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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Choices.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2004 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \section{darcs record}
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
22 -- , TypeOperators, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
24 #include "gadts.h"
26 module Darcs.Patch.Choices ( PatchChoices, patch_choices, patch_choices_tps,
27 patch_slot,
28 get_choices,
29 separate_first_middle_from_last,
30 separate_first_from_middle_last,
31 force_first, force_firsts, force_last, force_lasts,
32 force_matching_first, force_matching_last,
33 select_all_middles,
34 make_uncertain, make_everything_later,
35 TaggedPatch, Tag, tag, tp_patch,
36 Slot(..),
37 ) where
39 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
40 import Data.IORef ( newIORef, writeIORef, readIORef )
41 import Darcs.Patch
42 import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( commuteWhatWeCanRL )
43 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( Invert, Commute )
44 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), MyEq, unsafeCompare,
45 (:>)(..), (:\/:)(..), (:/\:)(..),
46 zipWithFL, mapFL_FL, mapFL,
47 (+>+), reverseRL, unsafeCoerceP )
48 \end{code}
50 PatchChoices divides a sequence of patches into three sets: ``first'',
51 ``middle'' and ``last'', such that all patches can be applied, if you first
52 apply the first ones then the middle ones and then the last ones.
53 Obviously if there are dependencies between the patches that will put a
54 constraint on how you can choose to divide them up. The PatchChoices data
55 type and associated functions are here to deal with many of the common
56 cases that come up when choosing a subset of a group of patches.
58 \verb!force_last! tells PatchChoices that a particular patch is required to be in
59 the ``last'' group, which also means that any patches that depend on it
60 must be in the ``last'' group.
62 Internally, a PatchChoices doesn't actually reorder the patches until it is
63 asked for the final output (e.g.\ by \verb!get_first_choice!). Instead, each
64 patch is placed in a state of definitely first, definitely last and
65 undecided---undecided leans towards ``middle''. In case you're wondering
66 about the first-middle-last language, it's because in some cases the
67 ``yes'' answers will be last (as is the case for the revert command), and
68 in others first (as in record, pull and push).
70 \begin{code}
71 newtype Tag = TG Integer deriving ( Num, Show, Eq, Ord, Enum )
72 data TaggedPatch p C(x y) = TP Tag (p C(x y))
73 data PatchChoice p C(x y) = PC (TaggedPatch p C(x y)) Slot
74 newtype PatchChoices p C(x y) = PCs (FL (PatchChoice p) C(x y))
76 data Slot = InFirst | InMiddle | InLast
78 invertTag :: Slot -> Slot
79 invertTag InFirst = InLast
80 invertTag InLast = InFirst
81 invertTag t = t
83 tag :: TaggedPatch p C(x y) -> Tag
84 tag (TP (TG t) _) = TG t
86 tp_patch :: TaggedPatch p C(x y) -> p C(x y)
87 tp_patch (TP _ p) = p
89 liftTP :: (p C(x y) -> p C(a b)) -> (TaggedPatch p C(x y) -> TaggedPatch p C(a b))
90 liftTP f (TP t p) = TP t (f p)
92 instance MyEq p => MyEq (TaggedPatch p) where
93 unsafeCompare (TP t1 p1) (TP t2 p2) = t1 == t2 && unsafeCompare p1 p2
