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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / External.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fffi #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
4 module Darcs.External (
5 backupByRenaming, backupByCopying,
6 copyFileOrUrl, speculateFileOrUrl, copyFilesOrUrls, copyLocal, cloneFile,
7 cloneTree, cloneTreeExcept, clonePartialsTree, clonePaths,
8 fetchFilePS, gzFetchFilePS,
9 sendEmail, generateEmail, sendEmailDoc, resendEmail,
10 signString, verifyPS,
11 execDocPipe, execPipeIgnoreError,
12 getTermNColors,
13 pipeDoc, pipeDocSSH, execSSH,
14 maybeURLCmd,
15 Cachable(Cachable, Uncachable, MaxAge),
16 viewDoc, viewDocWith,
17 ) where
19 import Data.List ( intersperse )
20 import Control.Monad ( when, zipWithM_ )
21 import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
22 import System.Environment ( getEnv )
23 import System.Cmd ( system )
24 import System.IO ( hPutStr, hPutStrLn, hGetContents, hClose,
25 openBinaryFile, IOMode( ReadMode ),
26 openBinaryTempFile,
27 hIsTerminalDevice, stdout, stderr, Handle )
28 import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
29 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
30 import System.Posix.Files ( getSymbolicLinkStatus, isRegularFile, isDirectory )
31 import System.Directory ( createDirectory, getDirectoryContents,
32 doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist,
33 renameFile, renameDirectory, copyFile )
34 import System.Process ( runProcess, runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess )
35 import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar )
36 import Control.Exception ( bracket, try, finally )
37 import Data.Char ( toUpper )
38 import Foreign.C ( CString, withCString )
39 import Foreign.Ptr ( nullPtr )
41 import System.Console.Terminfo( tiGetNum, setupTermFromEnv, getCapability )
42 #elif HAVE_CURSES
43 import Foreign.C ( CChar, CInt )
44 import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr )
45 import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
46 import Autoconf ( use_color )
47 #endif
48 import System.Posix.Files ( createLink )
49 import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing )
51 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( SignAs, Sign, SignSSL, NoLinks,
52 Verify, VerifySSL ) )
53 import Darcs.RepoPath ( AbsolutePath, toFilePath )
54 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, breakCommand, get_viewer, ortryrunning, )
55 import Darcs.Progress ( withoutProgress, progressList, debugMessage )
57 import ByteStringUtils (gzReadFilePS, linesPS, unlinesPS)
58 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, empty, null, readFile -- ratify readFile: Just an import from ByteString
59 ,hGetContents, writeFile, hPut, length -- ratify hGetContents: importing from ByteString
60 ,take, concat, drop, isPrefixOf)
61 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, pack)
63 import Darcs.Lock ( withTemp, withOpenTemp, tempdir_loc, canonFilename, writeDocBinFile,
64 removeFileMayNotExist, )
65 import CommandLine ( parseCmd, addUrlencoded )
66 import Autoconf ( have_libcurl, have_libwww, have_HTTP, have_sendmail, have_mapi, sendmail_path, darcs_version )
67 import URL ( copyUrl, copyUrlFirst, waitUrl )
68 import Ssh ( getSSH, copySSH, copySSHs, SSHCmd(..) )
69 import URL ( Cachable(..) )
70 import Exec ( exec, Redirect(..), withoutNonBlock )
71 import UglyFileName ( fn2fp, fp2fn, norm_path )
72 import Darcs.URL ( is_file, is_url, is_ssh )
73 import Darcs.Utils ( catchall )
74 import Printer ( Doc, Printers, putDocLnWith, hPutDoc, hPutDocLn, hPutDocWith, ($$), (<+>), renderPS,
