factored out the EFFv2 saving into EFFImporter
[gemrb.git] / gemrb / GUIScripts / bg1 / GUIREC.py
1 # -*-python-*-
2 # GemRB - Infinity Engine Emulator
3 # Copyright (C) 2003-2009 The GemRB Project
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 # GUIREC.py - scripts to control stats/records windows from the GUIREC winpack
22 ###################################################
23 import GemRB
24 import GUICommon
25 import CommonTables
26 from GUIDefines import *
27 from ie_stats import *
28 from ie_restype import *
29 import LUCommon
30 import LevelUp
31 import GUIWORLD
32 import GUICG19
33 import DualClass
34 ###################################################
35 RecordsWindow = None
36 InformationWindow = None
37 BiographyWindow = None
38 OptionsWindow = None
39 CustomizeWindow = None
40 OldOptionsWindow = None
41 ExportDoneButton = None
42 ExportFileName = ""
43 PortraitsTable = None
44 ScriptsTable = None
45 ColorTable = None
46 ColorIndex = None
47 ScriptTextArea = None
48 SelectedTextArea = None
50 # the available sounds
51 SoundSequence = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', \
52 'm', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', '_', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', \
53 '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
54 SoundIndex = 0
56 ###################################################
57 def OpenRecordsWindow ():
58 import GUICommonWindows
59 global RecordsWindow, OptionsWindow
60 global OldOptionsWindow
62 if GUICommon.CloseOtherWindow (OpenRecordsWindow):
63 if InformationWindow: OpenInformationWindow ()
65 if RecordsWindow:
66 RecordsWindow.Unload ()
67 if OptionsWindow:
68 OptionsWindow.Unload ()
69 RecordsWindow = None
70 GemRB.SetVar ("OtherWindow", -1)
71 GUICommon.GameWindow.SetVisible(WINDOW_VISIBLE)
72 GemRB.UnhideGUI ()
73 GUICommonWindows.OptionsWindow = OldOptionsWindow
74 OldOptionsWindow = None
75 GUICommonWindows.SetSelectionChangeHandler (None)
76 return
78 GemRB.HideGUI ()
79 GUICommon.GameWindow.SetVisible(WINDOW_INVISIBLE)
81 GemRB.LoadWindowPack ("GUIREC")
82 RecordsWindow = Window = GemRB.LoadWindow (2)
83 GemRB.SetVar ("OtherWindow", RecordsWindow.ID)
84 # saving the original portrait window
85 OldOptionsWindow = GUICommonWindows.OptionsWindow
86 OptionsWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (0)
87 GUICommonWindows.SetupMenuWindowControls (OptionsWindow, 0, OpenRecordsWindow)
88 OptionsWindow.SetFrame ()
90 # dual class
91 Button = Window.GetControl (0)
92 Button.SetText (7174)
93 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DualClass.DualClassWindow)
95 # levelup
96 Button = Window.GetControl (37)
97 Button.SetText (7175)
98 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUp.OpenLevelUpWindow)
100 # information
101 Button = Window.GetControl (1)
102 Button.SetText (11946)
103 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenInformationWindow)
105 # reform party
106 Button = Window.GetControl (51)
107 Button.SetText (16559)
108 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenRecReformPartyWindow)
110 # customize
111 Button = Window.GetControl (50)
112 Button.SetText (10645)
113 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenCustomizeWindow)
115 # export
116 Button = Window.GetControl (36)
117 Button.SetText (13956)
118 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenExportWindow)
120 ## # kit info
121 ## Button = Window.GetControl (52)
122 ## Button.SetText (61265)
123 ## Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, KitInfoWindow)
125 GUICommonWindows.SetSelectionChangeHandler (UpdateRecordsWindow)
126 UpdateRecordsWindow ()
128 OptionsWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
129 Window.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
130 GUICommonWindows.PortraitWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
131 return
133 #original returns to game before continuing...
134 def OpenRecReformPartyWindow ():
135 OpenRecordsWindow ()
136 GemRB.SetTimedEvent (GUIWORLD.OpenReformPartyWindow, 1)
137 return
139 def UpdateRecordsWindow ():
140 global stats_overview, alignment_help
142 Window = RecordsWindow
143 if not RecordsWindow:
144 print "SelectionChange handler points to non existing window\n"
145 return
147 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
149 # exportable
150 Button = Window.GetControl (36)
151 if GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MC_FLAGS)&MC_EXPORTABLE:
152 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
153 else:
154 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
156 # dual-classable
157 Button = Window.GetControl (0)
158 if GUICommon.CanDualClass (pc):
159 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
160 else:
161 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
163 # levelup
164 Button = Window.GetControl (37)
165 if LUCommon.CanLevelUp (pc):
166 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
167 else:
168 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
170 # name
171 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000e)
172 Label.SetText (GemRB.GetPlayerName (pc, 0))
174 # portrait
175 Button = Window.GetControl (2)
177 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_LOCKED)
178 Button.SetPicture (GemRB.GetPlayerPortrait (pc,0), "NOPORTLG")
180 # armorclass
181 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000028)
182 ac = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_ARMORCLASS)
183 ac += GemRB.GetAbilityBonus (IE_DEX, 2, GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_DEX) )
184 Label.SetText (str (ac))
185 Label.SetTooltip (17183)
187 # hp now
188 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000029)
189 Label.SetText (str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_HITPOINTS)))
190 Label.SetTooltip (17184)
192 # hp max
193 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000002a)
194 Label.SetText (str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MAXHITPOINTS)))
195 Label.SetTooltip (17378)
197 # stats
199 sstr = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_STR)
