perf: nameToCLabel: Directly manipulate ByteString rather than going via strings
[ghc.git] / compiler / GHC / StgToByteCode.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
8 --
9 -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
12 -- | GHC.StgToByteCode: Generate bytecode from STG
13 module GHC.StgToByteCode ( UnlinkedBCO, byteCodeGen) where
15 import GHC.Prelude
17 import GHC.Driver.DynFlags
18 import GHC.Driver.Env
20 import GHC.ByteCode.Instr
21 import GHC.ByteCode.Asm
22 import GHC.ByteCode.Types
24 import GHC.Cmm.CallConv
25 import GHC.Cmm.Expr
26 import GHC.Cmm.Reg ( GlobalArgRegs(..) )
27 import GHC.Cmm.Node
28 import GHC.Cmm.Utils
30 import GHC.Platform
31 import GHC.Platform.Profile
33 import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
34 import GHCi.FFI
35 import GHCi.RemoteTypes
36 import GHC.Types.Basic
37 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
38 import GHC.Types.Name
39 import GHC.Types.Id
40 import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
41 import GHC.Core
42 import GHC.Types.Literal
43 import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
44 import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps.Ids (primOpId)
45 import GHC.Core.Type
46 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare (eqType)
47 import GHC.Types.RepType
48 import GHC.Core.DataCon
49 import GHC.Core.TyCon
50 import GHC.Utils.Misc
51 import GHC.Utils.Logger
52 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
53 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
54 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprType )
55 import GHC.Utils.Error
56 import GHC.Builtin.Uniques
57 import GHC.Data.FastString
58 import GHC.Utils.Panic
59 import GHC.Utils.Exception (evaluate)
60 import GHC.StgToCmm.Closure ( NonVoid(..), fromNonVoid, idPrimRepU,
61 addIdReps, addArgReps,
62 assertNonVoidIds, assertNonVoidStgArgs )
63 import GHC.StgToCmm.Layout
64 import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout hiding (WordOff, ByteOff, wordsToBytes)
65 import GHC.Data.Bitmap
66 import GHC.Data.FlatBag as FlatBag
67 import GHC.Data.OrdList
68 import GHC.Data.Maybe
69 import GHC.Types.Name.Env (mkNameEnv)
70 import GHC.Types.Tickish
71 import GHC.Types.SptEntry
73 import Data.List ( genericReplicate, intersperse
74 , partition, scanl', sortBy, zip4, zip6 )
75 import Foreign hiding (shiftL, shiftR)
76 import Control.Monad
77 import Data.Char
79 import GHC.Unit.Module
80 import GHC.Unit.Home.PackageTable (lookupHpt)
82 import Data.Array
83 import Data.Coerce (coerce)
84 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
85 #if MIN_VERSION_rts(1,0,3)
86 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
87 #endif
88 import Data.Map (Map)
89 import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
90 import qualified Data.Map as Map
91 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
92 import qualified GHC.Data.FiniteMap as Map
93 import Data.Ord
94 import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
96 import GHC.Stg.Syntax
97 import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
98 import GHC.CoreToIface
100 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 -- Generating byte code for a complete module
103 byteCodeGen :: HscEnv
104 -> Module
105 -> [CgStgTopBinding]
106 -> [TyCon]
107 -> Maybe ModBreaks
108 -> [SptEntry]
109 -> IO CompiledByteCode
110 byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod binds tycs mb_modBreaks spt_entries
111 = withTiming logger
112 (text "GHC.StgToByteCode"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
113 (const ()) $ do
114 -- Split top-level binds into strings and others.
115 -- See Note [Generating code for top-level string literal bindings].
116 let (strings, lifted_binds) = partitionEithers $ do -- list monad
117 bnd <- binds
118 case bnd of
119 StgTopLifted bnd -> [Right bnd]
120 StgTopStringLit b str -> [Left (b, str)]
121 flattenBind (StgNonRec b e) = [(b,e)]
122 flattenBind (StgRec bs) = bs
123 stringPtrs <- allocateTopStrings interp strings
125 (BcM_State{..}, proto_bcos) <-
126 runBc hsc_env this_mod mb_modBreaks $ do
127 let flattened_binds = concatMap flattenBind (reverse lifted_binds)
128 FlatBag.fromList (fromIntegral $ length flattened_binds) <$> mapM schemeTopBind flattened_binds
130 when (notNull ffis)
131 (panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.byteCodeGen: missing final emitBc?")
133 putDumpFileMaybe logger Opt_D_dump_BCOs
134 "Proto-BCOs" FormatByteCode
135 (vcat (intersperse (char ' ') (map ppr $ elemsFlatBag proto_bcos)))
137 let mod_breaks = case modBreaks of
138 Nothing -> Nothing
139 Just mb -> Just mb{ modBreaks_breakInfo = breakInfo }
140 cbc <- assembleBCOs interp profile proto_bcos tycs stringPtrs mod_breaks spt_entries
142 -- Squash space leaks in the CompiledByteCode. This is really
143 -- important, because when loading a set of modules into GHCi
144 -- we don't touch the CompiledByteCode until the end when we
145 -- do linking. Forcing out the thunks here reduces space
146 -- usage by more than 50% when loading a large number of
147 -- modules.
148 evaluate (seqCompiledByteCode cbc)
150 return cbc
152 where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
153 logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
154 interp = hscInterp hsc_env
155 profile = targetProfile dflags
157 -- | see Note [Generating code for top-level string literal bindings]
158 allocateTopStrings
159 :: Interp
160 -> [(Id, ByteString)]
161 -> IO AddrEnv
162 allocateTopStrings interp topStrings = do
163 let !(bndrs, strings) = unzip topStrings
164 ptrs <- interpCmd interp $ MallocStrings strings
165 return $ mkNameEnv (zipWith mk_entry bndrs ptrs)
166 where
167 mk_entry bndr ptr = let nm = getName bndr
168 in (nm, (nm, AddrPtr ptr))
170 {- Note [Generating code for top-level string literal bindings]
171 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
172 As described in Note [Compilation plan for top-level string literals]
173 in GHC.Core, the core-to-core optimizer can introduce top-level Addr#
174 bindings to represent string literals. The creates two challenges for
175 the bytecode compiler: (1) compiling the bindings themselves, and
176 (2) compiling references to such bindings. Here is a summary on how
177 we deal with them:
179 1. Top-level string literal bindings are separated from the rest of
180 the module. Memory for them is allocated immediately, via
181 interpCmd, in allocateTopStrings, and the resulting AddrEnv is
182 recorded in the bc_strs field of the CompiledByteCode result.
184 2. When we encounter a reference to a top-level string literal, we
185 generate a PUSH_ADDR pseudo-instruction, which is assembled to
186 a PUSH_UBX instruction with a BCONPtrAddr argument.
188 3. The loader accumulates string literal bindings from loaded
189 bytecode in the addr_env field of the LinkerEnv.
191 4. The BCO linker resolves BCONPtrAddr references by searching both
192 the addr_env (to find literals defined in bytecode) and the native
193 symbol table (to find literals defined in native code).
195 This strategy works alright, but it does have one significant problem:
196 we never free the memory that we allocate for the top-level strings.
197 In theory, we could explicitly free it when BCOs are unloaded, but
198 this comes with its own complications; see #22400 for why. For now,
199 we just accept the leak, but it would nice to find something better. -}
201 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 -- Compilation schema for the bytecode generator
204 type BCInstrList = OrdList BCInstr
206 wordsToBytes :: Platform -> WordOff -> ByteOff
207 wordsToBytes platform = fromIntegral . (* platformWordSizeInBytes platform) . fromIntegral
209 -- Used when we know we have a whole number of words
210 bytesToWords :: Platform -> ByteOff -> WordOff
211 bytesToWords platform (ByteOff bytes) =
212 let (q, r) = bytes `quotRem` (platformWordSizeInBytes platform)
213 in if r == 0
214 then fromIntegral q
215 else pprPanic "GHC.StgToByteCode.bytesToWords"
216 (text "bytes=" <> ppr bytes)
218 wordSize :: Platform -> ByteOff
219 wordSize platform = ByteOff (platformWordSizeInBytes platform)
221 type Sequel = ByteOff -- back off to this depth before ENTER
223 type StackDepth = ByteOff
225 -- | Maps Ids to their stack depth. This allows us to avoid having to mess with
226 -- it after each push/pop.
227 type BCEnv = Map Id StackDepth -- To find vars on the stack
230 ppBCEnv :: BCEnv -> SDoc
231 ppBCEnv p
232 = text "begin-env"
233 $$ nest 4 (vcat (map pp_one (sortBy cmp_snd (Map.toList p))))
234 $$ text "end-env"
235 where
236 pp_one (var, ByteOff offset) = int offset <> colon <+> ppr var <+> ppr (bcIdArgReps var)
237 cmp_snd x y = compare (snd x) (snd y)
240 -- Create a BCO and do a spot of peephole optimisation on the insns
241 -- at the same time.
242 mkProtoBCO
244 Platform
245 -> Maybe Module
246 -- ^ Just cur_mod <=> label with @BCO_NAME@ instruction
247 -- see Note [BCO_NAME]
248 -> Name
249 -> BCInstrList
250 -> Either [CgStgAlt] (CgStgRhs)
251 -- ^ original expression; for debugging only
252 -> Int -- ^ arity
253 -> WordOff -- ^ bitmap size
254 -> [StgWord] -- ^ bitmap
255 -> Bool -- ^ True <=> is a return point, rather than a function
256 -> [FFIInfo]
257 -> ProtoBCO Name
258 mkProtoBCO platform _add_bco_name nm instrs_ordlist origin arity bitmap_size bitmap is_ret ffis
259 = ProtoBCO {
260 protoBCOName = nm,
261 protoBCOInstrs = maybe_add_bco_name $ maybe_add_stack_check peep_d,
262 protoBCOBitmap = bitmap,
263 protoBCOBitmapSize = fromIntegral bitmap_size,
264 protoBCOArity = arity,
265 protoBCOExpr = origin,
266 protoBCOFFIs = ffis
268 where
269 #if MIN_VERSION_rts(1,0,3)
270 maybe_add_bco_name instrs
271 | Just cur_mod <- _add_bco_name =
272 let str = BS.pack $ showSDocOneLine defaultSDocContext (pprFullName cur_mod nm)
273 in BCO_NAME str : instrs
274 #endif
275 maybe_add_bco_name instrs = instrs
277 -- Overestimate the stack usage (in words) of this BCO,
278 -- and if >= iNTERP_STACK_CHECK_THRESH, add an explicit
279 -- stack check. (The interpreter always does a stack check
280 -- for iNTERP_STACK_CHECK_THRESH words at the start of each
281 -- BCO anyway, so we only need to add an explicit one in the
282 -- (hopefully rare) cases when the (overestimated) stack use
284 maybe_add_stack_check instrs
285 | is_ret && stack_usage < fromIntegral (pc_AP_STACK_SPLIM (platformConstants platform)) = instrs
286 -- don't do stack checks at return points,
287 -- everything is aggregated up to the top BCO
288 -- (which must be a function).
289 -- That is, unless the stack usage is >= AP_STACK_SPLIM,
290 -- see bug #1466.
291 | stack_usage >= fromIntegral iNTERP_STACK_CHECK_THRESH
292 = STKCHECK stack_usage : instrs
293 | otherwise
294 = instrs -- the supposedly common case
296 -- We assume that this sum doesn't wrap
297 stack_usage = sum (map bciStackUse peep_d)
299 -- Merge local pushes
300 peep_d = peep (fromOL instrs_ordlist)
302 peep (PUSH_L off1 : PUSH_L off2 : PUSH_L off3 : rest)
303 = PUSH_LLL off1 (off2-1) (off3-2) : peep rest
304 peep (PUSH_L off1 : PUSH_L off2 : rest)
305 = PUSH_LL off1 (off2-1) : peep rest
306 peep (i:rest)
307 = i : peep rest
308 peep []
309 = []
311 argBits :: Platform -> [ArgRep] -> [Bool]
312 argBits _ [] = []
313 argBits platform (rep : args)
314 | isFollowableArg rep = False : argBits platform args
315 | otherwise = replicate (argRepSizeW platform rep) True ++ argBits platform args
317 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 -- schemeTopBind
320 -- Compile code for the right-hand side of a top-level binding
322 schemeTopBind :: (Id, CgStgRhs) -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
323 schemeTopBind (id, rhs)
324 | Just data_con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe id,
325 isNullaryRepDataCon data_con = do
326 platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
327 add_bco_name <- shouldAddBcoName
328 -- Special case for the worker of a nullary data con.
