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5 <link rel=
"stylesheet" media=
"screen" type=
"text/css" href=
"./style.css" />
6 <link rel=
"stylesheet" media=
"screen" type=
"text/css" href=
"./design.css" />
7 <link rel=
"stylesheet" media=
"print" type=
"text/css" href=
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9 <meta http-equiv=
"Content-Type" content=
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14 <em>Translations of this page are also available in the following languages:
</em> <a href=
"geda-file_format_spec.ru.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
17 <h1 class=
"sectionedit1" id=
"geda_gaf_file_format_document">gEDA/gaf File Format Document
21 by: Ales V. Hvezda, ahvezda@geda.seul.org
25 This document is released under
<a href=
"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html" rel=
33 <!-- EDIT1 SECTION "gEDA/gaf File Format Document" [119-305] -->
34 <h2 class=
"sectionedit2" id=
38 This file is the official documentation for the file formats in gEDA/gaf (gschem And Friends). The primary file format used in gEDA/gaf is the schematic/symbol format. Files which end with .sch or .sym are schematics or symbol files. Until there is another file type in gEDA/gaf, then this document will only cover the symbol/schematic file format.
40 This file format document is current as of gEDA/gaf version
20040111. This document covers file format version
1 and
42 Note, this file format and any other file formats associated with gEDA are placed under the General Public License (
<abbr title=
"GNU General Public License">GPL
</abbr>) version
2.0. The gEDA/gaf symbol and schematic file format is Copyright (C)
2004 Ales Hvezda.
46 <!-- EDIT2 SECTION "Overview" [306-1020] -->
47 <h2 class=
"sectionedit3" id=
"coordinate_space">Coordinate Space
51 All coordinates are in mils (
1000 of an inch). This is an arbitrary decision. Remember in there is no concept of physical lengths/dimensions in schematics and symbols (for schematic capture only).
54 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Origin is in lower left hand corner.
56 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The size of the coordinate space is unlimited, but it is recommended that all objects stay within (
90.0) (x, y inches).
58 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> It is generally advisable to have positive x and y coordinates, however, negative coordinates work too, but not recommended.
63 The following figure shows how the coordinate space is setup:
65 <div class=
"table sectionedit4"><table class=
67 <td class=
"col0"><a href=
"media/geda/coordinatespace.jpg" class=
"media" target=
"_blank" title=
"geda:coordinatespace.jpg"><img src=
"media/geda/coordinatespace.jpg" class=
"mediaright" title=
":geda:coordinatespace.jpg " alt=
":geda:coordinatespace.jpg " /></a></td>
70 <!-- EDIT4 TABLE [1614-1673] -->
72 X axis increases going to the right. Y axis increase going up. Coordinate system is landscape and corresponds to a sheet of paper turned on its side.
76 <!-- EDIT3 SECTION "Coordinate Space" [1021-1825] -->
77 <h2 class=
"sectionedit5" id=
81 Symbols end in .sym. The only symbol filename convention that is used in gEDA/gaf is that if there are multiple instances of a symbol with the same name (like a
7400), then a -
1, -
2, -
3, … -N suffix is added to the end of the filename. Example:
83 Schematics end in .sch. There used to be a schematic filename convention (adding a -
1 .. -N to the end of the basename), but this convention is now obsolete. Schematic filenames can be anything that makes sense to the creator.
87 <!-- EDIT5 SECTION "Filenames" [1826-2362] -->
88 <h2 class=
"sectionedit6" id=
"object_types">Object types
92 A schematic/symbol file for gEDA/gaf consists of:
95 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> A version (v) as the first item in the file. This is required.
97 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Any number of objects and the correct data. Objects are specified by an “object type”
99 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Most objects are a single line, however text objects are two lines long.
101 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> No blank lines at the end of the file (these are ignored by the tools)
103 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> For all enumerated types in the gEDA/gaf file formats, the field takes on the numeric value.
108 The “object type” id is a single letter and this id must start in the first column. The object type id is case sensitive.
110 The schematic and symbol files share the same file layout. A symbol is nothing more than a collection of primitive objects (lines, boxes, circles, arcs, text, and pins). A schematic is a collection of symbols (components), nets, and buses.
112 The following sections describe the specifics of each recognized object type. Each section has the name of the object, which file type (sch/sym) the object can appear in, the format of the data, a description of each individual field, details and caveats of the fields, and finally an example with description.
