missing NULL terminator in set_config_x
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13 <h1 class="sectionedit1" id="getting_started_with_xorn">Getting started with Xorn</h1>
14 <div class="level1">
16 <p>
17 1. First, make sure that you have the latest version of gEDA/gaf installed (version 1.10.0 or later). When invoking the Python interpreter directly from a non-standard prefix, you have to add the correct PYTHONPATH (see below): either the subdirectory <code>built-packages</code> in the build tree, or the appropriate <code>site-packages</code> directory in the installation.
18 </p>
20 <p>
21 2. <em>(no longer applicable)</em>
22 </p>
24 </div>
25 <!-- EDIT1 SECTION "Getting started with Xorn" [1-432] -->
26 <h2 class="sectionedit2" id="xorn_as_a_command-line_utility">Xorn as a command-line utility</h2>
27 <div class="level2">
29 <p>
30 3a. Invoke the “<code>xorn</code>” executable with the option “<code>--help</code>” to see a list of subcommands:
31 </p>
32 <pre class="code"> xorn/src/command/xorn --help</pre>
34 <p>
35 (or “<code>src/command/xorn --help</code>” if you downloaded the Xorn tarball, or just “<code>xorn --help</code>” if you installed Xorn to your <code>PATH</code>)
36 </p>
38 <p>
39 3b. Run the subcommand “<code>xorn netlist</code>” with the options “<code>--help</code>” and “<code>--list-backends</code>” to print a list of options and available backends.
40 </p>
41 <pre class="code"> xorn/src/command/xorn netlist --help
42 xorn/src/command/xorn netlist --list-backends</pre>
44 <p>
45 3c. Process a schematic with “<code>xorn netlist</code>” (using the “<code>PCB</code>” backend as an example):
46 </p>
47 <pre class="code"> xorn/src/command/xorn netlist \
48 --symbol-library-search=/usr/share/gEDA/sym \
49 -g PCB some-schematic.sch</pre>
51 </div>
52 <!-- EDIT2 SECTION "Xorn as a command-line utility" [433-1221] -->
53 <h2 class="sectionedit3" id="interacting_with_xorn_in_a_c_program">Interacting with Xorn in a C program</h2>
54 <div class="level2">
56 <p>
57 4. Write a C program using libxornstorage and link it against the library:
58 </p>
59 <pre class="code"> $ cat &gt; example.c
60 #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
61 #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
62 #include &lt;string.h&gt;
63 #include &lt;xornstorage.h&gt;
65 int main()
67 xorn_revision_t rev;
68 xorn_object_t net_ob;
69 struct xornsch_net net_data;
70 xorn_object_t *objects;
71 size_t count;
73 rev = xorn_new_revision(NULL);
75 memset(&amp;net_data, 0, sizeof net_data);
76 net_data.pos.x = 0;
77 net_data.pos.y = 200;
78 net_data.size.x = 100;
79 net_data.size.y = 0;
80 net_data.color = 4;
81 net_ob = xornsch_add_net(rev, &amp;net_data);
83 xorn_finalize_revision(rev);
85 xorn_get_objects(rev, &amp;objects, &amp;count);
86 printf(&quot;%d object(s) found\n&quot;, count);
87 free(objects);
89 xorn_free_revision(rev);
90 return 0;
93 $ gcc -I xorn/include -c example.c
94 $ ./libtool --mode=link gcc -o example \
95 example.o xorn/src/storage/libxornstorage.la
96 $ ./example
97 1 object(s)</pre>
99 <p>
100 If you are using a separate build directory, replace “<code>-I xorn/include</code>” with the path to the subdirectory “<code>xorn/include</code>” in the source directory.
101 </p>
104 For more information, see the <a href="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/xornstorage_8h.html" class="urlextern" title="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/xornstorage_8h.html" rel="nofollow">libxornstorage API documentation</a> (<a href="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/storage.html" class="urlextern" title="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/storage.html" rel="nofollow">overview</a>).
105 </p>
107 </div>
108 <!-- EDIT3 SECTION "Interacting with Xorn in a C program" [1222-2685] -->
109 <h2 class="sectionedit4" id="using_xorn_as_a_library">Using Xorn as a library</h2>
110 <div class="level2">
113 5. Run the Python 2.7 interpreter with the subdirectory “<code>xorn/built-packages</code>” added to the environment variable “<code>PYTHONPATH</code>”.
114 </p>
115 <pre class="code"> $ PYTHONPATH=xorn/built-packages python2.7
116 Python 2.7.9 (default, Mar 1 2015, 18:22:53)
117 [GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
118 Type &quot;help&quot;, &quot;copyright&quot;, &quot;credits&quot; or &quot;license&quot; for more information.
119 &gt;&gt;&gt;</pre>
122 Import the module “<code>xorn.storage</code>” and experiment a bit with the <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr>. Here is how to perform the operations equivalent to the C program above:
123 </p>
124 <pre class="code"> &gt;&gt;&gt; import xorn.storage
125 &gt;&gt;&gt; rev = xorn.storage.Revision()
126 &gt;&gt;&gt; net_data = xorn.storage.Net(
127 x = 0, y = 200, width = 100, height = 0, color = 4)
128 &gt;&gt;&gt; net_ob = rev.add_object(net_data)
129 &gt;&gt;&gt; rev.finalize()
130 &gt;&gt;&gt; rev.get_objects()
131 [&lt;xorn.storage.Object object at ...&gt;]</pre>
134 Import the module “<code>xorn.geda.read</code>” and load a schematic or symbol file:
135 </p>
136 <pre class="code"> &gt;&gt;&gt; import xorn.geda.read
137 &gt;&gt;&gt; rev = xorn.geda.read.read(
138 &#039;/usr/share/gEDA/sym/analog/resistor-1.sym&#039;)
139 &gt;&gt;&gt; for ob in rev.toplevel_objects():
140 ... data = ob.data()
141 ... if isinstance(data, xorn.storage.Text):
142 ... print data.text
144 device=RESISTOR
145 refdes=R?
