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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / ColorPrinter.lhs
1 \begin{code}
2 {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
3 module Darcs.ColorPrinter ( errorDoc, traceDoc, assertDoc, fancyPrinters ) where
5 import Debug.Trace ( trace )
6 import System.IO ( stderr )
7 import Darcs.External (getTermNColors)
8 import Printer (Printer, Printers, Printers'(..), Printable(..), Color(..),
9 invisiblePrinter, (<>), (<?>), Doc(Doc,unDoc), unsafeBothText, simplePrinter, hcat,
10 unsafeText, unsafeChar, space, unsafePackedString,
11 renderStringWith, prefix )
12 import Data.Char ( isAscii, isPrint, isSpace, isControl, ord, chr, intToDigit )
13 import Data.Bits ( bit, xor )
14 import System.Environment ( getEnv )
15 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, any, last, spanEnd)
16 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (null, init)
17 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
18 import System.IO ( hIsTerminalDevice, Handle )
20 dollar, cr :: Doc
21 dollar = unsafeBothText "$"
22 cr = unsafeBothText "\r"
24 errorDoc :: Doc -> a
25 errorDoc = error . show
27 traceDoc :: Doc -> a -> a
28 traceDoc d = trace (show d)
30 assertDoc :: Maybe Doc -> a -> a
31 assertDoc Nothing x = x
32 assertDoc (Just e) _ = errorDoc e
34 instance Show Doc where
35 show = renderStringWith (fancyPrinters stderr)
37 -- policy
38 -- | the 'Policy' type is a record containing the variables which control
39 -- how 'Doc's will be rendered on some output.
40 data Policy = Policy { poColor :: Bool -- ^ overall use of color
41 , poEscape :: Bool -- ^ overall use of escaping
42 , poLineColor :: Bool -- ^ overall use of colored lines (only hunks for now)
43 , poAltColor :: Bool -- ^ alternative to color (bold, inverse)
44 , poIsprint :: Bool -- ^ don't escape isprints
45 , po8bit :: Bool -- ^ don't escape 8-bit chars
46 , poNoEscX :: String -- ^ extra chars to never escape
47 , poEscX :: String -- ^ extra chars to always escape
48 , poTrailing :: Bool -- ^ escape trailing spaces
49 , poCR :: Bool -- ^ ignore \r at end of lines
50 , poSpace :: Bool -- ^ escape spaces (used with poTrailing)
53 {-# NOINLINE getPolicy #-}
54 -- | 'getPolicy' returns a suitable policy for a given handle.
55 -- The policy is chosen according to environment variables, and to the
56 -- type of terminal which the handle represents
57 getPolicy :: Handle -> Policy
58 getPolicy handle = unsafePerformIO $
59 do isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice handle
60 nColors <- if isTerminal then getTermNColors else return 0
62 envDontEscapeAnything <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_ANYTHING"
63 envDontEscapeIsprint <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_ISPRINT"
64 envUseIsprint <- getEnvBool "DARCS_USE_ISPRINT" -- for backwards-compatibility
65 envDontEscape8bit <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_8BIT"
67 envDontEscapeExtra <- getEnvString "DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA"
68 envEscapeExtra <- getEnvString "DARCS_ESCAPE_EXTRA"
70 envDontEscapeTrailingSpace <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACES"
71 envDontEscapeTrailingCR <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_TRAILING_CR"
73 envDontColor <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DONT_COLOR"
74 envAlwaysColor <- getEnvBool "DARCS_ALWAYS_COLOR"
75 envAlternativeColor <- getEnvBool "DARCS_ALTERNATIVE_COLOR"
76 envDoColorLines <- getEnvBool "DARCS_DO_COLOR_LINES"
78 let haveColor = envAlwaysColor || (isTerminal && (nColors > 4))
79 doColor = not envDontColor && haveColor
81 return Policy { poColor = doColor,
82 poEscape = not envDontEscapeAnything,
83 poLineColor= doColor && envDoColorLines,
84 poIsprint = envDontEscapeIsprint || envUseIsprint,
85 po8bit = envDontEscape8bit,
86 poNoEscX = envDontEscapeExtra,
87 poEscX = envEscapeExtra,
88 poTrailing = not envDontEscapeTrailingSpace,
89 poCR = envDontEscapeTrailingCR,
90 poAltColor = haveColor && envAlternativeColor,
92 poSpace = False
94 where
95 getEnvBool s = safeGetEnv s >>= return.(/= "0")
96 safeGetEnv s = getEnv s `catch` \_ -> return "0"
97 getEnvString s = getEnv s `catch` \_ -> return ""
100 -- printers
102 -- | @'fancyPrinters' h@ returns a set of printers suitable for outputting
103 -- to @h@
104 fancyPrinters :: Printers
105 fancyPrinters h = Printers { colorP = colorPrinter (getPolicy h),
106 invisibleP = invisiblePrinter,
107 hiddenP = colorPrinter (getPolicy h) Green,
108 userchunkP = userchunkPrinter (getPolicy h),
109 defP = escapePrinter (getPolicy h),
110 lineColorT = lineColorTrans (getPolicy h),
111 lineColorS = lineColorSuffix (getPolicy h)
114 -- | @'lineColorTrans' policy@ tries to color a Doc, according to policy po.
