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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / Record.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs record}
19 \label{record}
20 \begin{code}
21 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
22 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards #-}
24 module Darcs.Commands.Record ( record, commit, get_date, get_log, file_exists ) where
25 import Control.Exception ( handleJust, Exception( ExitException ) )
26 import Control.Monad ( filterM, when )
27 import System.IO ( hGetContents, stdin )
28 import Data.List ( sort, isPrefixOf )
29 import System.Exit ( exitFailure, ExitCode(..) )
30 import System.IO ( hPutStrLn )
31 import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, removeFile )
32 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
34 import Darcs.Lock ( readBinFile, writeBinFile, world_readable_temp, appendToFile, removeFileMayNotExist )
35 import Darcs.Hopefully ( info, n2pia )
36 import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, amInRepository, withRepoLock, ($-),
37 get_unrecorded, get_unrecorded_unsorted, withGutsOf,
38 sync_repo, read_repo,
39 slurp_recorded,
40 tentativelyAddPatch, finalizeRepositoryChanges,
42 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Patch, Prim, namepatch, summary, anonymous,
43 adddeps, fromPrims )
44 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), (:>)(..), (+>+),
45 unsafeUnFL, unsafeCompare,
46 reverseRL, mapFL, mapFL_FL, nullFL )
47 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo )
48 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( slurp_hasfile, slurp_hasdir )
49 import Darcs.Patch.Choices ( patch_choices_tps, tp_patch,
50 force_first, get_choices, tag )
51 import Darcs.SelectChanges ( with_selected_changes_to_files',
52 with_selected_changes_reversed )
53 import Darcs.RepoPath ( FilePathLike, SubPath, sp2fn, toFilePath )
54 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy, empty_slurpy )
55 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults, loggers, command_stub )
56 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag( PromptLongComment, Test, NoTest, NoEditLongComment,
57 EditLongComment, RmLogFile, LogFile, Pipe,
58 PatchName, AskDeps, All ),
59 get_author, working_repo_dir, lookforadds,
60 fixSubPaths, defineChanges,
61 ask_long_comment, askdeps, patch_select_flag,
62 all_pipe_interactive, leave_test_dir, notest,
63 author, patchname_option, umask_option, ignoretimes,
64 nocompress, rmlogfile, logfile, list_registered_files,
65 set_scripts_executable )
66 import Darcs.Utils ( askUser, promptYorn, edit_file, clarify_errors )
67 import Darcs.Progress ( debugMessage, progressFL )
68 import IsoDate ( getIsoDateTime, cleanLocalDate )
69 import Printer ( hPutDocLn, text, wrap_text, ($$), renderString )
70 #include "impossible.h"
71 \end{code}
72 \begin{code}
73 record_description :: String
74 record_description =
75 "Save changes in the working copy to the repository as a patch."
76 \end{code}
78 \options{record}
80 If you provide one or more files or directories as additional arguments
81 to record, you will only be prompted to changes in those files or
82 directories.
83 \begin{code}
84 record_help :: String
85 record_help = renderString $ wrap_text 80 $
86 "Record is used to name a set of changes and record the patch to the "++
87 "repository."
