2 <!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
9 data-l10n-id=
10 xmlns=
11 xmlns:
14 <dialog id=
"set_password" buttons=
16 <html:link rel=
"stylesheet" href=
"chrome://global/skin/global.css" />
18 <html:link rel=
"localization" href=
"security/pippki/pippki.ftl" />
23 src=
26 <script src=
"chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js" />
27 <script src=
"chrome://global/content/editMenuOverlay.js" />
29 <script src=
"chrome://pippki/content/changepassword.js" />
34 data-l10n-id=
35 data-l10n-args='{
42 <hbox class=
43 <label flex=
"1" data-l10n-id=
"change-password-old" />
44 <html:input id=
"oldpw" type=
"password" />
45 <!-- This textbox is inserted as a workaround to the fact that making the 'type'
46 & 'disabled' property of the 'oldpw' textbox toggle between ['password' &
47 'false'] and ['text' & 'true'] - as would be necessary if the menu has more
48 than one tokens, some initialized and some not - does not work properly. So,
49 either the textbox 'oldpw' or the textbox 'message' would be displayed,
50 depending on the state of the token selected
52 <html:input id=
"message" disabled=
"true" />
54 <hbox class=
55 <label flex=
"1" data-l10n-id=
"change-password-new" />
59 oninput=
"setPasswordStrength(); checkPasswords();"
62 <hbox class=
63 <label flex=
"1" data-l10n-id=
"change-password-reenter" />
64 <html:input id=
"pw2" type=
"password" oninput=
"checkPasswords();" />
68 <vbox style=
"margin: 6px">
72 data-l10n-id=
74 <html:progress id=
"pwmeter" value=
"0" max=
"100" />