200 sstrx = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_STREXTRA)
201 cstr = GetStatColor (pc, IE_STR)
202 if sstrx > 0 and sstr==18:
203 sstr = "%d/%02d" %(sstr, sstrx % 100)
204 else:
205 sstr = str (sstr)
207 sint = str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_INT))
208 cint = GetStatColor (pc, IE_INT)
209 swis = str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_WIS))
210 cwis = GetStatColor (pc, IE_WIS)
211 sdex = str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_DEX))
212 cdex = GetStatColor (pc, IE_DEX)
213 scon = str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_CON))
214 ccon = GetStatColor (pc, IE_CON)
215 schr = str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_CHR))
216 cchr = GetStatColor (pc, IE_CHR)
218 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000002f)
219 Label.SetText (sstr)
220 Label.SetTextColor (cstr[0], cstr[1], cstr[2])
222 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000009)
223 Label.SetText (sdex)
224 Label.SetTextColor (cdex[0], cdex[1], cdex[2])
226 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000a)
227 Label.SetText (scon)
228 Label.SetTextColor (ccon[0], ccon[1], ccon[2])
230 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000b)
231 Label.SetText (sint)
232 Label.SetTextColor (cint[0], cint[1], cint[2])
234 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000c)
235 Label.SetText (swis)
236 Label.SetTextColor (cwis[0], cwis[1], cwis[2])
238 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000d)
239 Label.SetText (schr)
240 Label.SetTextColor (cchr[0], cchr[1], cchr[2])
242 # class
243 ClassTitle = GUICommon.GetActorClassTitle (pc)
244 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000030)
245 Label.SetText (ClassTitle)
247 # race
248 text = CommonTables.Races.GetValue (CommonTables.Races.FindValue (3, GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_RACE)) ,
251 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000f)
252 Label.SetText (text)
254 Table = GemRB.LoadTable ("aligns")
256 text = Table.GetValue (Table.FindValue ( 3, GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_ALIGNMENT) ), 0)
257 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000010)
258 Label.SetText (text)
260 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000011)
261 if GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_SEX) == 1:
262 Label.SetText (7198)
263 else:
264 Label.SetText (7199)
266 # help, info textarea
267 stats_overview = GetStatOverview (pc)
268 Text = Window.GetControl (45)
269 Text.SetText (stats_overview)
270 #TODO: making window visible/shaded depending on the pc's state
271 Window.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
272 return
274 def GetStatColor (pc, stat):
275 a = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, stat)
276 b = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, stat, 1)
277 if a==b:
278 return (255,255,255)
279 if a<b:
280 return (255,255,0)
281 return (0,255,0)
283 # GemRB.GetPlayerStat wrapper that only returns nonnegative values
284 def GSNN (pc, stat):
285 val = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, stat)
286 if val >= 0:
287 return val
288 else:
289 return 0
291 # LevelDiff is used only from the level up code and holds the level
292 # difference for each class
293 def GetStatOverview (pc, LevelDiff=[0,0,0]):
294 StateTable = GemRB.LoadTable ("statdesc")
296 GS = lambda s, pc=pc: GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, s)
297 GB = lambda s, pc=pc: GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, s, 1)
298 GA = lambda s, col, pc=pc: GemRB.GetAbilityBonus (s, col, GS (s) )
300 stats = []
301 # class levels
302 # 16480 <CLASS>: Level <LEVEL>
303 # Experience: <EXPERIENCE>
304 # Next Level: <NEXTLEVEL>
306 # collecting tokens for stat overview
307 ClassTitle = GUICommon.GetActorClassTitle (pc)
308 GemRB.SetToken ("CLASS", ClassTitle)
309 Class = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_CLASS)
310 Class = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue (5, Class)
311 Class = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (Class)
312 Dual = GUICommon.IsDualClassed (pc, 1)
313 Multi = GUICommon.IsMultiClassed (pc, 1)
314 XP = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_XP)
315 LevelDrain = GS (IE_LEVELDRAIN)
318 stats.append ( (11829,1,'c') ) # DEAD
319 stats.append (None)
321 if Multi[0] > 1: # we're multiclassed
322 print "\tMulticlassed"
323 Levels = [GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL), GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL2), GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL3)]
325 stats.append ( (19721,1,'c') )
326 stats.append (None)
327 for i in range (Multi[0]):
328 ClassIndex = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue (5, Multi[i+1])
329 ClassTitle = GemRB.GetString (CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (ClassIndex, 2))
330 GemRB.SetToken ("CLASS", ClassTitle)
331 Class = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (ClassIndex)
332 GemRB.SetToken ("LEVEL", str (Levels[i]+LevelDiff[i]-int(LevelDrain/Multi[0])) )
333 GemRB.SetToken ("EXPERIENCE", str (XP/Multi[0]) )
334 if LevelDrain:
335 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (19720),1,'d') )
336 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (57435),1,'d') ) # LEVEL DRAINED
337 else:
338 GemRB.SetToken ("NEXTLEVEL", LUCommon.GetNextLevelExp (Levels[i]+LevelDiff[i], Class) )
339 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (16480),"",'d') )
340 stats.append (None)
341 print "\t\tClass (Level):",Class,"(",Levels[i],")"
343 elif Dual[0] > 0: # dual classed; first show the new class
344 print "\tDual classed"
345 stats.append ( (19722,1,'c') )
346 stats.append (None)
348 Levels = [GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL), GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL2), GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL3)]
350 # the levels are stored in the class order (eg. FIGHTER_MAGE)
351 # the current active class does not matter!