329 -- It'll look like this: Nil = /\a -> Nil a
330 -- If we feed it into schemeR, we'll get
331 -- Nil = Nil
332 -- because mkConAppCode treats nullary constructor applications
333 -- by just re-using the single top-level definition. So
334 -- for the worker itself, we must allocate it directly.
335 -- ioToBc (putStrLn $ "top level BCO")
336 emitBc (mkProtoBCO platform add_bco_name
337 (getName id) (toOL [PACK data_con 0, RETURN P])
338 (Right rhs) 0 0 [{-no bitmap-}] False{-not alts-})
340 | otherwise
341 = schemeR [{- No free variables -}] (getName id, rhs)
344 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 -- schemeR
347 -- Compile code for a right-hand side, to give a BCO that,
348 -- when executed with the free variables and arguments on top of the stack,
349 -- will return with a pointer to the result on top of the stack, after
350 -- removing the free variables and arguments.
352 -- Park the resulting BCO in the monad. Also requires the
353 -- name of the variable to which this value was bound,
354 -- so as to give the resulting BCO a name.
355 schemeR :: [Id] -- Free vars of the RHS, ordered as they
356 -- will appear in the thunk. Empty for
357 -- top-level things, which have no free vars.
358 -> (Name, CgStgRhs)
359 -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
360 schemeR fvs (nm, rhs)
361 = schemeR_wrk fvs nm rhs (collect rhs)
363 -- If an expression is a lambda, return the
364 -- list of arguments to the lambda (in R-to-L order) and the
365 -- underlying expression
367 collect :: CgStgRhs -> ([Var], CgStgExpr)
368 collect (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ args body _) = (args, body)
369 collect (StgRhsCon _cc dc cnum _ticks args _typ) = ([], StgConApp dc cnum args [])
371 schemeR_wrk
372 :: [Id]
373 -> Name
374 -> CgStgRhs -- expression e, for debugging only
375 -> ([Var], CgStgExpr) -- result of collect on e
376 -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
377 schemeR_wrk fvs nm original_body (args, body)
378 = do
379 add_bco_name <- shouldAddBcoName
380 profile <- getProfile
382 platform = profilePlatform profile
383 all_args = reverse args ++ fvs
384 arity = length all_args
385 -- all_args are the args in reverse order. We're compiling a function
386 -- \fv1..fvn x1..xn -> e
387 -- i.e. the fvs come first
389 -- Stack arguments always take a whole number of words, we never pack
390 -- them unlike constructor fields.
391 szsb_args = map (wordsToBytes platform . idSizeW platform) all_args
392 sum_szsb_args = sum szsb_args
393 p_init = Map.fromList (zip all_args (mkStackOffsets 0 szsb_args))
395 -- make the arg bitmap
396 bits = argBits platform (reverse (map (idArgRep platform) all_args))
397 bitmap_size = strictGenericLength bits
398 bitmap = mkBitmap platform bits
399 body_code <- schemeER_wrk sum_szsb_args p_init body
401 emitBc (mkProtoBCO platform add_bco_name nm body_code (Right original_body)
402 arity bitmap_size bitmap False{-not alts-})
404 -- | Introduce break instructions for ticked expressions.
405 -- If no breakpoint information is available, the instruction is omitted.
406 schemeER_wrk :: StackDepth -> BCEnv -> CgStgExpr -> BcM BCInstrList
407 schemeER_wrk d p (StgTick (Breakpoint tick_ty tick_no fvs tick_mod) rhs) = do
408 code <- schemeE d 0 p rhs
409 hsc_env <- getHscEnv
410 current_mod <- getCurrentModule
411 mb_current_mod_breaks <- getCurrentModBreaks
412 case mb_current_mod_breaks of
413 -- if we're not generating ModBreaks for this module for some reason, we
414 -- can't store breakpoint occurrence information.
415 Nothing -> pure code
416 Just current_mod_breaks -> break_info hsc_env tick_mod current_mod mb_current_mod_breaks >>= \case
417 Nothing -> pure code
418 Just ModBreaks {modBreaks_flags = breaks, modBreaks_module = tick_mod_ptr, modBreaks_ccs = cc_arr} -> do
419 platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
420 let idOffSets = getVarOffSets platform d p fvs
421 ty_vars = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped (tick_ty:map idType fvs)
422 toWord :: Maybe (Id, WordOff) -> Maybe (Id, Word)
423 toWord = fmap (\(i, wo) -> (i, fromIntegral wo))
424 breakInfo = dehydrateCgBreakInfo ty_vars (map toWord idOffSets) tick_ty
426 let info_mod_ptr = modBreaks_module current_mod_breaks
427 infox <- newBreakInfo breakInfo
429 let cc | Just interp <- hsc_interp hsc_env
430 , interpreterProfiled interp
431 = cc_arr ! tick_no
432 | otherwise = toRemotePtr nullPtr
434 let -- cast that checks that round-tripping through Word16 doesn't change the value
435 toW16 x = let r = fromIntegral x :: Word16
436 in if fromIntegral r == x
437 then r
438 else pprPanic "schemeER_wrk: breakpoint tick/info index too large!" (ppr x)
439 breakInstr = BRK_FUN breaks tick_mod_ptr (toW16 tick_no) info_mod_ptr (toW16 infox) cc
440 return $ breakInstr `consOL` code
441 schemeER_wrk d p rhs = schemeE d 0 p rhs
443 -- | Determine the GHCi-allocated 'BreakArray' and module pointer for the module
444 -- from which the breakpoint originates.
445 -- These are stored in 'ModBreaks' as remote pointers in order to allow the BCOs
446 -- to refer to pointers in GHCi's address space.
447 -- They are initialized in 'GHC.HsToCore.Breakpoints.mkModBreaks', called by
448 -- 'GHC.HsToCore.deSugar'.
450 -- Breakpoints might be disabled because we're in TH, because
451 -- @-fno-break-points@ was specified, or because a module was reloaded without
452 -- reinitializing 'ModBreaks'.
454 -- If the module stored in the breakpoint is the currently processed module, use
455 -- the 'ModBreaks' from the state.
456 -- If that is 'Nothing', consider breakpoints to be disabled and skip the
457 -- instruction.
459 -- If the breakpoint is inlined from another module, look it up in the home
460 -- package table.
461 -- If the module doesn't exist there, or its module pointer is null (which means
462 -- that the 'ModBreaks' value is uninitialized), skip the instruction.
463 break_info ::
464 HscEnv ->
465 Module ->
466 Module ->
467 Maybe ModBreaks ->
468 BcM (Maybe ModBreaks)
469 break_info hsc_env mod current_mod current_mod_breaks
470 | mod == current_mod
471 = pure $ check_mod_ptr =<< current_mod_breaks
472 | otherwise
473 = ioToBc (lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) (moduleName mod)) >>= \case
474 Just hp -> pure $ check_mod_ptr (getModBreaks hp)
475 Nothing -> pure Nothing
476 where
477 check_mod_ptr mb
478 | mod_ptr <- modBreaks_module mb
479 , fromRemotePtr mod_ptr /= nullPtr
480 = Just mb
481 | otherwise
482 = Nothing
484 getVarOffSets :: Platform -> StackDepth -> BCEnv -> [Id] -> [Maybe (Id, WordOff)]
485 getVarOffSets platform depth env = map getOffSet
486 where
487 getOffSet id = case lookupBCEnv_maybe id env of
488 Nothing -> Nothing
489 Just offset ->
490 -- michalt: I'm not entirely sure why we need the stack
491 -- adjustment by 2 here. I initially thought that there's
492 -- something off with getIdValFromApStack (the only user of this
493 -- value), but it looks ok to me. My current hypothesis is that
494 -- this "adjustment" is needed due to stack manipulation for
495 -- BRK_FUN in Interpreter.c In any case, this is used only when
496 -- we trigger a breakpoint.
497 let !var_depth_ws = bytesToWords platform (depth - offset) + 2
498 in Just (id, var_depth_ws)
500 fvsToEnv :: BCEnv -> CgStgRhs -> [Id]
501 -- Takes the free variables of a right-hand side, and
502 -- delivers an ordered list of the local variables that will
503 -- be captured in the thunk for the RHS
504 -- The BCEnv argument tells which variables are in the local
505 -- environment: these are the ones that should be captured
507 -- The code that constructs the thunk, and the code that executes
508 -- it, have to agree about this layout
510 fvsToEnv p rhs = [v | v <- dVarSetElems $ freeVarsOfRhs rhs,
511 v `Map.member` p]
513 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
514 -- schemeE
516 -- Returning an unlifted value.
517 -- Heave it on the stack, SLIDE, and RETURN.
518 returnUnliftedAtom
519 :: StackDepth
520 -> Sequel
521 -> BCEnv
522 -> StgArg
523 -> BcM BCInstrList
524 returnUnliftedAtom d s p e = do
525 let reps = stgArgRep e
526 (push, szb) <- pushAtom d p e
527 ret <- returnUnliftedReps d s szb reps
528 return (push `appOL` ret)
530 -- return an unlifted value from the top of the stack
531 returnUnliftedReps
532 :: StackDepth
533 -> Sequel
534 -> ByteOff -- size of the thing we're returning
535 -> [PrimRep] -- representations
536 -> BcM BCInstrList
537 returnUnliftedReps d s szb reps = do
538 profile <- getProfile
539 let platform = profilePlatform profile
540 ret <- case reps of
541 -- use RETURN for nullary/unary representations
542 [] -> return (unitOL $ RETURN V)
543 [rep] -> return (unitOL $ RETURN (toArgRep platform rep))
544 -- otherwise use RETURN_TUPLE with a tuple descriptor
545 nv_reps -> do
546 let (call_info, args_offsets) = layoutNativeCall profile NativeTupleReturn 0 id nv_reps
547 tuple_bco <- emitBc (tupleBCO platform call_info args_offsets)
548 return $ PUSH_UBX (mkNativeCallInfoLit platform call_info) 1 `consOL`
549 PUSH_BCO tuple_bco `consOL`
551 return ( mkSlideB platform szb (d - s) -- clear to sequel
552 `appOL` ret) -- go
554 -- construct and return an unboxed tuple
555 returnUnboxedTuple
556 :: StackDepth
557 -> Sequel
558 -> BCEnv
559 -> [StgArg]
560 -> BcM BCInstrList
561 returnUnboxedTuple d s p es = do
562 profile <- getProfile
563 let platform = profilePlatform profile
564 (call_info, tuple_components) = layoutNativeCall profile
565 NativeTupleReturn
567 stgArgRepU
569 go _ pushes [] = return (reverse pushes)
570 go !dd pushes ((a, off):cs) = do (push, szb) <- pushAtom dd p a
571 massert (off == dd + szb)
572 go (dd + szb) (push:pushes) cs
573 pushes <- go d [] tuple_components
575 ret <- returnUnliftedReps d
577 (wordsToBytes platform $ nativeCallSize call_info)
578 (map stgArgRepU es)
579 return (mconcat pushes `appOL` ret)
581 -- Compile code to apply the given expression to the remaining args
582 -- on the stack, returning a HNF.
583 schemeE
584 :: StackDepth -> Sequel -> BCEnv -> CgStgExpr -> BcM BCInstrList
585 schemeE d s p (StgLit lit) = returnUnliftedAtom d s p (StgLitArg lit)
586 schemeE d s p (StgApp x [])
587 | isUnliftedType (idType x) = returnUnliftedAtom d s p (StgVarArg x)
588 -- Delegate tail-calls to schemeT.
589 schemeE d s p e@(StgApp {}) = schemeT d s p e
590 schemeE d s p e@(StgConApp {}) = schemeT d s p e
591 schemeE d s p e@(StgOpApp {}) = schemeT d s p e
592 schemeE d s p (StgLetNoEscape xlet bnd body)
593 = schemeE d s p (StgLet xlet bnd body)
594 schemeE d s p (StgLet _xlet
595 (StgNonRec x (StgRhsCon _cc data_con _cnum _ticks args _typ))
596 body)
597 = do -- Special case for a non-recursive let whose RHS is a
598 -- saturated constructor application.
599 -- Just allocate the constructor and carry on
600 alloc_code <- mkConAppCode d s p data_con args
601 platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
602 let !d2 = d + wordSize platform
603 body_code <- schemeE d2 s (Map.insert x d2 p) body
604 return (alloc_code `appOL` body_code)
605 -- General case for let. Generates correct, if inefficient, code in
606 -- all situations.
