3 ;;; Common init file for gaf
6 ; The following global variables are defined by libgeda:
8 ; path-sep -- system path separator
9 ; geda-data-path -- path to gEDA system-wide data directory
10 ; geda-rc-path -- path to gEDA system-wide config directory
12 ;; Set some flags to aid in debugging rc files
13 (cond-expand (guile-2 #t)
14 (guile (debug-enable 'debug)))
15 (debug-enable 'backtrace)
16 (read-enable 'positions)
18 ; The libgeda Scheme library provides a number of useful functions for
19 ; writing Scheme code for embedding in gaf.
20 (load-from-path "geda.scm")
22 ;; Import deprecated Scheme functions
23 (load-from-path "geda-deprecated-config.scm")
24 (use-modules (geda deprecated))
27 ;; The directory containing various bitmaps (e.g. icons)
28 (bitmap-directory (build-path geda-data-path "bitmap"))
30 ; scheme-directory dir
32 ; This keyword allows additional directories to be added to the list
33 ; of directories which are used by gEDA to load Scheme code.
34 ; Environment variables in 'dir' are expanded. By default,
35 ; '${GEDADATA}/scheme' is in the load path, as are all of the standard
36 ; Guile Scheme libraries.
37 ;(scheme-directory "${HOME}/.gEDA/scheme")
40 ; Start of attribute promotion keywords
43 ; attribute-promotion string
45 ; This keyword controls if attribute promotion occurs when you instanciate a
46 ; component. Attribute promotion basically means that any floating attribute
47 ; (unattached) which is inside a symbol gets "promoted" or attached to the
48 ; newly inserted component. This only occurs when the component is
51 (attribute-promotion "enabled")
52 ;(attribute-promotion "disabled")
54 ; promote-invisible string
56 ; If attribute-promotion is enabled, then this controls if invisible floating
57 ; attributes are promoted (attached to the outside of the component) if the
58 ; text string is invisible. There are cases where it is undesirable, so the
59 ; default is disabled.
61 ;(promote-invisible "enabled")
62 (promote-invisible "disabled")
64 ; keep-invisible string
66 ; If both attribute-promotion and promote-invisible are enabled, then this
67 ; controls if invisible floating attributes are kept around in memory and
68 ; NOT deleted. Having this enabled will keeps component slotting working.
69 ; If attribute-promotion and promote-invisible are enabled and this
70 ; keyword is disabled, then component slotting will NOT work (and maybe
71 ; other functions which depend on hidden attributes, since those attributes
72 ; are deleted from memory).
74 ;(keep-invisible "disabled")
75 (keep-invisible "enabled")
77 ; always-promote-attributes
79 ; Set the list of attributes that are always promoted regardless of
80 ; their visibility. The list should be a scm list of strings. The
81 ; space separated attribute names are deprecated.
83 ;(always-promote-attributes "footprint device value model-name")
84 (always-promote-attributes '("footprint" "device" "value" "model-name"))
87 ; End of attribute promotion keywords
92 ; Enable the creation of backup files (name.sch~) when saving a schematic.
93 ; It may be useful to disable this if your schematic is under version control
94 ; as you can always recover any mistakes from the revision history.
95 ;(make-backup-files "disabled")
96 (make-backup-files "enabled")
100 ;; Load functions for handling color maps
101 (load-from-path "color-map.scm")
103 ;; Make the printing color map more user-friendly
104 (color-map-make-friendly print-color-map)
106 ;; Load up a color scheme for printing optimised for a white background.
107 ; Comment out the second line and comment in the first line for a
108 ; dark background. The dark background is the original look.
110 ;(load (build-path geda-rc-path "print-colormap-darkbg")) ; dark background
111 (primitive-load (build-path geda-rc-path "print-colormap-lightbg")) ; light background
114 ;;;; Process configuration script directory
116 ;; The directory containing any extra scheme files to load
117 (define geda-confd-path (build-path geda-data-path "gafrc.d"))
119 ;; Execute any scheme files found in the geda-confd-path directory.
120 (load-scheme-dir geda-confd-path)