88 \end{code}
89 \begin{code}
90 record :: DarcsCommand
91 record = DarcsCommand {command_name = "record",
92 command_help = record_help,
93 command_description = record_description,
94 command_extra_args = -1,
95 command_extra_arg_help = ["[FILE or DIRECTORY]..."],
96 command_command = record_cmd,
97 command_prereq = amInRepository,
98 command_get_arg_possibilities = list_registered_files,
99 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
100 command_advanced_options = [logfile, rmlogfile,
101 nocompress, ignoretimes,
102 umask_option,
103 set_scripts_executable],
104 command_basic_options = [patchname_option, author,
105 notest,
106 leave_test_dir,
107 all_pipe_interactive,
108 askdeps,
109 ask_long_comment,
110 lookforadds,
111 working_repo_dir]}
112 \end{code}
113 \begin{code}
114 commit_description :: String
115 commit_description =
116 "Does not actually do anything, but offers advice on saving changes"
118 commit_help :: String
119 commit_help =
120 "This command does not do anything.\n"++
121 "If you want to save changes locally, use the 'darcs record' command.\n"++
122 "If you want to save a recorded patch to another repository, use the\n"++
123 "'darcs push' or 'darcs send' commands instead.\n"
125 commit :: DarcsCommand
126 commit = command_stub "commit" commit_help commit_description record
127 \end{code}
128 \begin{code}
129 file_exists :: Slurpy -> SubPath -> IO Bool
130 file_exists s rp = do file <- doesFileExist fp
131 dir <- doesDirectoryExist fp
132 return (file || dir ||
133 slurp_hasfile (sp2fn rp) s ||
134 slurp_hasdir (sp2fn rp) s)
135 where fp = toFilePath rp
137 record_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
138 record_cmd origopts args = do
139 check_name_is_not_option origopts
141 let (logMessage,_, _) = loggers opts
142 opts = if NoTest `elem` origopts then origopts else Test:origopts
144 withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
145 rec <- if null args then return empty_slurpy
146 else slurp_recorded repository
147 files <- sort `fmap` fixSubPaths opts args
148 let non_repo_files = if null files && (not $ null args) then args else []
149 existing_files <- filterM (file_exists rec) files
150 non_existent_files <- filterM (fmap not . file_exists rec) files
151 when (not $ null existing_files) $
152 logMessage $ "Recording changes in "++unwords (map show existing_files)++":\n"
153 when (not $ null non_existent_files) $
154 logMessage $ "Non existent files or directories: "++unwords (map show non_existent_files)++"\n"
155 when (((not $ null non_existent_files) || (not $ null non_repo_files)) && null existing_files) $
156 fail "None of the files you specified exist!"
157 debugMessage "About to get the unrecorded changes."
158 changes <- if All `elem` opts then get_unrecorded_unsorted repository
159 else get_unrecorded repository
160 debugMessage "I've gotten unrecorded."
161 case allow_empty_with_askdeps changes of
162 Nothing -> do when (Pipe `elem` opts) $ do get_date opts
163 return ()
164 if ((not $ null existing_files) || (not $ null non_existent_files))
165 then logMessage "No changes in selected files or directories!"
166 else logMessage "No changes!"
167 Just ch -> do_record repository opts existing_files ch
168 where allow_empty_with_askdeps NilFL
169 | AskDeps `elem` origopts = Just NilFL
170 | otherwise = Nothing
171 allow_empty_with_askdeps p = Just p
173 -- check that what we treat as the patch name is not accidentally a command
174 -- line flag
175 check_name_is_not_option :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
176 check_name_is_not_option opts = do
177 let (logMessage, _, _) = loggers opts
178 patchNames = [n | PatchName n <- opts]
179 when (length patchNames == 1) $ do
180 let n = head patchNames
181 oneLetterName = length n == 1 || (length n == 2 && head n == '-')
182 if (oneLetterName && not (elem All opts))
183 then do
184 let keepAsking = do
185 yorn <- promptYorn ("You specified " ++ show n ++ " as the patch name. Is that really what you want?")
186 case yorn of
187 'y' -> return ()
188 'n' -> do
189 logMessage "Okay, aborting the record."
190 exitFailure
191 _ -> keepAsking
192 keepAsking
193 else return ()
196 do_record :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> [DarcsFlag] -> [SubPath] -> FL Prim -> IO ()
197 do_record repository opts files ps = do
198 let make_log = world_readable_temp "darcs-record"
199 date <- get_date opts
200 my_author <- get_author opts
201 debugMessage "I'm slurping the repository."
202 s <- slurp_recorded repository
203 debugMessage "About to select changes..."
204 with_selected_changes_to_files' "record" opts
205 s (map toFilePath files) ps $ \ (chs:>_) ->
206 if is_empty_but_not_askdeps chs
207 then putStrLn "Ok, if you don't want to record anything, that's fine!"
208 else handleJust only_successful_exits (\_ -> return ()) $
209 do deps <- if AskDeps `elem` opts
210 then ask_about_depends repository chs opts
211 else return []
212 when (AskDeps `elem` opts) $ debugMessage "I've asked about dependencies."
213 if nullFL chs && null deps
214 then putStrLn "Ok, if you don't want to record anything, that's fine!"
215 else do defineChanges chs
216 (name, my_log, logf) <- get_log opts Nothing make_log chs
217 do_actual_record repository opts name date
218 my_author my_log logf deps chs
219 where is_empty_but_not_askdeps l
220 | AskDeps `elem` opts = False
221 -- a "partial tag" patch; see below.