352 if GUICommon.IsDualSwap (pc):
353 Levels = [Levels[1], Levels[0], Levels[2]]
355 Levels[0] += LevelDiff[0]
357 ClassTitle = GemRB.GetString (CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (Dual[2], 2))
358 GemRB.SetToken ("CLASS", ClassTitle)
359 GemRB.SetToken ("LEVEL", str (Levels[0]-LevelDrain))
360 Class = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (Dual[2])
361 XP2 = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_XP)
362 GemRB.SetToken ("EXPERIENCE", str (XP2) )
363 if LevelDrain:
364 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (19720),1,'d') )
365 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (57435),1,'d') ) # LEVEL DRAINED
366 else:
367 GemRB.SetToken ("NEXTLEVEL", LUCommon.GetNextLevelExp (Levels[0], Class) )
368 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (16480),"",'d') )
369 stats.append (None)
370 # the first class (shown second)
371 if Dual[0] == 1:
372 ClassTitle = GemRB.GetString (CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (Dual[1], 2))
373 elif Dual[0] == 2:
374 ClassTitle = GemRB.GetString (CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (Dual[1], 2))
375 GemRB.SetToken ("CLASS", ClassTitle)
376 GemRB.SetToken ("LEVEL", str (Levels[1]) )
378 # the xp table contains only classes, so we have to determine the base class for kits
379 if Dual[0] == 2:
380 BaseClass = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (Dual[1])
381 else:
382 BaseClass = GUICommon.GetKitIndex (pc)
383 BaseClass = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (BaseClass, 7)
384 BaseClass = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue (5, BaseClass)
385 BaseClass = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName (BaseClass)
386 # the first class' XP is discarded and set to the minimum level
387 # requirement, so if you don't dual class right after a levelup,
388 # the game would eat some of your XP
389 XP1 = CommonTables.NextLevel.GetValue (BaseClass, str (Levels[1]))
390 GemRB.SetToken ("EXPERIENCE", str (XP1) )
392 # inactive until the new class SURPASSES the former
393 if Levels[0] <= Levels[1]:
394 # inactive
395 stats.append ( (19719,1,'c') )
396 else:
397 stats.append ( (19720,1,'c') )
398 stats.append (None)
399 else: # single classed
400 print "\tSingle classed"
401 Level = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEVEL) + LevelDiff[0]
402 GemRB.SetToken ("LEVEL", str (Level-LevelDrain))
403 GemRB.SetToken ("EXPERIENCE", str (XP) )
404 if LevelDrain:
405 stats.append ( (19720,1,'c') )
406 stats.append ( (57435,1,'c') ) # LEVEL DRAINED
407 else:
408 GemRB.SetToken ("NEXTLEVEL", LUCommon.GetNextLevelExp (Level, Class) )
409 stats.append ( (16480,1,'c') )
410 stats.append (None)
411 print "\t\tClass (Level):",Class,"(",Level,")"
413 # check to see if we have a level diff anywhere
414 if sum (LevelDiff) == 0:
415 effects = GemRB.GetPlayerStates (pc)
416 if len (effects):
417 for c in effects:
418 tmp = StateTable.GetValue (ord(c)-66, 0)
419 stats.append ( (tmp,c,'a') )
420 stats.append (None)
422 stats.append (None)
424 #proficiencies
425 stats.append ( (8442,1,'c') )
427 stats.append ( (9457, str(GS (IE_TOHIT))+" ("+str(GemRB.GetCombatDetails(pc, 0)["ToHit"])+")", '0') )
429 if (tmp&1):
430 tmp2 = str (tmp/2) + chr (188)
431 else:
432 tmp2 = str (tmp/2)
433 stats.append ( (9458, tmp2, '') )
434 stats.append ( (9459, GSNN (pc, IE_LORE), '0') )
435 stats.append ( (19224, GS (IE_RESISTMAGIC), '') )
437 # party's reputation
438 reptxt = GetReputation (GemRB.GameGetReputation ()/10)
439 stats.append ( (9465, reptxt, '') )
440 stats.append ( (9460, GSNN (pc, IE_LOCKPICKING), '') )
441 stats.append ( (9462, GSNN (pc, IE_TRAPS), '') )
442 stats.append ( (9463, GSNN (pc, IE_PICKPOCKET), '') )
443 stats.append ( (9461, GSNN (pc, IE_STEALTH), '') )
444 HatedRace = GS (IE_HATEDRACE)
445 if HatedRace:
446 HateTable = GemRB.LoadTable ("haterace")
447 Racist = HateTable.FindValue (1, HatedRace)
448 if Racist != -1:
449 HatedRace = HateTable.GetValue (Racist, 0)
450 stats.append ( (15982, GemRB.GetString (HatedRace), '') )
452 #stats.append ( (34120, GSNN (pc, IE_HIDEINSHADOWS), '') )
453 #stats.append ( (34121, GSNN (pc, IE_DETECTILLUSIONS), '') )
454 #stats.append ( (34122, GSNN (pc, IE_SETTRAPS), '') )
455 stats.append ( (12128, GS (IE_BACKSTABDAMAGEMULTIPLIER), 'x') )
456 stats.append ( (12126, GS (IE_TURNUNDEADLEVEL), '') )
458 #this hack only displays LOH if we know the spell
459 #TODO: the core should just not set LOH if the paladin can't learn it
460 if (GUICommon.HasSpell (pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_INNATE, 0, "SPCL211") >= 0):
461 stats.append ( (12127, GS (IE_LAYONHANDSAMOUNT), '') )
463 #script
464 aiscript = GemRB.GetPlayerScript (pc )
465 stats.append ( (2078, aiscript, '') )
466 stats.append (None)
468 # 17379 Saving throws
469 stats.append (17379)
470 # 17380 Paralyze/Poison/Death
471 stats.append ( (17380, IE_SAVEVSDEATH, 's') )
472 # 17381 Rod/Staff/Wand
473 stats.append ( (17381, IE_SAVEVSWANDS, 's') )
474 # 17382 Petrify/Polymorph
475 stats.append ( (17382, IE_SAVEVSPOLY, 's') )
476 # 17383 Breath weapon
477 stats.append ( (17383, IE_SAVEVSBREATH, 's') )
478 # 17384 Spells
479 stats.append ( (17384, IE_SAVEVSSPELL, 's') )
480 stats.append (None)
482 # 9466 Weapon proficiencies
483 stats.append (9466)
484 table = GemRB.LoadTable ("weapprof")
485 RowCount = table.GetRowCount ()
486 for i in range (RowCount):
487 text = table.GetValue (i, 1)
488 stat = table.GetValue (i, 0) + IE_PROFICIENCYBASTARDSWORD
489 stats.append ( (text, GS (stat)&0x07, '+') )
490 stats.append (None)
492 # 11766 AC Bonuses
493 stats.append (11766)
494 # 11770 AC vs. Crushing
495 stats.append ((11770, GS (IE_ACCRUSHINGMOD), ''))
496 # 11767 AC vs. Missile
