gschem: added function to get the pointer from the drawing area
[geda-gaf/werner.git] / symbols / AUTHORS
1 gEDA
3 GPL Electronic Design Automation
4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 Ales V. Hvezda
7 E-mail:
8 Web:
11 Many thanks to the following individuals who contributed code/other stuff:
13 Stefan Petersen         - For contributing the following symbols:
15                                 crystal-1.sym resistor-2.sym 
16                                 mt8870-1.sym vdd-2.sym
18                           Pointing out some bugs in the io symbols
20 Ron Van Dam             - Contributed (10) 74x symbols
21                                 74123-1.sym 74138-1.sym 74139-1.sym
22                                 74151-1.sym 74153-1.sym 74154-1.sym
23                                 74161-1.sym 74164-1.sym 74245-1.sym
24                                 74574-1.sym
26                           Contributed a bunch of CPU and EPROM symbols
27                                 27256-1.sym, 62256-1.sym, 8088-1.sym, 
28                                 8255A-1.sym, 27512-1.sym, 8086-1.sym, 
29                                 8254-1.sym, 8259A-1.sym
31 Stephen Tell            - Contributed zener-1.sym and diode-1.sym (minor
32                           changes by Ales)
34 Arno Peters             - For contributing a bunch of analog/network symbols
35                                 coil-1.sym, nmos-1.sym, nmos-2.sym, npn-1.sym
36                                 npn-2.sym, opamp-1.sym, pmos-1.sym, pmos-2.sym
37                                 pnp-1.sym, pnp-2.sym, coil-1.sym, coil-2.sym,
38                                 crystal-1.sym
40                                 vsource-1.sym, isource-1.sym ( not integrated
41                                 yet)
43                         - For contributing example schematics ( be used as
44                           hierarchical examples/source)
46                                 cmos-invert.sch cmos-nor.sch cmos-nand.sch
48                         - For sending in some updates to the following symbols
50                                 battery-1.sym battery-2.sym battery-3.sym 
51                                 coil-1.sym coil-2.sym inamp-1.sym 
52                                 inductor-1.sym nmos-1.sym nmos-2.sym 
53                                 npn-1.sym npn-2.sym npn-3.sym opamp-1.sym 
54                                 pmos-1.sym pmos-2.sym pnp-1.sym pnp-2.sym 
55                                 pnp-3.sym
58 Roger Williams          - For contributing the IE417 symbol set.  Lots of
59                           of symbols, see lib/sym/IE417
61 Tom Javen               - For contributing code and font .sym files:
63                                 A-diaeresis.sym A-ring.sym O-diaeresis.sym 
64                                 a-diaeresis.sym a-ring.sym o-diaeresis.sym
66                           (finnish and swedish character-sets)
68 Kenneth Scharf          - For contributing tube/radio symbols: 
70                                 12SA7.sym 12SK7.sym 12SQ7.sym 35Z5GT.sym 
71                                 50L6GT.sym IF_Trans_AirCore.sym 
72                                 Loop_Antenna.sym Osc_Coil_AirCore.sym
73                                 resister-pot.sym AF_Output_Transformer.sym 
74                                 speaker.sym Capacitor_Variable.sym 
76                           (names/symbols changed to comply with the other
77                            symbol libraries)
79                         - For contributing following symbols:
81                                 8031.sym, DS80C310.sym, DS80C320.sym
83                         - For contributing 8031.txt as an example input
84                           file to mk_sym
86 Eric Smith              - For contributing the following symbols:
88                                 74109-1.sym 74273-1.sym 74139-2.sym 
89                                 idt7204-1.sym 74244-1.sym 74244-2.sym
91 Arnim Littek            - For contributing the following symbols:
93                                 4040-1.sym 4051-1.sym 4020-1.sym 
94                                 4046-1.sym icl7660-1.sym
96                           For contributing the following symbols:
98                                 mains-plug-1.sym pwrxfmr-1.sym
99                                 bridge-1.sym
101                           For providing updates/bugfixes to these symbols:
103                                 4051-1.sym
105                           As well as a sample schematic (filter_1.sch)
107                           For contributing the following symbols:
109                                 pic16c505-1.sym inamp-1.sym vss-1.sym
111                           (The following have not been integrated yet:
113                                 ltc2400-1.sym
115                           For contributing the following symbols:
117                                 AD633JN-1.sym resistor-variable-1.sym
119                           For contributing the following symbols:
121                                 2tri-1.sym 3tri-1.sym beeper-1.sym
122                                 connector4-1.sym jumper-1.sym lt1181-1.sym
123                                 ltc2400-1.sym max232-1.sym pic16c5x-1.sym
124                                 vcc-1.sym
126                           For contributing the following symbols:
128                                 24Cxx-1.sym 4000-1.sym 93Cx6-1.sym
129                                 connector2-1.sym leddual-1.sym leddual-2.sym
130                                 mc1496-1.sym switch-dip6-1.sym
131                                 sx28ac-1.sym
133                           For contributing the following symbols:
135                                 diode-2.sym lt1108-1.sym 
137 Jerry O'Keefe           - For contributing the following symbols:
138                           (Ales renamed and did some minor touch ups)
139                           (Lines touching arcs, moved pins in BNC-1.sym,
140                            and re-translated symbols to the origin)
142                                 4538-1.sym BNC-1.sym DB25-1.sym DB9-1.sym
144                         - Sending in an update of DB25-1.sym
146                         - For volunteering to cleanup the 75 symbols (listed 
147                           below) and making sure that they conform to
148                           the current symbol specs.