75 simplePrinters,
76 text, empty, packedString, vcat, renderString )
77 #include "impossible.h"
79 backupByRenaming :: FilePath -> IO ()
80 backupByRenaming = backupBy rename
81 where rename x y = do
82 isD <- doesDirectoryExist x
83 if isD then renameDirectory x y else renameFile x y
85 backupByCopying :: FilePath -> IO ()
86 backupByCopying = backupBy copy
87 where
88 copy x y = do
89 isD <- doesDirectoryExist x
90 if isD then do createDirectory y
91 cloneTree (do_norm x) (do_norm y)
92 else copyFile x y
93 do_norm f = fn2fp $ norm_path $ fp2fn f
95 backupBy :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
96 backupBy backup f =
97 do hasBF <- doesFileExist f
98 hasBD <- doesDirectoryExist f
99 when (hasBF || hasBD) $ helper (0::Int)
100 where
101 helper i = do existsF <- doesFileExist next
102 existsD <- doesDirectoryExist next
103 if (existsF || existsD)
104 then helper (i + 1)
105 else do putStrLn $ "Backing up " ++ f ++ "(" ++ suffix ++ ")"
106 backup f next
107 where next = f ++ suffix
108 suffix = "-darcs-backup" ++ show i
110 fetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO B.ByteString
111 fetchFilePS fou _ | is_file fou = B.readFile fou
112 fetchFilePS fou cache = withTemp $ \t -> do copyFileOrUrl [] fou t cache
113 B.readFile t
115 gzFetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO B.ByteString
116 gzFetchFilePS fou _ | is_file fou = gzReadFilePS fou
117 gzFetchFilePS fou cache = withTemp $ \t-> do copyFileOrUrl [] fou t cache
118 gzReadFilePS t
121 copyFileOrUrl :: [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
122 copyFileOrUrl opts fou out _ | is_file fou = copyLocal opts fou out
123 copyFileOrUrl _ fou out cache | is_url fou = copyRemote fou out cache
124 copyFileOrUrl _ fou out _ | is_ssh fou = copySSH fou out
125 copyFileOrUrl _ fou _ _ = fail $ "unknown transport protocol: " ++ fou
127 speculateFileOrUrl :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
128 speculateFileOrUrl fou out | is_url fou = speculateRemote fou out
129 | otherwise = return ()
131 copyLocal :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
132 copyLocal opts fou out | NoLinks `elem` opts = cloneFile fou out
133 | otherwise = createLink fou out `catchall` cloneFile fou out
135 clonePaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
136 clonePaths source dest = mapM_ (clonePath source dest)
138 clonePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
139 clonePath source dest path
140 = do let source' = source ++ "/" ++ path
141 dest' = dest ++ "/" ++ path
142 fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus source'
143 if isDirectory fs then do
144 createDirectoryIfMissing True dest'
145 else if isRegularFile fs then do
146 createDirectoryIfMissing True (dest ++ "/" ++ basename path)
147 cloneFile source' dest'
148 else fail ("clonePath: Bad file " ++ source')
149 `catch` fail ("clonePath: Bad file " ++ source ++ "/" ++ path)
150 where basename = reverse . dropWhile ('/' /=) . dropWhile ('/' ==) . reverse
152 clonePartialsTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
153 clonePartialsTree source dest = mapM_ (clonePartialTree source dest)
155 clonePartialTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
156 clonePartialTree source dest "" = cloneTree source dest
157 clonePartialTree source dest pref
158 = do createDirectoryIfMissing True (dest ++ "/" ++ basename pref)
159 cloneSubTree (source ++ "/" ++ pref) (dest ++ "/" ++ pref)
160 where basename = reverse . dropWhile ('/' /=) . dropWhile ('/' ==) . reverse
162 cloneTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