222 | otherwise = nullFL l
224 do_actual_record :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> [DarcsFlag] -> String -> String -> String
225 -> [String] -> Maybe String
226 -> [PatchInfo] -> FL Prim -> IO ()
227 do_actual_record repository opts name date my_author my_log logf deps chs =
228 do debugMessage "Writing the patch file..."
229 mypatch <- namepatch date name my_author my_log $
230 fromPrims $ progressFL "Writing changes:" chs
231 tentativelyAddPatch repository opts $ n2pia $ adddeps mypatch deps
232 debugMessage "Applying to pristine..."
233 withGutsOf repository (finalizeRepositoryChanges repository)
234 `clarify_errors` failuremessage
235 debugMessage "Syncing timestamps..."
236 sync_repo repository
237 when (isJust logf) $ removeFile (fromJust logf)
238 logMessage $ "Finished recording patch '"++name++"'"
239 where (logMessage,_,_) = loggers opts
240 failuremessage = "Failed to record patch '"++name++"'" ++
241 case logf of Just lf -> "\nLogfile left in "++lf++"."
242 Nothing -> ""
243 \end{code}
244 Each patch is given a name, which typically would consist of a brief
245 description of the changes. This name is later used to describe the patch.
246 The name must fit on one line (i.e.\ cannot have any embedded newlines). If
247 you have more to say, stick it in the log.
248 \begin{code}
249 \end{code}
251 The patch is also flagged with the author of the change, taken by default
252 from the \verb!DARCS_EMAIL! environment variable, and if that doesn't
253 exist, from the \verb!EMAIL! environment variable. The date on which the
254 patch was recorded is also included. Currently there is no provision for
255 keeping track of when a patch enters a given repository.
256 \begin{code}
257 get_date :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO String
258 get_date opts
259 | Pipe `elem` opts = do cleanLocalDate `fmap` askUser "What is the date? "
260 get_date _ = getIsoDateTime
261 \end{code}
262 \label{DARCS_EDITOR}
263 Finally, each changeset should have a full log (which may be empty). This
264 log is for detailed notes which are too lengthy to fit in the name. If you
265 answer that you do want to create a comment file, darcs will open an editor
266 so that you can enter the comment in. The choice of editor proceeds as
267 follows. If one of the \verb!$DARCS_EDITOR!, \verb!$VISUAL! or
268 \verb!$EDITOR! environment variables is defined, its value is used (with
269 precedence proceeding in the order listed). If not, ``vi'', ``emacs'',
270 ``emacs~-nw'' and ``nano'' are tried in that order.
272 \begin{options}
273 --logfile
274 \end{options}
276 If you wish, you may specify the patch name and log using the
277 \verb!--logfile! flag. If you do so, the first line of the specified file
278 will be taken to be the patch name, and the remainder will be the ``long
279 comment''. This feature can be especially handy if you have a test that
280 fails several times on the record (thus aborting the record), so you don't
281 have to type in the long comment multiple times. The file's contents will
282 override the \verb!--patch-name! option.
284 \begin{code}
285 data PName = FlagPatchName String | PriorPatchName String | NoPatchName
287 get_log :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (String, [String]) -> IO String -> FL Prim ->
288 IO (String, [String], Maybe String)
289 get_log opts m_old make_log chs = gl opts
290 where patchname_specified = patchname_helper opts
291 patchname_helper (PatchName n:_) | take 4 n == "TAG " = FlagPatchName $ '.':n
292 | otherwise = FlagPatchName n
293 patchname_helper (_:fs) = patchname_helper fs
294 patchname_helper [] = case m_old of Just (p,_) -> PriorPatchName p
295 Nothing -> NoPatchName
296 default_log = case m_old of
297 Nothing -> []
298 Just (_,l) -> l
299 gl (Pipe:_) = do p <- case patchname_specified of
300 FlagPatchName p -> return p
301 PriorPatchName p -> return p
302 NoPatchName -> prompt_patchname False
303 putStrLn "What is the log?"
304 thelog <- lines `fmap` hGetContents stdin -- ratify hGetContents: stdin not deleted
305 return (p, thelog, Nothing)
306 gl (LogFile f:fs) =
307 do -- round 1 (patchname)
308 mlp <- lines `fmap` readBinFile f `catch` (\_ -> return [])
309 firstname <- case (patchname_specified, mlp) of
310 (FlagPatchName p, []) -> return p
311 (_, p:_) -> return p -- logfile trumps prior!