114 For information on the color index (which is used in practically all objects), see the Color section.
118 <!-- EDIT6 SECTION "Object types" [2363-3635] -->
119 <h3 class=
"sectionedit7" id=
123 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
125 <strong><code>type version fileformat_version
127 <div class=
"table sectionedit8"><table class=
130 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
134 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
137 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">version of gEDA/gaf that wrote this file
140 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">gEDA/gaf file format version number
143 <!-- EDIT8 TABLE [3734-3913] --><ul>
144 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The type is a lower case “v” (as in Victor).
146 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> This object must be in every file used or created by the gEDA/gaf tools.
148 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The format of the first version field is YYYYMMDD.
150 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The version number is not an arbitrary timestamp. Do not make up a version number and expect the tools to behave properly.
152 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The “version of gEDA/gaf that wrote this file” was used in all versions of gEDA/gaf up to
20030921 as the file formats version. This field should no longer be used to determine the file format. It is used for information purposes only now.
154 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Starting at and after gEDA/gaf version
20031004, the fileformat version field is used to determine the file format version. All file format code should key off of this field.
156 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> fileformat version increases when the file format changes.
158 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The starting point for fileformat version was
1. The current fileformat is
160 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> fileformat version is just an integer with no minor number.
162 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Development versions include (but are not limited to):
20111231 </div>
164 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Stable versions include (but are not limited to):
166 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> CVS or test versions (should not be used):
168 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Keep in mind that each of the above listed versions might have had file format variations. This document only covers the last version
's file format.
175 <pre class=
20040111 1</pre>
178 <!-- EDIT7 SECTION "version" [3636-5822] -->
179 <h3 class=
"sectionedit9" id=
183 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
185 <strong><code>type x1 y1 x2 y2 color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace
187 <div class=
"table sectionedit10"><table class=
190 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
194 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
197 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First X coordinate
200 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First Y coordinate
203 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second X coordinate
206 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second Y coordinate
209 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
212 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of line
215 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Line cap style
218 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of dash style
221 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Length of dash
224 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Space inbetween dashes
227 <!-- EDIT10 TABLE [5955-6404] --><ul>
228 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The capstyle is an enumerated type:
230 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END NONE =
232 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END SQUARE =
234 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END ROUND =
238 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The dashstyle is an enumerated type:
240 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> TYPE SOLID =
242 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
244 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
246 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
248 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
252 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashlength parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID and TYPE DOTTED. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these cases.
254 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashspace parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these case.
261 <pre class=
23000 69000 28000 69000 3 40 0 1 -
1 75</pre>
264 A line segment from (
69000) to (
69000) with color index
40 mils thick, no cap, dotted line style, and with a spacing of
75 mils in between each dot.
268 <!-- EDIT9 SECTION "line" [5823-7136] -->
269 <h3 class=
"sectionedit11" id=
273 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
275 <strong><code>type x1 y1 width height angle mirrored embedded
279 [encoded picture data
281 encoded picture end]
283 <div class=
"table sectionedit12"><table class=
286 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
290 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
293 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Lower left X coordinate
296 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Lower left Y coordinate
299 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of the picture
302 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Height of the picture
305 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Angle of the picture
308 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Mirrored or normal picture
311 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Embedded or link to the picture file
314 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">path and filename of a not embedded picture
317 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
"col1">encoded picture data
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Serialized picture encoded using base64
320 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
"col1">encoded picture end
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">A line containing only a dot character
323 <!-- EDIT12 TABLE [7309-7912] --><ul>
324 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> This object is a picture object. The first line contains all the picture parameters, and the second line is the path and filename of the picture. The filename is not used if the picture is embedded.
326 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The angle of the picture can only take on one of the following values:
328 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The mirrored field is an enumerated type:
330 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
332 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> MIRRORED =
336 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The embedded field is an enumerated type:
338 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
340 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> EMBEDDED =
1 (not yet supported)
344 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The encoded picture and encoded picture end fields are only in the file if the picture is embedded in the schematic:
346 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> encoded picture data: This is a multiple line field. The picture is serialized and then encoded using base64. This way the encoded data uses only printable characters. This field is the result of these two operations.
348 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> encoded picture end : A line containing only a single dot
' character marks the end of the encoded picture data.