607 schemeE d s p (StgLet _ext binds body) = do
608 platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
609 let (xs,rhss) = case binds of StgNonRec x rhs -> ([x],[rhs])
610 StgRec xs_n_rhss -> unzip xs_n_rhss
611 n_binds = strictGenericLength xs
613 fvss = map (fvsToEnv p') rhss
615 -- Sizes of free vars
616 size_w = idSizeW platform
617 sizes = map (\rhs_fvs -> sum (map size_w rhs_fvs)) fvss
619 -- the arity of each rhs
620 arities = map (strictGenericLength . fst . collect) rhss
622 -- This p', d' defn is safe because all the items being pushed
623 -- are ptrs, so all have size 1 word. d' and p' reflect the stack
624 -- after the closures have been allocated in the heap (but not
625 -- filled in), and pointers to them parked on the stack.
626 offsets = mkStackOffsets d (genericReplicate n_binds (wordSize platform))
627 p' = Map.insertList (zipE xs offsets) p
628 d' = d + wordsToBytes platform n_binds
629 zipE = zipEqual "schemeE"
631 -- ToDo: don't build thunks for things with no free variables
632 build_thunk
633 :: StackDepth
634 -> [Id]
635 -> WordOff
636 -> ProtoBCO Name
637 -> WordOff
638 -> HalfWord
639 -> BcM BCInstrList
640 build_thunk _ [] size bco off arity
641 = return (PUSH_BCO bco `consOL` unitOL (mkap (off+size) (fromIntegral size)))
642 where
643 mkap | arity == 0 = MKAP
644 | otherwise = MKPAP
645 build_thunk dd (fv:fvs) size bco off arity = do
646 (push_code, pushed_szb) <- pushAtom dd p' (StgVarArg fv)
647 more_push_code <-
648 build_thunk (dd + pushed_szb) fvs size bco off arity
649 return (push_code `appOL` more_push_code)
651 alloc_code = toOL (zipWith mkAlloc sizes arities)
652 where mkAlloc sz 0
653 | is_tick = ALLOC_AP_NOUPD (fromIntegral sz)
654 | otherwise = ALLOC_AP (fromIntegral sz)
655 mkAlloc sz arity = ALLOC_PAP arity (fromIntegral sz)
657 is_tick = case binds of
658 StgNonRec id _ -> occNameFS (getOccName id) == tickFS
659 _other -> False
661 compile_bind d' fvs x (rhs::CgStgRhs) size arity off = do
662 bco <- schemeR fvs (getName x,rhs)
663 build_thunk d' fvs size bco off arity
665 compile_binds =
666 [ compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size arity n
667 | (fvs, x, rhs, size, arity, n) <-
668 zip6 fvss xs rhss sizes arities [n_binds, n_binds-1 .. 1]
670 body_code <- schemeE d' s p' body
671 thunk_codes <- sequence compile_binds
672 return (alloc_code `appOL` concatOL thunk_codes `appOL` body_code)
674 schemeE _d _s _p (StgTick (Breakpoint _ bp_id _ _) _rhs)
675 = panic ("schemeE: Breakpoint without let binding: " ++
676 show bp_id ++
677 " forgot to run bcPrep?")
679 -- ignore other kinds of tick
680 schemeE d s p (StgTick _ rhs) = schemeE d s p rhs
682 -- no alts: scrut is guaranteed to diverge
683 schemeE d s p (StgCase scrut _ _ []) = schemeE d s p scrut
685 schemeE d s p (StgCase scrut bndr _ alts)
686 = doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
690 Ticked Expressions
691 ------------------
693 The idea is that the "breakpoint<n,fvs> E" is really just an annotation on
694 the code. When we find such a thing, we pull out the useful information,
695 and then compile the code as if it was just the expression E.
698 -- Compile code to do a tail call. Specifically, push the fn,
699 -- slide the on-stack app back down to the sequel depth,
700 -- and enter. Four cases:
702 -- 0. (Nasty hack).
703 -- An application "GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# <type> unboxed-int".
704 -- The int will be on the stack. Generate a code sequence
705 -- to convert it to the relevant constructor, SLIDE and ENTER.
707 -- 1. The fn denotes a ccall. Defer to generateCCall.
709 -- 2. An unboxed tuple: push the components on the top of
710 -- the stack and return.
712 -- 3. Application of a constructor, by defn saturated.
713 -- Split the args into ptrs and non-ptrs, and push the nonptrs,
714 -- then the ptrs, and then do PACK and RETURN.
716 -- 4. Otherwise, it must be a function call. Push the args
717 -- right to left, SLIDE and ENTER.
719 schemeT :: StackDepth -- Stack depth
720 -> Sequel -- Sequel depth
721 -> BCEnv -- stack env
722 -> CgStgExpr
723 -> BcM BCInstrList
725 -- Case 0
726 schemeT d s p app
727 | Just (arg, constr_names) <- maybe_is_tagToEnum_call app
728 = implement_tagToId d s p arg constr_names
730 -- Case 1
731 schemeT d s p (StgOpApp (StgFCallOp (CCall ccall_spec) _ty) args result_ty)
732 = if isSupportedCConv ccall_spec
733 then generateCCall d s p ccall_spec result_ty args
734 else unsupportedCConvException
736 schemeT d s p (StgOpApp (StgPrimOp op) args _ty)
737 = doTailCall d s p (primOpId op) (reverse args)
739 schemeT d s p (StgOpApp (StgPrimCallOp (PrimCall label unit)) args result_ty)
740 = generatePrimCall d s p label (Just unit) result_ty args
742 schemeT d s p (StgConApp con _cn args _tys)
743 -- Case 2: Unboxed tuple
744 | isUnboxedTupleDataCon con || isUnboxedSumDataCon con
745 = returnUnboxedTuple d s p args
747 -- Case 3: Ordinary data constructor
748 | otherwise
749 = do alloc_con <- mkConAppCode d s p con args
750 platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
751 return (alloc_con `appOL`
752 mkSlideW 1 (bytesToWords platform $ d - s) `snocOL` RETURN P)
754 -- Case 4: Tail call of function
755 schemeT d s p (StgApp fn args)
756 = doTailCall d s p fn (reverse args)
758 schemeT _ _ _ e = pprPanic "GHC.StgToByteCode.schemeT"
759 (pprStgExpr shortStgPprOpts e)
761 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
762 -- Generate code to build a constructor application,
763 -- leaving it on top of the stack
765 mkConAppCode
766 :: StackDepth
767 -> Sequel
768 -> BCEnv
769 -> DataCon -- The data constructor
770 -> [StgArg] -- Args, in *reverse* order
771 -> BcM BCInstrList
772 mkConAppCode orig_d _ p con args = app_code
773 where
774 app_code = do
775 profile <- getProfile
776 let platform = profilePlatform profile
778 non_voids =
779 addArgReps (assertNonVoidStgArgs args)
780 (_, _, args_offsets) =
781 mkVirtHeapOffsetsWithPadding profile StdHeader non_voids
783 do_pushery !d (arg : args) = do
784 (push, arg_bytes) <- case arg of
785 (Padding l _) -> return $! pushPadding (ByteOff l)
786 (FieldOff a _) -> pushConstrAtom d p (fromNonVoid a)
787 more_push_code <- do_pushery (d + arg_bytes) args
788 return (push `appOL` more_push_code)
789 do_pushery !d [] = do
790 let !n_arg_words = bytesToWords platform (d - orig_d)
791 return (unitOL (PACK con n_arg_words))
793 -- Push on the stack in the reverse order.
794 do_pushery orig_d (reverse args_offsets)
796 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
797 -- Generate code for a tail-call
799 doTailCall
800 :: StackDepth
801 -> Sequel
802 -> BCEnv
803 -> Id
804 -> [StgArg]
805 -> BcM BCInstrList
806 doTailCall init_d s p fn args = do
807 platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
808 do_pushes init_d args (map (atomRep platform) args)
809 where
810 do_pushes !d [] reps = do
811 assert (null reps) return ()
812 (push_fn, sz) <- pushAtom d p (StgVarArg fn)
813 platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
814 assert (sz == wordSize platform) return ()
815 let slide = mkSlideB platform (d - init_d + wordSize platform) (init_d - s)
816 return (push_fn `appOL` (slide `appOL` unitOL ENTER))
817 do_pushes !d args reps = do
818 let (push_apply, n, rest_of_reps) = findPushSeq reps
819 (these_args, rest_of_args) = splitAt n args
820 (next_d, push_code) <- push_seq d these_args
821 platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
822 instrs <- do_pushes (next_d + wordSize platform) rest_of_args rest_of_reps
823 -- ^^^ for the PUSH_APPLY_ instruction
824 return (push_code `appOL` (push_apply `consOL` instrs))
826 push_seq d [] = return (d, nilOL)
827 push_seq d (arg:args) = do
828 (push_code, sz) <- pushAtom d p arg
829 (final_d, more_push_code) <- push_seq (d + sz) args
830 return (final_d, push_code `appOL` more_push_code)
832 -- v. similar to CgStackery.findMatch, ToDo: merge
833 findPushSeq :: [ArgRep] -> (BCInstr, Int, [ArgRep])
834 findPushSeq (P: P: P: P: P: P: rest)
835 = (PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP, 6, rest)
836 findPushSeq (P: P: P: P: P: rest)
837 = (PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP, 5, rest)
838 findPushSeq (P: P: P: P: rest)
839 = (PUSH_APPLY_PPPP, 4, rest)
840 findPushSeq (P: P: P: rest)
841 = (PUSH_APPLY_PPP, 3, rest)
842 findPushSeq (P: P: rest)
843 = (PUSH_APPLY_PP, 2, rest)
844 findPushSeq (P: rest)
845 = (PUSH_APPLY_P, 1, rest)
846 findPushSeq (V: rest)
847 = (PUSH_APPLY_V, 1, rest)
848 findPushSeq (N: rest)
849 = (PUSH_APPLY_N, 1, rest)
850 findPushSeq (F: rest)
851 = (PUSH_APPLY_F, 1, rest)
852 findPushSeq (D: rest)
853 = (PUSH_APPLY_D, 1, rest)
854 findPushSeq (L: rest)
855 = (PUSH_APPLY_L, 1, rest)
856 findPushSeq argReps
857 | any (`elem` [V16, V32, V64]) argReps
858 = sorry "SIMD vector operations are not available in GHCi"
859 findPushSeq _
860 = panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.findPushSeq"
862 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
863 -- Case expressions
865 doCase
866 :: StackDepth
867 -> Sequel
868 -> BCEnv
869 -> CgStgExpr
870 -> Id
871 -> [CgStgAlt]
872 -> BcM BCInstrList
873 doCase d s p scrut bndr alts
874 = do
875 profile <- getProfile
876 hsc_env <- getHscEnv
878 platform = profilePlatform profile
880 -- Are we dealing with an unboxed tuple with a tuple return frame?
882 -- 'Simple' tuples with at most one non-void component,
883 -- like (# Word# #) or (# Int#, State# RealWorld #) do not have a
884 -- tuple return frame. This is because (# foo #) and (# foo, Void# #)
885 -- have the same runtime rep. We have more efficient specialized
886 -- return frames for the situations with one non-void element.
888 non_void_arg_reps = typeArgReps platform bndr_ty
889 ubx_tuple_frame =
890 (isUnboxedTupleType bndr_ty || isUnboxedSumType bndr_ty) &&
891 length non_void_arg_reps > 1
893 profiling
894 | Just interp <- hsc_interp hsc_env
895 = interpreterProfiled interp
896 | otherwise = False
898 -- Top of stack is the return itbl, as usual.
899 -- underneath it is the pointer to the alt_code BCO.
900 -- When an alt is entered, it assumes the returned value is
901 -- on top of the itbl; see Note [Return convention for non-tuple values]
902 -- for details.
903 ret_frame_size_b :: StackDepth
904 ret_frame_size_b | ubx_tuple_frame =
905 (if profiling then 5 else 4) * wordSize platform
906 | otherwise = 2 * wordSize platform
908 -- The stack space used to save/restore the CCCS when profiling
909 save_ccs_size_b | profiling &&
910 not ubx_tuple_frame = 2 * wordSize platform
911 | otherwise = 0
913 -- The size of the return frame info table pointer if one exists
914 unlifted_itbl_size_b :: StackDepth
915 unlifted_itbl_size_b | ubx_tuple_frame = wordSize platform
916 | otherwise = 0
918 (bndr_size, call_info, args_offsets)
919 | ubx_tuple_frame =
920 let bndr_reps = typePrimRep (idType bndr)
921 (call_info, args_offsets) =
922 layoutNativeCall profile NativeTupleReturn 0 id bndr_reps
923 in ( wordsToBytes platform (nativeCallSize call_info)
924 , call_info
925 , args_offsets
927 | otherwise = ( wordsToBytes platform (idSizeW platform bndr)
928 , voidTupleReturnInfo
929 , []
932 -- depth of stack after the return value has been pushed
933 d_bndr =
934 d + ret_frame_size_b + bndr_size
936 -- depth of stack after the extra info table for an unlifted return
937 -- has been pushed, if any. This is the stack depth at the
938 -- continuation.
