1 % Copyright (C) 2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fffi -fglasgow-exts #-}
21 module Exec ( exec, exec_interactive,
23 Redirects, Redirect(..),
27 import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
30 import Control.Exception ( bracket )
31 import System.Posix.Env ( setEnv, getEnv, unsetEnv )
32 import System.Posix.IO ( queryFdOption, setFdOption, FdOption(..), stdInput )
33 import System.IO ( stdin )
35 import Control.Exception ( catchJust, Exception(IOException) )
36 -- WARNING: isInfixOf is not present in ghc 6.4.2!
37 import Data.List ( isInfixOf )
40 import System.Exit ( ExitCode (..) )
41 import System.Cmd ( system )
42 import System.IO ( IOMode(..), openBinaryFile, stdout )
44 import GHC.Handle ( hDuplicate )
45 -- urgh. hDuplicate isn't available from a standard place.
46 import Workaround ( bracketOnError )
48 import Darcs.Global ( whenDebugMode )
51 A redirection is a three-tuple of values (in, out, err).
52 The most common values are:
55 Null /dev/null on Unix, NUL on Windows
56 File open a file for reading or writing
58 There is also the value Stdout, which is only meaningful for
59 redirection of errors, and is performed AFTER stdout is
60 redirected so that output and errors mix together. StdIn and
61 StdErr could be added as well if they are useful.
63 NOTE: Lots of care must be taken when redirecting stdin, stdout
64 and stderr to one of EACH OTHER, since the ORDER in which they
65 are changed have a significant effect on the result.
68 type Redirects = (Redirect, Redirect, Redirect)
69 data Redirect = AsIs | Null | File FilePath
74 ExecException is thrown by exec if any system call fails,
75 for example because the executable we're trying to run
78 -- ExecException cmd args redirecs errorDesc
79 data ExecException = ExecException String [String] Redirects String
80 deriving (Typeable,Show)
87 _dev_null = "/dev/null"
91 We use System.Process, which does the necessary quoting
92 and redirection for us behind the scenes.
95 exec :: String -> [String] -> Redirects -> IO ExitCode
96 exec cmd args (inp,out,err) = do
97 h_stdin <- redirect inp ReadMode
98 h_stdout <- redirect out WriteMode
99 h_stderr <- redirect err WriteMode
100 -- putStrLn (unwords (cmd:args ++ map show [inp,out,err]))
101 withExit127 $ bracketOnError
102 (do whenDebugMode $ putStrLn $ unwords $ cmd:args ++ ["; #"] ++ map show [inp,out,err]
103 runProcess cmd args Nothing Nothing h_stdin h_stdout h_stderr)
107 redirect AsIs _ = return Nothing
108 redirect Null mode = Just `fmap` openBinaryFile _dev_null mode
109 redirect (File "/dev/null") mode = redirect Null mode
110 redirect (File f) mode = Just `fmap` openBinaryFile f mode
111 redirect Stdout _ = Just `fmap` hDuplicate stdout
112 -- hDuplicate stdout rather than passing stdout itself,
113 -- because runProcess closes the Handles we pass it.
115 exec_interactive :: String -> String -> IO ExitCode
119 This should handle arbitrary commands interpreted by the shell on Unix since
120 that's what people expect. But we don't want to allow the shell to interpret
121 the argument in any way, so we set an environment variable and call
124 exec_interactive cmd arg = do
125 let var = "DARCS_ARGUMENT"
126 stdin `seq` return ()
127 withoutNonBlock $ bracket
128 (do oldval <- getEnv var
133 Nothing -> unsetEnv var
134 Just val -> setEnv var val True)
135 (\_ -> withExit127 $ system $ cmd++" \"$"++var++"\"")
139 exec_interactive cmd arg = do
140 system $ cmd ++ " " ++ arg
143 withoutNonBlock :: IO a -> IO a
147 Do IO without NonBlockingRead on stdInput.
149 This is needed when running unsuspecting external commands with interactive
150 mode - if read from terminal is non-blocking also write to terminal is
154 do nb <- queryFdOption stdInput NonBlockingRead
157 (do setFdOption stdInput NonBlockingRead False)
158 (\_ -> setFdOption stdInput NonBlockingRead True)
162 withoutNonBlock x = do x
166 Ensure that we exit 127 if the thing we are trying to run does not exist
167 (Only needed under Windows)
169 withExit127 :: IO ExitCode -> IO ExitCode
171 withExit127 a = catchJust notFoundError a (const $ return $ ExitFailure 127)
173 notFoundError :: Exception -> Maybe ()
174 notFoundError (IOException e) | "runProcess: does not exist" `isInfixOf` show e = Just ()
175 notFoundError _ = Nothing