497 stats.append ((11767, GS (IE_ACMISSILEMOD), ''))
498 # 11769 AC vs. Piercing
499 stats.append ((11769, GS (IE_ACPIERCINGMOD), ''))
500 # 11768 AC vs. Slashing
501 stats.append ((11768, GS (IE_ACSLASHINGMOD), ''))
502 stats.append (None)
504 # 10315 Ability bonuses
505 stats.append (10315)
506 value = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_STR)
507 ex = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_STREXTRA)
508 # 10332 to hit
509 stats.append ( (10332, GemRB.GetAbilityBonus (IE_STR,0,value,ex), '0') )
510 # 10336 damage
511 stats.append ( (10336, GemRB.GetAbilityBonus (IE_STR,1,value,ex), '0') )
512 # 10337 open doors (bend bars lift gates)
513 stats.append ( (10337, GemRB.GetAbilityBonus (IE_STR,2,value,ex), '0') )
514 # 10338 weight allowance
515 stats.append ( (10338, GemRB.GetAbilityBonus (IE_STR,3,value,ex), '0') )
516 # 10339 AC
517 stats.append ( (10339, GA (IE_DEX,2), '0') )
518 # 10340 Missile adjustment
519 stats.append ( (10340, GA (IE_DEX,1), '0') )
520 # 10341 Reaction adjustment
521 stats.append ( (10341, GA (IE_DEX,0), '0') )
522 # 10342 CON HP Bonus/Level
523 stats.append ( (10342, GA (IE_CON,0), 'p') )
524 # 10343 Chance To Learn spell
525 if GemRB.GetMemorizableSpellsCount (pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_WIZARD, 0, 0)>0:
526 stats.append ( (10343, GA (IE_INT,0), '%' ) )
527 # 10347 Reaction
528 stats.append ( (10347, GA (IE_REPUTATION,0), '0') )
529 stats.append (None)
531 # 10344 Bonus Priest spells
532 if GemRB.GetMemorizableSpellsCount (pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 0, 0)>0:
533 stats.append (10344)
534 for level in range (7):
535 GemRB.SetToken ("SPELLLEVEL", str (level+1) )
536 #get the bonus spell count
537 base = GemRB.GetMemorizableSpellsCount (pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, level, 0)
538 if base:
539 count = GemRB.GetMemorizableSpellsCount (pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, level)
540 stats.append ( (GemRB.GetString (10345), count-base, 'b') )
541 stats.append (None)
543 res = []
544 lines = 0
545 for s in stats:
546 try:
547 strref, val, type = s
548 if val == 0 and type != '0':
549 continue
550 if type == '+': #pluses
551 res.append ("[capital=0]"+GemRB.GetString (strref) + ' '+ '+' * val)
552 elif type == 'p': #a plus prefix if positive
553 if val > 0:
554 res.append ("[capital=0]" + GemRB.GetString (strref) + ' +' + str (val) )
555 else:
556 res.append ("[capital=0]" + GemRB.GetString (strref) + ' ' + str (val) )
557 elif type == 's': #both base and (modified) stat, but only if they differ
558 base = str (GB (val))
559 stat = str (GS (val))
560 if base == stat:
561 res.append ("[capital=0]" + GemRB.GetString (strref) + ': ' + base)
562 else:
563 res.append ("[capital=0]" + GemRB.GetString (strref) + ': ' + base + " (" + stat + ")")
564 elif type == 'x': #x character before value
565 res.append ("[capital=0]"+GemRB.GetString (strref) +': x' + str (val) )
566 elif type == 'a': #value (portrait icon) + string
567 res.append ("[capital=2]"+val+" "+GemRB.GetString (strref))
568 elif type == 'b': #strref is an already resolved string
569 res.append ("[capital=0]"+strref+": "+str (val))
570 elif type == 'c': #normal string
571 res.append ("[capital=0]"+GemRB.GetString (strref))
572 elif type == 'd': #strref is an already resolved string
573 res.append ("[capital=0]"+strref)
574 elif type == '0': #normal value
575 res.append (GemRB.GetString (strref) + ': ' + str (val))
576 else: #normal value + type character, for example percent sign
577 res.append ("[capital=0]"+GemRB.GetString (strref) + ': ' + str (val) + type)
578 lines = 1
579 except:
580 if s != None:
581 res.append ( GemRB.GetString (s) )
582 lines = 0
583 else:
584 if lines:
585 res.append ("")
586 lines = 0
588 return "\n".join (res)
590 def GetReputation (repvalue):
591 table = GemRB.LoadTable ("reptxt")
592 if repvalue>20:
593 repvalue=20
594 txt = GemRB.GetString (table.GetValue (repvalue, 0) )
595 return txt+"("+str (repvalue)+")"
597 def OpenInformationWindow ():
598 global InformationWindow
600 if InformationWindow != None:
601 if BiographyWindow: OpenBiographyWindow ()
603 return
605 InformationWindow = Window = GemRB.LoadWindow (4)
607 # Biography
608 Button = Window.GetControl (26)
609 Button.SetText (18003)
610 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenBiographyWindow)
612 # Done
613 Button = Window.GetControl (24)
614 Button.SetText (11973)
615 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseInformationWindow)
617 TotalPartyExp = 0
618 ChapterPartyExp = 0
619 TotalCount = 0
620 ChapterCount = 0
621 for i in range (1, GemRB.GetPartySize () + 1):
622 stat = GemRB.GetPCStats(i)
623 TotalPartyExp = TotalPartyExp + stat['KillsTotalXP']
624 ChapterPartyExp = ChapterPartyExp + stat['KillsChapterXP']
625 TotalCount = TotalCount + stat['KillsTotalCount']
626 ChapterCount = ChapterCount + stat['KillsChapterCount']
628 # These are used to get the stats
629 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
630 stat = GemRB.GetPCStats (pc)
632 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000000)
633 Label.SetText (GemRB.GetPlayerName (pc, 1))
634 # class
635 ClassTitle = GUICommon.GetActorClassTitle (pc)
636 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000018)
637 Label.SetText (ClassTitle)
639 #most powerful vanquished
640 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000005)
641 #we need getstring, so -1 will translate to empty string
642 Label.SetText (GemRB.GetString (stat['BestKilledName']))
644 # NOTE: currentTime is in seconds, joinTime is in seconds * 15
645 # (script updates???). In each case, there are 60 seconds
646 # in a minute, 24 hours in a day, but ONLY 5 minutes in an hour!!