115 -- That is, if @policy@ has @poLineColor@ set, then colors the line, otherwise
116 -- does nothing.
117 lineColorTrans :: Policy -> Color -> Doc -> Doc
118 lineColorTrans po | poLineColor po = \c d -> prefix (set_color c) d <?> unsafeBothText reset_color
119 | otherwise = const id
121 lineColorSuffix :: Policy -> [Printable] -> [Printable]
122 lineColorSuffix po | poLineColor po = \d -> S reset_color : d
123 | otherwise = id
125 colorPrinter :: Policy -> Color -> Printer
126 colorPrinter po | poColor po = \c -> unDoc . color po c . Doc . escapePrinter po{poColor=False}
127 | otherwise = const $ escapePrinter po
129 userchunkPrinter :: Policy -> Printer
130 userchunkPrinter po p
131 | not (poEscape po) = simplePrinter p
132 | not (poTrailing po) = escapePrinter po p
133 | otherwise = unDoc $ pr p
134 where
135 pr (S s) = prString s
136 pr (Both _ ps) = prPS ps
137 pr (PS ps) = prPS ps
139 prPS ps = let (leadPS, trailPS) = BC.spanEnd isSpace ps
140 in if B.null trailPS
141 then Doc $ escapePrinter po p
142 else Doc (escapePrinter po (PS leadPS))
143 <> Doc (escapePrinter po{poSpace=True} (PS trailPS))
144 <> mark_escape po dollar
146 prString s = let (trail',lead') = span isSpace (reverse s)
147 lead = reverse lead'
148 trail = reverse trail'
149 in if (not.null) trail
150 then Doc (escapePrinter po (S lead))
151 <> Doc (escapePrinter po{poSpace=True} (S trail))
152 <> mark_escape po dollar
153 else Doc (escapePrinter po p)
155 escapePrinter :: Policy -> Printer
156 escapePrinter po
157 | (not.poEscape) po = simplePrinter
158 | otherwise = unDoc . crepr
159 where
160 crepr p | poCR po && isEndCR p = epr (initPR p) <> cr
161 | otherwise = epr p
163 epr (S s) = escape po s
164 epr (PS ps) = if BC.any (not.no_escape po) ps
165 then escape po (BC.unpack ps)
166 else unsafePackedString ps
167 epr (Both s _) = escape po s
169 isEndCR (S s) = not (null s) && last s == '\r'
170 isEndCR (PS ps) = not (B.null ps) && BC.last ps == '\r'
171 isEndCR (Both _ ps) = not (B.null ps) && BC.last ps == '\r'
173 initPR (S s) = S $ init s
174 initPR (PS ps) = PS $ B.init ps
175 initPR (Both s ps) = Both (init s) (B.init ps)
178 -- escape assumes the input is in ['\0'..'\255']
180 -- | @'escape' policy string@ escapes @string@ according to the rules
181 -- defined in 'policy', turning it into a 'Doc'.
