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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / Changes.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2003-2004 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs changes}
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards #-}
23 module Darcs.Commands.Changes ( changes ) where
25 import Data.List ( sort )
26 import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
27 import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
29 import Darcs.Hopefully ( hopefullyM, info )
30 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( slightly_optimize_patchset )
31 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults )
32 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag(Context, HumanReadable, MachineReadable,
33 Interactive, OnlyChangesToFiles, Count,
34 NumberPatches, XMLOutput, Summary,
35 Reverse, Verbose, Debug),
36 fixSubPaths, changes_format,
37 possibly_remote_repo_dir, get_repourl,
38 working_repo_dir, only_to_files,
39 summary, changes_reverse,
40 match_several_or_range,
41 all_interactive, showFriendly,
42 network_options
44 import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath, rootDirectory )
45 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fp2fn, fn2fp, norm_path )
46 import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, PatchSet, PatchInfoAnd, get_unrecorded_unsorted,
47 withRepositoryDirectory, ($-), findRepository,
48 read_repo, slurp_recorded )
49 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( to_xml, showPatchInfo )
50 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( get_common_and_uncommon )
51 import Darcs.Patch.TouchesFiles ( look_touch )
52 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, invert, xml_summary, description, apply_to_filepaths,
53 list_touched_files, effect, identity )
54 import Darcs.Ordered ( (:\/:)(..), RL(..), unsafeFL, unsafeUnRL, concatRL,
55 EqCheck(..), filterFL )
56 import Darcs.Match ( first_match, second_match,
57 match_a_patchread, have_nonrange_match,
58 match_first_patchset, match_second_patchset,
60 import Darcs.Commands.Annotate ( created_as_xml )
61 import ByteStringUtils ( linesPS )
62 import Printer ( Doc, putDocLnWith, simplePrinters, renderPS, (<+>),
63 renderString, prefix,
64 packedString, text, vcat, vsep, ($$), empty, errorDoc )
65 import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( fancyPrinters )
66 import Darcs.Progress ( setProgressMode, debugMessage )
67 import Darcs.SelectChanges ( view_changes )
68 import Darcs.Sealed ( unsafeUnseal )
69 #include "impossible.h"
70 \end{code}
72 \options{changes}
73 \begin{code}
74 changes_description :: String
75 changes_description = "Gives a changelog-style summary of the repository history."
76 \end{code}
77 \haskell{changes_help}
78 \begin{code}
79 changes_help :: String
80 changes_help =
81 "Changes gives a changelog-style summary of the repository history,\n"++
82 "including options for altering how the patches are selected and displayed.\n"
84 changes :: DarcsCommand
85 changes = DarcsCommand {command_name = "changes",
86 command_help = changes_help,
87 command_description = changes_description,
88 command_extra_args = -1,
89 command_extra_arg_help = ["[FILE or DIRECTORY]..."],
90 command_get_arg_possibilities = return [],
91 command_command = changes_cmd,
92 command_prereq = findRepository,
93 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
94 command_advanced_options = network_options,
95 command_basic_options = [match_several_or_range,
96 only_to_files,
97 changes_format,
98 summary,
99 changes_reverse,
100 possibly_remote_repo_dir,
101 working_repo_dir,
102 all_interactive]}
103 \end{code}
106 \begin{code}
107 changes_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
108 changes_cmd [Context _] [] = return ()
109 changes_cmd opts args | Context rootDirectory `elem` opts =
110 let repodir = fromMaybe "." (get_repourl opts) in
111 withRepositoryDirectory opts repodir $- \repository -> do
112 when (args /= []) $ fail "changes --context cannot accept other arguments"
113 changes_context repository opts
114 changes_cmd opts args =
115 let repodir = fromMaybe "." (get_repourl opts) in
116 withRepositoryDirectory opts repodir $- \repository -> do
117 unless (Debug `elem` opts) $ setProgressMode False
118 files <- sort `fmap` fixSubPaths opts args
119 unrec <- get_unrecorded_unsorted repository
120 `catch` \_ -> return identity -- this is triggered when repository is remote
121 let filez = map (fn2fp . norm_path . fp2fn) $ apply_to_filepaths (invert unrec) $ map toFilePath files
122 filtered_changes p = maybe_reverse $ get_changes_info opts filez p
123 debugMessage "About to read the repository..."
124 patches <- read_repo repository
125 debugMessage "Done reading the repository."
126 if Interactive `elem` opts
127 then do let (fp,_,_) = filtered_changes patches
128 s <- slurp_recorded repository
129 view_changes opts s filez (unsafeFL fp)
130 else do when (not (null files) && not (XMLOutput `elem` opts)) $
131 putStrLn $ "Changes to "++unwords filez++":\n"
132 debugMessage "About to print the changes..."
133 let printers = if XMLOutput `elem` opts then simplePrinters else fancyPrinters
134 ps <- read_repo repository
135 putDocLnWith printers $ changelog opts ps $ filtered_changes patches
136 where maybe_reverse (xs,b,c) = if Reverse `elem` opts
137 then (reverse xs, b, c)
138 else (xs, b, c)
139 \end{code}
141 When given one or more files or directories as an argument, changes lists only
142 those patches which affect those files or the contents of those directories or,
143 of course, the directories themselves. This includes changes that happened to
144 files before they were moved or renamed.
146 \begin{options}
147 --from-match, --from-patch, --from-tag
148 \end{options}
150 If changes is given a \verb!--from-patch!, \verb!--from-match!, or
151 \verb!--from-tag! option, it outputs only those changes since that tag or
152 patch.