150 Jason Watson            - For contributing the following symbols:
151                           (Ales renamed them from the original names and
152                            re-translated pic16C74A-1.sym to be on 100
153                            spaced grid points)
155                                 4016-1.sym, 4066-1.sym, lm-135-1.sym,
156                                 lm-75-1.sym, pic16C74A-1.sym
158                          (Ales renamed lm-75 and lm-135 to lm75 and lm135)
160 Randy M. Thurman-Keup   - For contributing the following symbols:
162                                 connector26-1.sym connector16-1.sym
163                                 connector10-1.sym connector6-1.sym 
164                                 connector3-1.sym fuse-1.sym 
165                                 input-1.sym output-1.sym 
166                                 resistorpack10-1.sym resistorpack6-1.sym 
167                                 ssrelay-spdt-lcc110-1.sym 
168                                 ssrelay-spst-lcb110-1.sym 
169                                 switch-dip-4.sym switch-dip8-1.sym 
170                                 switch-pushbutton-nc-1.sym
171                                 switch-pushbutton-spdt-1.sym
172                                 lm311-1.sym lm324-1.sym lm339-1.sym lm393-1.sym
173                                 4N29-1.sym hcpl-2630-1.sym dac08sm-1.sym 
174                                 EPF10k-1.sym EPC1LC20-1.sym 
176                           (Ales renamed these symbols and made adjustments so
177                            that they fit into the current symbol conventions)
179 Ruben Leote Mendes      - For contributing the following symbols: 
181                                 10K10LC84-1.sym header10-1.sym
183                           (Ales renamed them and did some very minor 
184                            cosmetic changes)
186 Salman                  - For contributing a whole bunch of maxim symbols:
188                                 adc0820-1.sym max038-1.sym max100-1.sym
189                                 max1005-1.sym max1011-1.sym max1055-1.sym
190                                 max1114-1.sym max135-1.sym max1588-1.sym 
191                                 max1620-1.sym max1637-1.sym max186-1.sym 
193                           (Ales renamed them (added the -1) and did some 
194                            minor cosmetic updates)
196                           Not integrated: max1150-1.sym
198                           For contributing or update the following symbols:
200                                 adc0820-1.sym max038-1.sym max100-1.sym 
201                                 max1005-1.sym max1011-1.sym max101A-1.sym
202                                 max1055-1.sym max1114-1.sym max135-1.sym
203                                 max147-1.sym max1480A-1.sym max1482-1.sym
204                                 max1588-1.sym max1614-1.sym max1620-1.sym 
205                                 max1637-1.sym max186-1.sym max214-1.sym
206                                 max218-1.sym max3120-1.sym max378-1.sym
207                                 max400-1.sym max4005-1.sym max436-1.sym
208                                 max872-1.sym max874-1.sym
210                           For contributing the following symbols:
212                                 2N5245-1.sym 2N5911-1.sym 2S2K3-1.sym
213                                 capacitor-variable-2.sym 
214                                 microphone-1.sym photo-resistor-1.sym
215                                 relay-1.sym switch-spst-1.sym
216                                 vcc-1.sym vcc-minus-1.sym
218 José Daniel Muñoz Daniel Frías
219                         - For contributing the following symbols:
221                                 hcpl-4534-1.sym lm358-1.sym
222                                 resistor-variable-1.sym 
225 Mike Jarabek            - For contributing the following symbols:
227                                 block-1.sym high-1.sym iopad-1.sym 
228                                 ipad-1.sym low-1.sym opad-1.sym 
229                                 test_verilog.sym
231                           These symbols support the verilog netlist 
232                           backend.
