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13 <h1 class=
"sectionedit1" id=
"footprint_generators_importers_for_pcb">Footprint generators/importers for PCB
16 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Darrell Harmon
's Footgen:
<a href=
"http://dlharmon.com/geda/footgen.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://dlharmon.com/geda/footgen.html" rel=
18 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> DJ Delorie
's Dual Pad Generator:
<a href=
"http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/dj_delorie/tools/2pad.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/dj_delorie/tools/2pad.html" rel=
20 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> DJ Delorie
's DIL Pad Generator:
<a href=
"http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/dj_delorie/tools/dilpad.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/dj_delorie/tools/dilpad.html" rel=
22 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Stefan Salewski
's Footprint Generator:
<a href=
"http://www.ssalewski.de/SFG.html.en" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.ssalewski.de/SFG.html.en" rel=
24 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Edward Hennessy
's Footprint Generator:
<a href=
"http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/edward_hennessy/gfootgen.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/edward_hennessy/gfootgen.html" rel=
26 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/WilkinsonPowerDividerFootprintGenerator" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/WilkinsonPowerDividerFootprintGenerator" rel=
"nofollow">Wilkinson Power Divider Footprint Generator
</a> by Erich Heinzle
28 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/HybridRingCouplerFootprintGenerator" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/HybridRingCouplerFootprintGenerator" rel=
"nofollow">Hybrid Ring Coupler Footprint Generator
</a> by Erich Heinzle
30 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/SpiralInductorFootprintGenerator" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/SpiralInductorFootprintGenerator" rel=
"nofollow">Spiral Inductor Footprint Generator
</a> by Erich Heinzle
32 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/KicadModuleToGEDA" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/KicadModuleToGEDA" rel=
"nofollow"> Kicad module (footprint) importer
</a> by Erich Heinzle
34 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Karl Hammar
<a href=
"http://turkos.aspodata.se/git/openhw/share/pcb/gen.pl" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://turkos.aspodata.se/git/openhw/share/pcb/gen.pl" rel=
"nofollow"> footprint generator
</a> written in Perl
36 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Roland Lutz
' <a href=
"https://github.com/rlutz/arthropods" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://github.com/rlutz/arthropods" rel=
"nofollow">footprint generator for connectors and through-hole ICs
38 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Igor2
's parametric footprint generator (sources at svn://repo.hu/pcb-rnd/trunk/pcblib-param) and its on-line web
<a href=
"http://igor2.repo.hu/cgi-bin/pcblib-param.cgi" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://igor2.repo.hu/cgi-bin/pcblib-param.cgi" rel=
"nofollow">test/preview/download page
40 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/BXL2text" class=
"urlextern" title=
"https://github.com/erichVK5/BXL2text" rel=
</a> – BXL → gEDA symbol / PCB footprint converter by
<em>Erich Heinzle
</em>, users with vendor supplied BXL files are encouraged to try it.
42 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> John Luciani
<a href=
"http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/Pcb_9.pm" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/Pcb_9.pm" rel=
"nofollow"> Pcb_9
</a> perl module with
<a href=
"http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/Pcb-screen.pdf" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/Pcb-screen.pdf" rel=
"nofollow"> documentation
44 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> Britton Kerin
<a href=
"http://brittonkerin.com/Pcb_9_Plus.pm" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://brittonkerin.com/Pcb_9_Plus.pm" rel=
"nofollow"> extension to Pcb_9
</a> adding text silk notes, mounting holes, round pads and marks (
<a href=
"http://brittonkerin.com/Pcb_9_Plus.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://brittonkerin.com/Pcb_9_Plus.html" rel=
"nofollow"> documentation