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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / Annotate.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs annotate}
19 \label{annotate}
20 \begin{code}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
22 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
24 #include "gadts.h"
26 module Darcs.Commands.Annotate ( annotate, created_as_xml ) where
28 import Control.Monad ( when )
29 import Data.List ( sort )
31 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults )
32 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag(..), working_repo_dir,
33 summary, unified, human_readable,
34 xmloutput, creatorhash,
35 fixSubPaths,
36 list_registered_files,
37 match_one,
39 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( slurp )
40 import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, PatchSet, amInRepository, withRepository, ($-), read_repo,
41 getMarkedupFile )
42 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Named, LineMark(..), patch2patchinfo, xml_summary )
43 import qualified Darcs.Patch ( summary )
44 import Darcs.Ordered ( mapRL, concatRL )
45 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( unpack, ByteString )
46 import Darcs.PrintPatch ( printPatch, contextualPrintPatch )
47 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, human_friendly, to_xml, make_filename,
48 showPatchInfo )
49 import Darcs.PopulationData ( Population(..), PopTree(..), DirMark(..),
50 nameI, modifiedByI, modifiedHowI,
51 createdByI, creationNameI,
53 import Darcs.Population ( getRepoPopVersion, lookup_pop, lookup_creation_pop,
54 modified_to_xml,
56 import Darcs.Hopefully ( info )
57 import Darcs.RepoPath ( SubPath, toFilePath )
58 import Darcs.Match ( match_patch, have_nonrange_match, get_first_match )
59 import Darcs.Lock ( withTempDir )
60 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed2(..), unseal2 )
61 import Printer ( putDocLn, text, errorDoc, ($$), prefix, (<+>),
62 Doc, empty, vcat, (<>), renderString, packedString )
63 #include "impossible.h"
64 \end{code}
66 \options{annotate}
68 \haskell{annotate_description}
69 \begin{code}
70 annotate_description :: String
71 annotate_description = "Display which patch last modified something."
72 \end{code}
73 \haskell{annotate_help}
75 \begin{code}
76 annotate_help :: String
77 annotate_help =
78 "Annotate displays which patches created or last modified a directory\n"++
79 "file or line. It can also display the contents of a particular patch\n"++
80 "in darcs format.\n"
81 \end{code}
83 \begin{code}
84 annotate :: DarcsCommand
85 annotate = DarcsCommand {command_name = "annotate",
86 command_help = annotate_help,
87 command_description = annotate_description,
88 command_extra_args = -1,
89 command_extra_arg_help = ["[FILE or DIRECTORY]..."],
90 command_command = annotate_cmd,
91 command_prereq = amInRepository,
92 command_get_arg_possibilities = list_registered_files,
93 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
94 command_advanced_options = [],
95 command_basic_options = [summary,unified,
96 human_readable,
97 xmloutput,
98 match_one, creatorhash,
99 working_repo_dir]}
100 \end{code}
102 \begin{options}
103 --human-readable, --summary, --unified, --xml--output
104 \end{options}
106 When called with just a patch name, annotate outputs the patch in darcs format,
107 which is the same as \verb!--human-readable!.
109 \verb!--xml-output! is the alternative to \verb!--human-readable!.
111 \verb!--summary! can be used with either the \verb!--xml-output! or the
112 \verb!--human-readable! options to alter the results. It is documented
113 fully in the `common options' portion of the manual.
115 Giving the \verb!--unified! flag implies \verb!--human-readable!, and causes
116 the output to remain in a darcs-specific format that is similar to that produced
117 by \verb!diff --unified!.
118 \begin{code}
119 annotate_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
120 annotate_cmd opts [] = withRepository opts $- \repository -> do
121 when (not $ have_nonrange_match opts) $
122 fail $ "Annotate requires either a patch pattern or a " ++
123 "file or directory argument."
124 Sealed2 p <- match_patch opts `fmap` read_repo repository
125 if Summary `elem` opts
126 then do putDocLn $ showpi $ patch2patchinfo p
127 putDocLn $ show_summary p
128 else if Unified `elem` opts
129 then withTempDir "context" $ \_ ->
130 do get_first_match repository opts
131 c <- slurp "."