234                           For contributing a whole bunch more verilog 
235                           symbols (auto generated by mk_verilog_syms):
237                                 and2-1.sym and2-2.sym and3-1.sym and3-2.sym
238                                 and4-1.sym and4-2.sym and5-1.sym and5-2.sym 
239                                 and6-1.sym and6-2.sym and7-1.sym and7-2.sym
240                                 and8-1.sym and8-2.sym and9-1.sym and9-2.sym
241                                 buf.sym bufif0.sym bufif1.sym high.sym 
242                                 iopad.sym ipad.sym low.sym nand2-1.sym 
243                                 nand2-2.sym nand3-1.sym nand3-2.sym nand4-1.sym
244                                 nand4-2.sym nand5-1.sym nand5-2.sym nand6-1.sym
245                                 nand6-2.sym nand7-1.sym nand7-2.sym nand8-1.sym
246                                 nand8-2.sym nand9-1.sym nand9-2.sym nor2-1.sym
247                                 nor2-2.sym nor3-1.sym nor3-2.sym nor4-1.sym
248                                 nor4-2.sym nor5-1.sym nor5-2.sym nor6-1.sym 
249                                 nor6-2.sym nor7-1.sym nor7-2.sym nor8-1.sym 
250                                 nor8-2.sym nor9-1.sym nor9-2.sym not.sym 
251                                 notif0.sym notif1.sym opad.sym or2-1.sym 
252                                 or2-2.sym or3-1.sym or3-2.sym or4-1.sym 
253                                 or4-2.sym or5-1.sym or5-2.sym or6-1.sym 
254                                 or6-2.sym or7-1.sym or7-2.sym or8-1.sym 
255                                 or8-2.sym or9-1.sym or9-2.sym pulldown.sym 
256                                 pullup.sym xnor2-1.sym xnor3-1.sym 
257                                 xnor4-1.sym xnor5-1.sym xnor6-1.sym 
258                                 xnor7-1.sym xnor8-1.sym xnor9-1.sym 
259                                 xor2-1.sym xor3-1.sym xor4-1.sym 
260                                 xor5-1.sym xor6-1.sym xor7-1.sym 
261                                 xor8-1.sym xor9-1.sym 
263 Ansel Sermersheim       - For contributing about 100 symbols of which 75 were
264                           used (cleaned up by Jerry):
266                                 74107-1.sym 74109-1.sym 74112-1.sym 
267                                 74113-1.sym 74114-1.sym 74121-1.sym
268                                 74122-1.sym 74123-1.sym 74124-1.sym
269                                 74125-1.sym 74126-1.sym 74131-1.sym
270                                 74137-1.sym 74138-1.sym 74139-1.sym
271                                 74141-1.sym 74145-1.sym 74147-1.sym
272                                 74148-1.sym 74150-1.sym 74151-1.sym
273                                 74152-1.sym 74153-1.sym 74154-1.sym 
274                                 74157-1.sym 74158-1.sym 74159-1.sym
275                                 74160-1.sym 74161-1.sym 74162-1.sym
276                                 74163-1.sym 74164-1.sym 74165-1.sym
277                                 74166-1.sym 74168-1.sym 74169-1.sym
278                                 74170-1.sym 74173-1.sym 74174-1.sym
279                                 74175-1.sym 74181-1.sym 74182-1.sym
280                                 74190-1.sym 74191-1.sym 74192-1.sym
281                                 74194-1.sym 74195-1.sym 74196-1.sym
282                                 74197-1.sym 7431-1.sym 7442-1.sym
283                                 7445-1.sym 7446-1.sym 7447-1.sym
284                                 7448-1.sym 7451-1.sym 7454-1.sym
285                                 7455-1.sym 7456-1.sym 7457-1.sym
286                                 7472-1.sym 7473-1.sym 7474-1.sym
287                                 7475-1.sym 7476-1.sym 7478-1.sym
288                                 7483-1.sym 7485-1.sym 7490-1.sym
289                                 7491-1.sym 7492-1.sym 7493-1.sym
290                                 7495-1.sym 7496-1.sym 7497-1.sym
292                           Ales renamed some of the above to -2 or -3 if there
293                           was a name clash
295 Bas Gieltjes            - For contributing the following symbols:
297                                 cccs-1.sym ccvs-1.sym nullor-1.sym 
298                                 vccs-1.sym vcvs-1.sym
300                           For contributing the following gnetlist spice backend
301                           symbol:
303                                 include-1.sym
305 Magnus Danielson        - For contributing the following symbols:
307                                 N82S100N-1.sym 74373-1.sym 74374-1.sym          
308                                 N82S23N-1.sym am27S13D-1.sym HM6264P15-1.sym
309                                 DC310ES-1.sym DC8640-1.sym DC319-1.sym
310                                 LSI11BUS-1.sym