647 # Hence currentTime (and joinTime after div by 15) has
648 # 7200 secs a day (60 * 5 * 24)
649 currentTime = GemRB.GetGameTime ()
650 joinTime = stat['JoinDate'] - stat['AwayTime']
652 party_time = currentTime - (joinTime / 15)
653 days = party_time / 7200
654 hours = (party_time % 7200) / 300
656 GemRB.SetToken ('GAMEDAYS', str (days))
657 GemRB.SetToken ('HOUR', str (hours))
658 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000006)
659 #actually it is 16043 <DURATION>, but duration is translated to
660 #16041, hopefully this won't cause problem with international version
661 Label.SetText (16041)
663 #favourite spell
664 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000007)
665 Label.SetText (stat['FavouriteSpell'])
667 #favourite weapon
668 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000008)
669 #actually it is 10479 <WEAPONNAME>, but weaponname is translated to
670 #the real weapon name (which we should set using SetToken)
671 #there are other strings like bow+wname/xbow+wname/sling+wname
672 #are they used?
673 Label.SetText (stat['FavouriteWeapon'])
675 #total party xp
676 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000013)
677 if TotalPartyExp != 0:
678 PartyExp = int ((stat['KillsTotalXP'] * 100) / TotalPartyExp)
679 Label.SetText (str (PartyExp) + '%')
680 else:
681 Label.SetText ("0%")
683 # chapter party xp
684 Label = Window.GetControl (0x1000000f)
685 if ChapterPartyExp != 0:
686 PartyExp = int ((stat['KillsChapterXP'] * 100) / ChapterPartyExp)
687 Label.SetText (str (PartyExp) + '%')
688 else:
689 Label.SetText ("0%")
691 #total xp
692 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000014)
693 if TotalCount != 0:
694 PartyExp = int ((stat['KillsTotalCount'] * 100) / TotalCount)
695 Label.SetText (str (PartyExp) + '%')
696 else:
697 Label.SetText ("0%")
699 # chapter xp
700 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000010)
701 if ChapterCount != 0:
702 PartyExp = int ((stat['KillsChapterCount'] * 100) / ChapterCount)
703 Label.SetText (str (PartyExp) + '%')
704 else:
705 Label.SetText ("0%")
707 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000011)
708 Label.SetText (str (stat['KillsChapterXP']))
709 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000015)
710 Label.SetText (str (stat['KillsTotalXP']))
712 #count of kills in chapter/game
713 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000012)
714 Label.SetText (str (stat['KillsChapterCount']))
715 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000016)
716 Label.SetText (str (stat['KillsTotalCount']))
718 Window.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
719 return
721 def CloseInformationWindow ():
722 import GUICommonWindows
723 global InformationWindow
725 if InformationWindow:
726 InformationWindow.Unload ()
727 InformationWindow = None
728 OptionsWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
729 RecordsWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
730 GUICommonWindows.PortraitWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
731 return
733 def OpenBiographyWindow ():
734 global BiographyWindow
736 if BiographyWindow != None:
737 return
739 BiographyWindow = Window = GemRB.LoadWindow (12)
740 GemRB.SetVar ("FloatWindow", BiographyWindow.ID)
742 TextArea = Window.GetControl (0)
743 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
744 TextArea.SetText (GemRB.GetPlayerString (pc, 74) )
746 # Done
747 Button = Window.GetControl (2)
748 Button.SetText (11973)
749 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseBiographyWindow)
751 Window.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
752 return
754 def CloseBiographyWindow ():
755 global BiographyWindow
757 if BiographyWindow:
758 BiographyWindow.Unload ()
759 BiographyWindow = None
760 InformationWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
761 return
763 def OpenExportWindow ():
764 global ExportWindow, NameField, ExportDoneButton
766 ExportWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (13)
768 TextArea = ExportWindow.GetControl (2)
769 TextArea.SetText (10962)
771 TextArea = ExportWindow.GetControl (0)
772 TextArea.GetCharacters ()
774 ExportDoneButton = ExportWindow.GetControl (4)
775 ExportDoneButton.SetText (11973)
776 ExportDoneButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
778 CancelButton = ExportWindow.GetControl (5)
779 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
780 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
782 NameField = ExportWindow.GetControl (6)
784 ExportDoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, ExportDonePress)
785 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, ExportCancelPress)
786 NameField.SetEvent (IE_GUI_EDIT_ON_CHANGE, ExportEditChanged)
787 ExportWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
788 NameField.SetStatus (IE_GUI_CONTROL_FOCUSED)
789 return
791 def ExportDonePress():
792 if ExportWindow:
793 ExportWindow.Unload()
794 #save file under name from EditControl
795 return
797 def ExportCancelPress():
798 if ExportWindow:
799 ExportWindow.Unload()
800 return
802 def ExportEditChanged():
803 ExportFileName = NameField.QueryText ()
804 if ExportFileName == "":
805 ExportDoneButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
806 else:
807 ExportDoneButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
808 return
810 def OpenCustomizeWindow ():
811 global CustomizeWindow
812 global PortraitsTable, ScriptsTable, ColorTable
814 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
815 if GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MC_FLAGS)&MC_EXPORTABLE:
816 Exportable = 1
817 else:
818 Exportable = 0
820 PortraitsTable = GemRB.LoadTable ("PICTURES")
821 ScriptsTable = GemRB.LoadTable ("SCRPDESC")
822 ColorTable = GemRB.LoadTable ("CLOWNCOL")
823 CustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (17)
825 PortraitSelectButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (0)
826 PortraitSelectButton.SetText (11961)
827 if not Exportable:
828 PortraitSelectButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
830 SoundButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (1)
831 SoundButton.SetText (10647)
832 if not Exportable:
833 SoundButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
835 ColorButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (2)
836 ColorButton.SetText (10646)
837 if not Exportable:
838 ColorButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
840 ScriptButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (3)
841 ScriptButton.SetText (17111)