312 (PriorPatchName p, []) -> return p
313 (NoPatchName, []) -> prompt_patchname True
314 -- round 2
315 append_info f firstname
316 when (EditLongComment `elem` fs) $ do edit_file f
317 return ()
318 (name, thelog, _) <- read_long_comment f firstname
319 when (RmLogFile `elem` opts) $ removeFileMayNotExist f
320 return (name, thelog, Nothing)
321 gl (EditLongComment:_) =
322 case patchname_specified of
323 FlagPatchName p -> actually_get_log p
324 PriorPatchName p -> actually_get_log p
325 NoPatchName -> prompt_patchname True >>= actually_get_log
326 gl (NoEditLongComment:_) =
327 case patchname_specified of
328 FlagPatchName p
329 | Just ("",_) <- m_old ->
330 return (p, default_log, Nothing) -- rollback -m
331 FlagPatchName p -> return (p, [], Nothing) -- record (or amend) -m
332 PriorPatchName p -> return (p, default_log, Nothing) -- amend
333 NoPatchName -> do p <- prompt_patchname True -- record
334 return (p, [], Nothing)
335 gl (PromptLongComment:fs) =
336 case patchname_specified of
337 FlagPatchName p -> prompt_long_comment p -- record (or amend) -m
338 _ -> gl fs
339 gl (_:fs) = gl fs
340 gl [] = case patchname_specified of
341 FlagPatchName p -> return (p, [], Nothing) -- record (or amend) -m
342 PriorPatchName "" -> prompt_patchname True >>= prompt_long_comment
343 PriorPatchName p -> return (p, default_log, Nothing)
344 NoPatchName -> prompt_patchname True >>= prompt_long_comment
345 prompt_patchname retry =
346 do n <- askUser "What is the patch name? "
347 if n == "" || take 4 n == "TAG "
348 then if retry then prompt_patchname retry
349 else fail "Bad patch name!"
350 else return n
351 prompt_long_comment oldname =
352 do yorn <- promptYorn "Do you want to add a long comment?"
353 if yorn == 'y' then actually_get_log oldname
354 else return (oldname, [], Nothing)
355 actually_get_log p = do logf <- make_log
356 writeBinFile logf $ unlines $ p : default_log
357 append_info logf p
358 edit_file logf
359 read_long_comment logf p
360 read_long_comment :: FilePathLike p => p -> String -> IO (String, [String], Maybe p)
361 read_long_comment f oldname =
362 do t <- (lines.filter (/='\r')) `fmap` readBinFile f
363 case t of [] -> return (oldname, [], Just f)
364 (n:ls) -> return (n, takeWhile
365 (not.(eod `isPrefixOf`)) ls,
366 Just f)
367 append_info f oldname =
368 do fc <- readBinFile f
369 appendToFile f $ \h ->
370 do case fc of
371 _ | null (lines fc) -> hPutStrLn h oldname
372 | last fc /= '\n' -> hPutStrLn h ""
373 | otherwise -> return ()
374 hPutDocLn h $ text eod
375 $$ text ""
376 $$ wrap_text 75
377 ("Place the long patch description above the "++
378 eod++
379 " marker. The first line of this file "++
380 "will be the patch name.")
381 $$ text ""
382 $$ text "This patch contains the following changes:"
383 $$ text ""
384 $$ summary (fromPrims chs :: Patch)
386 eod :: String
387 eod = "***END OF DESCRIPTION***"
388 \end{code}
390 \begin{options}
391 --ask-deps
392 \end{options}
394 Each patch may depend on any number of previous patches. If you choose to
395 make your patch depend on a previous patch, that patch is required to be
396 applied before your patch can be applied to a repository. This can be used, for
397 example, if a piece of code requires a function to be defined, which was
398 defined in an earlier patch.
400 If you want to manually define any dependencies for your patch, you can use
401 the \verb!--ask-deps! flag, and darcs will ask you for the patch's
402 dependencies.