132 contextualPrintPatch c p
133 else printPatch p
134 where showpi = if MachineReadable `elem` opts
135 then showPatchInfo
136 else if XMLOutput `elem` opts
137 then to_xml
138 else human_friendly
139 show_summary :: RepoPatch p => Named p C(x y) -> Doc
140 show_summary = if XMLOutput `elem` opts
141 then xml_summary
142 else Darcs.Patch.summary
143 \end{code}
145 If a directory name is given, annotate will output details of the last
146 modifying patch for each file in the directory and the directory itself. The
147 details look like this:
149 \begin{verbatim}
150 # Created by [bounce handling patch
151 # mark**20040526202216] as ./test/m7/
153 \end{verbatim}
155 If a patch name and a directory are given, these details are output for the time after
156 that patch was applied. If a directory and a tag name are given, the
157 details of the patches involved in the specified tagged version will be output.
158 \begin{code}
159 annotate_cmd opts args@[_] = withRepository opts $- \repository -> do
160 r <- read_repo repository
161 (rel_file_or_directory:_) <- fixSubPaths opts args
162 let file_or_directory = rel_file_or_directory
163 pinfo <- if have_nonrange_match opts
164 then return $ patch2patchinfo `unseal2` (match_patch opts r)
165 else case mapRL info $ concatRL r of
166 [] -> fail "Annotate doesn't yet work right on empty repositories."
167 (x:_) -> return x
168 pop <- getRepoPopVersion "." pinfo
170 -- deal with --creator-hash option
171 let maybe_creation_pi = find_creation_patchinfo opts r
172 lookup_thing = case maybe_creation_pi of
173 Nothing -> lookup_pop
174 Just cp -> lookup_creation_pop cp
176 if toFilePath file_or_directory == ""
177 then case pop of (Pop _ pt) -> annotate_pop opts pinfo pt
178 else case lookup_thing (toFilePath file_or_directory) pop of
179 Nothing -> fail $ "There is no file or directory named '"++
180 toFilePath file_or_directory++"'"
181 Just (Pop _ pt@(PopDir i _))
182 | modifiedHowI i == RemovedDir && modifiedByI i /= pinfo ->
183 errorDoc $ text ("The directory '" ++ toFilePath rel_file_or_directory ++
184 "' was removed by")
185 $$ human_friendly (modifiedByI i)
186 | otherwise -> annotate_pop opts pinfo pt
187 Just (Pop _ pt@(PopFile i))
188 | modifiedHowI i == RemovedFile && modifiedByI i /= pinfo ->
189 errorDoc $ text ("The file '" ++ toFilePath rel_file_or_directory ++
190 "' was removed by")
191 $$ human_friendly (modifiedByI i)
192 | otherwise -> annotate_file repository opts pinfo file_or_directory pt
193 \end{code}
195 \begin{code}
196 annotate_cmd _ _ = fail "annotate accepts at most one argument"
197 \end{code}
199 \begin{code}
200 annotate_pop :: [DarcsFlag] -> PatchInfo -> PopTree -> IO ()
201 annotate_pop opts pinfo pt = putDocLn $ p2format pinfo pt
202 where p2format = if XMLOutput `elem` opts
203 then p2xml
204 else p2s
205 \end{code}
207 \begin{code}
208 indent :: Doc -> [Doc]
209 -- This is a bit nasty:
210 indent = map (text . i) . lines . renderString
211 where i "" = ""
212 i ('#':s) = ('#':s)
213 i s = " "++s
215 -- Annotate a directory listing
216 p2s :: PatchInfo -> PopTree -> Doc
217 p2s pinfo (PopFile inf) =
218 created_str
219 $$ f <+> file_change
220 where f = packedString $ nameI inf
221 file_created = text "Created by"
222 <+> showPatchInfo (fromJust $ createdByI inf)
223 <+> text "as"
224 <+> packedString (fromJust $ creationNameI inf)
225 created_str = prefix "# " file_created
226 file_change = if modifiedByI inf == pinfo
227 then text $ show (modifiedHowI inf)
228 else empty
229 p2s pinfo (PopDir inf pops) =
230 created_str
231 $$ dir <+> dir_change
232 $$ vcat (map (vcat . indent . p2s pinfo) $ sort pops)
233 where dir = packedString (nameI inf) <> text "/"
234 dir_created =
235 if createdByI inf /= Nothing
236 then text "Created by "
237 <+> showPatchInfo (fromJust $ createdByI inf)
238 <+> text "as"
239 <+> packedString (fromJust $ creationNameI inf) <> text "/"
240 else text "Root directory"
241 created_str = prefix "# " dir_created
242 dir_change = if modifiedByI inf == pinfo
243 then text $ show (modifiedHowI inf)
244 else empty
245 \end{code}
247 \begin{code}
248 escapeXML :: String -> Doc
249 escapeXML = text . strReplace '\'' "&apos;" . strReplace '"' "&quot;" .