939 d_alts = d + ret_frame_size_b + bndr_size + unlifted_itbl_size_b
941 -- Env in which to compile the alts, not including
942 -- any vars bound by the alts themselves
943 p_alts = Map.insert bndr d_bndr p
945 bndr_ty = idType bndr
946 isAlgCase = isAlgType bndr_ty
948 -- given an alt, return a discr and code for it.
949 codeAlt :: CgStgAlt -> BcM (Discr, BCInstrList)
950 codeAlt GenStgAlt{alt_con=DEFAULT,alt_bndrs=_,alt_rhs=rhs}
951 = do rhs_code <- schemeE d_alts s p_alts rhs
952 return (NoDiscr, rhs_code)
954 codeAlt alt@GenStgAlt{alt_con=_, alt_bndrs=bndrs, alt_rhs=rhs}
955 -- primitive or nullary constructor alt: no need to UNPACK
956 | null real_bndrs = do
957 rhs_code <- schemeE d_alts s p_alts rhs
958 return (my_discr alt, rhs_code)
959 | isUnboxedTupleType bndr_ty || isUnboxedSumType bndr_ty =
960 let bndr_ty = idPrimRepU . fromNonVoid
961 tuple_start = d_bndr
962 (call_info, args_offsets) =
963 layoutNativeCall profile
964 NativeTupleReturn
966 bndr_ty
967 (assertNonVoidIds bndrs)
969 stack_bot = d_alts
971 p' = Map.insertList
972 [ (arg, tuple_start -
973 wordsToBytes platform (nativeCallSize call_info) +
974 offset)
975 | (NonVoid arg, offset) <- args_offsets]
976 p_alts
977 in do
978 rhs_code <- schemeE stack_bot s p' rhs
979 return (NoDiscr, rhs_code)
980 -- algebraic alt with some binders
981 | otherwise =
982 let (tot_wds, _ptrs_wds, args_offsets) =
983 mkVirtHeapOffsets profile NoHeader
984 (addIdReps (assertNonVoidIds real_bndrs))
985 size = WordOff tot_wds
987 stack_bot = d_alts + wordsToBytes platform size
989 -- convert offsets from Sp into offsets into the virtual stack
990 p' = Map.insertList
991 [ (arg, stack_bot - ByteOff offset)
992 | (NonVoid arg, offset) <- args_offsets ]
993 p_alts
995 in do
996 massert isAlgCase
997 rhs_code <- schemeE stack_bot s p' rhs
998 return (my_discr alt,
999 unitOL (UNPACK size) `appOL` rhs_code)
1000 where
1001 real_bndrs = filterOut isTyVar bndrs
1003 my_discr alt = case alt_con alt of
1004 DEFAULT -> NoDiscr {-shouldn't really happen-}
1005 DataAlt dc
1006 | isUnboxedTupleDataCon dc || isUnboxedSumDataCon dc
1007 -> NoDiscr
1008 | otherwise
1009 -> DiscrP (fromIntegral (dataConTag dc - fIRST_TAG))
1010 LitAlt l -> case l of
1011 LitNumber LitNumInt i -> DiscrI (fromInteger i)
1012 LitNumber LitNumInt8 i -> DiscrI8 (fromInteger i)
1013 LitNumber LitNumInt16 i -> DiscrI16 (fromInteger i)
1014 LitNumber LitNumInt32 i -> DiscrI32 (fromInteger i)
1015 LitNumber LitNumInt64 i -> DiscrI64 (fromInteger i)
1016 LitNumber LitNumWord w -> DiscrW (fromInteger w)
1017 LitNumber LitNumWord8 w -> DiscrW8 (fromInteger w)
1018 LitNumber LitNumWord16 w -> DiscrW16 (fromInteger w)
1019 LitNumber LitNumWord32 w -> DiscrW32 (fromInteger w)
1020 LitNumber LitNumWord64 w -> DiscrW64 (fromInteger w)
1021 LitNumber LitNumBigNat _ -> unsupported
1022 LitFloat r -> DiscrF (fromRational r)
1023 LitDouble r -> DiscrD (fromRational r)
1024 LitChar i -> DiscrI (ord i)
1025 LitString {} -> unsupported
1026 LitRubbish {} -> unsupported
1027 LitNullAddr {} -> unsupported
1028 LitLabel {} -> unsupported
1029 where
1030 unsupported = pprPanic "schemeE(StgCase).my_discr:" (ppr l)
1032 maybe_ncons
1033 | not isAlgCase = Nothing
1034 | otherwise
1035 = case [dc | DataAlt dc <- alt_con <$> alts] of
1036 [] -> Nothing
1037 (dc:_) -> Just (tyConFamilySize (dataConTyCon dc))
1039 -- the bitmap is relative to stack depth d, i.e. before the
1040 -- BCO, info table and return value are pushed on.
1041 -- This bit of code is v. similar to buildLivenessMask in CgBindery,
1042 -- except that here we build the bitmap from the known bindings of
1043 -- things that are pointers, whereas in CgBindery the code builds the
1044 -- bitmap from the free slots and unboxed bindings.
1045 -- (ToDo: merge?)
1047 -- NOTE [7/12/2006] bug #1013, testcase ghci/should_run/ghci002.
1048 -- The bitmap must cover the portion of the stack up to the sequel only.
1049 -- Previously we were building a bitmap for the whole depth (d), but we
1050 -- really want a bitmap up to depth (d-s). This affects compilation of
1051 -- case-of-case expressions, which is the only time we can be compiling a
1052 -- case expression with s /= 0.
1054 -- unboxed tuples get two more words, the second is a pointer (tuple_bco)
1055 (extra_pointers, extra_slots)
1056 | ubx_tuple_frame && profiling = ([1], 3) -- call_info, tuple_BCO, CCCS
1057 | ubx_tuple_frame = ([1], 2) -- call_info, tuple_BCO
1058 | otherwise = ([], 0)
1060 bitmap_size :: WordOff
1061 bitmap_size = fromIntegral extra_slots +
1062 bytesToWords platform (d - s)
1064 bitmap_size' :: Int
1065 bitmap_size' = fromIntegral bitmap_size
1068 pointers =
1069 extra_pointers ++
1070 filter (< bitmap_size') (map (+extra_slots) rel_slots)
1071 where
1072 -- NB: unboxed tuple cases bind the scrut binder to the same offset
1073 -- as one of the alt binders, so we have to remove any duplicates here:
1074 -- 'toAscList' takes care of sorting the result, which was previously done after the application of 'filter'.
1075 rel_slots = IntSet.toAscList $ IntSet.fromList $ Map.elems $ Map.mapMaybeWithKey spread p
1076 spread id offset | isUnboxedTupleType (idType id) ||
1077 isUnboxedSumType (idType id) = Nothing
1078 | isFollowableArg (idArgRep platform id) = Just (fromIntegral rel_offset)
1079 | otherwise = Nothing
1080 where rel_offset = bytesToWords platform (d - offset)
1082 bitmap = intsToReverseBitmap platform bitmap_size' pointers
1084 alt_stuff <- mapM codeAlt alts
1085 alt_final0 <- mkMultiBranch maybe_ncons alt_stuff
1087 let alt_final
1088 | ubx_tuple_frame = SLIDE 0 2 `consOL` alt_final0
1089 | otherwise = alt_final0
1091 add_bco_name <- shouldAddBcoName
1093 alt_bco_name = getName bndr
1094 alt_bco = mkProtoBCO platform add_bco_name alt_bco_name alt_final (Left alts)
1095 0{-no arity-} bitmap_size bitmap True{-is alts-}
1096 scrut_code <- schemeE (d + ret_frame_size_b + save_ccs_size_b)
1097 (d + ret_frame_size_b + save_ccs_size_b)
1098 p scrut
1099 alt_bco' <- emitBc alt_bco
1100 if ubx_tuple_frame
1101 then do tuple_bco <- emitBc (tupleBCO platform call_info args_offsets)
1102 return (PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE alt_bco' call_info tuple_bco
1103 `consOL` scrut_code)
1104 else let scrut_rep = case non_void_arg_reps of
1105 [] -> V
1106 [rep] -> rep
1107 _ -> panic "schemeE(StgCase).push_alts"
1108 in return (PUSH_ALTS alt_bco' scrut_rep `consOL` scrut_code)
1111 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1112 -- Deal with tuples
1114 -- The native calling convention uses registers for tuples, but in the
1115 -- bytecode interpreter, all values live on the stack.
1117 {- Note [GHCi and native call registers]
1118 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1119 The GHCi bytecode interpreter does not have access to the STG registers
1120 that the native calling convention uses for passing arguments. It uses
1121 helper stack frames to move values between the stack and registers.
1123 If only a single register needs to be moved, GHCi uses a specific stack
1124 frame. For example stg_ctoi_R1p saves a heap pointer value from STG register
1125 R1 and stg_ctoi_D1 saves a double precision floating point value from D1.
1126 In the other direction, helpers stg_ret_p and stg_ret_d move a value from
1127 the stack to the R1 and D1 registers, respectively.
1129 When GHCi needs to move more than one register it cannot use a specific
1130 helper frame. It would simply be impossible to create a helper for all
1131 possible combinations of register values. Instead, there are generic helper
1132 stack frames that use a call_info word that describes the active registers
1133 and the number of stack words used by the arguments of a call.
1135 These helper stack frames are currently:
1137 - stg_ret_t: return a tuple to the continuation at the top of
1138 the stack
1139 - stg_ctoi_t: convert a tuple return value to be used in
1140 bytecode
1141 - stg_primcall: call a function
1144 The call_info word contains a bitmap of the active registers
1145 for the call and and a stack offset. The layout is as follows:
1147 - bit 0-23: Bitmap of active registers for the call, the
1148 order corresponds to the list returned by
1149 allArgRegsCover.
1150 For example if bit 0 (the least significant bit) is set, the
1151 first register in the allArgRegsCover
1152 list is active. Bit 1 for the
1153 second register in the list and so on.
1155 - bit 24-31: Unsigned byte indicating the stack offset
1156 of the continuation in words. For tuple returns
1157 this is the number of words returned on the
1158 stack. For primcalls this field is unused, since
1159 we don't jump to a continuation.
1161 The upper 32 bits on 64 bit platforms are currently unused.
1163 If a register is smaller than a word on the stack (for example a
1164 single precision float on a 64 bit system), then the stack slot
1165 is padded to a whole word.
1167 Example:
1169 If a tuple is returned in three registers and an additional two
1170 words on the stack, then three bits in the register bitmap
1171 (bits 0-23) would be set. And bit 24-31 would be
1172 00000010 (two in binary).
1174 The values on the stack before a call to POP_ARG_REGS would
1175 be as follows:
1178 continuation
1179 stack_arg_1
1180 stack_arg_2
1181 register_arg_3
1182 register_arg_2
1183 register_arg_1 <- Sp
1185 A call to POP_ARG_REGS(call_info) would move register_arg_1
1186 to the register corresponding to the lowest set bit in the
1187 call_info word. register_arg_2 would be moved to the register
1188 corresponding to the second lowest set bit, and so on.
1190 After POP_ARG_REGS(call_info), the stack pointer Sp points
1191 to the topmost stack argument, so the stack looks as follows:
1194 continuation
1195 stack_arg_1
1196 stack_arg_2 <- Sp
1198 At this point all the arguments are in place and we are ready
1199 to jump to the continuation, the location (offset from Sp) of
1200 which is found by inspecting the value of bits 24-31. In this
1201 case the offset is two words.
1203 On x86_64, the double precision (Dn) and single precision
1204 floating (Fn) point registers overlap, e.g. D1 uses the same
1205 physical register as F1. On this platform, the list returned
1206 by allArgRegsCover contains only entries for the double
1207 precision registers. If an argument is passed in register
1208 Fn, the bit corresponding to Dn should be set.
1210 Note: if anything changes in how registers for native calls overlap,
1211 make sure to also update GHC.StgToByteCode.layoutNativeCall
1214 layoutNativeCall :: Profile
1215 -> NativeCallType
1216 -> ByteOff
1217 -> (a -> PrimRep)
1218 -> [a]
1219 -> ( NativeCallInfo -- See Note [GHCi TupleInfo]
1220 , [(a, ByteOff)] -- argument, offset on stack
1222 layoutNativeCall profile call_type start_off arg_rep reps =
1223 let platform = profilePlatform profile
1224 arg_ty = primRepCmmType platform . arg_rep
1225 (orig_stk_bytes, pos) = assignArgumentsPos profile
1227 NativeReturn
1228 arg_ty
1229 reps
1231 -- keep the stack parameters in the same place
1232 orig_stk_params = [(x, fromIntegral off) | (x, StackParam off) <- pos]
1234 -- sort the register parameters by register and add them to the stack
1235 regs_order :: Map.Map GlobalReg Int
1236 regs_order = Map.fromList $ zip (allArgRegsCover platform SCALAR_ARG_REGS) [0..]