843 #This button exists only in bg2/iwd, theoretically we could create it here
844 #BiographyButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (9)
845 #BiographyButton.SetText (18003)
846 #if not Exportable:
847 # BiographyButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
849 TextArea = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (5)
850 TextArea.SetText (11327)
852 CustomizeDoneButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (7)
853 CustomizeDoneButton.SetText (11973)
854 CustomizeDoneButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
856 CancelButton = CustomizeWindow.GetControl (8);
857 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
858 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
860 PortraitSelectButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenPortraitSelectWindow)
861 SoundButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenSoundWindow)
862 ColorButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenColorWindow)
863 ScriptButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenScriptWindow)
864 #BiographyButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenBiographyEditWindow)
865 CustomizeDoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CustomizeDonePress)
866 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CustomizeCancelPress)
868 CustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
869 return
871 def CustomizeDonePress ():
872 CloseCustomizeWindow ()
873 UpdateRecordsWindow ()
874 return
876 def CustomizeCancelPress ():
877 CloseCustomizeWindow ()
878 UpdateRecordsWindow ()
879 return
881 def CloseCustomizeWindow ():
882 global CustomizeWindow
884 if CustomizeWindow:
885 CustomizeWindow.Unload ()
886 CustomizeWindow = None
887 return
889 def OpenPortraitSelectWindow ():
890 global SubCustomizeWindow
891 global PortraitButton
892 global Gender, LastPortrait
894 SubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (18)
895 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
896 Gender = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_SEX, 1)
897 PortraitName = GemRB.GetPlayerPortrait (pc, 0)
898 LastPortrait = PortraitsTable.GetRowIndex (PortraitName[0:len(PortraitName)-1])
900 PortraitButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (0)
902 PortraitButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_LOCKED)
904 LeftButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (1)
905 RightButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (2)
907 DoneButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (3)
908 DoneButton.SetText (11973)
909 DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
911 CancelButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (4)
912 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
913 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
915 CustomPortraitButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (5)
916 CustomPortraitButton.SetText (17545)
918 LeftButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, PortraitLeftPress)
919 RightButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, PortraitRightPress)
920 DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, PortraitDonePress)
921 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseSubCustomizeWindow)
922 CustomPortraitButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OpenCustomPortraitWindow)
923 SubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
925 while True:
926 if PortraitsTable.GetValue (LastPortrait, 0) == Gender:
927 UpdatePortrait ()
928 break
929 LastPortrait = LastPortrait + 1
931 return
933 def PortraitDonePress ():
934 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
935 Name = PortraitsTable.GetRowName (LastPortrait)
936 GemRB.FillPlayerInfo (pc, Name + "L", Name + "S")
937 CloseSubCustomizeWindow ()
938 return
940 def PortraitRightPress():
941 global LastPortrait
943 while True:
944 LastPortrait = LastPortrait + 1
945 if LastPortrait >= PortraitsTable.GetRowCount ():
946 LastPortrait = 0
947 if PortraitsTable.GetValue (LastPortrait, 0) == Gender:
948 UpdatePortrait ()
949 return
951 return
953 def PortraitLeftPress():
954 global LastPortrait
956 while True:
957 LastPortrait = LastPortrait - 1
958 if LastPortrait < 0:
959 LastPortrait = PortraitsTable.GetRowCount ()-1
960 if PortraitsTable.GetValue (LastPortrait, 0) == Gender:
961 UpdatePortrait ()
962 return
964 return
966 def UpdatePortrait ():
967 PortraitName = PortraitsTable.GetRowName (LastPortrait)+"G"
968 PortraitButton.SetPicture (PortraitName, "NOPORTLG")
969 return
971 def OpenCustomPortraitWindow ():
972 global SubSubCustomizeWindow
973 global PortraitList1, PortraitList2
974 global RowCount1, RowCount2
976 SubSubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (19)
978 SmallPortraitButton = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (1)
981 LargePortraitButton = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (0)
984 DoneButton = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (10)
985 DoneButton.SetText (11973)
986 DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
987 DoneButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
989 CancelButton = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (11)
990 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
991 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
993 # Portrait List Large
994 PortraitList1 = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (2)
995 RowCount1 = PortraitList1.GetPortraits (0)
996 PortraitList1.SetEvent (IE_GUI_TEXTAREA_ON_CHANGE, LargeCustomPortrait)
997 GemRB.SetVar ("Row1", RowCount1)
998 PortraitList1.SetVarAssoc ("Row1",RowCount1)
1000 # Portrait List Small
1001 PortraitList2 = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (3)
1002 RowCount2 = PortraitList2.GetPortraits (1)
1003 PortraitList2.SetEvent (IE_GUI_TEXTAREA_ON_CHANGE, SmallCustomPortrait)
1004 GemRB.SetVar ("Row2", RowCount2)
1005 PortraitList2.SetVarAssoc ("Row2",RowCount2)
1007 DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CustomPortraitDonePress)
1008 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseSubSubCustomizeWindow)
1010 SubSubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
1011 return
1013 def CustomPortraitDonePress ():
1014 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1015 GemRB.FillPlayerInfo (pc, PortraitList1.QueryText () , PortraitList2.QueryText ())
1017 CloseSubSubCustomizeWindow ()
1018 #closing the generic portraits, because we just set a custom one
1019 CloseSubCustomizeWindow ()
1020 return
1022 def LargeCustomPortrait ():