146 pins=2
147 class=DISCRETE</pre>
150 For more information, see the <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr> documentation of <a href="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/namespacexorn_1_1storage.html" class="urlextern" title="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/namespacexorn_1_1storage.html" rel="nofollow">xorn.storage</a> and <a href="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/namespacexorn_1_1geda.html" class="urlextern" title="http://hedmen.org/xorn/doc/api/html/namespacexorn_1_1geda.html" rel="nofollow">xorn.geda</a>.
151 </p>
154 6. Write and execute a Python program which uses the <code>xorn</code> package:
155 </p>
156 <pre class="code"> $ cat &gt; print-attributes.py
157 #!/usr/bin/env python2
158 import sys
159 import xorn.storage
160 import xorn.geda.read
162 rev = xorn.geda.read.read(sys.argv[1])
163 for ob in rev.toplevel_objects():
164 data = ob.data()
165 if isinstance(data, xorn.storage.Text):
166 print data.text
168 $ chmod +x print-attributes.py
169 $ PYTHONPATH=xorn/built-packages ./print-attributes.py \
170 /usr/share/gEDA/sym/analog/resistor-1.sym
171 device=RESISTOR
172 refdes=R?
173 pins=2
174 class=DISCRETE</pre>
176 </div>
177 <!-- EDIT4 SECTION "Using Xorn as a library" [2686-4757] -->
178 <h2 class="sectionedit5" id="writing_custom_netlist_backends">Writing custom netlist backends</h2>
179 <div class="level2">
182 7. Invoke “<code>xorn netlist</code>” on your schematic as above, but instead of specifying a netlist backend, use the option “<code>-i</code>”:
183 </p>
184 <pre class="code"> $ xorn/src/command/xorn netlist \
185 --symbol-library-search=/usr/share/gEDA/sym \
186 -i some-schematic.sch
187 Python 2.7.9 (default, Mar 1 2015, 18:22:53)
188 [GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
189 Type &quot;help&quot;, &quot;copyright&quot;, &quot;credits&quot; or &quot;license&quot; for more information.
190 (InteractiveConsole)
191 &gt;&gt;&gt;</pre>
194 This option causes “<code>xorn netlist</code>” to enter interactive mode. You are now in an interactive Python interpreter session, just like above, but have the additional global variable “<code>netlist</code>” available which contains the netlist&#039;s contents.
195 </p>
196 <pre class="code"> &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist
197 &lt;xorn.geda.netlist.netlist.Netlist instance at ...&gt;
198 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets
199 [&lt;xorn.geda.netlist.net.Net instance at ...&gt;, ...]
200 &gt;&gt;&gt; [net.name for net in netlist.nets]
201 [..., &#039;GND&#039;, ...]
202 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets_by_name[&#039;GND&#039;]
203 &lt;xorn.geda.netlist.net.Net instance at ...&gt;
204 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets_by_name[&#039;GND&#039;].name
205 &#039;GND&#039;
206 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets_by_name[&#039;GND&#039;].connections
207 [&lt;xorn.geda.netlist.package.PackagePin instance at ...&gt;, ...]
208 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets_by_name[&#039;GND&#039;].connections[0].package
209 &lt;xorn.geda.netlist.package.Package instance at ...&gt;
210 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets_by_name[&#039;GND&#039;].connections[0].package.refdes
211 &#039;U100&#039;
212 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.nets_by_name[&#039;GND&#039;].connections[0].number
213 &#039;7&#039;
215 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages
216 [&lt;xorn.geda.netlist.package.Package instance at ...&gt;]
217 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages_by_refdes
218 {..., &#039;U100&#039;: &lt;xorn.geda.netlist.package.Package instance at ...&gt;, ...}
219 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages_by_refdes[&#039;U100&#039;].get_attribute(&#039;device&#039;)
221 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages_by_refdes[&#039;U100&#039;].pins
222 [&lt;xorn.geda.netlist.package.PackagePin instance at ...&gt;, ...]
223 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages_by_refdes[&#039;U100&#039;].pins_by_number
224 {..., &#039;7&#039;: &lt;xorn.geda.netlist.package.PackagePin instance at ...&gt;, ...}
225 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages_by_refdes[&#039;U100&#039;].pins_by_number[&#039;7&#039;].net
226 &lt;xorn.geda.netlist.net.Net instance at ...&gt;
227 &gt;&gt;&gt; netlist.packages_by_refdes[&#039;U100&#039;].pins_by_number[&#039;7&#039;].net.name
228 &#039;GND&#039;</pre>
231 8. Write a Python module whose name starts with “<code>gnet_</code>” and which contains a function “<code>run(f, netlist)</code>”. Use this module as a netlist backend:
232 </p>
233 <pre class="code"> $ cat &gt; gnet_count.py
234 def run(f, netlist):
235 f.write(&quot;%d packages found\n&quot; % len(netlist.packages))
236 f.write(&quot;%d nets found\n&quot; % len(netlist.nets))
238 $ xorn/src/command/xorn netlist \
239 --symbol-library-search=/usr/share/gEDA/sym \
240 -L . -g count some-schematic.sch
241 1 packages found
242 4 nets found</pre>
244 </div>
245 <!-- EDIT5 SECTION "Writing custom netlist backends" [4758-] --></body>
246 </html>