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13 <h1 class=
"sectionedit1" id=
17 <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki%3Adokuwiki" class=
"media" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki%3Adokuwiki"><img src=
"media/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" class=
"medialeft" alt=
"" /></a> DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source
<a href=
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki" class=
"interwiki iw_wp" title=
</a> software that doesn
't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable
<a href=
"wiki-syntax.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
</a>. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator
's favorite. Built in
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/acl" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/acl">access controls
</a> and
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/auth" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/auth">authentication connectors
</a> make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
</a> contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.
21 Read the
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual">DokuWiki Manual
</a> to unleash the full power of DokuWiki.
25 <!-- EDIT1 SECTION "DokuWiki" [1-704] -->
26 <h2 class=
"sectionedit2" id=
30 DokuWiki is available at
<a href=
"http://download.dokuwiki.org/" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://download.dokuwiki.org/" rel=
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35 <h2 class=
"sectionedit3" id=
"read_more">Read More
39 All documentation and additional information besides the
<a href=
"wiki-syntax.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"wiki-syntax.html">syntax description
</a> is maintained in the DokuWiki at
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
43 <strong>About DokuWiki
46 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/features" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/features">A feature list
</a> <img src=
"images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif" align=
"middle" alt=
":!:" /></div>
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"level1"><div class=
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"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/users">Happy Users
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"https://www.dokuwiki.org/press" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/press">Who wrote about it
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"level1"><div class=
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"https://www.dokuwiki.org/blogroll" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/blogroll">What Bloggers think
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"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://www.wikimatrix.org/show/DokuWiki" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.wikimatrix.org/show/DokuWiki" rel=
"nofollow">Compare it with other wiki software
59 <strong>Installing DokuWiki
62 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/requirements" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/requirements">System Requirements
64 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://download.dokuwiki.org/" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://download.dokuwiki.org/" rel=
"nofollow">Download DokuWiki
</a> <img src=
"images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif" align=
"middle" alt=
":!:" /></div>
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"level1"><div class=
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"https://www.dokuwiki.org/changes" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/changes">Change Log
68 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/Install" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/Install">How to install or upgrade
</a> <img src=
"images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif" align=
"middle" alt=
":!:" /></div>
70 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/config" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
75 <strong>Using DokuWiki
78 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/syntax" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/syntax">Wiki Syntax
80 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/manual">The manual
</a> <img src=
"images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif" align=
"middle" alt=
":!:" /></div>
82 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/FAQ" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
84 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/glossary" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
86 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://search.dokuwiki.org" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://search.dokuwiki.org" rel=
"nofollow">Search for DokuWiki help and documentation
91 <strong>Customizing DokuWiki
94 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/tips" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/tips">Tips and Tricks
96 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/Template" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/Template">How to create and use templates
98 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugins">Installing plugins
100 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/development" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/development">Development Resources
105 <strong>DokuWiki Feedback and Community
108 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
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"https://www.dokuwiki.org/newsletter" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/newsletter">Subscribe to the newsletter
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"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/mailinglist">Join the mailing list
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"level1"><div class=
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"http://forum.dokuwiki.org" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://forum.dokuwiki.org" rel=
"nofollow">Check out the user forum
114 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/irc" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/irc">Talk to other users in the IRC channel
116 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
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"https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki/issues" rel=
"nofollow">Submit bugs and feature wishes
118 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"http://www.wikimatrix.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=10" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.wikimatrix.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=10" rel=
"nofollow">Share your experiences in the WikiMatrix forum
120 <li class=
"level1"><div class=
"li"> <a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/thanks" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/thanks">Some humble thanks
125 <!-- EDIT3 SECTION "Read More" [784-2398] -->
126 <h2 class=
"sectionedit4" id=
130 2004-
2015 © Andreas Gohr
<a href=
"mailto:andi@splitbrain.org" class=
"mail" title=
"andi@splitbrain.org">andi@splitbrain.org</a><sup><a href=
"#fn__3" id=
"fnt__3" class=
</a></sup> and the DokuWiki Community
134 The DokuWiki engine is licensed under
<a href=
"http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" class=
"urlextern" title=
"http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" rel=
"nofollow">GNU General Public License
</a> Version
2. If you use DokuWiki in your company, consider
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/donate" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
</a> a few bucks
<img src=
"images/smileys/icon_wink.gif" align=
"middle" alt=
";-)" />.
138 Not sure what this means? See the
<a href=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/faq%3Alicense" class=
"interwiki iw_doku" title=
"https://www.dokuwiki.org/faq%3Alicense">FAQ on the Licenses
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