250 strReplace '>' "&gt;" . strReplace '<' "&lt;" . strReplace '&' "&amp;"
252 strReplace :: Char -> String -> String -> String
253 strReplace _ _ [] = []
254 strReplace x y (z:zs)
255 | x == z = y ++ (strReplace x y zs)
256 | otherwise = z : (strReplace x y zs)
258 created_as_xml :: PatchInfo -> String -> Doc
259 created_as_xml pinfo as = text "<created_as original_name='"
260 <> escapeXML as
261 <> text "'>"
262 $$ to_xml pinfo
263 $$ text "</created_as>"
264 --removed_by_xml :: PatchInfo -> String
265 --removed_by_xml pinfo = "<removed_by>\n"++to_xml pinfo++"</removed_by>\n"
267 p2xml_open :: PatchInfo -> PopTree -> Doc
268 p2xml_open _ (PopFile inf) =
269 text "<file name='" <> escapeXML f <> text "'>"
270 $$ created
271 $$ modified
272 where f = BC.unpack $ nameI inf
273 created = case createdByI inf of
274 Nothing -> empty
275 Just ci -> created_as_xml ci
276 (BC.unpack $ fromJust $ creationNameI inf)
277 modified = modified_to_xml inf
278 p2xml_open _ (PopDir inf _) =
279 text "<directory name='" <> escapeXML f <> text "'>"
280 $$ created
281 $$ modified
282 where f = BC.unpack $ nameI inf
283 created = case createdByI inf of
284 Nothing -> empty
285 Just ci -> created_as_xml ci
286 (BC.unpack $ fromJust $ creationNameI inf)
287 modified = modified_to_xml inf
289 p2xml_close :: PatchInfo -> PopTree -> Doc
290 p2xml_close _(PopFile _) = text "</file>"
291 p2xml_close _ (PopDir _ _) = text "</directory>"
293 p2xml :: PatchInfo -> PopTree -> Doc
294 p2xml pinf p@(PopFile _) = p2xml_open pinf p $$ p2xml_close pinf p
295 p2xml pinf p@(PopDir _ pops) = p2xml_open pinf p
296 $$ vcat (map (p2xml pinf) $ sort pops)
297 $$ p2xml_close pinf p
298 \end{code}
300 If a file name is given, the last modifying patch details of that file will be output, along
301 with markup indicating patch details when each line was last (and perhaps next) modified.
303 If a patch name and a file name are given, these details are output for the time after
304 that patch was applied.
306 \begin{code}
307 annotate_file :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [DarcsFlag] -> PatchInfo -> SubPath -> PopTree -> IO ()
308 annotate_file repository opts pinfo f (PopFile inf) = do
309 if XMLOutput `elem` opts
310 then putDocLn $ p2xml_open pinfo (PopFile inf)
311 else if createdByI inf /= Nothing
312 then putAnn $ text ("File "++toFilePath f++" created by ")
313 <> showPatchInfo ci <> text (" as " ++ createdname)
314 else putAnn $ text $ "File "++toFilePath f
315 mk <- getMarkedupFile repository ci createdname
316 old_pis <- (dropWhile (/= pinfo).mapRL info.concatRL) `fmap` read_repo repository
317 sequence_ $ map (annotate_markedup opts pinfo old_pis) mk
318 when (XMLOutput `elem` opts) $ putDocLn $ p2xml_close pinfo (PopFile inf)
319 where ci = fromJust $ createdByI inf
320 createdname = BC.unpack $ fromJust $ creationNameI inf
321 annotate_file _ _ _ _ _ = impossible
323 annotate_markedup :: [DarcsFlag] -> PatchInfo -> [PatchInfo]
324 -> (BC.ByteString, LineMark) -> IO ()
325 annotate_markedup opts | XMLOutput `elem` opts = xml_markedup
326 | otherwise = text_markedup
328 text_markedup :: PatchInfo -> [PatchInfo] -> (BC.ByteString, LineMark) -> IO ()
329 text_markedup _ _ (l,None) = putLine ' ' l
330 text_markedup pinfo old_pis (l,RemovedLine wheni) =
331 if wheni == pinfo
332 then putLine '-' l
333 else if wheni `elem` old_pis
334 then return ()
335 else putLine ' ' l
336 text_markedup pinfo old_pis (l,AddedLine wheni) =
337 if wheni == pinfo
338 then putLine '+' l
339 else if wheni `elem` old_pis
340 then do putAnn $ text "Following line added by "
341 <> showPatchInfo wheni
342 putLine ' ' l
343 else return ()
