Backed out changeset b71c8c052463 (bug 1943846) for causing mass failures. CLOSED...
[gecko.git] / widget / windows / ToastNotification.cpp
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et cin: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at */
7 #include "ToastNotification.h"
9 #include <windows.h>
10 #include <appmodel.h>
11 #include <ktmw32.h>
12 #include <>
13 #include <wrl/client.h>
15 #include "ErrorList.h"
16 #include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
17 #include "mozilla/Buffer.h"
18 #include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
19 #include "mozilla/DynamicallyLinkedFunctionPtr.h"
20 #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
21 #include "mozilla/mscom/COMWrappers.h"
22 #include "mozilla/mscom/Utils.h"
23 #include "mozilla/widget/WinRegistry.h"
24 #include "mozilla/Logging.h"
25 #include "mozilla/Services.h"
26 #include "mozilla/WidgetUtils.h"
27 #include "nsAppRunner.h"
28 #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
29 #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
30 #include "nsIObserverService.h"
31 #include "nsIWindowMediator.h"
32 #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
33 #include "nsString.h"
34 #include "nsThreadUtils.h"
35 #include "nsWindowsHelpers.h"
36 #include "nsXREDirProvider.h"
37 #include "prenv.h"
38 #include "ToastNotificationHandler.h"
39 #include "ToastNotificationHeaderOnlyUtils.h"
41 namespace mozilla {
42 namespace widget {
44 using namespace toastnotification;
46 using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation;
47 using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
48 using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers;
49 // Needed to disambiguate internal and Windows `ToastNotification` classes.
50 using namespace ABI::Windows::UI::Notifications;
51 using WinToastNotification = ABI::Windows::UI::Notifications::ToastNotification;
52 using IVectorView_ToastNotification =
53 ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<WinToastNotification*>;
54 using IVectorView_ScheduledToastNotification =
55 ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<
56 ScheduledToastNotification*>;
58 LazyLogModule sWASLog("WindowsAlertsService");
60 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ToastNotification, nsIAlertsService, nsIWindowsAlertsService,
61 nsIAlertsDoNotDisturb, nsIObserver)
63 ToastNotification::ToastNotification() = default;
65 ToastNotification::~ToastNotification() = default;
67 nsresult ToastNotification::Init() {
69 // Windows Toast Notification requires AppId. But allow `xpcshell` to
70 // create the service to test other functionality.
71 if (!EnsureAumidRegistered()) {
72 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Warning, ("Failed to register AUMID!"));
75 } else {
76 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Info, ("Using dummy AUMID in xpcshell test"));
77 mAumid.emplace(u"XpcshellTestToastAumid"_ns);
80 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Info,
81 ("Using AUMID: '%s'", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAumid.ref()).get()));
83 nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obsServ =
84 mozilla::services::GetObserverService();
85 if (obsServ) {
86 Unused << NS_WARN_IF(
87 NS_FAILED(obsServ->AddObserver(this, "last-pb-context-exited", false)));
88 Unused << NS_WARN_IF(
89 NS_FAILED(obsServ->AddObserver(this, "quit-application", false)));
92 return NS_OK;
95 bool ToastNotification::EnsureAumidRegistered() {
96 // Check if this is an MSIX install, app identity is provided by the package
97 // so no registration is necessary.
98 if (AssignIfMsixAumid(mAumid)) {
100 sWASLog, LogLevel::Info,
101 ("Found MSIX AUMID: '%s'", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAumid.ref()).get()));
102 return true;
105 nsAutoString installHash;
106 nsresult rv = gDirServiceProvider->GetInstallHash(installHash);
107 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
109 // Check if toasts were registered during NSIS/MSI installation.
110 if (AssignIfNsisAumid(installHash, mAumid)) {
111 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Info,
112 ("Found AUMID from installer (with install hash '%s'): '%s'",
113 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(installHash).get(),
114 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAumid.ref()).get()));
115 return true;
118 // No AUMID registered, fall through to runtime registration for development
119 // and portable builds.
120 if (RegisterRuntimeAumid(installHash, mAumid)) {
121 MOZ_LOG(
122 sWASLog, LogLevel::Info,
123 ("Updated AUMID registration at runtime (for install hash '%s'): '%s'",
124 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(installHash).get(),
125 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAumid.ref()).get()));
126 return true;
129 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Warning,
130 ("Failed to register AUMID at runtime! (for install hash '%s')",
131 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(installHash).get()));
132 return false;
135 bool ToastNotification::AssignIfMsixAumid(Maybe<nsAutoString>& aAumid) {
136 UINT32 len = 0;
137 // ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER signals that we're in an MSIX package, and
138 // therefore should use the package's AUMID.