357 <pre class=
16900 35800 1400 2175 0 0 0
358 ../bitmaps/logo.jpg
361 A picture object with the lower left corner at (
35800). The width of the image is
1400 mils, and its height is
2175 mils. The picture rotation is
0 degrees and the picture is not mirrored, neither embedded.
363 The picture path and filename is showed in the second line.
369 <pre class=
16900 35800 1400 2175 0 0 1
376 A picture object with the lower left corner at (
35800). The width of the image is
1400 mils, and its height is
2175 mils.
378 The picture rotation is
0 degrees, it is not mirrored, and it is embedded.
380 The picture path and filename is showed in the second line. Since this is an embedded picture, the filename and path are not used.
382 The encoded picture data is only an example (it is not real data). The last line containing a single dot
' character marks the end of the encoded picture data.
386 <!-- EDIT11 SECTION "picture" [7137-9912] -->
387 <h3 class=
"sectionedit13" id=
391 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
393 <strong><code>type x y width height color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace
394 filltype fillwidth angle1 pitch1 angle2 pitch2
396 <div class=
"table sectionedit14"><table class=
399 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
403 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
406 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Lower left hand X coordinate
409 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Lower left hand Y coordinate
412 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of the box (x direction)
415 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Height of the box (y direction)
418 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
421 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of lines
424 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Line cap style
427 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of dash style
430 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Length of dash
433 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Space inbetween dashes
436 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 11 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of fill
439 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 12 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of the fill lines
442 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 13 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First angle of fill
445 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 14 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First pitch/spacing of fill
448 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 15 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second angle of fill
451 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 16 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second pitch/spacing of fill
454 <!-- EDIT14 TABLE [10096-10884] --><ul>
455 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The capstyle is an enumerated type:
457 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END NONE =
459 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END SQUARE =
461 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END ROUND =
465 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The dashstyle is an enumerated type:
467 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> TYPE SOLID =
469 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
471 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
473 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
475 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
479 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashlength parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID and TYPE DOTTED. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these cases.
481 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashspace parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these case.
483 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The filltype parameter is an enumerated type:
485 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
487 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
489 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
491 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
493 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
4 unused
497 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> If the filltype is
0 (FILLING HOLLOW), then all the fill parameters should take on a value of -
499 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The fill type FILLING FILL is a solid color fill.
501 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The two pairs of pitch and spacing control the fill or hatch if the fill type is FILLING MESH.
503 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Only the first pair of pitch and spacing are used if the fill type is FILLING HATCH.
510 <pre class=
33000 67300 2000 2000 3 60 0 2 75 50 0 -
1 -
1 -
1 -
1 -
513 A box with the lower left hand corner at (
67300) and a width and height of (
2000), color index
3, line width of
60 mils, no cap, dashed line type, dash length of
75 mils, dash spacing of
50 mils, no fill, rest parameters unset.
517 <!-- EDIT13 SECTION "box" [9913-12225] -->
518 <h3 class=
"sectionedit15" id=
522 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
524 <strong><code>type x y radius color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace
525 filltype fillwidth angle1 pitch1 angle2 pitch2
527 <div class=
"table sectionedit16"><table class=
530 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
534 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
537 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Center X coordinate
540 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Center Y coordinate
543 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Radius of the circle
546 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
549 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of circle line
552 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">0 unused
555 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of dash style
558 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Length of dash
561 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Space inbetween dashes
564 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of fill
567 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 11 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of the fill lines
570 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 12 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First angle of fill
573 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 13 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First pitch/spacing of fill
576 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 14 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second angle of fill
579 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 15 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second pitch/spacing of fill
582 <!-- EDIT16 TABLE [12406-13111] --><ul>
583 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The dashstyle is an enumerated type:
585 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> TYPE SOLID =
587 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
589 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
591 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
593 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
597 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashlength parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID and TYPE DOTTED. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these cases.
599 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashspace parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these case.
601 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The filltype parameter is an enumerated type:
603 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
605 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
607 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
609 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
611 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
4 unused
615 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> If the filltype is
0 (FILLING HOLLOW), then all the fill parameters should take on a value of -
617 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The fill type FILLING FILL is a solid color fill.
619 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The two pairs of pitch and spacing control the fill or hatch if the fill type is FILLING MESH.