344 text_markedup pinfo old_pis (l,AddedRemovedLine whenadd whenrem)
345 | whenadd == pinfo = do putAnn $ text "Following line removed by "
346 <> showPatchInfo whenrem
347 putLine '+' l
348 | whenrem == pinfo = do putAnn $ text "Following line added by "
349 <> showPatchInfo whenadd
350 putLine '-' l
351 | whenadd `elem` old_pis && not (whenrem `elem` old_pis) =
352 do putAnn $ text "Following line removed by " <> showPatchInfo whenrem
353 putAnn $ text "Following line added by " <> showPatchInfo whenadd
354 putLine ' ' l
355 | otherwise = return ()
357 putLine :: Char -> BC.ByteString -> IO ()
358 putLine c s = putStrLn $ c : BC.unpack s
359 putAnn :: Doc -> IO ()
360 putAnn s = putDocLn $ prefix "# " s
362 xml_markedup :: PatchInfo -> [PatchInfo] -> (BC.ByteString, LineMark) -> IO ()
363 xml_markedup _ _ (l,None) = putLine ' ' l
364 xml_markedup pinfo old_pis (l,RemovedLine wheni) =
365 if wheni == pinfo
366 then putDocLn $ text "<removed_line>"
367 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
368 $$ text "</removed_line>"
369 else if wheni `elem` old_pis
370 then return ()
371 else putDocLn $ text "<normal_line>"
372 $$ text "<removed_by>"
373 $$ to_xml wheni
374 $$ text "</removed_by>"
375 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
376 $$ text "</normal_line>"
377 xml_markedup pinfo old_pis (l,AddedLine wheni) =
378 if wheni == pinfo
379 then putDocLn $ text "<added_line>"
380 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
381 $$ text "</added_line>"
382 else if wheni `elem` old_pis
383 then putDocLn $ text "<normal_line>"
384 $$ text "<added_by>"
385 $$ to_xml wheni
386 $$ text "</added_by>"
387 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
388 $$ text "</normal_line>"
389 else return ()
390 xml_markedup pinfo old_pis (l,AddedRemovedLine whenadd whenrem)
391 | whenadd == pinfo =
392 putDocLn $ text "<added_line>"
393 $$ text "<removed_by>"
394 $$ to_xml whenrem
395 $$ text "</removed_by>"
396 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
397 $$ text "</added_line>"
398 | whenrem == pinfo =
399 putDocLn $ text "<removed_line>"
400 $$ text "<added_by>"
401 $$ to_xml whenadd
402 $$ text "</added_by>"
403 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
404 $$ text "</removed_line>"
405 | whenadd `elem` old_pis && not (whenrem `elem` old_pis) =
406 putDocLn $ text "<normal_line>"
407 $$ text "<removed_by>"
408 $$ to_xml whenrem
409 $$ text "</removed_by>"
410 $$ text "<added_by>"
411 $$ to_xml whenadd
412 $$ text "</added_by>"
413 $$ escapeXML (BC.unpack l)
414 $$ text "</normal_line>"
415 | otherwise = return ()
416 \end{code}
418 \begin{options}
419 --creator-hash HASH
420 \end{options}
422 The \verb!--creator-hash! option should only be used in combination with a
423 file or directory to be annotated. In this case, the name of that file or
424 directory is interpreted to be its name \emph{at the time it was created},
425 and the hash given along with \verb!--creator-hash! indicates the patch
426 that created the file or directory. This allows you to (relatively) easily
427 examine a file even if it has been renamed multiple times.
429 \begin{code}
430 find_creation_patchinfo :: [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> Maybe PatchInfo
431 find_creation_patchinfo [] _ = Nothing
432 find_creation_patchinfo (CreatorHash h:_) r = find_hash h $ mapRL info $ concatRL r
433 find_creation_patchinfo (_:fs) r = find_creation_patchinfo fs r
435 find_hash :: String -> [PatchInfo] -> Maybe PatchInfo
436 find_hash _ [] = Nothing
437 find_hash h (pinf:pinfs)
438 | take (length h) (make_filename pinf) == h = Just pinf
439 | otherwise = find_hash h pinfs
440 \end{code}