139 if (GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId(&len, nullptr) !=
141 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Not an MSIX package"));
142 return false;
144 mozilla::Buffer<wchar_t> buffer(len);
145 LONG success = GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId(&len, buffer.Elements());
146 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(success == ERROR_SUCCESS, false);
148 aAumid.emplace(buffer.Elements());
149 return true;
152 bool ToastNotification::AssignIfNsisAumid(nsAutoString& aInstallHash,
153 Maybe<nsAutoString>& aAumid) {
154 nsAutoString nsisAumidName =
155 u""_ns MOZ_TOAST_APP_NAME u"Toast-"_ns + aInstallHash;
156 nsAutoString nsisAumidPath = u"AppUserModelId\\"_ns + nsisAumidName;
157 if (!WinRegistry::HasKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, nsisAumidPath)) {
158 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
159 ("No CustomActivator value from installer in key 'HKCR\\%s'",
160 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(nsisAumidPath).get()));
161 return false;
164 aAumid.emplace(nsisAumidName);
165 return true;
168 bool ToastNotification::RegisterRuntimeAumid(nsAutoString& aInstallHash,
169 Maybe<nsAutoString>& aAumid) {
170 // Portable AUMID slightly differs from installed AUMID so we can
171 // differentiate installed to HKCU vs portable installs if necessary.
172 nsAutoString portableAumid =
173 u""_ns MOZ_TOAST_APP_NAME u"PortableToast-"_ns + aInstallHash;
175 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> appdir;
176 nsresult rv = gDirServiceProvider->GetGREDir()->Clone(getter_AddRefs(appdir));
177 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
179 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> icon;
180 rv = appdir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(icon));
181 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
183 // Add browser subdirectory only for Firefox
185 rv = icon->Append(u"browser"_ns);
186 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
187 #endif
189 rv = icon->Append(u"VisualElements"_ns);
190 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
192 rv = icon->Append(u"VisualElements_70.png"_ns);
193 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
195 nsAutoString iconPath;
196 rv = icon->GetPath(iconPath);
197 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
199 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> comDll;
200 rv = appdir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(comDll));
201 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
203 rv = comDll->Append(u"notificationserver.dll"_ns);
204 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
206 nsAutoString dllPath;
207 rv = comDll->GetPath(dllPath);
208 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
210 nsAutoHandle txn;
211 // Manipulate the registry using a transaction so that any failures are
212 // rolled back.
213 wchar_t transactionName[] = L"" MOZ_TOAST_APP_NAME L" toast registration";
214 txn.own(::CreateTransaction(nullptr, nullptr, TRANSACTION_DO_NOT_PROMOTE, 0,
215 0, 0, transactionName));
216 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(txn.get() != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, false);
218 LSTATUS status;
220 auto RegisterKey = [&](const nsAString& path, nsAutoRegKey& key) {
221 HKEY rawKey;
222 status = ::RegCreateKeyTransactedW(
223 HKEY_CURRENT_USER, PromiseFlatString(path).get(), 0, nullptr,
224 REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, nullptr, &rawKey, nullptr, txn,
225 nullptr);
226 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(status == ERROR_SUCCESS, false);
228 key.own(rawKey);
229 return true;
231 auto RegisterValue = [&](nsAutoRegKey& key, const nsAString& name,
232 unsigned long type, const nsAString& data) {
233 status = ::RegSetValueExW(
234 key, PromiseFlatString(name).get(), 0, type,
235 static_cast<const BYTE*>(PromiseFlatString(data).get()),
236 (data.Length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
238 return status == ERROR_SUCCESS;
241 // clang-format off
242 /* Writes the following keys and values to the registry.
