Sample of the original stone with the OTF font
[gilgal.git] / stone3.tex
1 % Stone 3
3 % CC0 1.0.
4 %
6 % A replica of a stone inscribed by Thomas Child at Gilgal Sculpture Garden.
8 \documentclass{article}
9 \usepackage[landscape,margin=2cm]{geometry}
10 \DeclareFontFamily{OT1}{gilgal}{}
11 \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{gilgal}{m}{sc}{<-> gilgal}{}
12 \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n}{<17-> cmr17}{}
13 \pagenumbering{gobble}
15 \begin{document}
17 \vspace*{4.6em}
18 \noindent
19 {\fontsize{66}{70}\usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n}A}%
20 {\fontsize{39}{41}\usefont{OT1}{gilgal}{m}{sc}nd when ye shall receive these things,\\
21 \hspace*{0.3em}I would exhort you that you ask God,\! the \\
22 \hspace*{0.3em}eternal Father,\! in the name of Christ,\\
23 \hspace*{0.7em}if these things are not true;\! and if \\
24 \hspace*{0.7em}ye shall ask with a sincere heart, \\
25 \hspace*{0.8em}with real intent having faith in Christ, \\
26 \hspace*{0.8em}He will manifest the truth of it \\
27 \hspace*{0.8em}unto you,\! by the gift of the Holy Ghost.\par}
29 \end{document}