kde-misc/plasma-applet-netspeed-widget: add 3.1
[gentoo-zh.git] / net-im / wechat-universal-bwrap / wechat-universal-bwrap-
1 # Copyright 2024 Gentoo Authors
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4 EAPI=8
6 inherit desktop toolchain-funcs unpacker xdg
8 DESCRIPTION="WeChat (Universal) from UOS, inside bwrap sandbox"
9 HOMEPAGE="https://weixin.qq.com https://github.com/7Ji-PKGBUILDs/wechat-universal-bwrap"
11 UOS_APPSTORE_URI="https://home-store-packages.uniontech.com/appstore/pool/appstore"
12 AUR_REPO_REF="a50592f4f9ac4387f2c2e56c59b62ace629e316f"
13 SRC_URI="
14         amd64? ( ${UOS_APPSTORE_URI}/c/com.tencent.wechat/com.tencent.wechat_${PV}_amd64.deb )
15         arm64? ( ${UOS_APPSTORE_URI}/c/com.tencent.wechat/com.tencent.wechat_${PV}_arm64.deb )
16         loong? ( ${UOS_APPSTORE_URI}/c/com.tencent.wechat/com.tencent.wechat_${PV}_loongarch64.deb )
17         https://github.com/7Ji-PKGBUILDs/wechat-universal-bwrap/archive/${AUR_REPO_REF}.tar.gz -> wechat-universal-bwrap-${AUR_REPO_REF}.tar.gz
20 S="${WORKDIR}"
21 LICENSE="all-rights-reserved GPL-2"
22 SLOT="0"
23 KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~arm64 ~loong"
24 RESTRICT="bindist strip mirror"
26 # the sonames are gathered with the following trick
28 # objdump -p /path/weixin | grep NEEDED | awk '{print $2}' | xargs equery b | sort | uniq
30         app-accessibility/at-spi2-core:2
31         dev-libs/expat
32         dev-libs/glib:2
33         dev-libs/nspr
34         dev-libs/nss
35         dev-libs/openssl-compat:1.1.1
36         dev-libs/wayland
37         media-libs/alsa-lib
38         media-libs/fontconfig
39         media-libs/freetype
40         media-libs/libglvnd
41         media-libs/mesa
42         media-libs/tiff-compat:4
43         sys-apps/dbus
44         sys-libs/zlib
45         x11-libs/cairo
46         x11-libs/libdrm
47         x11-libs/libX11
48         x11-libs/libxcb
49         x11-libs/libXcomposite
50         x11-libs/libXdamage
51         x11-libs/libXext
52         x11-libs/libXfixes
53         x11-libs/libxkbcommon
54         x11-libs/libXrandr
55         x11-libs/libXrender
56         x11-libs/pango
57         x11-libs/xcb-util-image
58         x11-libs/xcb-util-keysyms
59         x11-libs/xcb-util-renderutil
60         x11-libs/xcb-util-wm
64         ${BLOB_RDEPEND}
65         sys-apps/bubblewrap
66         sys-apps/lsb-release
67         x11-misc/flatpak-xdg-utils
68         x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs
69         loong? ( virtual/loong-ow-compat )
71 BDEPEND="dev-util/patchelf"
75 src_prepare() {
76         pushd "${S}/wechat-universal-bwrap-${AUR_REPO_REF}" > /dev/null
77         eapply "${FILESDIR}/adjust-launcher-fs-layout.patch"
78         popd > /dev/null
80         default
82         pushd "${S}/opt/apps/com.tencent.wechat/files" > /dev/null
83         ebegin "Unbundling libuosdevicea.so"
84         rm libuosdevicea.so || die
85         eend $?
86         popd > /dev/null
89 call_cc() {
90         local cc="$(tc-getCC)"
91         echo "$cc" "$@"
92         "$cc" "$@" || die
95 call_patchelf() {
96         echo patchelf "$@"
97         patchelf "$@" || die
100 src_compile() {
101         einfo "Fixing blob RUNPATHs"
102         pushd "${S}/opt/apps/com.tencent.wechat/files" > /dev/null
103         # originally $ORIGIN:$ORIGIN
104         call_patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' RadiumWMPF/runtime/WeChatAppEx
105         # originally $ORIGIN:/home/ubuntu/.wconan2/ilink/5ae3ed15_1692179323/libs/Release/clang-llvm-12.0.0/libs:
106         call_patchelf --remove-rpath RadiumWMPF/runtime/libilink2.so
107         # originally /home/ubuntu/.wconan2/ilink_network/cfed668b_1692178974/ilink-network/libs/Release/clang-llvm-12.0.0/libs:
108         call_patchelf --remove-rpath RadiumWMPF/runtime/libilink_network.so
109         # originally ./ (!!!)
110         call_patchelf --remove-rpath libvoipChannel.so
111         call_patchelf --remove-rpath libvoipCodec.so
112         popd > /dev/null
114         einfo "Building stub libuosdevicea.so"
115         pushd "${S}/wechat-universal-bwrap-${AUR_REPO_REF}" > /dev/null
116         call_cc -fPIC -shared ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o libuosdevicea.so libuosdevicea.c || die
117         popd > /dev/null
120 src_install() {
121         pushd "${S}/wechat-universal-bwrap-${AUR_REPO_REF}" > /dev/null
122         domenu wechat-universal.desktop
123         newbin wechat-universal.sh wechat-universal
125         exeinto /usr/share/wechat-universal/usr/bin
126         newexe fake_dde-file-manager dde-file-manager
128         insinto /opt/wechat-universal
129         doins libuosdevicea.so
130         insinto /usr/share/wechat-universal/usr/lib/license
131         doins libuosdevicea.so
132         popd > /dev/null
134         # needed on the host side for bwrap to be able to do the bind-mount
135         keepdir /usr/lib/license
137         insinto /usr/share/wechat-universal/etc
138         newins "${FILESDIR}/stub-uos-release" lsb-release
140         insinto /opt/wechat-universal
141         doins -r "${S}/opt/apps/com.tencent.wechat/files/"*
142         fperms 0755 /opt/wechat-universal/{crashpad_handler,wechat}
143         fperms 0755 /opt/wechat-universal/RadiumWMPF/runtime/WeChatAppEx{,_crashpad_handler}
145         pushd "${S}/opt/apps/com.tencent.wechat/entries/icons/hicolor" > /dev/null
146         for size in 16 32 48 64 128 256; do
147                 newicon -s ${size} "${size}x${size}/apps/com.tencent.wechat.png" wechat-universal.png
148         done
149         popd > /dev/null
152 pkg_postinst() {
153         elog "This WeChat will run in a sys-apps/bubblewrap sandbox, and will only"
154         elog "be able to access \$XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/WeChat_Data by default."
155         elog
156         elog "You can bind additional directories into the sandbox by creating a"
157         elog "~/.config/wechat-universal/binds.list file, with every line an"
158         elog "absolute or relative-to-HOME path."