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1 % Copyright (C) 2005 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 \documentclass{article}
21 \usepackage{verbatim}
22 \newenvironment{code}{\verbatim}{\endverbatim}
24 \begin{document}
26 \title{The DarcsIO library}
27 \author{David Roundy}
29 \maketitle
31 \begin{abstract}
32 This paper hasn't been written.
33 \end{abstract}
35 \begin{comment}
36 \begin{code}
37 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
38 module Darcs.IO ( ReadableDirectory(..), WriteableDirectory(..),
39 TolerantIO, runTolerantly, runSilently,
40 ) where
42 import Prelude hiding ( catch )
43 import Data.Char ( toLower )
44 import Data.List ( isSuffixOf )
45 import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError, isPermissionError )
46 import Control.Exception ( catch, catchJust, ioErrors )
47 import Control.Monad.Error
48 import System.Directory ( getDirectoryContents, createDirectory,
49 removeDirectory, removeFile,
50 renameFile, renameDirectory,
51 doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist,
54 import ByteStringUtils ( linesPS, unlinesPS)
55 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, empty, null, readFile)
56 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, pack)
58 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, prettyException )
59 import Darcs.External ( backupByCopying, backupByRenaming )
60 import Printer ( Doc, renderPS )
61 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( FileName, fn2fp, fp2fn )
62 import Darcs.Lock ( writeBinFile, readBinFile, writeAtomicFilePS )
63 import Workaround ( setExecutable )
64 \end{code}
65 \end{comment}
67 \begin{comment}
68 \begin{code}
70 class (Functor m, MonadPlus m) => ReadableDirectory m where
71 mDoesDirectoryExist :: FileName -> m Bool
72 mDoesFileExist :: FileName -> m Bool
73 mInCurrentDirectory :: FileName -> m a -> m a
74 mGetDirectoryContents :: m [FileName]
75 mReadBinFile :: FileName -> m String
76 mReadBinFile f = liftM BC.unpack $ mReadFilePS f
77 mReadFilePS :: FileName -> m B.ByteString
78 mReadFilePSs :: FileName -> m [B.ByteString]
79 mReadFilePSs f = linesPS `liftM` mReadFilePS f
81 class ReadableDirectory m => WriteableDirectory m where
82 mWithCurrentDirectory :: FileName -> m a -> m a
83 mSetFileExecutable :: FileName -> Bool -> m ()
84 mWriteBinFile :: FileName -> String -> m ()
85 mWriteBinFile fn s = mWriteFilePS fn $ BC.pack s
86 mWriteFilePS :: FileName -> B.ByteString -> m ()
87 mWriteFilePSs :: FileName -> [B.ByteString] -> m ()
88 mWriteFilePSs f ss = mWriteFilePS f (unlinesPS ss)
89 mCreateDirectory :: FileName -> m ()
90 mRemoveDirectory :: FileName -> m ()
91 mWriteDoc :: FileName -> Doc -> m ()
92 mWriteDoc f d = mWriteFilePS f (renderPS d)
93 mCreateFile :: FileName -> m ()
94 mCreateFile f = mWriteFilePS f B.empty
95 mRemoveFile :: FileName -> m ()
96 mRename :: FileName -> FileName -> m ()
97 mModifyFilePS :: FileName -> (B.ByteString -> m B.ByteString) -> m ()
98 mModifyFilePS f j = do ps <- mReadFilePS f
99 ps' <- j ps
100 mWriteFilePS f ps'
101 mModifyFilePSs :: FileName -> ([B.ByteString] -> m [B.ByteString]) -> m ()
102 mModifyFilePSs f j = do ps <- mReadFilePSs f
103 ps' <- j ps
104 mWriteFilePSs f ps'
106 instance ReadableDirectory IO where
107 mDoesDirectoryExist = doesDirectoryExist . fn2fp
108 mDoesFileExist = doesFileExist . fn2fp
109 mInCurrentDirectory = withCurrentDirectory . fn2fp
110 mGetDirectoryContents = map fp2fn `liftM` getDirectoryContents "."