621 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Only the first pair of pitch and spacing are used if the fill type is FILLING HATCH.
628 <pre class=
38000 67000 900 3 0 0 2 75 50 2 10 20 30 90 50</pre>
631 A circle with the center at (
67000) and a radius of
900 mils, color index
3, line width of
0 mils (smallest size), no cap, dashed line type, dash length of
75 mils, dash spacing of
50 mils, mesh fill,
10 mils thick mesh lines, first mesh line:
20 degrees, with a spacing of
30 mils, second mesh line:
90 degrees, with a spacing of
50 mils.
635 <!-- EDIT15 SECTION "circle" [12226-14451] -->
636 <h3 class=
"sectionedit17" id=
640 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
642 <strong><code>type x y radius startangle sweepangle color width capstyle dashstyle
643 dashlength dashspace
645 <div class=
"table sectionedit18"><table class=
648 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
652 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
655 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Center X coordinate
658 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Center Y coordinate
661 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Radius of the arc
664 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Starting angle of the arc
667 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Amount the arc sweeps
670 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
673 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of circle line
676 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Cap style
679 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of dash style
682 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Length of dash
685 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 11 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Space inbetween dashes
688 <!-- EDIT18 TABLE [14604-15127] --><ul>
689 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The startangle can be negative, but not recommended.
691 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The sweepangle can be negative, but not recommended.
693 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The capstyle is an enumerated type:
695 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END NONE =
697 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END SQUARE =
699 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END ROUND =
703 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The dashstyle is an enumerated type:
705 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> TYPE SOLID =
707 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
709 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
711 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
713 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
717 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashlength parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID and TYPE DOTTED. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these cases.
719 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashspace parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these case.
726 <pre class=
30600 75000 2000 0 45 3 0 0 3 75 50</pre>
729 An arc with the center at (
75000) and a radius of
2000 mils, a starting angle of
0, sweeping
45 degrees, color index
3, line width of
0 mils (smallest size), no cap, center line type, dash length of
75 mils, dash spacing of
50 mils.
733 <!-- EDIT17 SECTION "arc" [14452-16044] -->
734 <h3 class=
"sectionedit19" id=
"text_and_attributes">text and attributes
738 Depending on context, text objects can play different roles. Outside any environment, they represent informative lines of text. When enclosed by curly braces, they are interpreted as attributes. See the
<a href=
"geda-file_format_spec.html#attributes" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-file_format_spec.html">attributes section
742 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
744 <strong><code>type x y color size visibility show_name_value angle alignment num_lines
754 string line N
756 <div class=
"table sectionedit20"><table class=
759 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
763 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
766 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First X coordinate
769 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First Y coordinate
772 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
775 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Size of text
778 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Visibility of text
781 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Attribute visibility control
784 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Angle of the text
787 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Alignment/origin of the text
790 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Number of lines of text (
1 based)
793 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
"col1">string line
1 … N
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">The text strings, on a separate line
796 <!-- EDIT20 TABLE [16527-17046] --><ul>
797 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> This object is a multi line object. The first line contains all the text parameters and the subsequent lines are the text strings.
799 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> There must be exactly num lines of text following the T … string.
801 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The maximum length of any single text string is
1024, however there is no limit to the number of text string lines.
803 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The minimum size is
2 points (
72 of an inch).
805 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> There is no maximum size.
807 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The coordinate pair is the origin of the text item.
809 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The visibility field is an enumerated type:
811 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
813 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> VISIBLE =
817 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The show_name_value is an enumerated type:
819 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
0 (show both name and value of an attribute)
821 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> SHOW VALUE =
1 (show only the value of an attribute)
823 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> SHOW NAME =
2 (show only the name of an attribute)
827 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The show_name_value field is only valid if the string is an attribute (string has to be in the form: name=value to be considered an attribute).
829 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The angle of the text can only take on one of the following values:
270. A value of
270 will always generate upright text.
831 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The alignment/origin field controls the relative location of the origin.
833 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The alignment field can take a value from
0 to
834 The following diagram shows what the values for the alignment field mean:
839 <a href=
"media/geda/fileformat_textgraphic.jpg" class=
"media" target=
"_blank" title=
"geda:fileformat_textgraphic.jpg"><img src=
"media/geda/fileformat_textgraphic.jpg" class=
"media" alt=
"" /></a>
842 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The num_lines field always starts at
843 The num_lines field was added starting with file format version
1. Past versions (
0 or earlier) only supported single line text objects.