312                           (Some rename/cleanup by Ales)
314                           For making updates/changes/fixes to the following
315                           symbol:
317                                 74182-1.sym
319                           For contributing (and checking in the symbols)
320                           the following symbols:
322                                 4001-1.sym 4013-1.sym 74243-1.sym
323                                 74280-1.sym 74367-1.sym DIN41612C48-1.sym
324                                 DIN41612C56-1.sym DIN41612C96-1.sym
325                                 gpib-1.sym z80pio-1.sym
327                            (Very minor changes to the symbols by Ales)
329 Jamil Isma'il Khatib    - For contributing the following symbol:
331                                 XC95108-PC84.sym
333                           For contributing an updated version of above
335 Marcel van de Vusse     - For contributing the following symbol:
337                                 581000-1.sym
339                           For contributing the following symbol:
341                                 74673A-1.sym
343 Tom Barraza             - For contributed the following symbols:
345                                 isp2032-1.sym pwrjack-1.sym
347 Marcus Isaksson         - For contribute the following gmk_sym generated
348                           symbols:
350                                 pic16C84.sym PCF8591.sym DM9368.sym L293.sym
352                           (Ales had to move them to the origin)
354 JM Routoure             - For contributing the following symbols:
356                                 4093-1.sym 4N25-1.sym 
357                                 ad633jn-2.sym ad633jr-1.sym aop-spice-1.sym 
358                                 aop-std-1.sym zener-2.sym
360 Luke Stras              - For contribute the following symbols:
362                                 DS26C61-1.sym max3491-1.sym     
364 Matt Ettus              - For contributing and fixing a bunch of symbol(s)
365                           (See ChangeLog for which ones)
368 Bob Smith               - For contributing the following symbols 
370                                 4015-1.sym 4024-1.sym 4047-1.sym 4052-1.sym
371                                 4518-1.sym
373                           Ales did some minor changes to all with slightly
374                           more work done on 4047-1.sym (bigger box)
376 Chris Ellec             - For contributing the follwing symbol:
378                                 7414-1.sym
380                           For contributing the following additional symbols:
382                                 7414-1.sym 7805-1.sym MC100ELT23-1.sym 
383                                 MC10E104-1.sym MC10E137-1.sym 74573-1.sym  
384                                 HFA1100-1.sym MC100ELT23-2.sym MC10E104-2.sym  
385                                 MC10E137-2.sym 7474-1.sym MC100ELT21-1.sym 
386                                 MC100ELT24-1.sym MC10E136-1.sym MC12429-1.sym
388                           Ales had to minorly tweek some of them /
389                           renamed 7805-1.sym (to lm7805-1.sym)
391 Eduardo Tavares         - For contributing the following symbols:
393                                 6n137-1.sym AT89S8252-24PC.sym LM628N-6.sym 
394                                 max865EUA-1.sym AN82527.sym HCPL4701-1.sym
395                                 max3226-1.sym si9200-1.sym
397 Bert Timmerman          - For contributing the following symbols:
399                                 27C256-1.sym 62256-2.sym MAX807-1.sym 
400                                 SAB80C537-1.sym ULN2801A-1.sym 
401                                 connector20-1.sym diode-bridge-1.sym 
402                                 header26-1.sym header3-1.sym led-2.sym 
403                                 switch-dip4-2.sym switch-dip5-1.sym 
404                                 switch-dip5-2.sym switch-dip6-2.sym 
405                                 switch-dip8-2.sym
406                                 74HCT01-1.sym 74HCT03-1.sym 74HCT05-1.sym 
407                                 74HCT08-1.sym 74HCT245-1.sym 74HCT541-1.sym
408                                 max189-1.sym max237-1.sym max478-1.sym 
409                                 max492-1.sym max531-1.sym max663-1.sym 
410                                 max664-1.sym
411                                 lm2822m-1.sym lm741-1.sym lm7905-1.sym
412                                 DB31-1.sym DB9-2.sym
413                                 resistor-variable-2.sym resistorpack8-1.sym
414                                 zener-4.sym
415                                 ADC0804-1.sym DAC0808-1.sym
416                                 CS5396-1.sym HA5221-1.sym TDA2822M-1.sym
417                                 PCM2702E-1.sym UAA170-1.sym
418                                 lm7805-1.sym lm7805c-1.sym lm78l05-1.sym 
