Bug 1935611 - Fix libyuv/libpng link failed for loongarch64. r=glandium,tnikkel,ng
[gecko.git] / security / manager / ssl / nsIX509CertDB.idl
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #include "nsISupports.idl"
9 interface nsIArray;
10 interface nsIX509Cert;
11 interface nsIFile;
12 interface nsIInterfaceRequestor;
13 interface nsIZipReader;
14 interface nsIInputStream;
16 %{C++
17 #define NS_X509CERTDB_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"
20 typedef uint32_t AppTrustedRoot;
22 [scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(e5795418-86e0-4c0b-9b98-ac7eee0c2af7)]
23 interface nsIAppSignatureInfo : nsISupports {
24 // Supported signature algorithms.
25 cenum SignatureAlgorithm : 32 {
31 // The certificate that created the signature.
32 readonly attribute nsIX509Cert signerCert;
33 readonly attribute nsIAppSignatureInfo_SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm;
36 [scriptable, function, uuid(fc2b60e5-9a07-47c2-a2cd-b83b68a660ac)]
37 interface nsIOpenSignedAppFileCallback : nsISupports
39 void openSignedAppFileFinished(in nsresult rv,
40 in nsIZipReader aZipReader,
41 in Array<nsIAppSignatureInfo> aSignatureInfos);
44 [scriptable, function, uuid(07c08655-8b11-4650-b6c4-0c145595ceb5)]
45 interface nsIAsyncBoolCallback : nsISupports
47 void onResult(in boolean result);
50 /**
51 * Callback type for use with asyncVerifyCertAtTime.
52 * If aPRErrorCode is PRErrorCodeSuccess (i.e. 0), aVerifiedChain represents the
53 * verified certificate chain determined by asyncVerifyCertAtTime. aHasEVPolicy
54 * represents whether or not the end-entity certificate verified as EV.
55 * If aPRErrorCode is non-zero, it represents the error encountered during
56 * verification. aVerifiedChain is null in that case and aHasEVPolicy has no
57 * meaning.
59 [scriptable, function, uuid(49e16fc8-efac-4f57-8361-956ef6b960a4)]
60 interface nsICertVerificationCallback : nsISupports {
61 void verifyCertFinished(in int32_t aPRErrorCode,
62 in Array<nsIX509Cert> aVerifiedChain,
63 in boolean aHasEVPolicy);
66 /**
67 * This represents a service to access and manipulate
68 * X.509 certificates stored in a database.
70 [scriptable, uuid(5c16cd9b-5a73-47f1-ab0f-11ede7495cce)]
71 interface nsIX509CertDB : nsISupports {
73 /**
74 * Constants that define which usages a certificate
75 * is trusted for.
77 const unsigned long UNTRUSTED = 0;
78 const unsigned long TRUSTED_SSL = 1 << 0;
79 const unsigned long TRUSTED_EMAIL = 1 << 1;
81 /**
82 * Will find a certificate based on its dbkey
83 * retrieved by getting the dbKey attribute of
84 * the certificate.
86 * @param aDBkey Database internal key, as obtained using
87 * attribute dbkey in nsIX509Cert.
89 [must_use]
90 nsIX509Cert findCertByDBKey(in ACString aDBkey);
92 /**
93 * Use this to import a stream sent down as a mime type into
94 * the certificate database on the default token.
95 * The stream may consist of one or more certificates.
97 * @param data The raw data to be imported
98 * @param length The length of the data to be imported
99 * @param type The type of the certificate, see constants in nsIX509Cert
100 * @param ctx A UI context.
102 void importCertificates([array, size_is(length)] in octet data,
103 in unsigned long length,
104 in unsigned long type,
105 in nsIInterfaceRequestor ctx);
108 * Import another person's email certificate into the database.
110 * @param data The raw data to be imported
111 * @param length The length of the data to be imported
112 * @param ctx A UI context.
114 void importEmailCertificate([array, size_is(length)] in octet data,
115 in unsigned long length,
116 in nsIInterfaceRequestor ctx);
119 * Import a personal certificate into the database, assuming
120 * the database already contains the private key for this certificate.
122 * @param data The raw data to be imported
123 * @param length The length of the data to be imported
124 * @param ctx A UI context.
126 void importUserCertificate([array, size_is(length)] in octet data,
127 in unsigned long length,
128 in nsIInterfaceRequestor ctx);
131 * Delete a certificate stored in the database.