845 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The text strings of the string line(s) can have overbars if the text is embedded in two overbar markers
</strong>. A single backslash needs to be written as
852 <pre class=
16900 35800 3 10 1 0 0 0 1
856 A text object with the origin at (
35800), color index
10 points in size, visible, attribute
857 flags not valid (not an attribute), origin at lower left, not rotated, string: Text string!
863 <pre class=
16900 35800 3 10 1 0 0 0 5
868 Text string line
871 This is a similar text object as the above example, however here there are five lines of text.
877 <pre class=
10000 20000 3 10 1 1 8 90 1
878 pinlabel=R/\_W\_
881 A text object with the origin at (
20000), color index
10 points in size, visible, only the value of the attribute is visible, text origin at upper right, the text is rotated by
90 degree, the string: “R/W” has an overbar over the “W”.
885 <!-- EDIT19 SECTION "text and attributes" [16045-19543] -->
886 <h3 class=
"sectionedit21" id=
890 Valid in: Schematic files ONLY
892 <strong><code>type x1 y1 x2 y2 color
894 <div class=
"table sectionedit22"><table class=
897 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
901 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
904 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First X coordinate
907 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First Y coordinate
910 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second X coordinate
913 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second Y coordinate
916 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
919 <!-- EDIT22 TABLE [19623-19865] --><ul>
920 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Nets can only appear in schematic files.
922 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> You cannot have a zero length net (the tools will throw them away).
929 <pre class=
12700 29400 32900 29400 4</pre>
932 A net segment from (
29400) to (
29400) with color index
936 <!-- EDIT21 SECTION "net" [19544-20108] -->
937 <h3 class=
"sectionedit23" id=
941 Valid in: Schematic files ONLY
943 <strong><code>type x1 y1 x2 y2 color ripperdir
945 <div class=
"table sectionedit24"><table class=
948 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
952 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
955 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First X coordinate
958 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First Y coordinate
961 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second X coordinate
964 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second Y coordinate
967 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
970 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Direction of bus rippers
973 <!-- EDIT24 TABLE [20198-20487] --><ul>
974 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The ripperdir field for an brand new bus is
976 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The ripperdir field takes on a value of
1 or -
1 when a net is connected to the bus for the first time. This value indicates the direction of the ripper symbol. The ripper direction is set to the same value for the entire life of the bus object.
978 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Buses can only appear in schematic files.
980 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> You cannot have a zero length bus (the tools will throw them away).
987 <pre class=
27300 37400 27300 35300 3 0</pre>
990 A bus segment from (
37400) to (
35300) with color index
3 and no nets have been connected to this bus segment.
994 <!-- EDIT23 SECTION "bus" [20109-21085] -->
995 <h3 class=
"sectionedit25" id=
999 Valid in: Symbol files ONLY
1001 <strong><code>type x1 y1 x2 y2 color pintype whichend
1003 <div class=
"table sectionedit26"><table class=
1006 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
1010 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
1013 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First X coordinate
1016 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First Y coordinate
1019 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second X coordinate
1022 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second Y coordinate
1025 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
1028 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of pin
1031 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Specifies the active end
1034 <!-- EDIT26 TABLE [21179-21499] --><ul>
1035 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The pintype is an enumerated type:
1037 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> NORMAL PIN =
1039 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> BUS PIN =
1 unused
1043 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The whichend specifies which end point of the pin is the active connection port. Only this end point can have other pins or nets connected to it.
1045 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> To make the first end point active, whichend should be
0, else to specify the other end, whichend should be
1047 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Pins can only appear in symbol files.
1049 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Zero length pins are allowed
1056 <pre class=
0 200 200 200 1 0 0</pre>
1059 A pin from (
200) to (
200) with color index
1, a regular pin, and the first point being the active connection end.
1063 <!-- EDIT25 SECTION "pin" [21086-22094] -->
1064 <h3 class=
"sectionedit27" id=
1065 <div class=
1068 Valid in: Schematic files ONLY
1070 <strong><code>type x y selectable angle mirror basename
1072 <div class=
"table sectionedit28"><table class=
1075 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
1079 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
1082 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Origin X coordinate
1085 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Origin Y coordinate
1088 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Selectable flag
1091 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Angle of the component
1094 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Mirror around Y axis
1097 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">The filename of the component
1100 <!-- EDIT28 TABLE [22199-22513] --><ul>
1101 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The selectable field is either
1 for selectable or
0 if not selectable.