243 * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\AppID\{GUID} DllSurrogate : REG_SZ = ""
244 * \AppUserModelId\{MOZ_TOAST_APP_NAME}PortableToast-{install hash} CustomActivator : REG_SZ = {GUID}
245 * DisplayName : REG_EXPAND_SZ = {display name}
246 * IconUri : REG_EXPAND_SZ = {icon path}
247 * \CLSID\{GUID} AppID : REG_SZ = {GUID}
248 * \InprocServer32 (Default) : REG_SZ = {notificationserver.dll path}
250 // clang-format on
252 constexpr nsLiteralString classes = u"Software\\Classes\\"_ns;
254 nsAutoString aumid = classes + u"AppUserModelId\\"_ns + portableAumid;
255 nsAutoRegKey aumidKey;
256 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterKey(aumid, aumidKey), false);
258 nsAutoString guidStr;
260 DWORD bufferSizeBytes = NSID_LENGTH * sizeof(wchar_t);
261 Buffer<wchar_t> guidBuffer(bufferSizeBytes);
262 status = ::RegGetValueW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, aumid.get(), L"CustomActivator",
263 RRF_RT_REG_SZ, 0, guidBuffer.Elements(),
264 &bufferSizeBytes);
266 CLSID unused;
267 if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
268 SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(guidBuffer.Elements(), &unused))) {
269 guidStr = guidBuffer.Elements();
270 } else {
271 nsIDToCString uuidString(nsID::GenerateUUID());
272 size_t len = strlen(uuidString.get());
273 MOZ_ASSERT(len == NSID_LENGTH - 1);
274 CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsDependentCSubstring(uuidString.get(), len), guidStr);
277 if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
278 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
279 ("Existing CustomActivator guid found: '%s'",
280 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(guidStr).get()));
281 } else {
282 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
283 ("New CustomActivator guid generated: '%s'",
284 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(guidStr).get()));
288 RegisterValue(aumidKey, u"CustomActivator"_ns, REG_SZ, guidStr), false);
289 nsAutoString brandName;
290 WidgetUtils::GetBrandShortName(brandName);
292 RegisterValue(aumidKey, u"DisplayName"_ns, REG_EXPAND_SZ, brandName),
293 false);
295 RegisterValue(aumidKey, u"IconUri"_ns, REG_EXPAND_SZ, iconPath), false);
297 nsAutoString appid = classes + u"AppID\\"_ns + guidStr;
298 nsAutoRegKey appidKey;
299 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterKey(appid, appidKey), false);
300 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterValue(appidKey, u"DllSurrogate"_ns, REG_SZ, u""_ns),
301 false);
303 nsAutoString clsid = classes + u"CLSID\\"_ns + guidStr;
304 nsAutoRegKey clsidKey;
305 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterKey(clsid, clsidKey), false);
306 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterValue(clsidKey, u"AppID"_ns, REG_SZ, guidStr), false);
308 nsAutoString inproc = clsid + u"\\InprocServer32"_ns;
309 nsAutoRegKey inprocKey;
310 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterKey(inproc, inprocKey), false);
311 // Set the component's path to this DLL
312 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(RegisterValue(inprocKey, u""_ns, REG_SZ, dllPath), false);
314 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(::CommitTransaction(txn), false);
316 MOZ_LOG(
317 sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
318 ("Updated registration for CustomActivator value in key 'HKCU\\%s': '%s'",
319 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aumid).get(),
320 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(guidStr).get()));
321 aAumid.emplace(portableAumid);
322 return true;
325 nsresult ToastNotification::BackgroundDispatch(nsIRunnable* runnable) {
326 return NS_DispatchBackgroundTask(runnable);
330 ToastNotification::GetSuppressForScreenSharing(bool* aRetVal) {
331 *aRetVal = mSuppressForScreenSharing;
332 return NS_OK;
336 ToastNotification::SetSuppressForScreenSharing(bool aSuppress) {
337 mSuppressForScreenSharing = aSuppress;
338 return NS_OK;
342 ToastNotification::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic,
343 const char16_t* aData) {
344 nsDependentCString topic(aTopic);
346 for (auto iter = mActiveHandlers.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
347 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> handler = iter.UserData();
349 auto removeNotification = [&]() {
350 // The handlers' destructors will do the right thing (de-register with
351 // Windows).
352 iter.Remove();
354 // Break the cycle between the handler and the MSCOM notification so the
355 // handler's destructor will be called.
