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13 <h3 id=
"gedagsoc2010projectideas">gEDA GSoC
2010 Project Ideas
17 This page contains various ideas for projects, organized by the tool. You can use these as fodder for creating your application to Google. Also, if you have your own idea, feel free to share it with the gEDA developers -- they might like it more than any project on this list!
22 <h3 id=
" and related gaf projects
26 Projects that make the tools work together are on
<a href=
"glue-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"glue-projects.html"> this webpage
31 <h3 id=
"gschemschematiccapturetool">Gschem schematic capture tool
35 Project ideas for Gschem are on
<a href=
"gschem-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gschem-projects.html"> this webpage
40 <h3 id=
"pcblayouteditor">PCB Layout Editor
44 Project ideas for PCB are on
<a href=
"pcb-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"pcb-projects.html"> this webpage
49 <h3 id=
"gnucapcircuitsimulationanalysisprogram">Gnucap circuit simulation/analysis program
53 Project ideas for Gnucap are on this webpage
58 <h3 id=
"gerbvgerberviewer">Gerbv Gerber viewer
62 Project ideas for gerbv are on
<a href=
"gerbv-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gerbv-projects.html"> this webpage
67 <h3 id=
"gwaveanalogwaveformviewer">Gwave analog waveform viewer
71 Project ideas for gwave are on
<a href=
"gwave-projects.html" class=
"wikilink1" title=
"gwave-projects.html"> this webpage