163 cloneTree = cloneTreeExcept []
165 cloneTreeExcept :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
166 cloneTreeExcept except source dest =
167 do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus source
168 if isDirectory fs then do
169 fps <- getDirectoryContents source
170 let fps' = filter (`notElem` (".":"..":except)) fps
171 mk_source fp = source ++ "/" ++ fp
172 mk_dest fp = dest ++ "/" ++ fp
173 zipWithM_ cloneSubTree (map mk_source fps') (map mk_dest fps')
174 else fail ("cloneTreeExcept: Bad source " ++ source)
175 `catch` fail ("cloneTreeExcept: Bad source " ++ source)
177 cloneSubTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
178 cloneSubTree source dest =
179 do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus source
180 if isDirectory fs then do
181 createDirectory dest
182 fps <- getDirectoryContents source
183 let fps' = filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) fps
184 mk_source fp = source ++ "/" ++ fp
185 mk_dest fp = dest ++ "/" ++ fp
186 zipWithM_ cloneSubTree (map mk_source fps') (map mk_dest fps')
187 else if isRegularFile fs then do
188 cloneFile source dest
189 else fail ("cloneSubTree: Bad source "++ source)
190 `catch` (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
191 then return ()
192 else ioError e)
194 cloneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
195 cloneFile = copyFile
197 maybeURLCmd :: String -> String -> IO(Maybe(String))
198 maybeURLCmd what url =
199 do let prot = map toUpper $ takeWhile (/= ':') url
200 fmap Just (getEnv ("DARCS_" ++ what ++ "_" ++ prot))
201 `catch` \_ -> return Nothing
203 speculateRemote :: String -> FilePath -> IO () -- speculations are always Cachable
204 speculateRemote u v =
205 do maybeget <- maybeURLCmd "GET" u
206 case maybeget of
207 Just _ -> return () -- can't pipeline these
208 Nothing -> if have_libwww || have_libcurl || have_HTTP
209 then copyUrl u v Cachable
210 else return ()
212 copyRemote :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
213 copyRemote u v cache =
214 do maybeget <- maybeURLCmd "GET" u
215 case maybeget of
216 Nothing -> copyRemoteNormal u v cache
217 Just get ->
218 do let (cmd,args) = breakCommand get
219 r <- exec cmd (args++[u]) (Null, File v, AsIs)
220 when (r /= ExitSuccess) $
221 fail $ "(" ++ get ++ ") failed to fetch: " ++ u
223 copyRemoteNormal :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
224 copyRemoteNormal u v cache = if have_libwww || have_libcurl || have_HTTP
225 then copyUrlFirst u v cache >> waitUrl u
226 else copyRemoteCmd u v
228 copyFilesOrUrls :: [DarcsFlag]->FilePath->[String]->FilePath->Cachable->IO ()
229 copyFilesOrUrls opts dou ns out _ | is_file dou = copyLocals opts dou ns out
230 copyFilesOrUrls _ dou ns out c | is_url dou = copyRemotes dou ns out c
231 copyFilesOrUrls _ dou ns out _ | is_ssh dou = copySSHs dou ns out
232 copyFilesOrUrls _ dou _ _ _ = fail $ "unknown transport protocol: "++dou
235 copyLocals :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO ()
236 copyLocals opts u ns d =
237 doWithPatches (\n -> copyLocal opts (u++"/"++n) (d++"/"++n)) ns
239 copyRemotes :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO()
240 copyRemotes u ns d cache =
241 do maybeget <- maybeURLCmd "GET" u
242 maybemget <- maybeURLCmd "MGET" u
243 case (maybeget, maybemget) of
244 (Nothing, _) -> copyRemotesNormal u ns d cache
245 (Just _, Nothing) -> doWithPatches (\n -> copyRemote (u++"/"++n) (d++"/"++n) cache) ns
246 (Just _, Just mget) -> mgetRemotes mget u ns d
248 stringToInt :: String -> Int -> Int
249 stringToInt num def = case reads num of [(x,"")] -> x
