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14 <a href=
"start.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a> »
<a href=
"geda-developer.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
18 <em>Translations of this page are also available in the following languages:
</em> <a href=
"geda-developer.ru.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
21 <h1 class=
"sectionedit1" id=
"developer_documentation">Developer Documentation
24 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-devel-tips.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a> : Various tips and tricks when doing gEDA development.
26 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-release_engineering.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-release_engineering.html">Release Engineering
</a> : Creating a new gEDA/gaf release.
28 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-experiences.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-experiences.html">User experiences with the gEDA suite
30 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-pcb_developer_introduction.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-pcb_developer_introduction.html">pcb development introduction
</a> : Introduction for new PCB developers.
32 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-pcb_developer_introduction_2.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-pcb_developer_introduction_2.html">pcb development introduction
2</a> : A less monolithic version of the introduction for new PCB developers.
34 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"pcb-roadmap.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"pcb-roadmap.html">pcb releases and roadmap
</a> : where pcb is going in the near future.
36 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"next_generation_developers.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a> : current gEDA-project developers.
41 <!-- EDIT1 SECTION "Developer Documentation" [153-816] -->
42 <h2 class=
"sectionedit2" id=
"source_code_repositories">Source Code Repositories
46 To clone the gEDA/gaf repository using anonymous git access:
48 <pre class=
"code">git clone git://git.geda-project.org/geda-gaf.git
51 To clone the pcb repository using anonymous git access:
53 <pre class=
"code">git clone git://git.geda-project.org/pcb.git
55 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-scm.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-scm.html"> Source Control Management
</a> : How to access the gEDA/gaf repository using git.
57 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-gaf_building_git_version.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-gaf_building_git_version.html"> Building gEDA/gaf from git
</a> : How to build the git repository version of gEDA/gaf.
59 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://git.geda-project.org/" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://git.geda-project.org/" rel=
"nofollow"> gEDA repositories web view
</a> : cgit interface to the repositories of the various projects.
64 <!-- EDIT2 SECTION "Source Code Repositories" [817-1423] -->
65 <h2 class=
"sectionedit3" id=
"bug_trackers">Bug Trackers
68 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://launchpad.net/geda/+bugs" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://launchpad.net/geda/+bugs" rel=
"nofollow"> gEDA/gaf bug tracker
</a> at Launchpad
70 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://launchpad.net/pcb/+bugs" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://launchpad.net/pcb/+bugs" rel=
"nofollow"> pcb bug tracker
</a> at Launchpad
72 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-bug_triage_guide.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-bug_triage_guide.html">Triaging bugs and feature requests
</a> (for gEDA/gaf and pcb)
74 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> gerbv bug tracker at Sourceforge:
<a href=
"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=409538&group_id=33921" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=409538&group_id=33921" rel=
"nofollow"> bugs
<a href=
"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=409540&group_id=33921" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=409540&group_id=33921" rel=
"nofollow"> patches
<a href=
"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=409541&group_id=33921" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=409541&group_id=33921" rel=
"nofollow"> feature requests
79 <!-- EDIT3 SECTION "Bug Trackers" [1424-1965] -->
80 <h2 class=
"sectionedit4" id=
"developer_mailing_list">Developer Mailing List
83 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The
</strong> mailing list is a “subscription by invitation only” list.
85 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> All discussions are public and archived. This policy will always be in effect.
87 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> All users and new developers, please subscribe to the
</strong> list to discuss any issues, as all developers hang out there too.
89 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> New developers: As you interact with the project (and the various individuals), you will be invited to join the
</strong> mailing list (
<a href=
"https://lists.launchpad.net/geda-developers/" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://lists.launchpad.net/geda-developers/" rel=
"nofollow"> archive
</a> ).
91 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://launchpad.net/~geda-admins" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://launchpad.net/~geda-admins" rel=
"nofollow"> Launchpad gEDA-project Adminstrators team
93 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://launchpad.net/~geda-developers" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://launchpad.net/~geda-developers" rel=
"nofollow"> Launchpad geda-gaf developers team
95 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://launchpad.net/~geda-bugs" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://launchpad.net/~geda-bugs" rel=
"nofollow"> Launchpad geda-gaf bug team
97 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://launchpad.net/~pcb-bugs" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://launchpad.net/~pcb-bugs" rel=
"nofollow"> Launchpad pcb bug team
102 <!-- EDIT4 SECTION "Developer Mailing List" [1966-2836] -->
103 <h3 class=
"sectionedit5" id=
"old_developer_mailing_list">Old Developer Mailing List
106 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Access:
<a href=
"http://www.seul.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geda-dev" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.seul.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geda-dev" rel=
"nofollow"> Web interface
108 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Archives:
<a href=
"http://www.seul.org/archives/geda/dev/" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.seul.org/archives/geda/dev/" rel=
"nofollow"> Monthly
</a> <a href=
"http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-dev/" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-dev/" rel=
"nofollow"> Monthly
113 <!-- EDIT5 SECTION "Old Developer Mailing List" [2837-3082] -->
114 <h2 class=
"sectionedit6" id=
"tasks_todos_and_projects">Tasks, todos and projects
117 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-todos.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a> : Lists of pending project enhancements and todos.
