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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / ShowRepo.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2007 Kevin Quick
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsubsection{darcs show repo}
19 %%\label{show-repo}
21 \options{show repo}
23 The \verb!show repo! displays information about
24 the current repository: the location, the type, etc.
26 This is provided as informational output for two purposes: curious
27 users and scripts invoking darcs. For the latter, this information
28 can be parsed to facilitate the script; for example,
29 \verb!darcs show repo | grep Root: | awk {print $2}!
30 can be used to locate the
31 top-level \verb!_darcs! directory from anyplace within a darcs repository
32 working directory.
34 \begin{code}
35 module Darcs.Commands.ShowRepo ( show_repo ) where
37 import Data.Char ( toLower, isSpace )
38 import Data.List ( intersperse )
39 import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
40 import Text.Html ( tag, stringToHtml )
41 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag(..), working_repo_dir, files, xmloutput )
42 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults )
43 import Darcs.Repository ( withRepository, ($-), amInRepository, read_repo )
44 import Darcs.Repository.Internal ( Repository(..), RepoType(..) )
45 import Darcs.Repository.Format ( RepoFormat(..) )
46 import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( get_preflist )
47 import Darcs.Repository.Motd ( get_motd )
48 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
49 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch )
50 import Darcs.Ordered ( lengthRL, mapRL_RL, unsafeUnRL )
51 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack)
52 \end{code}
54 \begin{code}
55 show_repo_help :: String
56 show_repo_help =
57 "The repo command displays information about the current repository\n" ++
58 "(location, type, etc.). Some of this information is already available\n" ++
59 "by inspecting files within the "++darcsdir++" directory and some is internal\n" ++
60 "information that is informational only (i.e. for developers). This\n" ++
61 "command collects all of the repository information into a readily\n" ++
62 "available source.\n"
64 show_repo_description :: String
65 show_repo_description = "Show repository summary information"
66 \end{code}
69 \begin{code}
70 show_repo :: DarcsCommand
71 show_repo = DarcsCommand { command_name = "repo",
72 command_help = show_repo_help,
73 command_description = show_repo_description,
74 command_extra_args = 0,
75 command_extra_arg_help = [],
76 command_command = repo_cmd,
77 command_prereq = amInRepository,
78 command_get_arg_possibilities = return [],
79 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
80 command_advanced_options = [],
81 command_basic_options = [working_repo_dir, files, xmloutput] }
82 \end{code}
84 \begin{options}
85 --files, --no-files
86 \end{options}
88 If the \verb!--files! option is specified (the default), then the
89 \verb!show repo! operation will read patch information from the
90 repository and display the number of patches in the repository. The
91 \verb!--no-files! option can be used to suppress this operation (and
92 improve performance).
94 \begin{code}
95 repo_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
96 repo_cmd opts _ = let put_mode = if XMLOutput `elem` opts then showInfoXML else showInfoUsr
97 in withRepository opts $- \repository -> showRepo (putInfo put_mode) repository
98 \end{code}
100 \begin{options}
101 --human-readable, --xml-output
102 \end{options}
104 By default, the \verb!show repo! displays output in human readable
105 form, but the \verb!--xml-output! option can be used to obtain
106 XML-formatted to facilitate regular parsing by external tools.
108 \begin{code}
109 -- Some convenience functions to output a labelled text string or an
110 -- XML tag + value (same API). If no value, output is suppressed
111 -- entirely. Borrow some help from Text.Html to perform XML output.
113 type ShowInfo = String -> String -> String
115 showInfoXML :: ShowInfo
116 showInfoXML t i = show $ tag (safeTag t) $ stringToHtml i
118 safeTag :: String -> String
119 safeTag [] = []
120 safeTag (' ':cs) = safeTag cs
121 safeTag ('#':cs) = "num_" ++ (safeTag cs)
122 safeTag (c:cs) = toLower c : safeTag cs
124 -- labelled strings: labels are right-aligned at 14 characters;
125 -- subsequent lines in multi-line output are indented accordingly.
126 showInfoUsr :: ShowInfo
127 showInfoUsr t i = (replicate (14 - length(t)) ' ') ++ t ++ ": " ++
128 (concat $ intersperse ('\n' : (replicate 16 ' ')) $ lines i) ++ "\n"
130 type PutInfo = String -> String -> IO ()
131 putInfo :: ShowInfo -> PutInfo
132 putInfo m t i = unless (null i) (putStr $ m t i)
133 \end{code}
136 \begin{code}
137 -- Primary show-repo operation. Determines ordering of output for
138 -- sub-displays. The `out' argument is one of the above operations to
139 -- output a labelled text string or an XML tag and contained value.
141 showRepo :: RepoPatch p => PutInfo -> Repository p -> IO ()
142 showRepo out r@(Repo loc opts rf rt) = do
143 when (XMLOutput `elem` opts) (putStr "<repository>\n")
144 showRepoType out rt
145 when (Verbose `elem` opts) (out "Show" $ show r)
146 showRepoFormat out rf
147 out "Root" loc
148 showRepoAux out rt
149 showRepoPrefs out
150 unless (NoFiles `elem` opts) (numPatches r >>= (out "Num Patches" . show ))
151 showRepoMOTD out r
152 when (XMLOutput `elem` opts) (putStr "</repository>\n")
154 -- Most of the actual elements being displayed are part of the Show
155 -- class; that's fine for a Haskeller, but not for the common user, so
156 -- the routines below work to provide more human-readable information
157 -- regarding the repository elements.
159 showRepoType :: PutInfo -> RepoType p -> IO ()
160 showRepoType out (DarcsRepository _ _) = out "Type" "darcs"
162 showRepoFormat :: PutInfo -> RepoFormat -> IO ()
163 showRepoFormat out (RF rf) = out "Format" $
164 concat $ intersperse ", " (map (concat . intersperse "|" . map BC.unpack) rf)
166 showRepoAux :: PutInfo -> RepoType p -> IO ()
167 showRepoAux out (DarcsRepository pris cs) =
168 do out "Pristine" $ show pris
169 out "Cache" $ concat $ intersperse ", " $ lines $ show cs
172 showRepoPrefs :: PutInfo -> IO ()
173 showRepoPrefs out = do
174 get_preflist "prefs" >>= mapM_ prefOut
175 get_preflist "author" >>= out "Author" . unlines
176 get_preflist "defaultrepo" >>= out "Default Remote" . unlines
177 where prefOut = uncurry out . (\(p,v) -> (p++" Pref", (dropWhile isSpace v))) . break isSpace
179 showRepoMOTD :: RepoPatch p => PutInfo -> Repository p -> IO ()
180 showRepoMOTD out (Repo loc _ _ _) = get_motd loc >>= out "MOTD" . BC.unpack
181 \end{code}
184 \begin{code}
185 -- Support routines to provide information used by the PutInfo operations above.
187 numPatches :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> IO Int
188 numPatches r = read_repo r >>= (return . sum . unsafeUnRL . mapRL_RL lengthRL)
190 \end{code}