250 _ -> def
252 mgetRemotes :: String -> String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO()
253 mgetRemotes _ _ [] _ = return ()
254 mgetRemotes mget u ns d = do
255 mgetmax <- getEnv "DARCS_MGETMAX" `catch` \_ -> return ""
256 let (nsnow, nslater) = splitAt (stringToInt mgetmax 200) ns
257 (cmd, args) = breakCommand mget
258 urls = map (\n -> u++"/"++n) nsnow
259 withCurrentDirectory d $ do
260 r <- exec cmd (args++urls) (Null,Null,AsIs)
261 when (r /= ExitSuccess) $
262 fail $ unlines $
263 ["(" ++ mget ++ ") failed to fetch files.",
264 "source directory: " ++ d,
265 "source files:"] ++ (upto 5 nsnow) ++
266 ["still to go:"] ++ (upto 5 nslater)
267 mgetRemotes mget u nslater d
268 where
269 upto :: Integer -> [String] -> [String]
270 upto _ [] = []
271 upto 0 l = [ "(" ++ (show (length l)) ++ " more)" ]
272 upto n (h : t) = h : (upto (n - 1) t)
274 copyRemotesNormal :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO()
275 copyRemotesNormal u ns d cache =
276 if have_libwww || have_libcurl || have_HTTP
277 then do mapM_ (\n -> copyUrl (u++"/"++n) (d++"/"++n) cache) ns
278 doWithPatches (\n -> waitUrl (u++"/"++n)) ns
279 else wgetRemotes u ns d
281 -- Argh, this means darcs get will fail if we don't have libcurl and don't
282 -- have wget. :(
283 wgetRemotes :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO ()
284 wgetRemotes u ns d = do wget_command <- getEnv "DARCS_WGET" `catch`
285 \_ -> return "wget"
286 let (wget, wget_args) = breakCommand wget_command
287 input = unlines $ map (\n -> u++"/"++n) ns
288 withCurrentDirectory d $ withOpenTemp $ \(th,tn) ->
289 do hPutStr th input
290 hClose th
291 r <- exec wget (wget_args++["-i",tn])
292 (Null,Null,AsIs)
293 when (r /= ExitSuccess) $
294 fail $ unlines $
295 ["(wget) failed to fetch files.",
296 "source directory: " ++ d,
297 "source files:"] ++ ns
299 copyRemoteCmd :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
300 copyRemoteCmd s tmp = do
301 let cmd = get_ext_cmd
302 r <- stupidexec (cmd tmp s) (Null,Null,AsIs)
303 when (r /= ExitSuccess) $
304 fail $ "failed to fetch: " ++ s ++" " ++ show r
305 where stupidexec [] = bug "stupidexec without a command"
306 stupidexec xs = exec (head xs) (tail xs)
308 doWithPatches :: (String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> IO ()
309 doWithPatches f patches = mapM_ (\p -> seq p $ f p) $ progressList "Copying patch" patches
311 {-# NOINLINE get_ext_cmd #-}
312 get_ext_cmd :: String -> String -> [String]
313 -- Only need to find the command once..
314 get_ext_cmd = unsafePerformIO get_ext_cmd'
316 -- Would be better to read possible command lines from config-file..
317 get_ext_cmd' :: IO (String -> String -> [String])
318 get_ext_cmd' = try_cmd cmds
319 where cmds = [("wget", (("--version",0),
320 -- use libcurl for proper cache control
321 \t s -> ["wget", "-q",
322 "--header=Pragma: no-cache",
323 "--header=Cache-Control: no-cache",
324 "-O",t,s])),
325 ("curl", (("--version",2),
326 \t s -> ["curl", "-s", "-f", "-L",
327 "-H", "Pragma: no-cache",
328 "-H", "Cache-Control: no-cache",
329 "-o",t,s]))]
330 try_cmd [] = fail $ "I need one of: " ++ cs
331 where cs = concat $ intersperse ", " (map fst cmds)
332 try_cmd ((c,(ok_check,f)):cs) = do
333 True <- can_execute ok_check c
334 return f
335 `catch` (\_ -> try_cmd cs)
337 -- | Run a command on a remote location without passing it any input or
338 -- reading its output. Return its ExitCode
339 execSSH :: String -> String -> IO ExitCode
340 execSSH remoteAddr command =
341 do (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSH SSH remoteAddr
