app-editors/cursor: add 0.45.11, drop 0.45.10
[gentoo-zh.git] / media-fonts / misans / misans-4.003-r1.ebuild
1 # Copyright 2024 Gentoo Authors
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4 EAPI=8
6 inherit font
8 MY_PN="MiSans_Global_ALL"
10 DESCRIPTION="MiSans 是由小米主导,联合汉仪发布的可免费使用的字体"
12 SRC_URI="${MY_PN}.zip -> ${P}.zip"
13 S="${WORKDIR}/MiSans Global _ALL"
15 LICENSE="MiSans"
16 SLOT="0"
17 KEYWORDS="~amd64"
18 BDEPEND="app-arch/unzip"
19 FONT_SUFFIX="otf ttf"
21 RESTRICT="mirror"
23 src_unpack() {
24         unpack "${A}"
26         cd "$S"
27         local MY_FONTS=(
28                 ""
29                 "MiSana"
30                 "MiSans"
31                 " MiSans"
32                 "MiSans"
33                 "MiSans"
34                 "MiSans"
35                 "MiSans"
36                 "MiSans Thai .zip"
37                 "MiSans"
38                 "MiSans"
39                 "MiSans"
40                 "MiSans"
41         )
43         for name in "${MY_FONTS[@]}"; do
44                 unpack "./${name}"
45         done
48 src_install() {
49         find . \( -iname '*.otf' -o -iname '*.ttf' \) -exec cp "{}" . \; || die
50         font_src_install
52         insinto /etc/fonts/conf.avail
53         doins "${FILESDIR}/70-mi-sans-cjk.conf"
54         doins "${FILESDIR}/71-mi-sans-default.conf"