419                                 lm78l05ac-1.sym lm78l05c-1.sym lm78m05-1.sym 
420                                 lm79m05-1.sym
421                                 switch-LORLIN-12pos-1com-1.sym 
422                                 switch-pushbutton-nc-1.sym 
423                                 switch-pushbutton-no-1.sym
424                                 TC5516AP-1.sym
425                                 4021-2.sym 4094-2.sym 74HCT4094-1.sym
426                                 max186-2.sym max238-1.sym
427                                 header20-3.sym  header34-1.sym
428                                 4011-2.sym
430 Karel 'Clock' Kulhavy   - For contributing the following symbols:
432                                 HSDL7000-1.sym NE-592-1.sym 
433                                 MAC160-1.sym photodiode-1.sym 74132-1.sym
434                                 74123-3.sym dgnmos-1.sym glow-lamp-1.sym
435                                 aui-1.sym dual-opamp-1.sym 
436                                 DS26LS31-1.sym 74133-1.sym switch-spdt-2.sym 
437                                 2N3904-1.sym (added footprint) BC547-1.sym 
438                                 BC557-1.sym tl062-1.sym tl072-1.sym tl082-1.sym
439                                 7404-1.sym (correct visible attribute)
440                                 mc3487-1.sym
442                                 gnucap-directive-1.sym gnucap-include-1.sym
443                                 gnucap-model-1.sym gnucap-npn-1.sym
444                                 gnucap-options-1.sym
446                                 schottky-1.sym transformer-5.sym
447                                 terminal-1.sym 7404-4.sym 74133-1.sym (repair)
448                                 74133-2.sym 7414-2.sym 7432-3.sym
449                                 7474-3.sym 74power-1.sym DB25-3.sym 
450                                 lm319-1.sym (repaired) 2N3904-2.sym
451                                 2N3906-1.sym
452                                 BC547-3.sym (renamed to -3, -2 was in use)
454                                 osc-3.sym
456                         - For repairing the following symbols:
458                                 switch-spdt-2.sym
460 Mark Moss               - For contributing the following symbols:
462                                 40103-1.sym  40192-1.sym  40374-1.sym
463                                 4510-1.sym   4522-1.sym   4556-1.sym
464                                 40105-1.sym  40193-1.sym  4062-1.sym
465                                 4511-1.sym   4527-1.sym   4572-1.sym
466                                 40160-1.sym  40194-1.sym  4316-1.sym
467                                 4512-1.sym   4528-1.sym   4580-1.sym
468                                 40161-1.sym  40195-1.sym  4352-1.sym
469                                 4513-1.sym   4531-1.sym   4582-1.sym
470                                 40162-1.sym  40208-1.sym  4353-1.sym
471                                 4514-1.sym   4532-1.sym   4585-1.sym
472                                 40163-1.sym  40240-1.sym  4501-1.sym
473                                 4515-1.sym   4534-1.sym   4723-1.sym
474                                 40174-1.sym  40244-1.sym  4502-1.sym
475                                 4516-1.sym   4536-1.sym   4724-1.sym
476                                 40175-1.sym  40245-1.sym  4503-1.sym
477                                 4517-1.sym   4541-1.sym   4737-1.sym
478                                 40181-1.sym  40257-1.sym  4504-1.sym
479                                 4520-1.sym   4543-1.sym   40182-1.sym
480                                 40373-1.sym  4508-1.sym   4521-1.sym
481                                 4555-1.sym
483 Werner Hoch:            - For contribute the following symbols: 
485                                 AT43USB320A.sym AT89C51_DIP.sym
486                                 AT89C51_PLCC.sym AT89C51_TQFP.sym
487                                 AT90S1200.sym AT90S2313.sym AT90S2323.sym
488                                 AT90S2343.sym AT90S4433_DIP.sym
489                                 AT90S4433_TQFP.sym AT90S8515_DIP.sym
490                                 AT90S8515_PLCC.sym AT90S8515_TQFP.sym
491                                 AT90S8535_DIP.sym AT90S8535_PLCC.sym
492                                 AT90S8535_TQFP.sym ATmega103.sym
493                                 ATmega161_DIP.sym ATmega161_TQFP.sym
494                                 ATmega163_DIP.sym ATmega163_TQFP.sym
495                                 ATtiny11.sym ATtiny12.sym ATtiny28_DIP.sym
496                                 ATtiny28_TQFP.sym ATmega128-2.sym
498                         - For *SIGNIFICANT* cleanup of the symbol
499                           libraries (74, 4000, maxim, others).  This is
500                           greatly appreciated!