356 handler->UnregisterHandler();
359 if (topic == "last-pb-context-exited"_ns) {
360 if (handler->IsPrivate()) {
361 handler->HideAlert();
362 removeNotification();
364 } else if (topic == "quit-application"_ns) {
365 removeNotification();
369 return NS_OK;
373 ToastNotification::ShowAlertNotification(
374 const nsAString& aImageUrl, const nsAString& aAlertTitle,
375 const nsAString& aAlertText, bool aAlertTextClickable,
376 const nsAString& aAlertCookie, nsIObserver* aAlertListener,
377 const nsAString& aAlertName, const nsAString& aBidi, const nsAString& aLang,
378 const nsAString& aData, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, bool aInPrivateBrowsing,
379 bool aRequireInteraction) {
380 nsCOMPtr<nsIAlertNotification> alert =
382 if (NS_WARN_IF(!alert)) {
383 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
385 // vibrate is unused for now
386 nsTArray<uint32_t> vibrate;
387 nsresult rv = alert->Init(aAlertName, aImageUrl, aAlertTitle, aAlertText,
388 aAlertTextClickable, aAlertCookie, aBidi, aLang,
389 aData, aPrincipal, aInPrivateBrowsing,
390 aRequireInteraction, false, vibrate);
391 if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
392 return rv;
394 return ShowAlert(alert, aAlertListener);
398 ToastNotification::SetManualDoNotDisturb(bool aDoNotDisturb) {
403 ToastNotification::GetManualDoNotDisturb(bool* aRet) {
408 ToastNotification::ShowAlert(nsIAlertNotification* aAlert,
409 nsIObserver* aAlertListener) {
410 NS_ENSURE_ARG(aAlert);
412 if (mSuppressForScreenSharing) {
413 return NS_OK;
416 nsAutoString cookie;
417 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetCookie(cookie));
419 nsAutoString name;
420 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetName(name));
422 nsAutoString title;
423 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetTitle(title));
424 if (!EnsureUTF16Validity(title)) {
425 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Warning,
426 ("Notification title was invalid UTF16, unpaired surrogates have "
427 "been replaced."));
430 nsAutoString text;
431 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetText(text));
432 if (!EnsureUTF16Validity(text)) {
433 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Warning,
434 ("Notification text was invalid UTF16, unpaired surrogates have "
435 "been replaced."));
438 bool textClickable;
439 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetTextClickable(&textClickable));
441 bool isSilent;
442 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetSilent(&isSilent));
444 nsAutoString hostPort;
445 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetSource(hostPort));
447 nsAutoString opaqueRelaunchData;
448 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetOpaqueRelaunchData(opaqueRelaunchData));
450 bool requireInteraction;
451 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetRequireInteraction(&requireInteraction));
453 bool inPrivateBrowsing;
454 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetInPrivateBrowsing(&inPrivateBrowsing));
456 nsTArray<RefPtr<nsIAlertAction>> actions;
457 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetActions(actions));
459 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal;
460 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(principal)));
461 bool isSystemPrincipal = principal && principal->IsSystemPrincipal();
463 bool handleActions = false;
464 auto imagePlacement = ImagePlacement::eInline;
465 if (isSystemPrincipal) {
466 nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowsAlertNotification> winAlert(do_QueryInterface(aAlert));
467 if (winAlert) {
468 MOZ_TRY(winAlert->GetHandleActions(&handleActions));
470 nsIWindowsAlertNotification::ImagePlacement placement;
471 MOZ_TRY(winAlert->GetImagePlacement(&placement));
472 switch (placement) {
473 case nsIWindowsAlertNotification::eHero:
474 imagePlacement = ImagePlacement::eHero;
475 break;
476 case nsIWindowsAlertNotification::eIcon:
477 imagePlacement = ImagePlacement::eIcon;
478 break;
479 case nsIWindowsAlertNotification::eInline:
480 imagePlacement = ImagePlacement::eInline;
481 break;
482 default:
483 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Error,
484 ("Invalid image placement enum value: %hhu", placement));
490 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> oldHandler = mActiveHandlers.Get(name);
493 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> handler = new ToastNotificationHandler(
494 this, mAumid.ref(), aAlertListener, name, cookie, title, text, hostPort,
495 textClickable, requireInteraction, actions, isSystemPrincipal,
496 opaqueRelaunchData, inPrivateBrowsing, isSilent, handleActions,
497 imagePlacement);
498 mActiveHandlers.InsertOrUpdate(name, RefPtr{handler});
500 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
501 ("Adding handler '%s': [%p] (now %d handlers)",
502 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(name).get(), handler.get(),
503 mActiveHandlers.Count()));
505 nsresult rv = handler->InitAlertAsync(aAlert);
506 if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
507 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
508 ("Failed to init alert, removing '%s'",
509 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(name).get()));
510 mActiveHandlers.Remove(name);
511 handler->UnregisterHandler();
512 return rv;
515 // If there was a previous handler with the same name then unregister it.
