1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
5 olib_SOURCES = olib.l geda_sym_format.h
8 dist_noinst_MANS = olib.1
10 EXTRA_DIST = olib.1 olib.1.in README.olib
14 d=`$(GUILE) -c '(setlocale LC_ALL "C") \
15 (display (strftime "%B %-d, %Y" \
16 (car (strptime "%Y%m%d" (cadr (program-arguments))))))' $(DATE_VERSION)` ; \
18 y=`echo $(DATE_VERSION)| sed -e"s/\(....\).*/\1/"`; \
19 sed -e"s:[@]DATE@:$$d:" -e"s:[@]VERSION@:$$v:" -e"s:[@]YEAR@:$$y:" < $< > $@
23 MOSTLYCLEANFILES = *.log *.ps core FILE *~ olib.c
24 CLEANFILES = *.log *.ps core FILE *~ olib.c
25 DISTCLEANFILES = *.log core FILE *~ olib.c
26 MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = *.log *.ps core FILE *~ Makefile.in olib.c olib.1