Backed out changeset f594e6f00208 (bug 1940883) for causing crashes in bug 1941164.
[gecko.git] / toolkit / components / normandy / schemas / LegacyHeartbeat.schema.json
2   "$schema": "",
3   "title": "Legacy (Normandy) Heartbeat, via Nimbus",
4   "description": "The schema for the Legacy Heartbeat Nimbus feature.",
5   "type": "object",
6   "properties": {
7     "survey": {
8       "$comment": "Hearbeat arguments are nested under survey to prevent simultaneous rollouts and experiments from overriding eachothers optional variables",
9       "type": "object",
10       "properties": {
11         "repeatOption": {
12           "type": "string",
13           "enum": ["once", "xdays", "nag"],
14           "description": "Determines how often a prompt is shown executes.",
15           "default": "once"
16         },
17         "repeatEvery": {
18           "description": "For repeatOption=xdays, how often (in days) the prompt is displayed.",
19           "default": null,
20           "type": ["number", "null"]
21         },
22         "includeTelemetryUUID": {
23           "type": "boolean",
24           "description": "Include unique user ID in post-answer-url and Telemetry",
25           "default": false
26         },
27         "surveyId": {
28           "description": "Slug uniquely identifying this survey in telemetry",
29           "type": "string"
30         },
31         "message": {
32           "description": "Message to show to the user",
33           "type": "string"
34         },
35         "engagementButtonLabel": {
36           "description": "Text for the engagement button. If specified, this button will be shown instead of rating stars.",
37           "default": null,
38           "type": ["string", "null"]
39         },
40         "thanksMessage": {
41           "description": "Thanks message to show to the user after they've rated Firefox",
42           "type": "string"
43         },
44         "postAnswerUrl": {
45           "description": "URL to redirect the user to after rating Firefox or clicking the engagement button",
46           "default": null,
47           "type": ["string", "null"]
48         },
49         "learnMoreMessage": {
50           "description": "Message to show to the user to learn more",
51           "default": null,
52           "type": ["string", "null"]
53         },
54         "learnMoreUrl": {
55           "description": "URL to show to the user when they click Learn More",
56           "default": null,
57           "type": ["string", "null"]
58         }
59       },
60       "required": [
61         "surveyId",
62         "message",
63         "thanksMessage",
64         "postAnswerUrl",
65         "learnMoreMessage",
66         "learnMoreUrl"
67       ],
68       "additionalProperties": false
69     }
70   },
71   "required": ["survey"],
72   "additionalProperties": false