1238 reg_order :: GlobalReg -> (Int, GlobalReg)
1239 reg_order reg | Just n <- Map.lookup reg regs_order = (n, reg)
1240 -- if we don't have a position for a FloatReg then they must be passed
1241 -- in the equivalent DoubleReg
1242 reg_order (FloatReg n) = reg_order (DoubleReg n)
1243 -- one-tuples can be passed in other registers, but then we don't need
1244 -- to care about the order
1245 reg_order reg = (0, reg)
1247 (regs, reg_params)
1248 = unzip $ sortBy (comparing fst)
1249 [(reg_order reg, x) | (x, RegisterParam reg) <- pos]
1251 (new_stk_bytes, new_stk_params) = assignStack platform
1252 orig_stk_bytes
1253 arg_ty
1254 reg_params
1256 regs_set = mkRegSet (map snd regs)
1258 get_byte_off (x, StackParam y) = (x, fromIntegral y)
1259 get_byte_off _ =
1260 panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.layoutTuple get_byte_off"
1262 in ( NativeCallInfo
1263 { nativeCallType = call_type
1264 , nativeCallSize = bytesToWords platform (ByteOff new_stk_bytes)
1265 , nativeCallRegs = regs_set
1266 , nativeCallStackSpillSize = bytesToWords platform
1267 (ByteOff orig_stk_bytes)
1269 , sortBy (comparing snd) $
1270 map (\(x, o) -> (x, o + start_off))
1271 (orig_stk_params ++ map get_byte_off new_stk_params)
1274 {- Note [Return convention for non-tuple values]
1275 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1276 The RETURN and ENTER instructions are used to return values. RETURN directly
1277 returns the value at the top of the stack while ENTER evaluates it first (so
1278 RETURN is only used when the result is already known to be evaluated), but the
1279 end result is the same: control returns to the enclosing stack frame with the
1280 result at the top of the stack.
1282 The PUSH_ALTS instruction pushes a two-word stack frame that receives a single
1283 lifted value. Its payload is a BCO that is executed when control returns, with
1284 the stack set up as if a RETURN instruction had just been executed: the returned
1285 value is at the top of the stack, and beneath it is the two-word frame being
1286 returned to. It is the continuation BCO’s job to pop its own frame off the
1287 stack, so the simplest possible continuation consists of two instructions:
1289 SLIDE 1 2 -- pop the return frame off the stack, keeping the returned value
1290 RETURN P -- return the returned value to our caller
1292 RETURN and PUSH_ALTS are not really instructions but are in fact representation-
1293 polymorphic *families* of instructions indexed by ArgRep. ENTER, however, is a
1294 single real instruction, since it is only used to return lifted values, which
1295 are always pointers.
1297 The RETURN, ENTER, and PUSH_ALTS instructions are only used when the returned
1298 value has nullary or unary representation. Returning/receiving an unboxed
1299 tuple (or, indirectly, an unboxed sum, since unboxed sums have been desugared to
1300 unboxed tuples by Unarise) containing two or more results uses the special
1301 RETURN_TUPLE/PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE instructions, which use a different return
1302 convention. See Note [unboxed tuple bytecodes and tuple_BCO] for details.
1304 Note [unboxed tuple bytecodes and tuple_BCO]
1305 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1306 We have the bytecode instructions RETURN_TUPLE and PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE to
1307 return and receive arbitrary unboxed tuples, respectively. These
1308 instructions use the helper data tuple_BCO and call_info.
1310 The helper data is used to convert tuples between GHCs native calling
1311 convention (object code), which uses stack and registers, and the bytecode
1312 calling convention, which only uses the stack. See Note [GHCi TupleInfo]
1313 for more details.
1316 Returning a tuple
1317 =================
1319 Bytecode that returns a tuple first pushes all the tuple fields followed
1320 by the appropriate call_info and tuple_BCO onto the stack. It then
1321 executes the RETURN_TUPLE instruction, which causes the interpreter
1322 to push stg_ret_t_info to the top of the stack. The stack (growing down)
1323 then looks as follows:
1326 next_frame
1327 tuple_field_1
1328 tuple_field_2
1330 tuple_field_n
1331 call_info
1332 tuple_BCO
1333 stg_ret_t_info <- Sp
1335 If next_frame is bytecode, the interpreter will start executing it. If
1336 it's object code, the interpreter jumps back to the scheduler, which in
1337 turn jumps to stg_ret_t. stg_ret_t converts the tuple to the native
1338 calling convention using the description in call_info, and then jumps
1339 to next_frame.
1342 Receiving a tuple
1343 =================
1345 Bytecode that receives a tuple uses the PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE instruction to
1346 push a continuation, followed by jumping to the code that produces the
1347 tuple. The PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE instuction contains three pieces of data:
1349 * cont_BCO: the continuation that receives the tuple
1350 * call_info: see below
1351 * tuple_BCO: see below
1353 The interpreter pushes these onto the stack when the PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE
1354 instruction is executed, followed by stg_ctoi_tN_info, with N depending
1355 on the number of stack words used by the tuple in the GHC native calling
1356 convention. N is derived from call_info.
1358 For example if we expect a tuple with three words on the stack, the stack
1359 looks as follows after PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE:
1362 next_frame
1363 cont_free_var_1
1364 cont_free_var_2
1366 cont_free_var_n
1367 call_info
1368 tuple_BCO
1369 cont_BCO
1370 stg_ctoi_t3_info <- Sp
1372 If the tuple is returned by object code, stg_ctoi_t3 will deal with
1373 adjusting the stack pointer and converting the tuple to the bytecode
1374 calling convention. See Note [GHCi unboxed tuples stack spills] for more
1375 details.
1378 The tuple_BCO
1379 =============
1381 The tuple_BCO is a helper bytecode object. Its main purpose is describing
1382 the contents of the stack frame containing the tuple for the storage
1383 manager. It contains only instructions to immediately return the tuple
1384 that is already on the stack.
1387 The call_info word
1388 ===================
1390 The call_info word describes the stack and STG register (e.g. R1..R6,
1391 D1..D6) usage for the tuple. call_info contains enough information to
1392 convert the tuple between the stack-only bytecode and stack+registers
1393 GHC native calling conventions.
1395 See Note [GHCi and native call registers] for more details of how the
1396 data is packed in a single word.
1400 tupleBCO :: Platform -> NativeCallInfo -> [(PrimRep, ByteOff)] -> [FFIInfo] -> ProtoBCO Name
1401 tupleBCO platform args_info args =
1402 mkProtoBCO platform Nothing invented_name body_code (Left [])
1403 0{-no arity-} bitmap_size bitmap False{-is alts-}
1404 where
1406 The tuple BCO is never referred to by name, so we can get away
1407 with using a fake name here. We will need to change this if we want
1408 to save some memory by sharing the BCO between places that have
1409 the same tuple shape
1411 invented_name = mkSystemVarName (mkPseudoUniqueE 0) (fsLit "tuple")
1413 -- the first word in the frame is the call_info word,
1414 -- which is not a pointer
1415 nptrs_prefix = 1
1416 (bitmap_size, bitmap) = mkStackBitmap platform nptrs_prefix args_info args
1418 body_code = mkSlideW 0 1 -- pop frame header
1419 `snocOL` RETURN_TUPLE -- and add it again
1421 primCallBCO :: Platform -> NativeCallInfo -> [(PrimRep, ByteOff)] -> [FFIInfo] -> ProtoBCO Name
1422 primCallBCO platform args_info args =
1423 mkProtoBCO platform Nothing invented_name body_code (Left [])
1424 0{-no arity-} bitmap_size bitmap False{-is alts-}
1425 where
1427 The primcall BCO is never referred to by name, so we can get away
1428 with using a fake name here. We will need to change this if we want
1429 to save some memory by sharing the BCO between places that have
1430 the same tuple shape
1432 invented_name = mkSystemVarName (mkPseudoUniqueE 0) (fsLit "primcall")
1434 -- The first two words in the frame (after the BCO) are the call_info word
1435 -- and the pointer to the Cmm function being called. Neither of these is a
1436 -- pointer that should be followed by the garbage collector.
1437 nptrs_prefix = 2
1438 (bitmap_size, bitmap) = mkStackBitmap platform nptrs_prefix args_info args
1440 -- if the primcall BCO is ever run it's a bug, since the BCO should only
1441 -- be pushed immediately before running the PRIMCALL bytecode instruction,
1442 -- which immediately leaves the interpreter to jump to the stg_primcall_info
1443 -- Cmm function
1444 body_code = unitOL CASEFAIL
1446 -- | Builds a bitmap for a stack layout with a nonpointer prefix followed by
1447 -- some number of arguments.
1448 mkStackBitmap
1449 :: Platform
1450 -> WordOff
1451 -- ^ The number of nonpointer words that prefix the arguments.
1452 -> NativeCallInfo
1453 -> [(PrimRep, ByteOff)]
1454 -- ^ The stack layout of the arguments, where each offset is relative to the
1455 -- /bottom/ of the stack space they occupy. Their offsets must be word-aligned,
1456 -- and the list must be sorted in order of ascending offset (i.e. bottom to top).
1457 -> (WordOff, [StgWord])
1458 mkStackBitmap platform nptrs_prefix args_info args
1459 = (bitmap_size, bitmap)
1460 where
1461 bitmap_size = nptrs_prefix + arg_bottom
1462 bitmap = intsToReverseBitmap platform (fromIntegral bitmap_size) ptr_offsets
1464 arg_bottom = nativeCallSize args_info
1465 ptr_offsets = reverse $ map (fromIntegral . convert_arg_offset)
1466 $ mapMaybe get_ptr_offset args
1468 get_ptr_offset :: (PrimRep, ByteOff) -> Maybe ByteOff
1469 get_ptr_offset (rep, byte_offset)
1470 | isFollowableArg (toArgRep platform rep) = Just byte_offset
1471 | otherwise = Nothing
1473 convert_arg_offset :: ByteOff -> WordOff
1474 convert_arg_offset arg_offset =
1475 -- The argument offsets are relative to `arg_bottom`, but
1476 -- `intsToReverseBitmap` expects offsets from the top, so we need to flip
1477 -- them around.
1478 nptrs_prefix + (arg_bottom - bytesToWords platform arg_offset)
1480 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1481 -- Deal with a primitive call to native code.
1483 generatePrimCall
1484 :: StackDepth
1485 -> Sequel
1486 -> BCEnv
1487 -> CLabelString -- where to call
1488 -> Maybe Unit
1489 -> Type
1490 -> [StgArg] -- args (atoms)
1491 -> BcM BCInstrList
1492 generatePrimCall d s p target _mb_unit _result_ty args
1493 = do
1494 profile <- getProfile
1496 platform = profilePlatform profile
1498 non_void VoidRep = False
1499 non_void _ = True
1501 nv_args :: [StgArg]
1502 nv_args = filter (non_void . stgArgRep1) args
1504 (args_info, args_offsets) =
1505 layoutNativeCall profile
1506 NativePrimCall
1508 stgArgRepU
1509 nv_args
1511 prim_args_offsets = mapFst stgArgRepU args_offsets
1512 shifted_args_offsets = mapSnd (+ d) args_offsets
1514 push_target = PUSH_UBX (LitLabel target IsFunction) 1
1515 push_info = PUSH_UBX (mkNativeCallInfoLit platform args_info) 1
1517 compute size to move payload (without stg_primcall_info header)
1519 size of arguments plus three words for:
1520 - function pointer to the target
1521 - call_info word
1522 - BCO to describe the stack frame
1524 szb = wordsToBytes platform (nativeCallSize args_info + 3)
1525 go _ pushes [] = return (reverse pushes)
1526 go !dd pushes ((a, off):cs) = do (push, szb) <- pushAtom dd p a
1527 massert (off == dd + szb)
1528 go (dd + szb) (push:pushes) cs
1529 push_args <- go d [] shifted_args_offsets
1530 args_bco <- emitBc (primCallBCO platform args_info prim_args_offsets)
1531 return $ mconcat push_args `appOL`
1532 (push_target `consOL`
1533 push_info `consOL`
1534 PUSH_BCO args_bco `consOL`
1535 (mkSlideB platform szb (d - s) `appOL` unitOL PRIMCALL))
1537 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1538 -- Deal with a CCall.