182 escape :: Policy -> String -> Doc
183 escape _ "" = unsafeText ""
184 escape po s = hcat (map escapeChar s)
185 where
186 escapeChar c | no_escape po c = unsafeChar c
187 escapeChar ' ' = space
188 escapeChar c = (emph.unsafeText.quoteChar) c
189 emph = mark_escape po
191 -- | @'no_escape' policy c@ tells wether @c@ will be left as-is
192 -- when escaping according to @policy@
193 no_escape :: Policy -> Char -> Bool
194 no_escape po c | poSpace po && isSpace c = False
195 no_escape po c | c `elem` poEscX po = False
196 no_escape po c | c `elem` poNoEscX po = True
197 no_escape _ '\t' = True -- tabs will likely be converted to spaces
198 no_escape _ '\n' = True
199 no_escape po c = if (poIsprint po) then isPrint c
200 else isPrintableAscii c
201 || c >= '\x80' && po8bit po
203 -- | 'isPrintableAscii' tells wether a character is a printable character
204 -- of the ascii range.
205 isPrintableAscii :: Char -> Bool
206 isPrintableAscii c = isAscii c && isPrint c
209 -- | 'quoteChar' represents a special character as a string.
210 -- * @quoteChar '^c'@ (where @^c@ is a control character) is @"^c"@
211 -- * Otherwise, @quoteChar@ returns "\hex", where 'hex' is the
212 -- hexadecimal number of the character.
213 quoteChar :: Char -> String
214 quoteChar c
215 | isControl c && isPrintableAscii cHat = ['^', cHat]
216 | otherwise = sHex
217 where
218 cHat = chr $ (bit 6 `xor`) $ ord c
219 sHex = let (q, r) = quotRem (ord c) 16
220 in ['\\', intToDigit q, intToDigit r]
223 -- make colors and highlightings
225 -- | @'mark_escape' policy doc@ marks @doc@ with the appropriate
226 -- marking for escaped characters according to @policy@
227 mark_escape :: Policy -> Doc -> Doc
228 mark_escape po | poAltColor po = make_invert
229 | poColor po = make_color Red
230 | otherwise = make_asciiart
232 -- | @'color' policy color doc@ colors @doc@ with color @color@ if
233 -- @policy@ is not set to use an alternative to color. In that case,
234 -- it makes the text bold instead.
235 color :: Policy -> Color -> Doc -> Doc
236 color po | poAltColor po = \_ -> make_bold
237 | otherwise = make_color
239 make_color, make_color' :: Color -> Doc -> Doc
241 make_color' = with_color . set_color
243 -- memoized version of make_color'
244 make_color Blue = make_color' Blue
245 make_color Red = make_color' Red
246 make_color Green = make_color' Green
247 make_color Cyan = make_color' Cyan
248 make_color Magenta = make_color' Magenta
250 set_color :: Color -> String
251 set_color Blue = "\x1B[01;34m" -- bold blue
252 set_color Red = "\x1B[01;31m" -- bold red
253 set_color Green = "\x1B[01;32m" -- bold green
254 set_color Cyan = "\x1B[36m" -- light cyan
255 set_color Magenta = "\x1B[35m" -- light magenta
257 -- | @'make_asciiart' doc@ tries to make @doc@ (usually a
258 -- single escaped char) stand out with the help of only plain
259 -- ascii, i.e., no color or font style.
260 make_asciiart :: Doc -> Doc
261 make_asciiart x = unsafeBothText "[_" <> x <> unsafeBothText "_]"
263 -- | the string to reset the terminal's color.
264 reset_color :: String
265 reset_color = "\x1B[00m"
267 -- | @'with_color' color doc@ returns a colorized version of @doc@.
268 -- @color@ is a string that represents a color, given by 'set_color'
269 with_color :: String -> Doc -> Doc
270 with_color c =
271 let c' = unsafeBothText c
272 r' = unsafeBothText reset_color
273 in \x -> c' <> x <> r'
276 -- | 'make_bold' boldens a doc.
277 make_bold :: Doc -> Doc
278 -- | 'make_invert' returns an invert video version of a doc.
279 make_invert :: Doc -> Doc
280 make_bold = with_color "\x1B[01m"
281 make_invert = with_color "\x1B[07m"
283 \end{code}