342 debugMessage $ unwords (ssh:ssh_args++[remoteAddr,command])
343 withoutProgress $ do hid <- runProcess ssh (ssh_args++[remoteAddr,command])
344 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
345 waitForProcess hid
347 pipeDoc :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO ExitCode
348 pipeDoc c args inp = withoutNonBlock $ withoutProgress $
349 do debugMessage $ unwords (c:args)
350 (i,o,e,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess c args Nothing Nothing
351 mvare <- newEmptyMVar
352 forkIO ((hGetContents e >>= -- ratify hGetContents: it's immediately consumed
353 hPutStr stderr)
354 `finally` putMVar mvare ())
355 mvaro <- newEmptyMVar
356 forkIO ((hGetContents o >>= -- ratify hGetContents: it's immediately consumed
357 hPutStr stdout)
358 `finally` putMVar mvaro ())
359 hPutDoc i inp
360 hClose i
361 rval <- waitForProcess pid
362 takeMVar mvare
363 takeMVar mvaro
364 when (rval == ExitFailure 127) $
365 putStrLn $ "Command not found:\n "++ show (c:args)
366 return rval
368 pipeDocSSH :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO ExitCode
369 pipeDocSSH remoteAddr args input =
370 do (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSH SSH remoteAddr
371 pipeDoc ssh (ssh_args++ (remoteAddr:args)) input
373 sendEmail :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
374 sendEmail f t s cc scmd body =
375 sendEmailDoc f t s cc scmd Nothing (text body)
378 generateEmail
379 :: Handle -- ^ handle to write email to
380 -> String -- ^ From
381 -> String -- ^ To
382 -> String -- ^ Subject
383 -> String -- ^ CC
384 -> Doc -- ^ body
385 -> IO ()
386 generateEmail h f t s cc body = do
387 hPutDocLn h $
388 text "To:" <+> text t
389 $$ text "From:" <+> text f
390 $$ text "Subject:" <+> text s
391 $$ formated_cc
392 $$ text "X-Mail-Originator: Darcs Version Control System"
393 $$ text ("X-Darcs-Version: " ++ darcs_version)
394 $$ body
395 where formated_cc = if cc == ""
396 then empty
397 else text "Cc:" <+> text cc
399 -- | Send an email, optionally containing a patch bundle
400 -- (more precisely, its description and the bundle itself)
401 sendEmailDoc
402 :: String -- ^ from
403 -> String -- ^ to
404 -> String -- ^ subject
405 -> String -- ^ cc
406 -> String -- ^ send command
407 -> Maybe (Doc, Doc) -- ^ (content,bundle)
408 -> Doc -- ^ body
409 -> IO ()
410 sendEmailDoc _ "" _ "" _ _ _ = return ()
411 sendEmailDoc f "" s cc scmd mbundle body =
412 sendEmailDoc f cc s "" scmd mbundle body
413 sendEmailDoc f t s cc scmd mbundle body =
414 if have_sendmail || scmd /= "" then do
415 withOpenTemp $ \(h,fn) -> do
416 generateEmail h f t s cc body
417 hClose h
418 withOpenTemp $ \(hat,at) -> do
419 ftable' <- case mbundle of
420 Just (content,bundle) -> do
421 hPutDocLn hat $ bundle
422 return [ ('b', renderString content) , ('a', at) ]
423 Nothing ->
424 return [ ('b', renderString body) ]
425 hClose hat
426 let ftable = [ ('t',addressOnly t),('c',cc),('f',f),('s',s) ] ++ ftable'
427 r <- execSendmail ftable scmd fn
428 when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ fail ("failed to send mail to: " ++ t
429 ++ "\nPerhaps sendmail is not configured.")
430 else if have_mapi then do
431 r <- withCString t $ \tp ->
432 withCString f $ \fp ->
433 withCString cc $ \ccp ->
434 withCString s $ \sp ->
435 withOpenTemp $ \(h,fn) -> do
436 hPutDoc h body
437 hClose h
438 writeDocBinFile "mailed_patch" body
439 cfn <- canonFilename fn
440 withCString cfn $ \pcfn ->
441 c_send_email fp tp ccp sp nullPtr pcfn
442 when (r /= 0) $ fail ("failed to send mail to: " ++ t)
443 else fail $ "no mail facility (sendmail or mapi) located at configure time!"