1103 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The angle field can only take on the following values:
1105 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The angle field can only be positive.
1107 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The mirror flag is
0 if the component is not mirrored (around the Y axis).
1109 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The mirror flag is
1 if the component is mirrored (around the Y axis).
1111 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The just basename is the filename of the component. This filename is not the full path.
1118 <pre class=
18600 19900 1 0 0 7400-
1121 A component who
's origin is at (
19900), is selectable, not rotated, not mirrored, and the basename of the component is
1125 <!-- EDIT27 SECTION "component" [22095-23148] -->
1126 <h3 class=
"sectionedit29" id=
1127 <div class=
1130 Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files
1132 Valid since: Fileformat version
2 (release
1134 <strong><code>type color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace filltype fillwidth angle1 pitch1 angle2 pitch2 numlines
1136 path data line
1138 path data line
1140 path data line
1144 path data line N
1146 <div class=
"table sectionedit30"><table class=
1149 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
1153 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
1156 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Color index
1159 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of line
1162 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Line cap style
1165 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 4 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of dash style
1168 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 5 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Length of dash
1171 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 6 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Space inbetween dashes
1174 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 7 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Type of fill
1177 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 8 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of the fill lines
1180 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 9 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First angle of fill
1183 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 10 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">First pitch/spacing of fill
1186 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 11 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second angle of fill
1189 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 12 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Second pitch/spacing of fill
1192 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 13 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Number of lines of path data (
1 based)
1195 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 14 </td><td class=
"col1">path data line
1 … N
</td><td class=
"col2">path data
</td><td class=
"col3">The path data, on separate lines
1198 <!-- EDIT30 TABLE [23459-24170] --><ul>
1199 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The capstyle is an enumerated type:
1201 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END NONE =
1203 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END SQUARE =
1205 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> END ROUND =
1211 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The dashstyle is an enumerated type:
1213 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> TYPE SOLID =
1215 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1217 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1219 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1221 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1225 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashlength parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID and TYPE DOTTED. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these cases.
1227 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The dashspace parameter is not used for TYPE SOLID. This parameter should take on a value of -
1 in these case.
1231 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> The filltype parameter is an enumerated type:
1233 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1235 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1237 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1239 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
1241 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
4 unused
1245 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> If the filltype is
0 (FILLING HOLLOW), then all the fill parameters should take on a value of -
1247 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The fill type FILLING FILL is a solid color fill.
1249 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The two pairs of pitch and spacing control the fill or hatch if the fill type is FILLING MESH.
1251 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Only the first pair of pitch and spacing are used if the fill type is FILLING HATCH.
1255 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The format of path data is deliberately similar to that of
<a href=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html" rel=
"nofollow">paths in the W3C SVG standard
1257 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> The subset of the SVG path syntax emitted by gEDA is documented below in section
<a href=
"geda-file_format_spec.html#path_data" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"geda-file_format_spec.html">Path Data
1259 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> As an implementation detail; libgeda takes code from librsvg, an SVG parsing library. As a result, the majority of SVG path syntax is read correctly, however this is always normalised to absolute move, line, Bézier curve and close-path commands internally (and is saved as such).
1261 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Coordinates along the path are specified in the standard gschem coordinate space.
1268 <pre class=
3 10 0 0 -
1 -
1 0 -
1 -
1 -
1 -
1 -
1 5
1276 A path starting at (
240) with lines drawn from there, and joining points (
200), (
295), (
265), closing back to its origin. It has color index
3, is
10 mils thick, no cap, solid style. There are
5 lines of path data.
1280 <!-- EDIT29 SECTION "path" [23149-26165] -->
1281 <h3 class=
"sectionedit31" id=
1282 <div class=
1285 Valid in: Special font files ONLY
1287 <strong><code>type character width flag
1289 <div class=
"table sectionedit32"><table class=
1292 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
1296 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> #
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
1299 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 1 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">The character being defined
1302 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 2 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Width of the character (mils)
1305 <td class=
"col0 rightalign"> 3 </td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Special space flag
1308 <!-- EDIT32 TABLE [26252-26446] --><ul>
1309 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> This is a special tag and should ONLY show up in font definition files.