154 Without any options to limit the scope of the changes, history will be displayed
155 going back as far as possible.
158 \begin{code}
159 get_changes_info :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> [FilePath] -> PatchSet p
160 -> ([PatchInfoAnd p], [FilePath], Doc)
161 get_changes_info opts plain_fs ps =
162 case get_common_and_uncommon (p2s,p1s) of
163 (_,us:\/:_) -> filter_patches_by_names fs $ filter pf $ unsafeUnRL $ concatRL us
164 where fs = map (\x -> "./" ++ x) $ plain_fs
165 p1s = if first_match opts then unsafeUnseal $ match_first_patchset opts ps
166 else NilRL:<:NilRL
167 p2s = if second_match opts then unsafeUnseal $ match_second_patchset opts ps
168 else ps
169 pf = if have_nonrange_match opts
170 then match_a_patchread opts
171 else \_ -> True
173 filter_patches_by_names :: RepoPatch p => [FilePath]
174 -> [PatchInfoAnd p]
175 -> ([PatchInfoAnd p],[FilePath], Doc)
176 filter_patches_by_names _ [] = ([], [], empty)
177 filter_patches_by_names [] pps = (pps, [], empty)
178 filter_patches_by_names fs (hp:ps)
179 | Just p <- hopefullyM hp =
180 case look_touch fs (invert p) of
181 (True, []) -> ([hp], fs, empty)
182 (True, fs') -> hp -:- filter_patches_by_names fs' ps
183 (False, fs') -> filter_patches_by_names fs' ps
184 filter_patches_by_names _ (hp:_) =
185 ([], [], text "Can't find changes prior to:" $$ description hp)
187 (-:-) :: a -> ([a],b,c) -> ([a],b,c)
188 x -:- (xs,y,z) = (x:xs,y,z)
190 changelog :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p -> ([PatchInfoAnd p], [FilePath], Doc)
191 -> Doc
192 changelog opts patchset (pis, fs, errstring)
193 | Count `elem` opts = text $ show $ length pis
194 | MachineReadable `elem` opts =
195 if renderString errstring == ""
196 then vsep $ map ( pis
197 else errorDoc errstring
198 | XMLOutput `elem` opts =
199 text "<changelog>"
200 $$ vcat xml_file_names
201 $$ vcat actual_xml_changes
202 $$ text "</changelog>"
203 | Summary `elem` opts || Verbose `elem` opts =
204 vsep (map (number_patch change_with_summary) pis)
205 $$ errstring
206 | otherwise = vsep (map (number_patch description) pis)
207 $$ errstring
208 where change_with_summary hp
209 | Just p <- hopefullyM hp = if OnlyChangesToFiles `elem` opts
210 then description hp $$
211 showFriendly opts (filterFL xx $ effect p)
212 else showFriendly opts p
213 | otherwise = description hp
214 $$ indent (text "[this patch is unavailable]")
215 where xx x = case list_touched_files x of
216 [z] | z `elem` fs -> NotEq
217 _ -> IsEq
218 xml_with_summary hp
219 | Just p <- hopefullyM hp = insert_before_lastline
220 (to_xml $ info hp) (indent $ xml_summary p)
221 xml_with_summary hp = to_xml (info hp)
222 indent = prefix " "
223 actual_xml_changes = if Summary `elem` opts
224 then map xml_with_summary pis
225 else map ( pis
226 xml_file_names = map (created_as_xml first_change) fs
227 first_change = if Reverse `elem` opts
228 then info $ head pis
229 else info $ last pis
230 number_patch f x = if NumberPatches `elem` opts
231 then case get_number x of
232 Just n -> text (show n++":") <+> f x
233 Nothing -> f x
234 else f x
235 get_number :: PatchInfoAnd p -> Maybe Int
236 get_number y = gn 1 (concatRL patchset)
237 where iy = info y
238 gn n (b:<:bs) | seq n (info b) == iy = Just n
239 | otherwise = gn (n+1) bs
240 gn _ NilRL = Nothing
242 insert_before_lastline :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
243 insert_before_lastline a b =
244 case reverse $ map packedString $ linesPS $ renderPS a of
245 (ll:ls) -> vcat (reverse ls) $$ b $$ ll
246 [] -> impossible
247 \end{code}
249 \begin{options}
250 --context, --human-readable, --xml-output
251 \end{options}
253 When given the \verb!--context! flag, darcs changes outputs sufficient
254 information to allow the current state of the repository to be
255 recreated at a later date. This information should generally be piped to a
256 file, and then can be used later in conjunction with
257 \verb!darcs get --context! to recreate the current version. Note that
258 while the \verb!--context! flag may be used in conjunction with
259 \verb!--xml-output! or \verb!--human-readable!, in neither case will darcs
260 get be able to read the output. On the other hand, sufficient information
261 \emph{will} be output for a knowledgeable human to recreate the current
262 state of the repository.
263 \begin{code}
264 changes_context :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
265 changes_context repository opts = do
266 r <- read_repo repository
267 putStrLn "\nContext:\n"
268 when (not $ null (unsafeUnRL r) || null (unsafeUnRL $ head $ unsafeUnRL r)) $
269 putDocLnWith simplePrinters $ changelog opts' NilRL $
270 get_changes_info opts' []
271 (headRL (slightly_optimize_patchset r) :<: NilRL)
272 where opts' = if HumanReadable `elem` opts || XMLOutput `elem` opts
273 then opts
274 else MachineReadable : opts
275 headRL (x:<:_) = x
276 headRL NilRL = impossible
277 \end{code}