133 * @param aCert Delete this certificate.
135 void deleteCertificate(in nsIX509Cert aCert);
138 * Modify the trust that is stored and associated to a certificate within
139 * a database. Separate trust is stored for
140 * One call manipulates the trust for one trust type only.
141 * See the trust type constants defined within this interface.
143 * @param cert Change the stored trust of this certificate.
144 * @param type The type of the certificate. See nsIX509Cert.
145 * @param trust A bitmask. The new trust for the possible usages.
146 * See the trust constants defined within this interface.
148 [must_use]
149 void setCertTrust(in nsIX509Cert cert,
150 in unsigned long type,
151 in unsigned long trust);
154 * @param cert The certificate for which to modify trust.
155 * @param trustString decoded by CERT_DecodeTrustString. 3 comma separated
156 * characters, indicating SSL, Email, and Object signing
157 * trust. The object signing trust flags are effectively
158 * ignored by gecko, but they still must be specified (at
159 * least by a final trailing comma) because this argument
160 * is passed to CERT_DecodeTrustString.
162 [must_use]
163 void setCertTrustFromString(in nsIX509Cert cert, in ACString trustString);
166 * Query whether a certificate is trusted for a particular use.
168 * @param cert Obtain the stored trust of this certificate.
169 * @param certType The type of the certificate. See nsIX509Cert.
170 * @param trustType A single bit from the usages constants defined
171 * within this interface.
173 * @return Returns true if the certificate is trusted for the given use.
175 [must_use]
176 boolean isCertTrusted(in nsIX509Cert cert,
177 in unsigned long certType,
178 in unsigned long trustType);
181 * Import certificate(s) from file
183 * @param aFile Identifies a file that contains the certificate
184 * to be imported.
185 * @param aType Describes the type of certificate that is going to
186 * be imported. See type constants in nsIX509Cert.
188 [must_use]
189 void importCertsFromFile(in nsIFile aFile,
190 in unsigned long aType);
192 const uint32_t Success = 0;
193 const uint32_t ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1;
194 const uint32_t ERROR_PKCS12_NOSMARTCARD_EXPORT = 2;
195 const uint32_t ERROR_PKCS12_RESTORE_FAILED = 3;
196 const uint32_t ERROR_PKCS12_BACKUP_FAILED = 4;
197 const uint32_t ERROR_PKCS12_CERT_COLLISION = 5;
198 const uint32_t ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD = 6;
199 const uint32_t ERROR_DECODE_ERROR = 7;
200 const uint32_t ERROR_PKCS12_DUPLICATE_DATA = 8;
203 * Import a PKCS#12 file containing cert(s) and key(s) into the database.
205 * @param aFile Identifies a file that contains the data to be imported.
206 * @param password The password used to protect the file.
207 * @return Success or the specific error code on failure. The return
208 * values are defined in this file.
210 [must_use]
211 uint32_t importPKCS12File(in nsIFile aFile, in AString aPassword);
214 * Export a set of certs and keys from the database to a PKCS#12 file.
216 * @param aFile Identifies a file that will be filled with the data to be
217 * exported.
218 * @param count The number of certificates to be exported.
219 * @param aCerts The array of all certificates to be exported.
220 * @param password The password used to protect the file.
221 * @return Success or the specific error code on failure
223 [must_use]
224 uint32_t exportPKCS12File(in nsIFile aFile,
225 in Array<nsIX509Cert> aCerts,
226 in AString aPassword);
229 * Decode a raw data presentation and instantiate an object in memory.
231 * @param base64 The raw representation of a certificate,
232 * encoded as Base 64.
233 * @return The new certificate object.
235 [must_use]
236 nsIX509Cert constructX509FromBase64(in ACString base64);
239 * Decode a raw data presentation and instantiate an object in memory.
241 * @param certDER The raw representation of a certificate,
242 * encoded as raw DER.
243 * @return The new certificate object.
245 [must_use]
246 nsIX509Cert constructX509(in Array<uint8_t> certDER);
249 * Verifies the signature on the given JAR file to verify that it has a
250 * valid signature. To be considered valid, there must be exactly one
251 * signature on the JAR file and that signature must have signed every
252 * entry. Further, the signature must come from a certificate that
253 * is trusted for code signing.
255 * On success, NS_OK, a nsIZipReader, and the trusted certificate that
256 * signed the JAR are returned.
258 * On failure, an error code is returned.