1311 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> If the font character being defined is the space character (
32) then flag should be
1, otherwise
1318 <pre class=
11 1</pre>
1321 The above font definition is for the space character.
1325 <!-- EDIT31 SECTION "font" [26166-26714] -->
1326 <h2 class=
"sectionedit33" id=
1327 <div class=
1330 In the gEDA/gaf schematic and symbol file format colors are specified via an integer index. The relationship between integer and color is based on object type. Each object type typically has one or more colors. Here is a table of color index to object type:
1332 <div class=
"table sectionedit34"><table class=
1335 <th class=
</th><th class=
"col1">Object type
1339 <td class=
"col0">0</td><td class=
1342 <td class=
"col0">1</td><td class=
1345 <td class=
"col0">2</td><td class=
1348 <td class=
"col0">3</td><td class=
1351 <td class=
"col0">4</td><td class=
1354 <td class=
"col0">5</td><td class=
1357 <td class=
"col0">6</td><td class=
1360 <td class=
"col0">7</td><td class=
1363 <td class=
"col0">8</td><td class=
1366 <td class=
"col0">9</td><td class=
1369 <td class=
"col0">10</td><td class=
1372 <td class=
"col0">11</td><td class=
1375 <td class=
"col0">12</td><td class=
1378 <td class=
"col0">13</td><td class=
1381 <td class=
"col0">14</td><td class=
1384 <td class=
"col0">15</td><td class=
1387 <td class=
"col0">16</td><td class=
1390 <td class=
"col0">17</td><td class=
1393 <td class=
"col0">18</td><td class=
1396 <td class=
"col0">19</td><td class=
1399 <td class=
"col0">20</td><td class=
1402 <!-- EDIT34 TABLE [26993-27436] -->
1404 Some additional colors are used internally but not permitted as object colors:
1406 <div class=
"table sectionedit35"><table class=
1409 <th class=
</th><th class=
"col1">Object type
1413 <td class=
"col0">21</td><td class=
1416 <td class=
"col0">22</td><td class=
1419 <td class=
"col0">23</td><td class=
1422 <td class=
"col0">24</td><td class=
1425 <td class=
"col0">25</td><td class=
1428 <!-- EDIT35 TABLE [27518-27653] -->
1430 The actual color associated with the color index is defined on a per tool bases. Objects are typically assigned their corresponding color index, but it is permissible (sometimes) to assign other color index values to different object types.
1434 <!-- EDIT33 SECTION "Colors" [26715-27896] -->
1435 <h2 class=
"sectionedit36" id=
1436 <div class=
1439 Attributes are enclosed in braces {} and can only be text. Attributes are text items which take on the form name=value. If it doesn
't have name=value, it
's not an attribute. Attributes are attached to the previous object. Here
's an example:
1441 <pre class=
300 700 0 700 1 0 1
1443 T
200 750 5 8 1 1 0 6 1
1445 T
200 650 5 8 0 1 0 8 1
1450 The object is a pin which has an attribute pinnumber=
3 and pinseq=
3 (name=value). You can have multiple text objects (both the T … and text string are required) in between the braces {}. As of
20021103, you can only attached text items as attributes. Attaching other object types as attributes is unsupported.
1452 You can also have “toplevel” attributes. These attributes are not attached to any object, but instead are just text objects that take on the form name=value.
1454 These attributes are useful when you need to convey some info about a schematic page or symbol and need the netlister to have access to this info.
1458 <!-- EDIT36 SECTION "Attributes" [27897-28893] -->
1459 <h2 class=
"sectionedit37" id=
"embedded_components">Embedded Components
1460 <div class=
1463 Embedded components are components which have all of their definition stored within the schematic file. When a users place a component onto a schematic page, they have the option of making the component embedded. Other than storing all the symbol information inside of the schematic, an embedded component is just any other component. Embedded components are defined as:
1465 <pre class=
18600 21500 1 0 0 EMBEDDED555-
1468 ... Embedded primitive objects
1473 In the example above,
</strong> is the component. The EMBEDDED tag and the [ ] are the distinguishing characteristics of embedded components.
</strong> must exist in one of the specified component-libraries if you want to unembed the component.