1023 Window = SubSubCustomizeWindow
1025 Portrait = PortraitList1.QueryText ()
1026 #small hack
1027 if GemRB.GetVar ("Row1") == RowCount1:
1028 return
1030 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000007)
1031 Label.SetText (Portrait)
1033 Button = Window.GetControl (10)
1034 if Portrait=="":
1035 Portrait = "NOPORTMD"
1036 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
1037 else:
1038 if PortraitList2.QueryText ()!="":
1039 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
1041 Button = Window.GetControl (0)
1042 Button.SetPicture (Portrait, "NOPORTMD")
1043 return
1045 def SmallCustomPortrait ():
1046 Window = SubSubCustomizeWindow
1048 Portrait = PortraitList2.QueryText ()
1049 #small hack
1050 if GemRB.GetVar ("Row2") == RowCount2:
1051 return
1053 Label = Window.GetControl (0x10000008)
1054 Label.SetText (Portrait)
1056 Button = Window.GetControl (10)
1057 if Portrait=="":
1058 Portrait = "NOPORTSM"
1059 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
1060 else:
1061 if PortraitList1.QueryText ()!="":
1062 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
1064 Button = Window.GetControl (1)
1065 Button.SetPicture (Portrait, "NOPORTSM")
1066 return
1068 def OpenSoundWindow ():
1069 global SubCustomizeWindow
1070 global VoiceList
1071 global Gender
1073 SubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (20)
1075 VoiceList = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (5)
1077 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1078 Gender = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_SEX, 1)
1080 VoiceList.SetVarAssoc ("Selected", 0)
1081 RowCount=VoiceList.GetCharSounds()
1083 PlayButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (7)
1084 PlayButton.SetText (17318)
1086 TextArea = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (8)
1087 TextArea.SetText (11315)
1089 DoneButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (10)
1090 DoneButton.SetText (11973)
1091 DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
1093 CancelButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (11)
1094 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
1095 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
1097 PlayButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, PlaySoundPressed)
1098 DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DoneSoundWindow)
1099 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseSubCustomizeWindow)
1101 SubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
1102 return
1104 def DoneSoundWindow ():
1105 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1106 CharSound = VoiceList.QueryText ()
1107 GemRB.SetPlayerSound (pc, CharSound)
1109 CloseSubCustomizeWindow ()
1110 return
1112 def PlaySoundPressed():
1113 global CharSoundWindow, SoundIndex, SoundSequence
1115 CharSound = VoiceList.QueryText ()
1116 while (not GemRB.HasResource (CharSound + SoundSequence[SoundIndex], RES_WAV)):
1117 GUICG19.NextSound()
1118 GemRB.PlaySound (CharSound + SoundSequence[SoundIndex], 0, 0, 4)
1119 return
1121 def OpenColorWindow ():
1122 global SubCustomizeWindow
1123 global PortraitWindow
1124 global PortraitButton
1125 global HairButton, SkinButton, MajorButton, MinorButton
1126 global HairColor, SkinColor, MajorColor, MinorColor
1128 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1129 MinorColor = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MINOR_COLOR)
1130 MajorColor = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MAJOR_COLOR)
1131 SkinColor = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_SKIN_COLOR)
1132 HairColor = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_HAIR_COLOR)
1133 SubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (21)
1135 PortraitButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (0)
1137 PortraitButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_LOCKED)
1139 HairButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (3)
1140 SkinButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (4)
1141 MajorButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (5)
1142 MinorButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (6)
1144 DoneButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (12)
1145 DoneButton.SetText (11973)
1146 DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
1148 CancelButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (13)
1149 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
1150 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
1152 HairButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, SetHairColor)
1153 SkinButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, SetSkinColor)
1154 MajorButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, SetMajorColor)
1155 MinorButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, SetMinorColor)
1156 DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DoneColorWindow)
1157 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseSubCustomizeWindow)
1158 UpdatePaperDoll ()
1160 SubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
1161 return
1163 def DoneColorWindow ():
1164 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1165 GemRB.SetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MINOR_COLOR, MinorColor)
1166 GemRB.SetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MAJOR_COLOR, MajorColor)
1167 GemRB.SetPlayerStat (pc, IE_SKIN_COLOR, SkinColor)
1168 GemRB.SetPlayerStat (pc, IE_HAIR_COLOR, HairColor)
1169 CloseSubCustomizeWindow ()
1170 return
1172 def UpdatePaperDoll ():
1173 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1174 Color1 = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_METAL_COLOR)
1175 MinorButton.SetBAM ("COLGRAD", 0, 0, MinorColor&0xff)
1176 MajorButton.SetBAM ("COLGRAD", 0, 0, MajorColor&0xff)
1177 SkinButton.SetBAM ("COLGRAD", 0, 0, SkinColor&0xff)
1178 Color5 = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LEATHER_COLOR)
1179 Color6 = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_ARMOR_COLOR)
1180 HairButton.SetBAM ("COLGRAD", 0, 0, HairColor&0xff)
1181 PortraitButton.SetPLT (GUICommon.GetActorPaperDoll (pc),
1182 Color1, MinorColor, MajorColor, SkinColor, Color5, Color6, HairColor, 0, 0)
1183 return
1185 def SetHairColor ():
1186 global ColorIndex, PickedColor
1188 ColorIndex = 0
1189 PickedColor = HairColor
1190 OpenColorPicker ()
1191 return
1193 def SetSkinColor ():
1194 global ColorIndex, PickedColor
1196 ColorIndex = 1
1197 PickedColor = SkinColor
1198 OpenColorPicker ()
1199 return
1201 def SetMinorColor ():
1202 global ColorIndex, PickedColor
