1 # release: pcb-rnd 1.0.7
3 # To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the git source date) must be >= the file version
12 DRC[1200 900 1000 700 1500 1000]
13 Flags("nameonpcb,clearnew,snappin")
14 Groups("1,3,4,c:2,5,6,s:7:8")
15 Styles["Signal,1000,7874,3150,2000:Power,2000,8661,3937,2000:Fat,8000,13780,4724,2500:Sig-tight,1000,6400,3150,1200"]
18 Attribute("PCB::grid::unit" "mil")
20 Element["" "Standard SMT resistor, capacitor etc" "R101" "1206" 45000 15000 -5650 4350 0 100 ""]
22 Pad[5905 -1181 5905 1181 5118 2000 5718 "1" "1" "square"]
23 Pad[-5905 -1181 -5905 1181 5118 2000 5718 "2" "2" "square"]
24 ElementLine [-2362 3740 2362 3740 800]
25 ElementLine [-2362 -3740 2362 -3740 800]
29 Element["" "Standard SMT resistor, capacitor etc" "R102" "1206" 80000 47500 -4350 -5650 3 100 ""]
31 Pad[-1181 5905 1181 5905 5118 2000 5718 "1" "1" "square"]
32 Pad[-1181 -5905 1181 -5905 5118 2000 5718 "2" "2" "square"]
33 ElementLine [-3740 -2362 -3740 2362 800]
34 ElementLine [3740 -2362 3740 2362 800]
39 Line[50905 15000 80000 15000 1000 4000 "clearline"]
40 Line[80000 15000 80000 41595 1000 4000 "clearline"]
41 Line[81181 41595 80000 41595 1000 4000 "clearline"]
42 Line[80000 41595 78819 41595 1000 4000 "clearline"]
43 Line[50905 16181 50905 15000 1000 4000 "clearline"]
44 Line[50905 15000 50905 13819 1000 4000 "clearline"]
75 Net("GND" "(unknown)")