111 mReadBinFile = readBinFile . fn2fp
112 mReadFilePS = B.readFile . fn2fp
114 instance WriteableDirectory IO where
115 mWithCurrentDirectory = mInCurrentDirectory
116 mSetFileExecutable = setExecutable . fn2fp
117 mWriteBinFile = writeBinFile . fn2fp
118 mWriteFilePS = writeAtomicFilePS . fn2fp
119 mCreateDirectory = createDirectory . fn2fp
120 mCreateFile f = do exf <- mDoesFileExist f
121 if exf then fail $ "File '"++fn2fp f++"' already exists!"
122 else do exd <- mDoesDirectoryExist f
123 if exd then fail $ "File '"++fn2fp f++"' already exists!"
124 else mWriteFilePS f B.empty
125 mRemoveFile f = do let fp = fn2fp f
126 x <- B.readFile fp
127 when (not $ B.null x) $
128 fail $ "Cannot remove non-empty file "++fp
129 removeFile fp
130 mRemoveDirectory = removeDirectory . fn2fp
131 mRename a b = catchJust ioErrors
132 (renameDirectory x y `mplus` renameFile x y)
133 -- We need to catch does not exist errors, since older
134 -- versions of darcs allowed users to rename nonexistent
135 -- files. :(
136 (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
137 then return ()
138 else ioError e)
139 where x = fn2fp a
140 y = fn2fp b
142 class Monad m => TolerantMonad m where
143 warning :: IO () -> m ()
144 runIO :: m a -> IO a
145 runTM :: IO a -> m a
147 newtype TolerantIO a = TIO { runTolerantly :: IO a }
148 instance TolerantMonad TolerantIO where
149 warning io = TIO $ io `catch` \e -> putStrLn $ "Warning: " ++ prettyException e
150 runIO (TIO io) = io
151 runTM io = TIO io
153 newtype SilentIO a = SIO { runSilently :: IO a }
154 instance TolerantMonad SilentIO where
155 warning io = SIO $ io `catch` \_ -> return ()
156 runIO (SIO io) = io
157 runTM io = SIO io
159 -- NOTE: The following instance declarations are duplicated merely to avoid
160 -- enabling -fallow-undecidable-instances. If we used
161 -- -fallow-undecidable-instances, we would write instead:
163 -- instance TolerantMonad m => Monad m where
164 -- ...
166 -- etc.
167 instance Functor TolerantIO where
168 fmap f m = m >>= return . f
170 instance Monad TolerantIO where
171 f >>= g = runTM $ runIO f >>= runIO . g
172 f >> g = runTM $ runIO f >> runIO g
173 fail s = runTM $ fail s
174 return x = runTM $ return x
176 instance Functor SilentIO where
177 fmap f m = m >>= return . f
179 instance Monad SilentIO where
180 f >>= g = runTM $ runIO f >>= runIO . g
181 f >> g = runTM $ runIO f >> runIO g
182 fail s = runTM $ fail s
183 return x = runTM $ return x
185 instance MonadPlus TolerantIO where
186 mzero = runTM mzero
187 mplus a b = runTM (mplus (runIO a) (runIO b))
188 instance MonadPlus SilentIO where
189 mzero = runTM mzero
190 mplus a b = runTM (mplus (runIO a) (runIO b))
192 instance ReadableDirectory TolerantIO where
193 mDoesDirectoryExist d = runTM $ mDoesDirectoryExist d
194 mDoesFileExist f = runTM $ mDoesFileExist f
195 mInCurrentDirectory i j = runTM $ mInCurrentDirectory i (runIO j)
196 mGetDirectoryContents = runTM mGetDirectoryContents
197 mReadBinFile f = runTM $ mReadBinFile f
198 mReadFilePS f = runTM $ mReadFilePS f
199 instance ReadableDirectory SilentIO where
