionInfo;
417 bool mHasInjectedCookieForCookieBannerHandling = false;
418 nsILoadInfo::SchemelessInputType mSchemelessInput =
419 nsILoadInfo::SchemelessInputTypeUnset;
421 nsILoadInfo::HTTPSUpgradeTelemetryType mHttpsUpgradeTelemetry =
424 dom::UserNavigationInvolvement mUserNavigationInvolvement =
425 dom::UserNavigationInvolvement::None;
427 bool mIsNewWindowTarget = false;
428 bool mSkipHTTPSUpgrade = false;
431 // This is exposed solely for testing purposes and should not be used outside of
432 // LoadInfo
433 already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> CreateTruncatedPrincipal(nsIPrincipal*);
435 } // namespace net
436 } // namespace mozilla
438 #endif // mozilla_LoadInfo_h