121 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"glue-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"glue-projects.html">Wishlist: General, “glue” projects
123 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gschem-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gschem-projects.html">Wishlist: gschem projects
125 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"pcb-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"pcb-projects.html">Wishlist: PCB projects
127 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gerbv-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gerbv-projects.html">Wishlist: gerbv projects
129 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gtkwave-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gtkwave-projects.html">Wishlist: GTKWave projects
131 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gwave-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gwave-projects.html">Wishlist: Gwave projects
135 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gsoc2007_projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gsoc2007_projects.html">List of suggested projects for Google Summer of Code
137 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gsoc2008_projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gsoc2008_projects.html">List of suggested projects for Google Summer of Code
139 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gsoc2009_projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gsoc2009_projects.html">List of suggested projects for Google Summer of Code
141 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"gsoc2010_projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gsoc2010_projects.html">List of suggested projects for Google Summer of Code
146 <!-- EDIT6 SECTION "Tasks, todos and projects" [3083-3845] -->
147 <h2 class=
"sectionedit7" id=
"work-in-progress_and_or_brainstorming">Work-in-Progress and/or Brainstorming
150 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"libgeda3.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a> : Discussion of
<abbr title=
"Application Programming Interface">API
</abbr> and design for a next generation libgeda.
152 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"libgeda3_object_based_design.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a> : Discussion of
<abbr title=
"Application Programming Interface">API
</abbr> and design for a next generation libgeda – object based design.
154 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-circuit_simulation_improvements.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-circuit_simulation_improvements.html">Circuit Simulation Improvements
</a> : Discussion on how to better integrate circuit simulations, gschem and gnetlist.
156 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-data_plotting_improvements.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-data_plotting_improvements.html">Data Plotting Improvements
</a> : Discussion on how to better plot simulation data.
158 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-design_flow_and_hierarchy_roadmap.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-design_flow_and_hierarchy_roadmap.html">Design Flow and Hierarchy Roadmap
</a> : Discussion of wants for circuit design, reusing modules in a hierarchy.
160 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-pcb_funding_sow.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-pcb_funding_sow.html"> PCB Funding SOW
</a> : An SOW specifying improvements to PCB performed within a funding program.
162 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-format_translation.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-format_translation.html">format translation
</a> : Some notes on file format translation.
164 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-gparts_tc.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-gparts_tc.html">Parts Manager
</a> : A working document for a gEDA parts manager
166 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-pcb_layers.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-pcb_layers.html">PCB layers
</a> : Goals for an improved handling of layers in PCB.
168 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-data_structure_design_discussion.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-data_structure_design_discussion.html">Discussion about data structure design
170 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-pcb_funding_sow-fwdann_ideas.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-pcb_funding_sow-fwdann_ideas.html">Forward Annotation
172 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-pcb_funding_sow-gui_ideas.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-pcb_funding_sow-gui_ideas.html">Ideas for GUI Enhancement
174 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-wip-clipboard.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-wip-clipboard.html">Clipboard Support
176 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"geda-xml_file_formats.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-xml_file_formats.html">XML file formats
181 <!-- EDIT7 SECTION "Work-in-Progress and/or Brainstorming" [3846-5107] -->
182 <h2 class=
"sectionedit8" id=
"google_summer_of_code">Google Summer of Code
186 The gEDA project has participated in the Google Summer of Code.
190 Here are archived instructions and ideas from previous years:
191 <a href=
"gsoc2007.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
<a href=
"gsoc2008.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
<a href=
"gsoc2009.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
<a href=
"gsoc2010.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
192 (gEDA did not participate in
2009 and
196 Through our experience, we have
<a href=
"best_practices.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"best_practices.html">learned a couple of things
</a> about running a successful program.
200 <!-- EDIT8 SECTION "Google Summer of Code" [5108-] --></body>