1540 -- Taggedly push the args onto the stack R->L,
1541 -- deferencing ForeignObj#s and adjusting addrs to point to
1542 -- payloads in Ptr/Byte arrays. Then, generate the marshalling
1543 -- (machine) code for the ccall, and create bytecodes to call that and
1544 -- then return in the right way.
1546 generateCCall
1547 :: StackDepth
1548 -> Sequel
1549 -> BCEnv
1550 -> CCallSpec -- where to call
1551 -> Type
1552 -> [StgArg] -- args (atoms)
1553 -> BcM BCInstrList
1554 generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target PrimCallConv _) result_ty args
1555 | (StaticTarget _ label mb_unit _) <- target
1556 = generatePrimCall d0 s p label mb_unit result_ty args
1557 | otherwise
1558 = panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.generateCCall: primcall convention only supports static targets"
1559 generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target _ safety) result_ty args
1560 = do
1561 profile <- getProfile
1564 args_r_to_l = reverse args
1565 platform = profilePlatform profile
1566 -- useful constants
1567 addr_size_b :: ByteOff
1568 addr_size_b = wordSize platform
1570 arrayish_rep_hdr_size :: TyCon -> Maybe Int
1571 arrayish_rep_hdr_size t
1572 | t == arrayPrimTyCon || t == mutableArrayPrimTyCon
1573 = Just (arrPtrsHdrSize profile)
1574 | t == smallArrayPrimTyCon || t == smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon
1575 = Just (smallArrPtrsHdrSize profile)
1576 | t == byteArrayPrimTyCon || t == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
1577 = Just (arrWordsHdrSize profile)
1578 | otherwise
1579 = Nothing
1581 -- Get the args on the stack, with tags and suitably
1582 -- dereferenced for the CCall. For each arg, return the
1583 -- depth to the first word of the bits for that arg, and the
1584 -- ArgRep of what was actually pushed.
1586 pargs
1587 :: ByteOff -> [StgArg] -> BcM [(BCInstrList, PrimOrVoidRep)]
1588 pargs _ [] = return []
1589 pargs d (aa@(StgVarArg a):az)
1590 | Just t <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe (idType a)
1591 , Just hdr_sz <- arrayish_rep_hdr_size t
1592 -- Do magic for Ptr/Byte arrays. Push a ptr to the array on
1593 -- the stack but then advance it over the headers, so as to
1594 -- point to the payload.
1595 = do rest <- pargs (d + addr_size_b) az
1596 (push_fo, _) <- pushAtom d p aa
1597 -- The ptr points at the header. Advance it over the
1598 -- header and then pretend this is an Addr#.
1599 let code = push_fo `snocOL` SWIZZLE 0 (fromIntegral hdr_sz)
1600 return ((code, NVRep AddrRep) : rest)
1601 pargs d (aa:az) = do (code_a, sz_a) <- pushAtom d p aa
1602 rest <- pargs (d + sz_a) az
1603 return ((code_a, stgArgRep1 aa) : rest)
1605 code_n_reps <- pargs d0 args_r_to_l
1607 (pushs_arg, a_reps_pushed_r_to_l) = unzip code_n_reps
1608 a_reps_sizeW = sum (map (repSizeWords platform) a_reps_pushed_r_to_l)
1610 push_args = concatOL pushs_arg
1611 !d_after_args = d0 + wordsToBytes platform a_reps_sizeW
1612 a_reps_pushed_RAW
1613 | VoidRep:xs <- a_reps_pushed_r_to_l
1614 = reverse xs
1615 | otherwise
1616 = panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.generateCCall: missing or invalid World token?"
1618 -- Now: a_reps_pushed_RAW are the reps which are actually on the stack.
1619 -- push_args is the code to do that.
1620 -- d_after_args is the stack depth once the args are on.
1622 -- Get the result rep.
1623 r_rep = maybe_getCCallReturnRep result_ty
1625 Because the Haskell stack grows down, the a_reps refer to
1626 lowest to highest addresses in that order. The args for the call
1627 are on the stack. Now push an unboxed Addr# indicating
1628 the C function to call. Then push a dummy placeholder for the
1629 result. Finally, emit a CCALL insn with an offset pointing to the
1630 Addr# just pushed, and a literal field holding the mallocville
1631 address of the piece of marshalling code we generate.
1632 So, just prior to the CCALL insn, the stack looks like this
1633 (growing down, as usual):
1635 <arg_n>
1637 <arg_1>
1638 Addr# address_of_C_fn
1639 <placeholder-for-result#> (must be an unboxed type)
1641 The interpreter then calls the marshal code mentioned
1642 in the CCALL insn, passing it (& <placeholder-for-result#>),
1643 that is, the addr of the topmost word in the stack.
1644 When this returns, the placeholder will have been
1645 filled in. The placeholder is slid down to the sequel
1646 depth, and we RETURN.
1648 This arrangement makes it simple to do f-i-dynamic since the Addr#
1649 value is the first arg anyway.
1651 The marshalling code is generated specifically for this
1652 call site, and so knows exactly the (Haskell) stack
1653 offsets of the args, fn address and placeholder. It
1654 copies the args to the C stack, calls the stacked addr,
1655 and parks the result back in the placeholder. The interpreter
1656 calls it as a normal C call, assuming it has a signature
1657 void marshal_code ( StgWord* ptr_to_top_of_stack )
1659 -- resolve static address
1660 maybe_static_target :: Maybe Literal
1661 maybe_static_target =
1662 case target of
1663 DynamicTarget -> Nothing
1664 StaticTarget _ _ _ False ->
1665 panic "generateCCall: unexpected FFI value import"
1666 StaticTarget _ target _ True ->
1667 Just (LitLabel target IsFunction)
1670 is_static = isJust maybe_static_target
1672 -- Get the arg reps, zapping the leading Addr# in the dynamic case
1673 a_reps -- | trace (showSDoc (ppr a_reps_pushed_RAW)) False = error "???"
1674 | is_static = a_reps_pushed_RAW
1675 | _:xs <- a_reps_pushed_RAW = xs
1676 | otherwise = panic "GHC.StgToByteCode.generateCCall: dyn with no args"
1678 -- push the Addr#
1679 (push_Addr, d_after_Addr)
1680 | Just machlabel <- maybe_static_target
1681 = (toOL [PUSH_UBX machlabel 1], d_after_args + addr_size_b)
1682 | otherwise -- is already on the stack
1683 = (nilOL, d_after_args)
1685 -- Push the return placeholder. For a call returning nothing,
1686 -- this is a V (tag).
1687 r_sizeW = repSizeWords platform r_rep
1688 d_after_r = d_after_Addr + wordsToBytes platform r_sizeW
1689 push_r = case r_rep of
1690 VoidRep -> nilOL
1691 NVRep r -> unitOL (PUSH_UBX (mkDummyLiteral platform r) r_sizeW)
1693 -- generate the marshalling code we're going to call
1695 -- Offset of the next stack frame down the stack. The CCALL
1696 -- instruction needs to describe the chunk of stack containing
1697 -- the ccall args to the GC, so it needs to know how large it
1698 -- is. See comment in Interpreter.c with the CCALL instruction.
1699 stk_offset = bytesToWords platform (d_after_r - s)
1701 -- the only difference in libffi mode is that we prepare a cif
1702 -- describing the call type by calling libffi, and we attach the
1703 -- address of this to the CCALL instruction.
1706 let ffires = primRepToFFIType platform r_rep
1707 ffiargs = map (primRepToFFIType platform) a_reps
1708 interp <- hscInterp <$> getHscEnv
1709 token <- ioToBc $ interpCmd interp (PrepFFI ffiargs ffires)
1710 recordFFIBc token
1713 -- do the call
1714 do_call = unitOL (CCALL stk_offset token flags)
1715 where flags = case safety of
1716 PlaySafe -> 0x0
1717 PlayInterruptible -> 0x1
1718 PlayRisky -> 0x2
1720 -- slide and return
1721 d_after_r_min_s = bytesToWords platform (d_after_r - s)
1722 wrapup = mkSlideW r_sizeW (d_after_r_min_s - r_sizeW)
1723 `snocOL` RETURN (toArgRepOrV platform r_rep)
1724 --trace (show (arg1_offW, args_offW , (map argRepSizeW a_reps) )) $
1725 return (
1726 push_args `appOL`
1727 push_Addr `appOL` push_r `appOL` do_call `appOL` wrapup
1730 primRepToFFIType :: Platform -> PrimOrVoidRep -> FFIType
1731 primRepToFFIType _ VoidRep = FFIVoid
1732 primRepToFFIType platform (NVRep r)
1733 = case r of
1734 IntRep -> signed_word
1735 WordRep -> unsigned_word
1736 Int8Rep -> FFISInt8
1737 Word8Rep -> FFIUInt8
1738 Int16Rep -> FFISInt16
1739 Word16Rep -> FFIUInt16
1740 Int32Rep -> FFISInt32
1741 Word32Rep -> FFIUInt32
1742 Int64Rep -> FFISInt64
1743 Word64Rep -> FFIUInt64
1744 AddrRep -> FFIPointer
1745 FloatRep -> FFIFloat
1746 DoubleRep -> FFIDouble
1747 BoxedRep _ -> FFIPointer
1748 VecRep{} -> pprPanic "primRepToFFIType" (ppr r)
1749 where
1750 (signed_word, unsigned_word) = case platformWordSize platform of
1751 PW4 -> (FFISInt32, FFIUInt32)
1752 PW8 -> (FFISInt64, FFIUInt64)
1754 -- Make a dummy literal, to be used as a placeholder for FFI return
1755 -- values on the stack.
1756 mkDummyLiteral :: Platform -> PrimRep -> Literal
1757 mkDummyLiteral platform pr
1758 = case pr of
1759 IntRep -> mkLitInt platform 0
1760 WordRep -> mkLitWord platform 0
1761 Int8Rep -> mkLitInt8 0
1762 Word8Rep -> mkLitWord8 0
1763 Int16Rep -> mkLitInt16 0
1764 Word16Rep -> mkLitWord16 0
1765 Int32Rep -> mkLitInt32 0
1766 Word32Rep -> mkLitWord32 0
1767 Int64Rep -> mkLitInt64 0
1768 Word64Rep -> mkLitWord64 0
1769 AddrRep -> LitNullAddr
1770 DoubleRep -> LitDouble 0
1771 FloatRep -> LitFloat 0
1772 BoxedRep _ -> LitNullAddr
1773 VecRep{} -> pprPanic "mkDummyLiteral" (ppr pr)
1776 -- Convert (eg)
1777 -- GHC.Prim.Char# -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld
1778 -- -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld, GHC.Prim.Int# #)
1780 -- to NVRep IntRep
1781 -- and check that an unboxed pair is returned wherein the first arg is V'd.
1783 -- Alternatively, for call-targets returning nothing, convert
1785 -- GHC.Prim.Char# -> GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld
1786 -- -> (# GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld #)
1788 -- to VoidRep
1790 maybe_getCCallReturnRep :: Type -> PrimOrVoidRep
1791 maybe_getCCallReturnRep fn_ty
1792 = let
1793 (_a_tys, r_ty) = splitFunTys (dropForAlls fn_ty)
1795 case typePrimRep r_ty of
1796 [] -> VoidRep
1797 [rep] -> NVRep rep
1799 -- if it was, it would be impossible to create a
1800 -- valid return value placeholder on the stack
1801 _ -> pprPanic "maybe_getCCallReturn: can't handle:"
1802 (pprType fn_ty)
1804 maybe_is_tagToEnum_call :: CgStgExpr -> Maybe (Id, [Name])
1805 -- Detect and extract relevant info for the tagToEnum kludge.
1806 maybe_is_tagToEnum_call (StgOpApp (StgPrimOp TagToEnumOp) [StgVarArg v] t)
1807 = Just (v, extract_constr_Names t)
1808 where
1809 extract_constr_Names ty
1810 | rep_ty <- unwrapType ty
1811 , Just tyc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe rep_ty
1812 , isDataTyCon tyc
1813 = map (getName . dataConWorkId) (tyConDataCons tyc)
1814 -- NOTE: use the worker name, not the source name of
1815 -- the DataCon. See "GHC.Core.DataCon" for details.
1816 | otherwise
1817 = pprPanic "maybe_is_tagToEnum_call.extract_constr_Ids" (ppr ty)
1818 maybe_is_tagToEnum_call _ = Nothing
1820 {- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1821 Note [Implementing tagToEnum#]
1822 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1823 (implement_tagToId arg names) compiles code which takes an argument
1824 'arg', (call it i), and enters the i'th closure in the supplied list
1825 as a consequence. The [Name] is a list of the constructors of this
1826 (enumeration) type.