404 It is possible to record a patch which has no actual changes but which
405 has specific dependencies. This type of patch can be thought of as a
406 ``partial tag''. The \verb!darcs tag! command will record a patch
407 with no actual changes but which depends on the entire current
408 inventory of the repository. The \verb!darcs record --ask-deps! with
409 no selected changes will record a patch that depends on only those
410 patches selected via the \verb!--ask-deps! operation, resulting in a
411 patch which describes a set of patches; the presence of this primary
412 patch in a repository implies the presence of (at least) the
413 depended-upon patches.
415 \begin{code}
416 ask_about_depends :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> FL Prim -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO [PatchInfo]
417 ask_about_depends repository pa' opts = do
418 pps <- read_repo repository
419 pa <- n2pia `fmap` anonymous (fromPrims pa')
420 let ps = (reverseRL $ headRL pps)+>+(pa:>:NilFL)
421 (pc, tps) = patch_choices_tps ps
422 ta = case filter ((pa `unsafeCompare`) . tp_patch) $ unsafeUnFL tps of
423 [tp] -> tag tp
424 [] -> error "ask_about_depends: []"
425 _ -> error "ask_about_depends: many"
426 ps' = mapFL_FL tp_patch $ middle_choice $ force_first ta pc
427 with_selected_changes_reversed "depend on" (filter askdep_allowed opts) empty_slurpy ps'
428 $ \(deps:>_) -> return $ mapFL info deps
429 where headRL (x:<:_) = x
430 headRL NilRL = impossible
431 askdep_allowed = not . patch_select_flag
432 middle_choice p = mc where (_ :> mc :> _) = get_choices p
435 only_successful_exits :: Exception -> Maybe ()
436 only_successful_exits (ExitException ExitSuccess) = Just ()
437 only_successful_exits _ = Nothing
438 \end{code}
440 \begin{options}
441 --no-test, --test
442 \end{options}
444 If you configure darcs to run a test suite, darcs will run this test on the
445 recorded repository to make sure it is valid. Darcs first creates a pristine
446 copy of the source tree (in a temporary directory), then it runs the test,
447 using its return value to decide if the record is valid. If it is not valid,
448 the record will be aborted. This is a handy way to avoid making stupid
449 mistakes like forgetting to `darcs add' a new file. It also can be
450 tediously slow, so there is an option (\verb!--no-test!) to skip the test.
452 \begin{options}
453 --set-scripts-executable
454 \end{options}
456 If you pass \verb!--set-scripts-executable! to \verb!darcs record!, darcs will set scripts
457 executable in the test directory before running the test.
459 \begin{options}
460 --pipe
461 \end{options}
463 If you run record with the \verb!--pipe! option, you will be prompted for
464 the patch date, author, and the long comment. The long comment will extend
465 until the end of file or stdin is reached (ctrl-D on Unixy systems, ctrl-Z
466 on systems running a Microsoft OS).
468 This interface is intended for scripting darcs, in particular for writing
469 repository conversion scripts. The prompts are intended mostly as a useful
470 guide (since scripts won't need them), to help you understand the format in
471 which to provide the input. Here's an example of what the \verb!--pipe!
472 prompts look like:
474 \begin{verbatim}
475 What is the date? Mon Nov 15 13:38:01 EST 2004
476 Who is the author? David Roundy
477 What is the log? One or more comment lines
478 \end{verbatim}
481 \begin{options}
482 --interactive
483 \end{options}
485 By default, \verb!record! works interactively. Probably the only thing you need
486 to know about using this is that you can press \verb!?! at the prompt to be
487 shown a list of the rest of the options and what they do. The rest should be
488 clear from there. Here's a
489 ``screenshot'' to demonstrate:
491 \begin{verbatim}
492 hunk ./ +2
493 +#!/usr/bin/perl
494 +print "Hello World!\n";
495 Shall I record this patch? (2/2) [ynWsfqadjk], or ? for help: ?
496 How to use record...
497 y: record this patch
498 n: don't record it
499 w: wait and decide later, defaulting to no
501 s: don't record the rest of the changes to this file
502 f: record the rest of the changes to this file
504 d: record selected patches
505 a: record all the remaining patches
506 q: cancel record
508 j: skip to next patch
509 k: back up to previous patch
510 h or ?: show this help
512 <Space>: accept the current default (which is capitalized)
514 \end{verbatim}
515 What you can't see in that ``screenshot'' is that \verb!darcs! will also try to use
516 color in your terminal to make the output even easier to read.