502 Bruno Schwander         - For contributing the following symbols:
504                                 7430-1.sym 7430-2.sym 74165-1.sym (fixes)
505                                 resistorpack11-1.sym resistorpack12-1.sym
506                                 resistorpack3-1.sym resistorpack4-1.sym
507                                 resistorpack5-1.sym resistorpack7-1.sym
508                                 resistorpack8-2.sym resistorpack9-1.sym
509                                 2N3055-1.sym 2N3904-1.sym
510                                 connector5-1.sym (changed to be 5 pins)
511                                 lm7806-1.sym lm7810-1.sym lm7812-1.sym
512                                 lm7815-1.sym lm7818-1.sym lm7824-1.sym
513                                 lm7885-1.sym SLA7024M.sym max233-2.sym
514                                 AT90S8535J-1.sym AT90S8535P-1.sym
515                                 gnd-2.sym mct9001-1.sym
517 Vladimir Dergachev      - For contributing the following symbols:
519                                 switch-spdt-1.sym ltc1799-1.sym
521 Mauricio de Alencar     - For improving the following font defs:
523                                 colon.sym comma.sym excl.sym quest.sym
524                                 semi.sym period.sym
526 Eric Winsor             - For contributing the following symbols:
528                                 title-bordered-A.sym title-bordered-A3.sym
529                                 title-bordered-D.sym title-bordered-A0.sym
530                                 title-bordered-A4.sym
531                                 title-bordered-E.sym title-bordered-A1.sym
532                                 title-bordered-B.sym title-bordered-A2.sym
533                                 title-bordered-C.sym
535 Daniel Nilsson          - For contributing the following symbols:
537                                 tline.sym  wline-1x.sym 
539 Al Williams             - For contributing the following symbol:
541                                 basicstamp-1.sym        
543 Jim Battle              - For contributing the following symbols:
545                                 9602-1.sym 9602-2.sym (translated to zero)
546                                 Adding an OC arc to 7403-1.sym
547                                 74266-1.sym (minor graphical changes by AVH)
549 James Carter            - For contributing the following symbol:
551                                 pic16F876-1.sym
553 Dan McMahill            - For contributing the following symbols:
555                                 ax4106-1.sym max4107-1.sym arfx1229-1.sym
556                                 max1211-1.sym pot-1.sym pot-2.sym
557                                 testpt-1.sym
559                           For contributing the following symbols:
561                                 ADT1-1WT-1.sym ADT1-1WT-2.sym T1-1T-W38-1.sym
562                                 T1-1T-X65-1.sym T2-1T-KK81-1.sym max1206-1.sym
563                                 max1207-1.sym max1208-1.sym max1209-1.sym
564                                 max12553-1.sym max12554-1.sym max12555-1.sym
565                                 max1211-1.sym (added symversion=1.0)
567 Jesse Alexander         - For contributing the following symbol:
569                                 8052basic-1.sym 
571 Egil Kvaleberg          - For contributing lots of code and support on the
572                           search for documentation from within gschem feature.
574                           For contributing the initial version of 
575                                 busripper-1.sym
577 Jan Stap:               - For contributing the following symbols:
579                                 tiny-tiger-1.sym, max3223e-1.sym, 
580                                 FND5148-1.sym, QT60040-1.sym
582 Onno Kortmann:          - For contributing the following symbols:
584                                 voltmeter-1.sym lm1877-1.sym 
585                                 mosfet-with-diode-1.sym ntc-1.sym, 
586                                 l200-1.sym, tfds4500-1.sym 
587                                 photo-transistor-1.sym
589                                 ATtiny15L-1.sym
591 Thomas Maeke:           - For contributing the following symbols:
593                                 max1080-1.sym max1608-1.sym Si9986.sym 
594                                 max1081-1.sym max1609-1.sym
597 Walter Fetter:          - For contributing the following symbols:
599                                 max4420-1.sym max4429-1.sym osc-2.sym 
600                                 22V10-DIP-1.sym 6N135-1.sym 6N136-1.sym 
601                                 74HC244-1.sym 74HC244-2.sym 74HC373-1.sym 
602                                 74HC374-1.sym 
603                                 DIN41612C48-2.sym DIN41612C56-2.sym 
604                                 DIN41612C96-2.sym HCPL4502-1.sym HCTL-2000-1.sym
605                                 HCTL-2016-1.sym IRF1010N-1.sym IRLZ24N-1.sym
606                                 PCA82C250-1.sym TINIm390-RevD.sym header50-1.sym
607                                 header8-1.sym header8-2.sym input-2.sym
608                                 io-1.sym led-3.sym lt1160-1.sym lt1162-1.sym
609                                 mxt429-1.sym nmos-3.sym output-2.sym 
610                                 passive-1.sym pmos-3.sym
612 faisal (e-mail only)    - For contributing the following symbols:
614                                 lm3909-1.sym lm386-1.sym
616 vince (e-mail only)     - For contributing the following symbols:
618                                 ISA-98W-SOCKET-1.sym
620 richard (e-mail only)   - For contributing the following symbols: 
622                                 mc68hc908gp32cp-1.sym
624 Stuart Brorson:         - For contributing the following symbols:
626                                 spice/idc-1.sym spice/spice-directive-1.sym
627                                 spice/spice-include-1.sym 
628                                 spice/spice-model-1.sym
629                                 spice/spice-options-1.sym 
630                                 spice/spice-subcircuit-IO-1.sym
631                                 spice/spice-subcircuit-LL-1.sym
633 Mario Klebsch           - For contributing the following symbol:
635                           7432-2.sym
637                           For pointing out the swap between 7408-2 and 
638                           7409-2.
