1 This is a web interface for git, complementary to gitweb.
2 It visualizes commit history graph and shows commit diffs.
3 Since all UI is done in heavy javascript,
4 it's rather demanding for resources on client side.
8 cp *.html *.js *.cgi *.css js.lib/* JSON/* <server-dir>
10 make sure that git-browser.cgi and git-diff.cgi are runnable as cgi scripts
11 make sure that html files are served as having UTF-8 charset (or no charset)
13 git-browser.cgi checks the current directory for git-browser.conf,
14 if this file does not exists it looks for /etc/git-browser.conf
15 Everything in the file is optional, but with empty repository list
16 git browser will show nothing. Sample variant of git-browser.conf
17 is provided as git-browser.conf.sample.
21 path: overrides your $PATH
22 gitbin: <path to git binary, including the executable name>
23 gitweb: <url to gitweb.cgi for git-diff.cgi, default is "/gitweb.cgi">
24 http_expires: <value for CGI::header 'expires' parameter, for every responce>
25 warehouse: <path to fallback dir where to look for repos>
27 <repo-name> <repo GIT_DIR>
30 Also, there is client-side configuration in GitConfig.js. This is used
31 for configuring gitweb URL in order to create proper links from commits.