200 mDoesDirectoryExist d = runTM $ mDoesDirectoryExist d
201 mDoesFileExist f = runTM $ mDoesFileExist f
202 mInCurrentDirectory i j = runTM $ mInCurrentDirectory i (runIO j)
203 mGetDirectoryContents = runTM mGetDirectoryContents
204 mReadBinFile f = runTM $ mReadBinFile f
205 mReadFilePS f = runTM $ mReadFilePS f
207 instance WriteableDirectory TolerantIO where
208 mWithCurrentDirectory = mInCurrentDirectory
209 mSetFileExecutable f e = warning $ mSetFileExecutable f e
210 mWriteBinFile f s = warning $ mWriteBinFile f s
211 mWriteFilePS f s = warning $ mWriteFilePS f s
212 mCreateFile f = warning $ backup f >> mWriteFilePS f B.empty
213 mCreateDirectory d = warning $ backup d >> mCreateDirectory d
214 mRemoveFile f = warning $ mRemoveFile f
215 mRemoveDirectory d = warning $ catchJust ioErrors
216 (mRemoveDirectory d)
217 (\e ->
218 if "(Directory not empty)" `isSuffixOf` show e
219 then ioError $ userError $
220 "Not deleting " ++ fn2fp d ++ " because it is not empty."
221 else ioError $ userError $
222 "Not deleting " ++ fn2fp d ++ " because:\n" ++ show e)
223 mRename a b = warning $ catchJust ioErrors
224 (let do_backup = if (map toLower x == map toLower y)
225 then backupByCopying y -- avoid making the original vanish
226 else backupByRenaming y
227 in do_backup >> mRename a b)
228 (\e -> case () of
229 _ | isPermissionError e -> ioError $ userError $
230 couldNotRename ++ "."
231 | isDoesNotExistError e -> ioError $ userError $
232 couldNotRename ++ " because " ++ x ++ " does not exist."
233 | otherwise -> ioError e
235 where
236 x = fn2fp a
237 y = fn2fp b
238 couldNotRename = "Could not rename " ++ x ++ " to " ++ y
239 instance WriteableDirectory SilentIO where
240 mWithCurrentDirectory = mInCurrentDirectory
241 mSetFileExecutable f e = warning $ mSetFileExecutable f e
242 mWriteBinFile f s = warning $ mWriteBinFile f s
243 mWriteFilePS f s = warning $ mWriteFilePS f s
244 mCreateFile f = warning $ backup f >> mWriteFilePS f B.empty
245 mCreateDirectory d = warning $ backup d >> mCreateDirectory d
246 mRemoveFile f = warning $ mRemoveFile f
247 mRemoveDirectory d = warning $ catchJust ioErrors
248 (mRemoveDirectory d)
249 (\e ->
250 if "(Directory not empty)" `isSuffixOf` show e
251 then ioError $ userError $
252 "Not deleting " ++ fn2fp d ++ " because it is not empty."
253 else ioError $ userError $
254 "Not deleting " ++ fn2fp d ++ " because:\n" ++ show e)
255 mRename a b = warning $ catchJust ioErrors
256 (let do_backup = if (map toLower x == map toLower y)
257 then backupByCopying y -- avoid making the original vanish
258 else backupByRenaming y
259 in do_backup >> mRename a b)
260 (\e -> case () of
261 _ | isPermissionError e -> ioError $ userError $
262 couldNotRename ++ "."
263 | isDoesNotExistError e -> ioError $ userError $
264 couldNotRename ++ " because " ++ x ++ " does not exist."
265 | otherwise -> ioError e
267 where
268 x = fn2fp a
269 y = fn2fp b
270 couldNotRename = "Could not rename " ++ x ++ " to " ++ y
272 backup :: FileName -> IO ()
273 backup f = backupByRenaming $ fn2fp f
274 \end{code}
275 \end{comment}
277 \end{document}