640 Gabriel Paubert         - For contributing the following symbol:
642                                 DB15-1.sym
644 Terry Porter            - For contributing the following symbols:
646                                 6821-2.sym 74688-2.sym 810-1.sym 
648 Bob Paddock             - For contributing the following symbols:
650                                 header26-2.sym header32-2.sym
651                                 header50-3.sym header50r-1.sym
653                                 ATmega32MLF-1.sym AT45db021bso8w-1.sym
655 voncarstadsl (e-mail only) - For contributing the following symbol:
657                                 lm2576T-1.sym
659 michalsc (e-mail only)  - For contributing the following symbols: 
661                                 lm339-2.sym  
663                           And pointing out the errors in lm339-1.sym
665 moncheto (e-mail only)  - For contributing the following symbol:
667                                 LCD-1.sym (added -1)
668                                 TEC4x3-1.sym (added -1)
669                                 pic16F628-2.sym (added -2)
671 Fernando Pereira        - For contributing the following symbol:
673                                 74259-1.sym
675 Teemu Ikonen            - For contributing the following symbols:
677                                 DS2405-1.sym DS2890_TO92-1.sym
678                                 HIP4080A-1.sym HIP4081A-1.sym
679                                 CNY17-1.sym
681 Bill Gatliff            - For contributing the following symbols:
683                                 adm202-1.sym adm202-2.sym
685 Wilbert Knol            - For contributing the following symbols:
687                                 darlington_NPN-1.sym
689 Jon Noble               - For contributing the following symbol:
691                                 hcnr201-1.sym
693 Take Vos                - For contributing the following symbol:
695                                 mc3479-1.sym
697 Holger Dietze           - For contributing the following symbol:
699                                 628512-1.sym
701 Dermot Tynan            - For contributing the following symbols:
703                                 DS26C31-1.sym DS26C32-2.sym
704                                 rj45-1.sym
706 Ezra (e-mail only)      - For contributing the following symbol:
708                                 K3020P-1.sym
710 jmarino (e-mail only)   - For contributing the following symbol:
712                                 lm337-1.sym
714 easyb (e-mail only)     - For contributing the following symbol:
716                                 capacitor-4.sym
718 Piotr Buciak            - For contributing the following symbol:
720                                 resistorpack7-2.sym
722 Leon Kos                - For contributing the following symbols:
724                                 PCF8563-1.sym PCF8563-1.sym DS75176-1.sym
725                                 DS89C450-1.sym
727                           For correct the following symbol:
729                                 smart-media-1.sym (symversion=1.0)
731                           For contributing a whole series of connectors with
732                           short pins and correct spacing!  Thanks!