1204 ColorIndex = 2
1205 PickedColor = MinorColor
1206 OpenColorPicker ()
1207 return
1209 def SetMajorColor ():
1210 global ColorIndex, PickedColor
1212 ColorIndex = 3
1213 PickedColor = MajorColor
1214 OpenColorPicker ()
1215 return
1217 def OpenColorPicker ():
1218 global SubSubCustomizeWindow
1219 #global Selected
1221 SubSubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (22)
1223 GemRB.SetVar ("Selected",-1)
1224 for i in range (1,35):
1225 Button = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (i)
1226 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
1229 #Selected = -1
1230 for i in range (34):
1231 MyColor = ColorTable.GetValue (ColorIndex, i)
1232 if MyColor == "*":
1233 break
1234 Button = SubSubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (i+1)
1235 Button.SetBAM("COLGRAD", 2, 0, MyColor)
1236 if PickedColor == MyColor:
1237 GemRB.SetVar ("Selected",i)
1238 #Selected = i
1239 Button.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ENABLED)
1240 Button.SetVarAssoc("Selected",i)
1241 Button.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DonePress)
1243 SubSubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
1244 return
1246 def DonePress():
1247 global HairColor, SkinColor, MajorColor, MinorColor
1248 global PickedColor
1250 CloseSubSubCustomizeWindow ()
1251 PickedColor=ColorTable.GetValue (ColorIndex, GemRB.GetVar ("Selected"))
1252 if ColorIndex==0:
1253 HairColor=PickedColor
1254 UpdatePaperDoll ()
1255 return
1256 if ColorIndex==1:
1257 SkinColor=PickedColor
1258 UpdatePaperDoll ()
1259 return
1260 if ColorIndex==2:
1261 MinorColor=PickedColor
1262 UpdatePaperDoll ()
1263 return
1265 MajorColor=PickedColor
1266 UpdatePaperDoll ()
1267 return
1269 def OpenScriptWindow ():
1270 global SubCustomizeWindow
1271 global ScriptTextArea, SelectedTextArea
1273 SubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (11)
1275 ScriptTextArea = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (2)
1276 ScriptTextArea.SetFlags (IE_GUI_TEXTAREA_SELECTABLE)
1277 FillScriptList ()
1278 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1279 script = GemRB.GetPlayerScript (pc)
1280 scriptindex = ScriptsTable.GetRowIndex (script)
1281 GemRB.SetVar ("Selected", scriptindex)
1282 ScriptTextArea.SetVarAssoc ("Selected", scriptindex)
1284 SelectedTextArea = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (4)
1285 UpdateScriptSelection ()
1287 DoneButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (5)
1288 DoneButton.SetText (11973)
1289 DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
1291 CancelButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (6)
1292 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
1293 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
1295 DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DoneScriptWindow)
1296 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseSubCustomizeWindow)
1297 ScriptTextArea.SetEvent (IE_GUI_TEXTAREA_ON_CHANGE, UpdateScriptSelection)
1299 SubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
1300 return
1302 def FillScriptList ():
1303 ScriptTextArea.Clear ()
1304 row = ScriptsTable.GetRowCount ()
1305 for i in range (row):
1306 GemRB.SetToken ("script", ScriptsTable.GetRowName (i) )
1307 title = ScriptsTable.GetValue (i,0)
1308 if title!=-1:
1309 desc = ScriptsTable.GetValue (i,1)
1310 txt = GemRB.GetString (title)
1312 if (desc!=-1):
1313 txt += GemRB.GetString (desc)
1315 ScriptTextArea.Append (txt+"\n", -1)
1317 else:
1318 ScriptTextArea.Append (ScriptsTable.GetRowName (i)+"\n" ,-1)
1320 return
1322 def DoneScriptWindow ():
1323 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1324 script = ScriptsTable.GetRowName (GemRB.GetVar ("Selected") )
1325 GemRB.SetPlayerScript (pc, script)
1326 CloseSubCustomizeWindow ()
1327 return
1329 def UpdateScriptSelection():
1330 text = ScriptTextArea.QueryText ()
1331 SelectedTextArea.SetText (text)
1332 return
1334 def OpenBiographyEditWindow ():
1335 global SubCustomizeWindow
1336 global BioStrRef
1337 global TextArea
1339 Changed = 0
1340 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1341 BioStrRef = GemRB.GetPlayerString (pc, 74)
1342 if BioStrRef != 33347:
1343 Changed = 1
1345 SubCustomizeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (23)
1347 ClearButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (5)
1348 ClearButton.SetText (34881)
1350 DoneButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (1)
1351 DoneButton.SetText (11973)
1352 DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
1354 RevertButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (3)
1355 RevertButton.SetText (2240)
1356 if not Changed:
1357 RevertButton.SetState (IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED)
1359 CancelButton = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (2)
1360 CancelButton.SetText (13727)
1361 CancelButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
1363 TextArea = SubCustomizeWindow.GetControl (4)
1364 TextArea.SetBufferLength (65535)
1365 TextArea.SetText (BioStrRef)
1367 ClearButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, ClearBiography)
1368 DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DoneBiographyWindow)
1369 RevertButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, RevertBiography)
1370 CancelButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CloseSubCustomizeWindow)
1372 SubCustomizeWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)
1373 return
1375 def ClearBiography():
1376 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1377 BioStrRef = 62015+pc
1378 #GemRB.CreateString (BioStrRef, "")
1379 TextArea.SetText ("")
1380 return
1382 def DoneBiographyWindow ():
1383 global BioStrRef
1385 #TODO set bio
1386 pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
1387 #pc is 1 based
1388 BioStrRef = 62015+pc
1389 GemRB.CreateString (BioStrRef, TextArea.QueryText())
1390 GemRB.SetPlayerString (pc, 74, BioStrRef)
1391 CloseSubCustomizeWindow ()
1392 return
1394 def RevertBiography():
1395 global BioStrRef
1397 BioStrRef = 33347
1398 TextArea.SetText (33347)
1399 return
1401 def CloseSubCustomizeWindow ():
1402 global SubCustomizeWindow
1404 if SubCustomizeWindow:
1405 SubCustomizeWindow.Unload ()
1406 SubCustomizeWindow = None
1407 return
1409 def CloseSubSubCustomizeWindow ():
1410 global SubSubCustomizeWindow
1412 if SubSubCustomizeWindow:
1413 SubSubCustomizeWindow.Unload ()
1414 SubSubCustomizeWindow = None
1415 return
1417 ###################################################
1418 # End of file GUIREC.py