260 * This method returns a nsIZipReader, instead of taking an nsIZipReader
261 * as input, to encourage users of the API to verify the signature as the
262 * first step in opening the JAR.
264 // 1 used to be AppMarketplaceProdPublicRoot.
265 // 2 used to be AppMarketplaceProdReviewersRoot.
266 // 3 used to be AppMarketplaceDevPublicRoot.
267 // 4 used to be AppMarketplaceDevReviewersRoot.
268 // 5 used to be AppMarketplaceStageRoot.
269 const AppTrustedRoot AppXPCShellRoot = 6;
270 const AppTrustedRoot AddonsPublicRoot = 7;
271 const AppTrustedRoot AddonsStageRoot = 8;
272 [must_use]
273 void openSignedAppFileAsync(in AppTrustedRoot trustedRoot,
274 in nsIFile aJarFile,
275 in nsIOpenSignedAppFileCallback callback);
278 * Add a cert to a cert DB from a binary string.
280 * @param certDER The raw DER encoding of a certificate.
281 * @param trust String describing the trust settings to assign the
282 * certificate. Decoded by CERT_DecodeTrustString. Consists of 3
283 * comma separated sets of characters, indicating SSL, Email, and
284 * Object signing trust. The object signing trust flags are
285 * effectively ignored by gecko, but they still must be specified
286 * (at least by a final trailing comma) because this argument is
287 * passed to CERT_DecodeTrustString.
288 * @return nsIX509Cert the resulting certificate
290 [must_use]
291 nsIX509Cert addCert(in ACString certDER, in ACString trust);
293 // Flags for asyncVerifyCertAtTime (these must match the values in
294 // CertVerifier.cpp):
295 // Prevent network traffic.
296 const uint32_t FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY = 1 << 0;
297 // Do not fall back to DV verification after attempting EV validation.
298 const uint32_t FLAG_MUST_BE_EV = 1 << 1;
301 * Asynchronously verify a certificate given a set of parameters. Calls the
302 * `verifyCertFinished` function on the provided `nsICertVerificationCallback`
303 * with the results of the verification operation.
304 * See the documentation for nsICertVerificationCallback.
306 * @param aCert the certificate to verify
307 * @param aUsage an integer representing the usage to verify for (see
308 * SECCertificateUsage in certt.h from NSS)
309 * @param aFlags flags as described above
310 * @param aHostname the (optional) hostname to verify for
311 * @param aTime the time at which to verify, in seconds since the epoch
312 * @param aCallback the nsICertVerificationCallback that will receive the
313 results of this verification
314 * @return a succeeding nsresult if the job was dispatched successfully
316 [must_use]
317 void asyncVerifyCertAtTime(in nsIX509Cert aCert,
318 in int64_t /*SECCertificateUsage*/ aUsage,
319 in uint32_t aFlags,
320 in ACString aHostname,
321 in uint64_t aTime,
322 in nsICertVerificationCallback aCallback);
324 // Clears the OCSP cache for the current certificate verification
325 // implementation.
326 [must_use]
327 void clearOCSPCache();
330 * Add a cert to a cert DB from a base64 encoded string.
332 * @param base64 The raw representation of a certificate, encoded as Base 64.
333 * @param trust String describing the trust settings to assign the
334 * certificate. Decoded by CERT_DecodeTrustString. Consists of 3
335 * comma separated sets of characters, indicating SSL, Email, and
336 * Object signing trust. The object signing trust flags are
337 * effectively ignored by gecko, but they still must be specified
338 * (at least by a final trailing comma) because this argument is
339 * passed to CERT_DecodeTrustString.
340 * @return nsIX509Cert the resulting certificate
342 [must_use]
343 nsIX509Cert addCertFromBase64(in ACString base64, in ACString trust);
346 * Get all the known certs in the database
348 [must_use]
349 Array<nsIX509Cert> getCerts();
352 * Encode the list of certificates as a PKCS#7 SignedData structure. No data
353 * is actually signed - this is merely a way of exporting a collection of
354 * certificates.
356 [must_use]
357 ACString asPKCS7Blob(in Array<nsIX509Cert> certList);
360 * Iterates through all the certs and returns false if any of the trusted
361 * CA certs are not built-in roots; and true otherwise.
363 [must_use]
364 void asyncHasThirdPartyRoots(in nsIAsyncBoolCallback callback);
366 unsigned long countTrustObjects();