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12 <a href=.>start</a>&nbsp;=>&nbsp;<a href=geda-gschem_ug.html>gschem_ug</a></br>
13 <div class="table sectionedit1"><table class="inline">
14 <tr class="row0">
15 <td class="col0 leftalign"> &lt;&lt; <a href="geda-gschem_ug-moving_copying.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-moving_copying.html">Moving and copying</a> </td><td class="col1 centeralign"> <strong><a href="geda-gschem_ug.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug.html">gEDA gschem User Guide</a></strong> </td><td class="col2 rightalign"> <a href="geda-gschem_ug-pins_nets_buses.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-pins_nets_buses.html">Pins, nets and buses</a> &gt;&gt; </td>
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19 <h2 id="components">Components</h2>
20 <div class="level2">
22 <p>
23 A <em>component</em> in a schematic is an instance of a symbol from a <em>symbol library</em>. They can represent subcircuits to be included in the design, or discrete parts or devices to be used.
24 </p>
26 <p>
27 To add a component to a schematic page, press <kbd>I</kbd> or select <strong>Add→Component...</strong> to bring up the &quot;Select Component...&quot; window. The window has three main areas:
28 </p>
29 <ul>
30 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> The <em>library area</em> is on the left side of the window, and allows you to choose a symbol to place on the schematic page.</div>
31 </li>
32 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> The <em>preview area</em> is on the right side of the window. This shows a picture of the chosen symbol, and its <a href="geda-gschem_ug-attributes.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-attributes.html">attributes</a>.</div>
33 </li>
34 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> The <em>insertion mode menu</em> at the bottom of the window controls how components are inserted.</div>
35 </li>
36 </ul>
37 <div class="noteimportant">Components should only be added to schematics, and not to symbols.
39 </div>
40 </div>
42 <h3 id="selectingacomponentyouhavealreadyused">Selecting a component you have already used</h3>
43 <div class="level3">
45 <p>
46 By switching to the <strong>In Use</strong> tab of the component selector, you can view a list of the symbols that have already been used in the schematic. To select a symbol from the list, left-click on it.
47 </p>
49 <p>
50 If the list needs to be updated, click the <strong>Refresh</strong> button at the bottom of the &quot;In Use&quot; page.
51 </p>
53 </div>
55 <h3 id="selectingacomponentfromasymbollibrary">Selecting a component from a symbol library</h3>
56 <div class="level3">
57 <div class="notetip">See <a href="geda-gschem_ug-config.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-config.html">Configuring gschem</a> for information on controlling which symbol libraries appear in the component selector.
58 </div>
59 <p>
60 To select a symbol from a symbol library, switch to the <strong>Libraries</strong> tab of the component selector. This shows a list of available libraries. To view the symbols in a library, double-click on the library&#039;s name, or left-click the arrow next to it. To select a symbol from the list, left-click on it.
61 </p>
63 <p>
64 Alternatively, you can search all available symbols by typing into the <strong>Filter</strong> box at the bottom of the <strong>Libraries</strong> page.
65 </p>
67 <p>
68 The list of libraries and symbols may need to be updated (for example, if you modified a symbol library while gschem was running). To update it, click the <strong>Refresh</strong> button at the bottom of the <strong>Libraries</strong> page.
69 </p>
71 </div>
73 <h3 id="placingacomponent">Placing a component</h3>
74 <div class="level3">
76 <p>
77 When you have selected a component, left-click in the schematic view area of the <a href="geda-gschem_ug-main_window.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-main_window.html">main window</a> to add it to the page. You can continue to click to place copies of the same component, or right-click to finish placing.
78 </p>
80 <p>
81 To hide the &quot;Select Component...&quot; window while you place components, click <strong>OK</strong>. When you right-click to finish placing components, the window will re-appear.
82 </p>
84 </div>
86 <h3 id="symbolinsertionmodesandembedding">Symbol insertion modes and embedding</h3>
87 <div class="level3">
89 <p>
90 There are three ways that gschem can insert a symbol into a schematic:
91 </p>
92 <ol>
93 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> As a component linked to a symbol in the symbol library (<strong>Default behavior - reference component</strong>). This is the default method, which ensures that when you update a library symbol, all the places it was used are updated too.</div>
94 </li>
95 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> As a component with the symbol data copied into the schematic (<strong>Embed component in schematic</strong>). If you <em>embed</em> the symbol, it is easier to share your schematic with other users without having to set up the same symbol libraries.</div>
96 </li>
97 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> As individual objects obtained by breaking the symbol apart (<strong>Include component as individual objects</strong>).</div>
98 </li>
99 </ol>
102 You can make a linked component embedded by selecting it and using <strong>Edit→Embed Component/Picture</strong>. To make an embedded component linked, use <strong>Edit→Unembed Component/Picture</strong>.
103 </p>
104 <div class="noteclassic">If an embedded component cannot be matched up with a symbol from the available symbol libraries, <strong>Edit→Unembed Component/Picture</strong> will not modify it.
105 </div>
107 If you wish to update an embedded component after making changes to the original symbol file in the library, use <strong>Edit→Update Component</strong>.
108 </p>
110 </div>
112 <h3 id="editingsymbols">Editing symbols</h3>
113 <div class="level3">
116 To edit a component&#039;s symbol file, select the component and use <strong>Hierarchy→Down Symbol</strong>. gschem will open and display the symbol page for editing. When you are finished editing, save the file and use <strong>Hierarchy→Up</strong> to return to the schematic. You may need to use <strong>Edit→Update Component</strong> for your changes to be reflected in the schematic view.
117 </p>
119 </div>
121 <h3 id="missingsymbols">Missing symbols</h3>
122 <div class="level3">
125 If, when <a href="geda-gschem_ug-schematic_pages.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-schematic_pages.html">loading a schematic</a>, one of the symbols it needs cannot be found in the available symbol libraries, a warning graphic will be displayed in its place.
126 </p>
128 </div>
130 <h3 id="viewingcomponentdocumentation">Viewing component documentation</h3>
131 <div class="level3">
132 <div class="notetip">When designing symbols, specify the location of component documentation using a <a href="geda-master_attributes_list.html#documentation" class="wikilink1" title="geda-master_attributes_list.html">documentation attribute</a>. See also <a href="geda-gschem_ug-attributes.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-attributes.html">Attributes</a>.
133 </div>
135 A component may have a datasheet or other documentation associated with it. To view a component&#039;s documentation, <a href="geda-gschem_ug-selecting.html" class="wikilink1" title="geda-gschem_ug-selecting.html">select it</a> and use <strong>Help→Component Documentation</strong>.
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