1828 The code we generate is this:
1829 push arg
1831 TESTEQ_I 0 L1
1832 PUSH_G <lbl for first data con>
1833 JMP L_Exit
1835 L1: TESTEQ_I 1 L2
1836 PUSH_G <lbl for second data con>
1837 JMP L_Exit
1838 ...etc...
1839 Ln: TESTEQ_I n L_fail
1840 PUSH_G <lbl for last data con>
1841 JMP L_Exit
1843 L_fail: CASEFAIL
1845 L_exit: SLIDE 1 n
1846 ENTER
1850 implement_tagToId
1851 :: StackDepth
1852 -> Sequel
1853 -> BCEnv
1854 -> Id
1855 -> [Name]
1856 -> BcM BCInstrList
1857 -- See Note [Implementing tagToEnum#]
1858 implement_tagToId d s p arg names
1859 = assert (notNull names) $
1860 do (push_arg, arg_bytes) <- pushAtom d p (StgVarArg arg)
1861 labels <- getLabelsBc (strictGenericLength names)
1862 label_fail <- getLabelBc
1863 label_exit <- getLabelBc
1864 dflags <- getDynFlags
1865 let infos = zip4 labels (tail labels ++ [label_fail])
1866 [0 ..] names
1867 platform = targetPlatform dflags
1868 steps = map (mkStep label_exit) infos
1869 slide_ws = bytesToWords platform (d - s + arg_bytes)
1871 return (push_arg
1872 `appOL` concatOL steps
1873 `appOL` toOL [ LABEL label_fail, CASEFAIL,
1874 LABEL label_exit ]
1875 `appOL` mkSlideW 1 slide_ws
1876 `appOL` unitOL ENTER)
1877 where
1878 mkStep l_exit (my_label, next_label, n, name_for_n)
1879 = toOL [LABEL my_label,
1880 TESTEQ_I n next_label,
1881 PUSH_G name_for_n,
1882 JMP l_exit]
1885 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1886 -- pushAtom
1888 -- Push an atom onto the stack, returning suitable code & number of
1889 -- stack words used.
1891 -- The env p must map each variable to the highest- numbered stack
1892 -- slot for it. For example, if the stack has depth 4 and we
1893 -- tagged-ly push (v :: Int#) on it, the value will be in stack[4],
1894 -- the tag in stack[5], the stack will have depth 6, and p must map v
1895 -- to 5 and not to 4. Stack locations are numbered from zero, so a
1896 -- depth 6 stack has valid words 0 .. 5.
1898 pushAtom
1899 :: StackDepth -> BCEnv -> StgArg -> BcM (BCInstrList, ByteOff)
1901 -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core
1902 -- and Note [Bottoming expressions] in GHC.Core.Utils:
1903 -- The scrutinee of an empty case evaluates to bottom
1904 pushAtom d p (StgVarArg var)
1905 | [] <- typePrimRep (idType var)
1906 = return (nilOL, 0)
1908 | isFCallId var
1909 = pprPanic "pushAtom: shouldn't get an FCallId here" (ppr var)
1911 | Just primop <- isPrimOpId_maybe var
1912 = do
1913 platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
1914 return (unitOL (PUSH_PRIMOP primop), wordSize platform)
1916 | Just d_v <- lookupBCEnv_maybe var p -- var is a local variable
1917 = do platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
1919 let !szb = idSizeCon platform var
1920 with_instr :: (ByteOff -> BCInstr) -> BcM (OrdList BCInstr, ByteOff)
1921 with_instr instr = do
1922 let !off_b = d - d_v
1923 return (unitOL (instr off_b), wordSize platform)
1925 case szb of
1926 1 -> with_instr PUSH8_W
1927 2 -> with_instr PUSH16_W
1928 4 -> with_instr PUSH32_W
1929 _ -> do
1930 let !szw = bytesToWords platform szb
1931 !off_w = bytesToWords platform (d - d_v) + szw - 1
1932 return (toOL (genericReplicate szw (PUSH_L off_w)),
1933 wordsToBytes platform szw)
1934 -- d - d_v offset from TOS to the first slot of the object
1936 -- d - d_v + sz - 1 offset from the TOS of the last slot of the object
1938 -- Having found the last slot, we proceed to copy the right number of
1939 -- slots on to the top of the stack.
1941 | otherwise -- var must be a global variable
1942 = do platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
1943 let !szb = idSizeCon platform var
1944 massert (szb == wordSize platform)
1946 -- PUSH_G doesn't tag constructors. So we use PACK here
1947 -- if we are dealing with nullary constructor.
1948 case isDataConWorkId_maybe var of
1949 Just con -> do
1950 massert (isNullaryRepDataCon con)
1951 return (unitOL (PACK con 0), szb)
1953 Nothing
1954 -- see Note [Generating code for top-level string literal bindings]
1955 | idType var `eqType` addrPrimTy ->
1956 return (unitOL (PUSH_ADDR (getName var)), szb)
1958 | otherwise -> do
1959 let varTy = idType var
1960 massertPpr (definitelyLiftedType varTy) $
1961 vcat [ text "pushAtom: unhandled unlifted type"
1962 , text "var:" <+> ppr var <+> dcolon <+> ppr varTy <> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind varTy)
1964 return (unitOL (PUSH_G (getName var)), szb)
1966 pushAtom _ _ (StgLitArg lit) = pushLiteral True lit
1968 pushLiteral :: Bool -> Literal -> BcM (BCInstrList, ByteOff)
1969 pushLiteral padded lit =
1971 platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
1972 let code :: PrimRep -> BcM (BCInstrList, ByteOff)
1973 code rep =
1974 return (padding_instr `snocOL` instr, size_bytes + padding_bytes)
1975 where
1976 size_bytes = ByteOff $ primRepSizeB platform rep
1978 -- Here we handle the non-word-width cases specifically since we
1979 -- must emit different bytecode for them.
1981 round_to_words (ByteOff bytes) =
1982 ByteOff (roundUpToWords platform bytes)
1984 padding_bytes
1985 | padded = round_to_words size_bytes - size_bytes
1986 | otherwise = 0
1988 (padding_instr, _) = pushPadding padding_bytes
1990 instr =
1991 case size_bytes of
1992 1 -> PUSH_UBX8 lit
1993 2 -> PUSH_UBX16 lit
1994 4 -> PUSH_UBX32 lit
1995 _ -> PUSH_UBX lit (bytesToWords platform size_bytes)
1997 case lit of
1998 LitLabel {} -> code AddrRep
1999 LitFloat {} -> code FloatRep
2000 LitDouble {} -> code DoubleRep
2001 LitChar {} -> code WordRep
2002 LitNullAddr -> code AddrRep
2003 LitString {} -> code AddrRep
2004 LitRubbish _ rep-> case runtimeRepPrimRep (text "pushLiteral") rep of
2005 [pr] -> code pr
2006 _ -> pprPanic "pushLiteral" (ppr lit)
2007 LitNumber nt _ -> case nt of
2008 LitNumInt -> code IntRep
2009 LitNumWord -> code WordRep
2010 LitNumInt8 -> code Int8Rep
2011 LitNumWord8 -> code Word8Rep
2012 LitNumInt16 -> code Int16Rep
2013 LitNumWord16 -> code Word16Rep
2014 LitNumInt32 -> code Int32Rep
2015 LitNumWord32 -> code Word32Rep
2016 LitNumInt64 -> code Int64Rep
2017 LitNumWord64 -> code Word64Rep
2018 -- No LitNumBigNat should be left by the time this is called. CorePrep
2019 -- should have converted them all to a real core representation.
2020 LitNumBigNat -> panic "pushAtom: LitNumBigNat"
2022 -- | Push an atom for constructor (i.e., PACK instruction) onto the stack.
2023 -- This is slightly different to @pushAtom@ due to the fact that we allow
2024 -- packing constructor fields. See also @mkConAppCode@ and @pushPadding@.
2025 pushConstrAtom
2026 :: StackDepth -> BCEnv -> StgArg -> BcM (BCInstrList, ByteOff)
2027 pushConstrAtom _ _ (StgLitArg lit) = pushLiteral False lit
2029 pushConstrAtom d p va@(StgVarArg v)
2030 | Just d_v <- lookupBCEnv_maybe v p = do -- v is a local variable
2031 platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
2032 let !szb = idSizeCon platform v
2033 done instr = do
2034 let !off = d - d_v
2035 return (unitOL (instr off), szb)
2036 case szb of
2037 1 -> done PUSH8
2038 2 -> done PUSH16
2039 4 -> done PUSH32
2040 _ -> pushAtom d p va
2042 pushConstrAtom d p expr = pushAtom d p expr
2044 pushPadding :: ByteOff -> (BCInstrList, ByteOff)
2045 pushPadding (ByteOff n) = go n (nilOL, 0)
2046 where
2047 go n acc@(!instrs, !off) = case n of
2048 0 -> acc
2049 1 -> (instrs `mappend` unitOL PUSH_PAD8, off + 1)
2050 2 -> (instrs `mappend` unitOL PUSH_PAD16, off + 2)
2051 3 -> go 1 (go 2 acc)
2052 4 -> (instrs `mappend` unitOL PUSH_PAD32, off + 4)
2053 _ -> go (n - 4) (go 4 acc)
2055 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2056 -- Given a bunch of alts code and their discrs, do the donkey work
2057 -- of making a multiway branch using a switch tree.
2058 -- What a load of hassle!
2060 mkMultiBranch :: Maybe Int -- # datacons in tycon, if alg alt
2061 -- a hint; generates better code
2062 -- Nothing is always safe
2063 -> [(Discr, BCInstrList)]
2064 -> BcM BCInstrList
2065 mkMultiBranch maybe_ncons raw_ways = do
2066 lbl_default <- getLabelBc
2069 mkTree :: [(Discr, BCInstrList)] -> Discr -> Discr -> BcM BCInstrList
2070 mkTree [] _range_lo _range_hi = return (unitOL (JMP lbl_default))
2071 -- shouldn't happen?
2073 mkTree [val] range_lo range_hi
2074 | range_lo == range_hi
2075 = return (snd val)
2076 | null defaults -- Note [CASEFAIL]
2077 = do lbl <- getLabelBc
2078 return (testEQ (fst val) lbl
2079 `consOL` (snd val
2080 `appOL` (LABEL lbl `consOL` unitOL CASEFAIL)))
2081 | otherwise
2082 = return (testEQ (fst val) lbl_default `consOL` snd val)
2084 -- Note [CASEFAIL]
2085 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2086 -- It may be that this case has no default
2087 -- branch, but the alternatives are not exhaustive - this
2088 -- happens for GADT cases for example, where the types
2089 -- prove that certain branches are impossible. We could
2090 -- just assume that the other cases won't occur, but if
2091 -- this assumption was wrong (because of a bug in GHC)
2092 -- then the result would be a segfault. So instead we
2093 -- emit an explicit test and a CASEFAIL instruction that
2094 -- causes the interpreter to barf() if it is ever
2095 -- executed.