1477 <!-- EDIT37 SECTION "Embedded Components" [28894-29658] -->
1478 <h2 class=
"sectionedit38" id=
"path_data">Path data
1479 <div class=
1482 The gEDA/gaf path data format has been deliberately specified to match a subset of
<a href=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html" rel=
"nofollow">that in the W3C SVG standard.
1485 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> As an implementation detail; libgeda takes code from librsvg, an SVG parsing library. As a result, the majority of SVG path syntax is read correctly, however this is always normalised to absolute move, line, Bézier curve and close-path commands internally (and is saved as such).
1487 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Coordinates along the path are specified in the standard gschem coordinate space.
1489 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Those path commands which gEDA emits, and will guarantee to parse, are listed in the table below:
1490 (Text taken from the above SVG specification).
1492 <li class=
"level1 node"><div class=
"li"> In the table below, the following notation is used:
1494 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> (): grouping of parameters
1496 <li class=
"level2"><div class=
"li"> +:
1 or more of the given parameter(s) is required
1501 <div class=
"table sectionedit39"><table class=
1504 <th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
</th><th class=
1508 <td class=
"col0">M (absolute)
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Start a new sub-path at the given (x,y) coordinate. M (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; m (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. If a relative moveto (m) appears as the first element of the path, then it is treated as a pair of absolute coordinates. If a moveto is followed by multiple pairs of coordinates, the subsequent pairs are treated as implicit lineto commands.
1511 <td class=
"col0">L (absolute)
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Draw a line from the current point to the given (x,y) coordinate which becomes the new current point. L (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; l (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. A number of coordinates pairs may be specified to draw a polyline. At the end of the command, the new current point is set to the final set of coordinates provided.
1514 <td class=
"col0">C (absolute)
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col2">(x1,y1 x2,y2 x,y)+
</td><td class=
"col3">Draws a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve. C (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; c (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. Multiple sets of coordinates may be specified to draw a polybézier. At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybézier.
1517 <td class=
"col0">Z or z
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
</td><td class=
"col3">Close the current subpath by drawing a straight line from the current point to current subpath
's initial point.
1520 <!-- EDIT39 TABLE [30506-32085] --><ul>
1521 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> gEDA
's output currently emits only the absolute coordinate versions of the above commands.
1523 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> gEDA
's output currently emits the commands, M, L, C before every set of coordinates, even where they could be omitted according to the SVG specification.
1525 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> gEDA
's output places commas between x,y coordinates. These may be replaced with whitespace according to the SVG specification.
1527 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> gEDA
's does not currently support more than one sub-path.
1529 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> gEDA currently emits one path data line per command + coordinate set.
1534 As example, lets draw the outline of an AND gate. The path data is:
1536 <pre class=
100 L
100 C
100 800,
275 800,
1537 C
525 700,
700 500,
700 L
700 z
1540 And a complete schematic:
1542 <pre class=
20080706 1
1543 H
3 0 0 0 -
1 -
1 0 2 20 100 -
1 -
1 6
1546 C
100 800,
275 800,
1547 C
525 700,
700 500,
1552 The resulting path (with control points drawn on to illustrate their positions) is shown here:
1556 <a href=
"media/geda/path_example_and_gate-smaller.png" class=
"media" target=
"_blank" title=
"geda:path_example_and_gate-smaller.png"><img src=
"media/geda/path_example_and_gate-smaller.png" class=
"media" title=
"" alt=
"" /></a>
1560 <!-- EDIT38 SECTION "Path data" [29659-33088] -->
1561 <h2 class=
"sectionedit40" id=
"document_revision_history">Document Revision History
1562 <div class=
1563 <div class=
"table sectionedit41"><table class=
1565 <td class=
2002</td><td class=
"col1">Created fleformats.tex from fleformats.html.
1568 <td class=
2002</td><td class=
"col1">Continued work on this document.
1571 <td class=
2003</td><td class=
"col1">Added new file format version flag info.
1574 <td class=
2003</td><td class=
"col1">Added num lines text field.
1577 <td class=
2008</td><td class=
"col1">Added path object, bumping file format version to
1580 <td class=
2011</td><td class=
"col1">Added a column for the position of parameters in the tables
1583 <!-- EDIT41 TABLE [33127-33507] -->
1585 <!-- EDIT40 SECTION "Document Revision History" [33089-] --></body>