95 instance Invert p => Invert (TaggedPatch p) where
96 invert = liftTP invert
97 identity = TP (-1) identity
99 instance Commute p => Commute (TaggedPatch p) where
100 commute (TP t1 p1 :> TP t2 p2) = do p2' :> p1' <- commute (p1 :> p2)
101 return (TP t2 p2' :> TP t1 p1')
102 list_touched_files (TP _ p) = list_touched_files p
103 merge (TP t1 p1 :\/: TP t2 p2) = case merge (p1 :\/: p2) of
104 p2' :/\: p1' -> TP t2 p2' :/\: TP t1 p1'
106 patch_choices :: Patchy p => FL p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
107 patch_choices = fst . patch_choices_tps
109 patch_choices_tps :: Patchy p => FL p C(x y) -> (PatchChoices p C(x y), FL (TaggedPatch p) C(x y))
110 patch_choices_tps ps = let tps = zipWithFL TP [1..] ps
111 in (PCs $ zipWithFL (flip PC) (repeat InMiddle) tps, tps)
113 make_everything_later :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
114 \end{code}
116 \begin{code}
117 instance MyEq p => MyEq (PatchChoice p) where
118 unsafeCompare (PC tp1 _) (PC tp2 _) = unsafeCompare tp1 tp2
120 instance Invert p => Invert (PatchChoice p) where
121 invert (PC tp mf) = PC (invert tp) (invertTag mf)
122 identity = PC identity InMiddle
124 instance Commute p => Commute (PatchChoice p) where
125 commute (PC t1 x1 :> PC t2 x2)
126 = do t2' :> t1' <- commute (t1 :> t2)
127 return (PC t2' x2 :> PC t1' x1)
128 merge (PC t1 x1 :\/: PC t2 x2)
129 = case merge (t1 :\/: t2) of
130 t2' :/\: t1' -> PC t2' x2 :/\: PC t1' x1
131 list_touched_files (PC t _) = list_touched_files t
133 invertSeq :: (Invert p, Invert q) => (p :> q) C(x y) -> (q :> p) C(y x)
134 invertSeq (x :> y) = (invert y :> invert x)
136 separate_first_from_middle_last :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p C(x z)
137 -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x z)
138 separate_first_from_middle_last (PCs e) = pull_only_firsts e
140 separate_first_middle_from_last :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p C(x z)
141 -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x z)
142 separate_first_middle_from_last (PCs e) = pull_firsts_middles e
144 get_choices :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p C(x y)
145 -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x y)
146 get_choices (PCs e) = case pull_firsts e of
147 f :> ml -> case pull_firsts (invert ml) of
148 l :> m -> f :> mapFL_FL pc2tp (invert m) :> invert l
149 where pc2tp (PC tp _) = tp
151 pull_firsts_middles :: Patchy p => FL (PatchChoice p) C(x z) -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x z)
152 pull_firsts_middles easyPC =
153 let r = unsafePerformIO
154 $ newIORef (error "pull_firsts_middles called badly")
155 f :: Patchy p => RL (TaggedPatch p) C(a x) -> FL (PatchChoice p) C(x z) -> FL (TaggedPatch p) C(a d)
156 f acc NilFL = unsafePerformIO (writeIORef r (reverseRL acc)) `seq` (unsafeCoerceP NilFL)
157 f acc (PC tp InLast:>:e) = f (tp:<:acc) e
158 f acc (PC tp _:>:e) = case commuteWhatWeCanRL (acc :> tp) of
159 more :> tp' :> acc' -> reverseRL more+>+tp':>:f acc' e
160 xs = f NilRL easyPC
161 in (xs :> unsafePerformIO (readIORef r))
163 pull_only_firsts :: Patchy p => FL (PatchChoice p) C(x z) -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x z)
164 pull_only_firsts easyPC =
165 let r = unsafePerformIO