444 where addressOnly a =
445 case dropWhile (/= '<') a of
446 ('<':a2) -> takeWhile (/= '>') a2
447 _ -> a
449 resendEmail :: String -> String -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
450 resendEmail "" _ _ = return ()
451 resendEmail t scmd body =
452 case (have_sendmail || scmd /= "", have_mapi) of
453 (True, _) -> do
454 withOpenTemp $ \(h,fn) -> do
455 hPutStrLn h $ "To: "++ t
456 hPutStrLn h $ find_from (linesPS body)
457 hPutStrLn h $ find_subject (linesPS body)
458 hPutDocLn h $ fixit $ linesPS body
459 hClose h
460 let ftable = [('t',t)]
461 r <- execSendmail ftable scmd fn
462 when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ fail ("failed to send mail to: " ++ t)
463 (_, True) -> fail "Don't know how to resend email with MAPI"
464 _ -> fail $ "no mail facility (sendmail or mapi) located at configure time (use the sendmail-command option)!"
465 where br = BC.pack "\r"
466 darcsurl = BC.pack "DarcsURL:"
467 content = BC.pack "Content-"
468 from_start = BC.pack "From:"
469 subject_start = BC.pack "Subject:"
470 fixit (l:ls)
471 | B.null l = packedString B.empty $$ vcat (map packedString ls)
472 | l == br = packedString B.empty $$ vcat (map packedString ls)
473 | B.take 9 l == darcsurl || B.take 8 l == content
474 = packedString l $$ fixit ls
475 | otherwise = fixit ls
476 fixit [] = empty
477 find_from (l:ls) | B.take 5 l == from_start = BC.unpack l
478 | otherwise = find_from ls
479 find_from [] = "From: unknown"
480 find_subject (l:ls) | B.take 8 l == subject_start = BC.unpack l
481 | otherwise = find_subject ls
482 find_subject [] = "Subject: (no subject)"
484 execSendmail :: [(Char,String)] -> String -> String -> IO ExitCode
485 execSendmail ftable scmd fn =
486 if scmd == "" then
487 exec sendmail_path ["-i", "-t"] (File fn, Null, AsIs)
488 else case parseCmd (addUrlencoded ftable) scmd of
489 Right (arg0:opts, wantstdin) ->
490 do let stdin = if wantstdin then File fn else Null
491 exec arg0 opts (stdin, Null, AsIs)
492 Left e -> fail $ ("failed to send mail, invalid sendmail-command: "++(show e))
493 _ -> fail $ ("failed to send mail, invalid sendmail-command")
495 #ifdef HAVE_MAPI
496 foreign import ccall "win32/send_email.h send_email" c_send_email
497 #else
498 c_send_email
499 #endif
500 :: CString -> {- sender -}
501 CString -> {- recipient -}
502 CString -> {- cc -}
503 CString -> {- subject -}
504 CString -> {- body -}
505 CString -> {- path -}
506 IO Int
507 #ifndef HAVE_MAPI
508 c_send_email = impossible
509 #endif
511 execPSPipe :: String -> [String] -> B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
512 execPSPipe c args ps = fmap renderPS
513 $ execDocPipe c args
514 $ packedString ps
516 execDocPipe :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc
517 execDocPipe c args instr = withoutProgress $
518 do (i,o,e,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess c args Nothing Nothing
519 forkIO $ hPutDoc i instr >> hClose i
520 mvare <- newEmptyMVar
521 forkIO ((hGetContents e >>= -- ratify hGetContents: it's immediately consumed
522 hPutStr stderr)
523 `finally` putMVar mvare ())
524 out <- B.hGetContents o
525 rval <- waitForProcess pid
526 takeMVar mvare
527 case rval of
528 ExitFailure ec ->fail $ "External program '"++c++
529 "' failed with exit code "++ show ec
530 ExitSuccess -> return $ packedString out
532 -- The following is needed for diff, which returns non-zero whenever
533 -- the files differ.
