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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Compat.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fffi #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
4 module Darcs.Compat (stdout_is_a_pipe, mk_stdout_temp, canonFilename,
5 maybeRelink, atomic_create, sloppy_atomic_create) where
7 import Prelude hiding ( catch )
9 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory )
10 #ifdef WIN32
11 import Darcs.Utils ( showHexLen )
12 import Data.Bits ( (.&.) )
13 import System.Random ( randomIO )
14 #else
15 import Foreign.C.String ( peekCString )
16 #endif
18 import Control.Monad ( unless )
19 import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt )
20 import Foreign.C.String ( CString, withCString )
21 import Foreign.C.Error ( throwErrno, eEXIST, getErrno )
22 import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory )
23 import System.IO ( hFlush, stdout, stderr, hSetBuffering,
24 BufferMode(NoBuffering) )
25 import System.IO.Error ( mkIOError, alreadyExistsErrorType )
26 import System.Posix.Files ( stdFileMode )
27 import System.Posix.IO ( openFd, closeFd, stdOutput, stdError,
28 dupTo, defaultFileFlags, exclusive,
29 OpenMode(WriteOnly) )
30 import System.Posix.Types ( Fd(..) )
32 import Darcs.SignalHandler ( stdout_is_a_pipe )
34 canonFilename :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
35 canonFilename f@(_:':':_) = return f -- absolute windows paths
36 canonFilename f@('/':_) = return f
37 canonFilename ('.':'/':f) = do cd <- getCurrentDirectory
38 return $ cd ++ "/" ++ f
39 canonFilename f = case reverse $ dropWhile (/='/') $ reverse f of
40 "" -> fmap (++('/':f)) getCurrentDirectory
41 rd -> withCurrentDirectory rd $
42 do fd <- getCurrentDirectory
43 return $ fd ++ "/" ++ simplefilename
44 where
45 simplefilename = reverse $ takeWhile (/='/') $ reverse f
47 #ifdef WIN32
48 mkstemp_core :: FilePath -> IO (Fd, String)
49 mkstemp_core fp
50 = do r <- randomIO
51 let fp' = fp ++ (showHexLen 6 (r .&. 0xFFFFFF :: Int))
52 fd <- openFd fp' WriteOnly (Just stdFileMode) flags
53 return (fd, fp')
54 where flags = defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True }
55 #else
56 mkstemp_core :: String -> IO (Fd, String)
57 mkstemp_core str = withCString (str++"XXXXXX") $
58 \cstr -> do fd <- c_mkstemp cstr
59 if fd < 0
60 then throwErrno $ "Failed to create temporary file "++str
61 else do str' <- peekCString cstr
62 fname <- canonFilename str'
63 return (Fd fd, fname)
65 foreign import ccall unsafe "static stdlib.h mkstemp"
66 c_mkstemp :: CString -> IO CInt
67 #endif
69 mk_stdout_temp :: String -> IO String
70 mk_stdout_temp str = do (fd, fn) <- mkstemp_core str
71 hFlush stdout
72 hFlush stderr
73 dupTo fd stdOutput
74 dupTo fd stdError
75 hFlush stdout
76 hFlush stderr
77 hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
78 hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering
79 return fn
83 foreign import ccall unsafe "maybe_relink.h maybe_relink" maybe_relink
84 :: CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
86 -- Checks whether src and dst are identical. If so, makes dst into a
87 -- link to src. Returns True if dst is a link to src (either because
88 -- we linked it or it already was). Safe against changes to src if
89 -- they are not in place, but not to dst.
90 maybeRelink :: String -> String -> IO Bool
91 maybeRelink src dst =
92 withCString src $ \csrc ->
93 withCString dst $ \cdst ->
94 do rc <- maybe_relink csrc cdst 1
95 (case rc of
96 0 -> return True
97 1 -> return True
98 -1 -> throwErrno ("Relinking " ++ dst)
99 -2 -> return False
100 -3 -> do putStrLn ("Relinking: race condition avoided on file " ++
101 dst)
102 return False
103 _ -> fail ("Unexpected situation when relinking " ++ dst))
105 sloppy_atomic_create :: FilePath -> IO ()
106 sloppy_atomic_create fp
107 = do fd <- openFd fp WriteOnly (Just stdFileMode) flags
108 closeFd fd
109 where flags = defaultFileFlags { exclusive = True }
111 atomic_create :: FilePath -> IO ()
112 atomic_create fp = withCString fp $ \cstr -> do
113 rc <- c_atomic_create cstr
114 unless (rc >= 0) $
115 do errno <- getErrno
116 pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
117 if errno == eEXIST
118 then ioError $ mkIOError alreadyExistsErrorType
119 ("atomic_create in "++pwd)
120 Nothing (Just fp)
121 else throwErrno $ "atomic_create "++fp++" in "++pwd
123 foreign import ccall unsafe "atomic_create.h atomic_create" c_atomic_create
124 :: CString -> IO CInt