516 if (oldHandler) {
517 oldHandler->UnregisterHandler();
520 return NS_OK;
524 ToastNotification::GetXmlStringForWindowsAlert(nsIAlertNotification* aAlert,
525 const nsAString& aWindowsTag,
526 nsAString& aString) {
527 NS_ENSURE_ARG(aAlert);
529 nsAutoString cookie;
530 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetCookie(cookie));
532 nsAutoString name;
533 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetName(name));
535 nsAutoString title;
536 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetTitle(title));
538 nsAutoString text;
539 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetText(text));
541 bool textClickable;
542 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetTextClickable(&textClickable));
544 bool isSilent;
545 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetSilent(&isSilent));
547 nsAutoString hostPort;
548 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetSource(hostPort));
550 nsAutoString opaqueRelaunchData;
551 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetOpaqueRelaunchData(opaqueRelaunchData));
553 bool requireInteraction;
554 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetRequireInteraction(&requireInteraction));
556 bool inPrivateBrowsing;
557 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetInPrivateBrowsing(&inPrivateBrowsing));
559 nsTArray<RefPtr<nsIAlertAction>> actions;
560 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetActions(actions));
562 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal;
563 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetPrincipal(getter_AddRefs(principal)));
564 bool isSystemPrincipal = principal && principal->IsSystemPrincipal();
567 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> handler = new ToastNotificationHandler(
568 this, mAumid.ref(), nullptr /* aAlertListener */, name, cookie, title,
569 text, hostPort, textClickable, requireInteraction, actions,
570 isSystemPrincipal, opaqueRelaunchData, inPrivateBrowsing, isSilent);
572 // Usually, this will be empty during testing, making test output
573 // deterministic.
574 MOZ_TRY(handler->SetWindowsTag(aWindowsTag));
576 nsAutoString imageURL;
577 MOZ_TRY(aAlert->GetImageURL(imageURL));
579 return handler->CreateToastXmlString(imageURL, aString);
582 // Verifies that the tag recieved associates to a notification created during
583 // this application's session, or handles fallback behavior.
584 RefPtr<ToastHandledPromise> ToastNotification::VerifyTagPresentOrFallback(
585 const nsAString& aWindowsTag) {
586 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
587 ("Iterating %d handlers", mActiveHandlers.Count()));
589 for (auto iter = mActiveHandlers.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
590 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> handler = iter.UserData();
591 nsAutoString tag;
592 nsresult rv = handler->GetWindowsTag(tag);
594 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
595 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
596 ("Comparing external windowsTag '%s' to handled windowsTag '%s'",
597 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aWindowsTag).get(),
598 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(tag).get()));
599 if (aWindowsTag.Equals(tag)) {
600 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
601 ("External windowsTag '%s' is handled by handler [%p]",
602 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aWindowsTag).get(), handler.get()));
603 return ToastHandledPromise::CreateAndResolve(true, __func__);
605 } else {
606 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
607 ("Failed to get windowsTag for handler [%p]", handler.get()));
611 // Fallback handling is required.
613 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug,
614 ("External windowsTag '%s' is not handled",
615 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aWindowsTag).get()));
617 RefPtr<ToastHandledPromise::Private> fallbackPromise =
618 new ToastHandledPromise::Private(__func__);
620 // TODO: Bug 1806005 - At time of writing this function is called in a call
621 // stack containing `WndProc` callback on an STA thread. As a result attempts
622 // to create a `ToastNotificationManager` instance results an an
623 // `RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL` error. We can simplify the the XPCOM
624 // interface and synchronize the COM interactions if notification fallback
625 // handling were no longer handled in a `WndProc` context.
626 NS_DispatchBackgroundTask(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
627 "VerifyTagPresentOrFallback fallback background task",
628 [fallbackPromise]() { fallbackPromise->Resolve(false, __func__); }));
630 return fallbackPromise;
633 // Send our window's PID to the notification server so that it can grant us
634 // `SetForegroundWindow` permissions. PID 0 is sent to signal no window PID.