534 execPipeIgnoreError :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc
535 execPipeIgnoreError c args instr = withoutProgress $
536 do (i,o,e,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess c args Nothing Nothing
537 forkIO $ hPutDoc i instr >> hClose i
538 mvare <- newEmptyMVar
539 forkIO ((hGetContents e >>= -- ratify hGetContents: it's immediately consumed
540 hPutStr stderr)
541 `finally` putMVar mvare ())
542 out <- B.hGetContents o
543 waitForProcess pid
544 takeMVar mvare
545 return $ packedString out
547 signString :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO Doc
548 signString [] d = return d
549 signString (Sign:_) d = signPGP [] d
550 signString (SignAs keyid:_) d = signPGP ["--local-user", keyid] d
551 signString (SignSSL idf:_) d = signSSL idf d
552 signString (_:os) d = signString os d
554 signPGP :: [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc
555 signPGP args t = execDocPipe "gpg" ("--clearsign":args) t
557 signSSL :: String -> Doc -> IO Doc
558 signSSL idfile t =
559 withTemp $ \cert -> do
560 opensslPS ["req", "-new", "-key", idfile,
561 "-outform", "PEM", "-days", "365"]
562 (BC.pack "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
563 >>= opensslPS ["x509", "-req", "-extensions",
564 "v3_ca", "-signkey", idfile,
565 "-outform", "PEM", "-days", "365"]
566 >>= opensslPS ["x509", "-outform", "PEM"]
567 >>= B.writeFile cert
568 opensslDoc ["smime", "-sign", "-signer", cert,
569 "-inkey", idfile, "-noattr", "-text"] t
570 where opensslDoc = execDocPipe "openssl"
571 opensslPS = execPSPipe "openssl"
574 verifyPS :: [DarcsFlag] -> B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
575 verifyPS [] ps = return $ Just ps
576 verifyPS (Verify pks:_) ps = verifyGPG pks ps
577 verifyPS (VerifySSL auks:_) ps = verifySSL auks ps
578 verifyPS (_:os) ps = verifyPS os ps
580 verifyGPG :: AbsolutePath -> B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
581 verifyGPG goodkeys s =
582 withOpenTemp $ \(th,tn) -> do
583 B.hPut th s
584 hClose th
585 rval <- exec "gpg" ["--batch","--no-default-keyring",
586 "--keyring",fix_path $ toFilePath goodkeys, "--verify"]
587 (File tn, Null, Null)
588 case rval of
589 ExitSuccess -> return $ Just gpg_fixed_s
590 _ -> return Nothing
591 where gpg_fixed_s = let
592 not_begin_signature x =
593 x /= BC.pack "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----"
595 x /= BC.pack "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\r"
596 in unlinesPS $ map fix_line $ tail $ dropWhile not_begin_signature $ linesPS s
597 fix_line x | B.length x < 3 = x
598 | BC.pack "- -" `B.isPrefixOf` x = B.drop 2 x
599 | otherwise = x
600 #if defined(WIN32)
601 fix_sep c | c=='/' = '\\' | otherwise = c
602 fix_path p = map fix_sep p
603 #else
604 fix_path p = p
605 #endif
607 verifySSL :: AbsolutePath -> B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
608 verifySSL goodkeys s = do
609 certdata <- opensslPS ["smime", "-pk7out"] s
610 >>= opensslPS ["pkcs7", "-print_certs"]
611 cruddy_pk <- opensslPS ["x509", "-pubkey"] certdata
612 let key_used = B.concat $ tail $
613 takeWhile (/= BC.pack"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
614 $ linesPS cruddy_pk
615 in do allowed_keys <- linesPS `fmap` B.readFile (toFilePath goodkeys)
616 if not $ key_used `elem` allowed_keys
617 then return Nothing -- Not an allowed key!