734                                 connector1-2.sym connector10-2.sym
735                                 connector11-2.sym connector12-2.sym
736                                 connector13-2.sym connector14-2.sym
737                                 connector15-2.sym connector16-2.sym
738                                 connector17-2.sym connector18-2.sym
739                                 connector19-2.sym connector2-2.sym
740                                 connector20-2.sym connector21-2.sym
741                                 connector22-2.sym connector23-2.sym
742                                 connector24-2.sym connector25-2.sym
743                                 connector26-2.sym connector27-2.sym
744                                 connector28-2.sym connector29-2.sym
745                                 connector3-2.sym connector30-2.sym
746                                 connector31-2.sym connector32-2.sym
747                                 connector33-2.sym connector34-2.sym
748                                 connector35-2.sym connector36-2.sym
749                                 connector37-2.sym connector38-2.sym
750                                 connector39-2.sym connector4-2.sym
751                                 connector40-2.sym connector5-2.sym
752                                 connector6-2.sym connector7-2.sym
753                                 connector8-2.sym connector9-2.sym
755 Geert Stappers          - For contributing the following symbols:
757                                 switch-dip12.sym 27C2001-1.sym 
759 Jean-Francios L. Blavier - For conributing the following symbol:
761                                 hcpl-2430-1.sym
763 Mark Salyzyn            - For contributing the following symbols:
765                                 varistor-1.sym ips3310-1.sym ips521-1.sym
766                                 ATmega8-1.sym ltp-757g-1.sym
768 Gregory Davis           - For contributing the following symbols:
770                                 max122-1.sym max507-1.sym
772 Levente Kovacs          - For contributing the following symbol:
774                                 pic16F628-1.sym
776 Fernando Pereira        - For contributing the following symbol:
778                                 pic18f4431-1.sym
780 William R. Dieter       - For contributing the following symbols: 
782                                 pic12F675-2.sym pic12F675.sym
783                                 lp2954IT-1.sym ips021-1.sym
785 cbaurtx (e-mail only)   - For contributing the following symbols:
787                                 pa140-1.sym pa91-1.sym
789 Walter Fetter Lages     - For contributing the following symbol:
791                                 ST7538-1.sym
793 Wilbert Knol            - For contributing the following symbol:
795                                 mains-entry-1.sym (renamed without _)
797 Matthew N. Dodd         - For contributing the following symbol:
799                                 HM628511HC-SOJ36-1.sym
801 Chris Elliott           - For contributing the following symbol:
803                                 dc_motor-1.sym
805 Steve Cole              - For contributing the following symbols:
807                                 BC182-1.sym BC547-2.sym BC557-2.sym
809 Paul Saenen             - For contributing the following symbol:
811                                 BC307-1.sym
813 Rui Guerreiro           - For contributing the following symbol:
815                                 AT89C5131_PLCC-1.sym
817 Jim Duchek              - For contributing the following symbol:
819                                 AT89C5132_TQFP-1.sym
821 Alejandro Sobrino Beltrán - For contributing the following symbol:
823                                 AT89S53-24PI-1.sym
825 Kenny Johansson         - For contributing the following symbol:
827                                 ATmega16L-1.sym DS1620-1.sym DS1620-1.sym
829 Jaroslaw Juda           - For contributing the following symbol:
831                                 ATmega16_DIP-1.sym
833 Tadas                   - For contributing the following symbol:
835                                 74238-1.sym
837 Sheng Bao               - For contributing the following symbol:
839                                 darlington_NPN_PNP-1.sym (renamed)
841 Radoslaw Korzeniewski   - For contributing the following symbol:
843                                 lm723-1.sym
845 Jens-Peter Kaps         - For contributing the following symbol:
847                                 2732-1.sym
849 Jeff Jackowski          - For contributing the following symbol:
851                                 25Cxx-1.sym
853 Ludwig                  - For contributing the following symbol:
855                                  2N2222-1.sym
857 Marvin Dickens          - For contributing the following symbols:
859                                 75176-1.sym 3967-1.sym staver24m32-1.sym
860                                 DS1307-1.sym
862 Stephan Walter          - For contributing the following symbol:
864                                 MC34063-1.sym ATmega64-1.sym
865                                 FT245BM-1.sym
867 Fernando Pereira        - For contributing the following symbols:
869                                 ir2110-1.sym 6A259-1.sym
871 Cyrille Chepelov        - For contributing the following symbol:
873                                 ATmega128-1.sym
875 Radoslaw Korzeniewski   - For contributing the following symbol:
877                                 ATmega128-3.sym
879 Jared Harvey            - For contributing the following symbol:
881                                 max662A-1.sym
883 John Robbins            - For contributing the following symbol:
885                                 pic18F242-1.sym
887 Nathan (nuttykongs)     - For contributing the following symbol:
889                                  3967-2.sym
891 Fredrik Simonsson       - For contributing the following symbols:
893                                 ADG601-1.sym ADG602-1.sym ADG619-1.sym 
894                                 ADG620-1.sym
896 Tomeu Capó              - For contributing the following symbol:
898                                 ADC0831-1.sym
900 Peter Kaiser            - For contributing all the asic symbols include a
901                           few new ones:
903                                 asic-nhhv-1.sym asic-nhv-1.sym asic-nmmv-1.sym
904                                 asic-nmv-1.sym asic-phhv-1.sym asic-phv-1.sym
905                                 asic-pmmv-1.sym asic-pmv-1.sym
909 The following people contributed symbols via the online symbol upload
910 (E-mails purposefully truncated):
912 buitra233
913 david.dudley
914 egil
915 kuebelr
917 paulo.s.carneiro
918 steveu
919 tkeisala
920 ajkerr
921 jerzy
922 rmiller
923 leon.kos
924 saenen
925 bjornar.ness
926 tomeu
929 Thanks.
932 Also thanks go to all the people on the geda-dev mailing list.  Many of
933 the subscribers provided good suggestions which are greatly appreciated
934 (and even implemented :-).