2097 mkTree vals range_lo range_hi
2098 = let n = length vals `div` 2
2099 (vals_lo, vals_hi) = splitAt n vals
2100 v_mid = fst (head vals_hi)
2101 in do
2102 label_geq <- getLabelBc
2103 code_lo <- mkTree vals_lo range_lo (dec v_mid)
2104 code_hi <- mkTree vals_hi v_mid range_hi
2105 return (testLT v_mid label_geq
2106 `consOL` (code_lo
2107 `appOL` unitOL (LABEL label_geq)
2108 `appOL` code_hi))
2110 the_default
2111 = case defaults of
2112 [] -> nilOL
2113 [(_, def)] -> LABEL lbl_default `consOL` def
2114 _ -> panic "mkMultiBranch/the_default"
2115 instrs <- mkTree notd_ways init_lo init_hi
2116 return (instrs `appOL` the_default)
2117 where
2118 (defaults, not_defaults) = partition (isNoDiscr.fst) raw_ways
2119 notd_ways = sortBy (comparing fst) not_defaults
2121 testLT (DiscrI i) fail_label = TESTLT_I i fail_label
2122 testLT (DiscrI8 i) fail_label = TESTLT_I8 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2123 testLT (DiscrI16 i) fail_label = TESTLT_I16 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2124 testLT (DiscrI32 i) fail_label = TESTLT_I32 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2125 testLT (DiscrI64 i) fail_label = TESTLT_I64 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2126 testLT (DiscrW i) fail_label = TESTLT_W i fail_label
2127 testLT (DiscrW8 i) fail_label = TESTLT_W8 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2128 testLT (DiscrW16 i) fail_label = TESTLT_W16 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2129 testLT (DiscrW32 i) fail_label = TESTLT_W32 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2130 testLT (DiscrW64 i) fail_label = TESTLT_W64 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2131 testLT (DiscrF i) fail_label = TESTLT_F i fail_label
2132 testLT (DiscrD i) fail_label = TESTLT_D i fail_label
2133 testLT (DiscrP i) fail_label = TESTLT_P i fail_label
2134 testLT NoDiscr _ = panic "mkMultiBranch NoDiscr"
2136 testEQ (DiscrI i) fail_label = TESTEQ_I i fail_label
2137 testEQ (DiscrI8 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_I8 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2138 testEQ (DiscrI16 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_I16 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2139 testEQ (DiscrI32 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_I32 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2140 testEQ (DiscrI64 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_I64 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2141 testEQ (DiscrW i) fail_label = TESTEQ_W i fail_label
2142 testEQ (DiscrW8 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_W8 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2143 testEQ (DiscrW16 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_W16 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2144 testEQ (DiscrW32 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_W32 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2145 testEQ (DiscrW64 i) fail_label = TESTEQ_W64 (fromIntegral i) fail_label
2146 testEQ (DiscrF i) fail_label = TESTEQ_F i fail_label
2147 testEQ (DiscrD i) fail_label = TESTEQ_D i fail_label
2148 testEQ (DiscrP i) fail_label = TESTEQ_P i fail_label
2149 testEQ NoDiscr _ = panic "mkMultiBranch NoDiscr"
2151 -- None of these will be needed if there are no non-default alts
2152 (init_lo, init_hi) = case notd_ways of
2153 [] -> panic "mkMultiBranch: awesome foursome"
2154 (discr, _):_ -> case discr of
2155 DiscrI _ -> ( DiscrI minBound, DiscrI maxBound )
2156 DiscrI8 _ -> ( DiscrI8 minBound, DiscrI8 maxBound )
2157 DiscrI16 _ -> ( DiscrI16 minBound, DiscrI16 maxBound )
2158 DiscrI32 _ -> ( DiscrI32 minBound, DiscrI32 maxBound )
2159 DiscrI64 _ -> ( DiscrI64 minBound, DiscrI64 maxBound )
2160 DiscrW _ -> ( DiscrW minBound, DiscrW maxBound )
2161 DiscrW8 _ -> ( DiscrW8 minBound, DiscrW8 maxBound )
2162 DiscrW16 _ -> ( DiscrW16 minBound, DiscrW16 maxBound )
2163 DiscrW32 _ -> ( DiscrW32 minBound, DiscrW32 maxBound )
2164 DiscrW64 _ -> ( DiscrW64 minBound, DiscrW64 maxBound )
2165 DiscrF _ -> ( DiscrF minF, DiscrF maxF )
2166 DiscrD _ -> ( DiscrD minD, DiscrD maxD )
2167 DiscrP _ -> ( DiscrP algMinBound, DiscrP algMaxBound )
2168 NoDiscr -> panic "mkMultiBranch NoDiscr"
2170 (algMinBound, algMaxBound)
2171 = case maybe_ncons of
2172 -- XXX What happens when n == 0?
2173 Just n -> (0, fromIntegral n - 1)
2174 Nothing -> (minBound, maxBound)
2176 isNoDiscr NoDiscr = True
2177 isNoDiscr _ = False
2179 dec (DiscrI i) = DiscrI (i-1)
2180 dec (DiscrW w) = DiscrW (w-1)
2181 dec (DiscrP i) = DiscrP (i-1)
2182 dec other = other -- not really right, but if you
2183 -- do cases on floating values, you'll get what you deserve
2185 -- same snotty comment applies to the following
2186 minF, maxF :: Float
2187 minD, maxD :: Double
2188 minF = -1.0e37
2189 maxF = 1.0e37
2190 minD = -1.0e308
2191 maxD = 1.0e308
2194 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2195 -- Supporting junk for the compilation schemes
2197 -- Describes case alts
2198 data Discr
2199 = DiscrI Int
2200 | DiscrI8 Int8
2201 | DiscrI16 Int16
2202 | DiscrI32 Int32
2203 | DiscrI64 Int64
2204 | DiscrW Word
2205 | DiscrW8 Word8
2206 | DiscrW16 Word16
2207 | DiscrW32 Word32
2208 | DiscrW64 Word64
2209 | DiscrF Float
2210 | DiscrD Double
2211 | DiscrP Word16
2212 | NoDiscr
2213 deriving (Eq, Ord)
2215 instance Outputable Discr where
2216 ppr (DiscrI i) = int i
2217 ppr (DiscrI8 i) = text (show i)
2218 ppr (DiscrI16 i) = text (show i)
2219 ppr (DiscrI32 i) = text (show i)
2220 ppr (DiscrI64 i) = text (show i)
2221 ppr (DiscrW w) = text (show w)
2222 ppr (DiscrW8 w) = text (show w)
2223 ppr (DiscrW16 w) = text (show w)
2224 ppr (DiscrW32 w) = text (show w)
2225 ppr (DiscrW64 w) = text (show w)
2226 ppr (DiscrF f) = text (show f)
2227 ppr (DiscrD d) = text (show d)
2228 ppr (DiscrP i) = ppr i
2229 ppr NoDiscr = text "DEF"
2232 lookupBCEnv_maybe :: Id -> BCEnv -> Maybe ByteOff
2233 lookupBCEnv_maybe = Map.lookup
2235 idSizeW :: Platform -> Id -> WordOff
2236 idSizeW platform = WordOff . argRepSizeW platform . idArgRep platform
2238 idSizeCon :: Platform -> Id -> ByteOff
2239 idSizeCon platform var
2240 -- unboxed tuple components are padded to word size
2241 | isUnboxedTupleType (idType var) ||
2242 isUnboxedSumType (idType var) =
2243 wordsToBytes platform .
2244 WordOff . sum . map (argRepSizeW platform . toArgRep platform) .
2245 typePrimRep . idType $ var
2246 | otherwise = ByteOff (primRepSizeB platform (idPrimRepU var))
2248 repSizeWords :: Platform -> PrimOrVoidRep -> WordOff
2249 repSizeWords platform rep = WordOff $ argRepSizeW platform (toArgRepOrV platform rep)
2251 isFollowableArg :: ArgRep -> Bool
2252 isFollowableArg P = True
2253 isFollowableArg _ = False
2255 -- | Indicate if the calling convention is supported
2256 isSupportedCConv :: CCallSpec -> Bool
2257 isSupportedCConv (CCallSpec _ cconv _) = case cconv of
2258 CCallConv -> True -- we explicitly pattern match on every
2259 StdCallConv -> False -- convention to ensure that a warning
2260 PrimCallConv -> True -- is triggered when a new one is added
2261 JavaScriptCallConv -> False
2262 CApiConv -> True
2264 -- See bug #10462
2265 unsupportedCConvException :: a
2266 unsupportedCConvException = throwGhcException (ProgramError
2267 ("Error: bytecode compiler can't handle some foreign calling conventions\n"++
2268 " Workaround: use -fobject-code, or compile this module to .o separately."))
2270 mkSlideB :: Platform -> ByteOff -> ByteOff -> OrdList BCInstr
2271 mkSlideB platform nb db = mkSlideW n d
2272 where
2273 !n = bytesToWords platform nb
2274 !d = bytesToWords platform db
2276 mkSlideW :: WordOff -> WordOff -> OrdList BCInstr
2277 mkSlideW !n !ws
2278 | ws == 0
2279 = nilOL
2280 | otherwise
2281 = unitOL (SLIDE n $ fromIntegral ws)
2285 atomRep :: Platform -> StgArg -> ArgRep
2286 atomRep platform e = toArgRepOrV platform (stgArgRep1 e)
2288 -- | Let szsw be the sizes in bytes of some items pushed onto the stack, which
2289 -- has initial depth @original_depth@. Return the values which the stack
2290 -- environment should map these items to.
2291 mkStackOffsets :: ByteOff -> [ByteOff] -> [ByteOff]
2292 mkStackOffsets original_depth szsb = tail (scanl' (+) original_depth szsb)
2294 typeArgReps :: Platform -> Type -> [ArgRep]
2295 typeArgReps platform = map (toArgRep platform) . typePrimRep
2297 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2298 -- The bytecode generator's monad
2300 data BcM_State
2301 = BcM_State
2302 { bcm_hsc_env :: HscEnv
2303 , thisModule :: Module -- current module (for breakpoints)
2304 , nextlabel :: Word32 -- for generating local labels
2305 , ffis :: [FFIInfo] -- ffi info blocks, to free later
2306 -- Should be free()d when it is GCd
2307 , modBreaks :: Maybe ModBreaks -- info about breakpoints
2309 , breakInfo :: IntMap CgBreakInfo -- ^ Info at breakpoint occurrence.
2310 -- Indexed with breakpoint *info* index.
2311 -- See Note [Breakpoint identifiers]
2312 -- in GHC.Types.Breakpoint
2313 , breakInfoIdx :: !Int -- ^ Next index for breakInfo array
2316 newtype BcM r = BcM (BcM_State -> IO (BcM_State, r)) deriving (Functor)
2318 ioToBc :: IO a -> BcM a
2319 ioToBc io = BcM $ \st -> do
2320 x <- io
2321 return (st, x)
2323 runBc :: HscEnv -> Module -> Maybe ModBreaks
2324 -> BcM r
2325 -> IO (BcM_State, r)
2326 runBc hsc_env this_mod modBreaks (BcM m)
2327 = m (BcM_State hsc_env this_mod 0 [] modBreaks IntMap.empty 0)
2329 thenBc :: BcM a -> (a -> BcM b) -> BcM b
2330 thenBc (BcM expr) cont = BcM $ \st0 -> do
2331 (st1, q) <- expr st0
2332 let BcM k = cont q
2333 (st2, r) <- k st1
2334 return (st2, r)
2336 thenBc_ :: BcM a -> BcM b -> BcM b
2337 thenBc_ (BcM expr) (BcM cont) = BcM $ \st0 -> do
2338 (st1, _) <- expr st0
2339 (st2, r) <- cont st1
2340 return (st2, r)
2342 returnBc :: a -> BcM a
2343 returnBc result = BcM $ \st -> (return (st, result))
2345 instance Applicative BcM where
2346 pure = returnBc
2347 (<*>) = ap
2348 (*>) = thenBc_
2350 instance Monad BcM where
2351 (>>=) = thenBc
2352 (>>) = (*>)
2354 instance HasDynFlags BcM where
2355 getDynFlags = BcM $ \st -> return (st, hsc_dflags (bcm_hsc_env st))
2357 getHscEnv :: BcM HscEnv
2358 getHscEnv = BcM $ \st -> return (st, bcm_hsc_env st)
2360 getProfile :: BcM Profile
2361 getProfile = targetProfile <$> getDynFlags
2363 shouldAddBcoName :: BcM (Maybe Module)
2364 shouldAddBcoName = do
2365 add <- gopt Opt_AddBcoName <$> getDynFlags
2366 if add
2367 then Just <$> getCurrentModule
2368 else return Nothing
2370 emitBc :: ([FFIInfo] -> ProtoBCO Name) -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
2371 emitBc bco
2372 = BcM $ \st -> return (st{ffis=[]}, bco (ffis st))
2374 recordFFIBc :: RemotePtr C_ffi_cif -> BcM ()
2375 recordFFIBc a
2376 = BcM $ \st -> return (st{ffis = FFIInfo a : ffis st}, ())
2378 getLabelBc :: BcM LocalLabel
2379 getLabelBc
2380 = BcM $ \st -> do let nl = nextlabel st
2381 when (nl == maxBound) $
2382 panic "getLabelBc: Ran out of labels"
2383 return (st{nextlabel = nl + 1}, LocalLabel nl)
2385 getLabelsBc :: Word32 -> BcM [LocalLabel]
2386 getLabelsBc n
2387 = BcM $ \st -> let ctr = nextlabel st
2388 in return (st{nextlabel = ctr+n}, coerce [ctr .. ctr+n-1])
2390 newBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> BcM Int
2391 newBreakInfo info = BcM $ \st ->
2392 let ix = breakInfoIdx st
2393 st' = st
2394 { breakInfo = IntMap.insert ix info (breakInfo st)
2395 , breakInfoIdx = ix + 1
2397 in return (st', ix)
2399 getCurrentModule :: BcM Module
2400 getCurrentModule = BcM $ \st -> return (st, thisModule st)
2402 getCurrentModBreaks :: BcM (Maybe ModBreaks)
2403 getCurrentModBreaks = BcM $ \st -> return (st, modBreaks st)
2405 tickFS :: FastString
2406 tickFS = fsLit "ticked"