1 # Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6 MY_PGK_NAME="com.alibabainc.dingtalk"
7 inherit desktop unpacker xdg
9 DESCRIPTION="Communication platform that supports video and audio conferencing"
10 HOMEPAGE="https://gov.dingtalk.com"
11 SRC_URI="https://dtapp-pub.dingtalk.com/dingtalk-desktop/xc_dingtalk_update/linux_deb/Release/com.alibabainc.${PN}_${PV}_amd64.deb"
13 LICENSE="all-rights-reserved"
17 RESTRICT="strip mirror bindist"
22 media-libs/tiff-compat:4
32 x11-libs/libXScrnSaver
38 BDEPEND="dev-util/patchelf"
45 # Install scalable icon
46 doicon -s scalable "${FILESDIR}"/dingtalk.svg
47 # Remove the libraries that break compatibility in modern systems
48 # Dingtalk will use the system libs instead
49 MY_VERSION=$(cat "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/version)
51 rm -f "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/"${MY_VERSION}"/libstdc++* || die
53 rm -f "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/"${MY_VERSION}"/libm.so* || die
55 rm -f "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/"${MY_VERSION}"/libz* || die
56 # Use system libcurl, fix preserved depend problem
57 rm -f "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/"${MY_VERSION}"/libcurl.so* || die
58 # use system freetype, fix undefined symbol: FT_Get_Color_Glyph_Layer
59 rm -rf "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/"${MY_VERSION}"/libfreetype.so* || die
61 # Set RPATH for preserve-libs handling
62 pushd "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/"${MY_VERSION}" || die
65 # Use \x7fELF header to separate ELF executables and libraries
66 [[ -f ${x} && $(od -t x1 -N 4 "${x}") == *"7f 45 4c 46"* ]] || continue
67 local RPATH_ROOT="/opt/apps/${MY_PGK_NAME}/files/${MY_VERSION}"
68 patchelf --set-rpath "${RPATH_ROOT}/:${RPATH_ROOT}/swiftshader/:${RPATH_ROOT}/platforminputcontexts/:${RPATH_ROOT}/imageformats/" "${x}" || \
69 die "patchelf failed on ${x}"
72 # fix ldd pattern error
73 sed -i 's/libc_version=.*/libc_version=`ldd --version | grep ldd | rev | cut -d" " -f1 | rev`/g' "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh || die
75 sed -i "s/export XMODIFIERS/#export XMODIFIERS/g" "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh || die
76 sed -i "s/export QT_IM_MODULE/#export QT_IM_MODULE/g" "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh || die
78 cat >> "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh.head <<- EOF || die
80 if [ -z "\${QT_IM_MODULE}" ]
82 if [ -n "\$(pidof fcitx5)" ]
84 export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
85 export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
86 elif [ -n "\$(pidof ibus-daemon)" ]
88 export XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus"
89 export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
90 elif [ -n "\$(pidof fcitx)" ]
92 export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
93 export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
98 cat "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh.head "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh > "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh.new || die
99 cat "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh.new > "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh || die
100 rm "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh.head "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh.new || die
102 # Add dingtalk command
103 mkdir -p "${S}"/usr/bin/ || die
104 ln -s /opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/files/Elevator.sh "${S}"/usr/bin/dingtalk || die
106 # Fix file path and desktop files
107 sed -E -i 's/^Icon=.*$/Icon=dingtalk/g' "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/entries/applications/*.desktop || die
109 mkdir -p usr/share/applications || die
110 mv "${S}"/opt/apps/"${MY_PGK_NAME}"/entries/applications/"${MY_PGK_NAME}".desktop usr/share/applications/ || die
112 # Install package and fix permissions
114 doins -r opt/apps/${MY_PGK_NAME}
119 for x in $(find "opt/apps/${MY_PGK_NAME}") ; do
120 # Fix shell script permissions
121 [[ "${x: -3}" == ".sh" ]] && fperms 0755 "/${x}"
122 # Use \x7fELF header to separate ELF executables and libraries
123 [[ -f ${x} && $(od -t x1 -N 4 "${x}") == *"7f 45 4c 46"* ]] && fperms 0755 "/${x}"