635 // Absense of PID which may occur when we are yet unable to retrieve the
636 // window during startup, which is not a problem in practice as new windows
637 // receive focus by default.
638 void ToastNotification::SignalComNotificationHandled(
639 const nsAString& aWindowsTag) {
640 DWORD pid = 0;
642 nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> winMediator(
644 if (winMediator) {
645 nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> navWin;
646 winMediator->GetMostRecentBrowserWindow(getter_AddRefs(navWin));
647 if (navWin) {
648 nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget =
649 WidgetUtils::DOMWindowToWidget(nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(navWin));
650 if (widget) {
651 HWND hwnd = (HWND)widget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW);
652 GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
653 } else {
654 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Failed to get widget"));
656 } else {
657 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Failed to get navWin"));
659 } else {
660 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Failed to get WinMediator"));
663 // Run pipe communication off the main thread to prevent UI jank from
664 // blocking. Nothing relies on the COM server's response or that it has
665 // responded at time of commit.
666 NS_DispatchBackgroundTask(
667 NS_NewRunnableFunction(
668 "SignalComNotificationHandled background task",
669 [pid, aWindowsTag = nsString{aWindowsTag}]() mutable {
670 std::wstring pipeName = GetNotificationPipeName(aWindowsTag.get());
672 nsAutoHandle pipe;
673 pipe.own(CreateFileW(pipeName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
674 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING,
675 FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, nullptr));
676 if (pipe.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
677 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Error,
678 ("Unable to open notification server pipe."));
679 return;
683 if (!SetNamedPipeHandleState(pipe.get(), &pipeFlags, nullptr,
684 nullptr)) {
685 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Error,
686 ("Error setting pipe handle state, error %lu",
687 GetLastError()));
688 return;
691 // Pass our window's PID to the COM server receive
692 // `SetForegroundWindow` permissions, and wait for a message
693 // acknowledging the permission has been granted.
694 ToastNotificationPidMessage in{};
695 = pid;
696 ToastNotificationPermissionMessage out{};
697 auto transact = [&](OVERLAPPED& overlapped) {
698 return TransactNamedPipe(pipe.get(), &in, sizeof(in), &out,
699 sizeof(out), nullptr, &overlapped);
701 bool result =
702 SyncDoOverlappedIOWithTimeout(pipe, sizeof(out), transact);
704 if (result && out.setForegroundPermissionGranted && pid != 0) {
705 MOZ_LOG(
706 sWASLog, LogLevel::Info,
707 ("SetForegroundWindow permission granted to our window."));
708 } else {
709 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Error,
710 ("SetForegroundWindow permission not granted to our "
711 "window."));
718 ToastNotification::HandleWindowsTag(const nsAString& aWindowsTag,
719 JSContext* aCx, dom::Promise** aPromise) {
723 ErrorResult rv;
724 RefPtr<dom::Promise> promise =
725 dom::Promise::Create(xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx), rv);
728 this->VerifyTagPresentOrFallback(aWindowsTag)
729 ->Then(
730 GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__,
731 [aWindowsTag = nsString(aWindowsTag),
732 promise](const bool aTagWasHandled) {
733 // We no longer need to query toast information from OS and can
734 // allow the COM server to proceed (toast information is lost once
735 // the COM server's `Activate` callback returns).
736 SignalComNotificationHandled(aWindowsTag);
738 dom::AutoJSAPI js;
739 if (NS_WARN_IF(!js.Init(promise->GetGlobalObject()))) {
740 promise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
741 return;
744 // Resolve the DOM Promise with a JS object. Set properties if
745 // fallback handling is necessary.
747 JSContext* cx =;
748 JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx));
750 JS::Rooted<JS::Value> attVal(cx, JS::BooleanValue(aTagWasHandled));
751 Unused << NS_WARN_IF(
752 !JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, "tagWasHandled", attVal));
754 promise->MaybeResolve(obj);
756 [aWindowsTag = nsString(aWindowsTag), promise]() {
757 // We no longer need to query toast information from OS and can
758 // allow the COM server to proceed (toast information is lost once
759 // the COM server's `Activate` callback returns).