618 else withTemp $ \cert ->
619 withTemp $ \on ->
620 withOpenTemp $ \(th,tn) -> do
621 B.hPut th s
622 hClose th
623 B.writeFile cert certdata
624 rval <- exec "openssl" ["smime", "-verify", "-CAfile",
625 cert, "-certfile", cert]
626 (File tn, File on, Null)
627 case rval of
628 ExitSuccess -> Just `fmap` B.readFile on
629 _ -> return Nothing
630 where opensslPS = execPSPipe "openssl"
632 can_execute :: (String,Int) -> String -> IO Bool
633 can_execute (arg,expected_return_value) exe = do
634 withTemp $ \junk -> do
635 ec <- system (unwords [exe,arg,">",junk])
636 case ec of
637 ExitSuccess | expected_return_value == 0 -> return True
638 ExitFailure r | r == expected_return_value -> return True
639 _ -> return False
643 - This function returns number of colors supported by current terminal
644 - or -1 if color output not supported or error occured.
645 - Terminal type determined by TERM env. variable.
647 getTermNColors :: IO Int
649 #ifdef HAVE_TERMINFO
650 getTermNColors = do
651 t <- setupTermFromEnv
652 return $ case getCapability t $ tiGetNum "colors" of
653 Nothing -> (-1)
654 Just x -> x
656 #elif HAVE_CURSES
658 foreign import ccall "tgetnum" c_tgetnum :: CString -> IO CInt
659 foreign import ccall "tgetent" c_tgetent :: Ptr CChar -> CString -> IO CInt
661 termioBufSize :: Int
662 termioBufSize = 4096
664 getTermNColors = if not use_color
665 then return (-1)
666 else do term <- getEnv "TERM"
667 allocaBytes termioBufSize (getTermNColorsImpl term)
668 `catch` \_ -> return (-1)
670 getTermNColorsImpl :: String -> Ptr CChar -> IO Int
671 getTermNColorsImpl term buf = do rc <- withCString term $
672 \termp -> c_tgetent buf termp
673 x <- if (rc /= 1) then return (-1) else withCString "Co" $ \capap -> c_tgetnum capap
674 return $ fromIntegral x
676 #else
678 getTermNColors = return (-1)
680 #endif
682 viewDoc :: Doc -> IO ()
683 viewDoc = viewDocWith simplePrinters
685 viewDocWith :: Printers -> Doc -> IO ()
686 viewDocWith pr msg = do
687 isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
688 if isTerminal && lengthGreaterThan (20 :: Int) (lines $ renderString msg)
689 then do viewer <- get_viewer
690 pipeDocToPager viewer [] pr msg
691 `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "less" [] pr msg
692 `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "more" [] pr msg
693 #ifdef WIN32
694 `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "" [] pr msg
695 #endif
696 `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "" [] pr msg
697 else pipeDocToPager "" [] pr msg
698 return ()
699 where lengthGreaterThan n _ | n <= 0 = True
700 lengthGreaterThan _ [] = False
701 lengthGreaterThan n (_:xs) = lengthGreaterThan (n-1) xs
703 pipeDocToPager :: String -> [String] -> Printers -> Doc -> IO ExitCode
705 pipeDocToPager "" _ pr inp = do
706 putDocLnWith pr inp
707 return ExitSuccess
709 pipeDocToPager c args pr inp = withoutNonBlock $ withoutProgress $ do
710 tmp <- tempdir_loc
711 bracket (openBinaryTempFile tmp "darcs-pager") cleanup $ \(fn,fh) ->
712 do hPutDocWith pr fh inp
713 hClose fh
714 bracket (openBinaryFile fn ReadMode) hClose $ \h ->
715 do x <- do pid <- runProcess c args Nothing Nothing (Just h) Nothing Nothing
716 waitForProcess pid
717 when (x == ExitFailure 127) $
718 putStrLn $ "Command not found:\n "++ show (c:args)
719 return x
720 where
721 cleanup (f,h) = do try $ hClose h
722 removeFileMayNotExist f