760 SignalComNotificationHandled(aWindowsTag);
762 promise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
765 promise.forget(aPromise);
766 return NS_OK;
770 ToastNotification::CloseAlert(const nsAString& aAlertName,
771 bool aContextClosed) {
772 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> handler;
773 if (NS_WARN_IF(!mActiveHandlers.Get(aAlertName, getter_AddRefs(handler)))) {
774 // This can happen when the handler is gone but the closure signal is not
775 // yet reached to the content process, and then the process tries closing
776 // the same signal.
777 return NS_OK;
780 if (!aContextClosed || handler->IsPrivate()) {
781 // Hide the alert when not implicitly closed by tab/window closing or when
782 // notification originated from a private tab.
783 handler->HideAlert();
786 mActiveHandlers.Remove(aAlertName);
787 handler->UnregisterHandler();
789 return NS_OK;
792 bool ToastNotification::IsActiveHandler(const nsAString& aAlertName,
793 ToastNotificationHandler* aHandler) {
794 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> handler;
795 if (NS_WARN_IF(!mActiveHandlers.Get(aAlertName, getter_AddRefs(handler)))) {
796 return false;
798 return handler == aHandler;
801 void ToastNotification::RemoveHandler(const nsAString& aAlertName,
802 ToastNotificationHandler* aHandler) {
803 // The alert may have been replaced; only remove it from the active
804 // handler's map if it's the same.
805 if (IsActiveHandler(aAlertName, aHandler)) {
806 // Terrible things happen if the destructor of a handler is called inside
807 // the hashtable .Remove() method. Wait until we have returned from there.
808 RefPtr<ToastNotificationHandler> kungFuDeathGrip(aHandler);
809 mActiveHandlers.Remove(aAlertName);
810 aHandler->UnregisterHandler();
815 ToastNotification::RemoveAllNotificationsForInstall() {
816 HRESULT hr = S_OK;
818 ComPtr<IToastNotificationManagerStatics> manager;
819 hr = GetActivationFactory(
820 HStringReference(
821 RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Notifications_ToastNotificationManager)
822 .Get(),
823 &manager);
826 HString aumid;
827 MOZ_ASSERT(mAumid.isSome());
828 hr = aumid.Set(mAumid.ref().get());
831 // Hide toasts in action center.
832 [&]() {
833 ComPtr<IToastNotificationManagerStatics2> manager2;
834 hr = manager.As(&manager2);
837 ComPtr<IToastNotificationHistory> history;
838 hr = manager2->get_History(&history);
841 hr = history->ClearWithId(aumid.Get());
843 }();
845 // Hide scheduled toasts.
846 [&]() {
847 ComPtr<IToastNotifier> notifier;
848 hr = manager->CreateToastNotifierWithId(aumid.Get(), &notifier);
851 ComPtr<IVectorView_ScheduledToastNotification> scheduledToasts;
852 hr = notifier->GetScheduledToastNotifications(&scheduledToasts);
855 unsigned int schedSize;
856 hr = scheduledToasts->get_Size(&schedSize);
859 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < schedSize; i++) {
860 ComPtr<IScheduledToastNotification> schedToast;
861 hr = scheduledToasts->GetAt(i, &schedToast);
862 if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) {
863 continue;
866 hr = notifier->RemoveFromSchedule(schedToast.Get());
867 Unused << NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr));
869 }();
871 return NS_OK;
874 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED(WindowsAlertNotification, AlertNotification,
875 nsIWindowsAlertNotification)
878 WindowsAlertNotification::GetHandleActions(bool* aHandleActions) {
879 *aHandleActions = mHandleActions;
880 return NS_OK;
884 WindowsAlertNotification::SetHandleActions(bool aHandleActions) {
885 mHandleActions = aHandleActions;
886 return NS_OK;
889 NS_IMETHODIMP WindowsAlertNotification::GetImagePlacement(
890 nsIWindowsAlertNotification::ImagePlacement* aImagePlacement) {
891 *aImagePlacement = mImagePlacement;
892 return NS_OK;
895 NS_IMETHODIMP WindowsAlertNotification::SetImagePlacement(
896 nsIWindowsAlertNotification::ImagePlacement aImagePlacement) {
897 switch (aImagePlacement) {
898 case eHero:
899 case eIcon:
900 case eInline:
901 mImagePlacement = aImagePlacement;
902 break;
903 default:
904 MOZ_LOG(sWASLog, LogLevel::Error,
905 ("Invalid image placement enum value: %hhu", aImagePlacement));
909 return NS_OK;
912 } // namespace widget
913 } // namespace mozilla