166 $ newIORef (error "pull_only_firsts called badly")
167 f :: Patchy p => RL (TaggedPatch p) C(a x) -> FL (PatchChoice p) C(x z) -> FL (TaggedPatch p) C(a d)
168 f acc NilFL = unsafePerformIO (writeIORef r (reverseRL acc)) `seq` (unsafeCoerceP NilFL)
169 f acc (PC tp InFirst:>:e) = case commuteWhatWeCanRL (acc :> tp) of
170 more :> tp' :> acc' -> reverseRL more+>+tp':>:f acc' e
171 f acc (PC tp _:>:e) = f (tp:<:acc) e
172 xs = f NilRL easyPC
173 in (xs :> unsafePerformIO (readIORef r))
176 pull_middles_lasts :: EasyPC p -> ([TaggedPatch p], [TaggedPatch p])
177 pull_middles_lasts easyPC =
178 let r = unsafePerformIO
179 $ newIORef (error "pull_middles_lasts called badly")
180 f acc [] = unsafePerformIO (writeIORef r (reverse acc)) `seq` []
181 f acc (PC tp (Just True):e) = f (tp:acc) e
182 f acc (PC (TP t p) _:e) = case commute_up_list p acc of
183 (acc', p') -> TP t p':f acc' e
184 xs = f [] easyPC
185 in (xs, unsafePerformIO (readIORef r))
188 --pull_only_lasts :: EasyPC p -> ([TaggedPatch p], [TaggedPatch p])
189 --pull_only_lasts easyPC =
190 -- let r = unsafePerformIO
191 -- $ newIORef (error "pull_only_lasts called badly")
192 -- f acc [] = unsafePerformIO (writeIORef r (reverse acc)) `seq` []
193 -- f acc (PC (TP t p) (Just False):e) = case commute_up_list p acc of
194 -- (acc', p') -> TP t p':f acc' e
195 -- f acc (PC tp _:e) = f (tp:acc) e
196 -- xs = f [] easyPC
197 -- in (xs, unsafePerformIO (readIORef r))
199 pull_firsts :: Patchy p => FL (PatchChoice p) C(x z) -> (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (PatchChoice p)) C(x z)
200 pull_firsts e = case pull_first e of
201 Nothing -> (NilFL :> e)
202 Just (p:>e') -> case pull_firsts e' of
203 (ps:>e'') -> (p:>:ps :> e'')
205 pull_lasts :: Patchy p => FL (PatchChoice p) C(x y) -> (FL (PatchChoice p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x y)
206 pull_lasts e = invertSeq $ pull_firsts $ invert e
208 pull_first :: Patchy p => FL (PatchChoice p) C(x z) -> Maybe ((TaggedPatch p :> FL (PatchChoice p)) C(x z))
209 pull_first NilFL = Nothing
210 pull_first (PC tp InFirst:>:e) = Just (tp :> e)
211 pull_first (PC (TP t p) InLast:>:e) =
212 case pull_first e of
213 Just (TP t2 p2 :> e') ->
214 case commute (p:>p2) of
215 Just (p2':>p') -> Just (TP t2 p2' :> PC (TP t p') InLast:>:e')
216 Nothing -> error "Aaack fixme!"
217 Nothing -> Nothing
218 pull_first (PC tp@(TP t p) InMiddle:>:e) =
219 case pull_first e of
220 Just (TP t2 p2 :> e') ->
221 case commute (p:>p2) of
222 Just (p2':>p') -> Just (TP t2 p2' :> (PC (TP t p') InMiddle:>:e'))
223 Nothing -> Just (tp :> PC (TP (-t2) p2) InFirst:>:e')
224 Nothing -> Nothing
225 \end{code}
227 \begin{code}
228 patch_slot :: forall p C(a b x y). TaggedPatch p C(a b) -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> Slot
229 patch_slot tp (PCs e) = ipf e
230 where ipf :: FL (PatchChoice p) C(u v) -> Slot
231 ipf (PC a mb:>:e') | tag a == tag tp = mb
232 | otherwise = ipf e'
233 -- actually, the following should be impossible, but this is a reasonable answer
234 ipf NilFL = InLast
236 set_simplys :: [Tag] -> Bool -> FL (PatchChoice p) C(x y) -> FL (PatchChoice p) C(x y)
237 set_simplys ts b e = mapFL_FL ch e
238 where ch (PC tp@(TP t _) _)
239 | t `elem` ts = PC tp (if b then InFirst else InLast)
240 | otherwise = PC tp InMiddle
243 m2ids :: (FORALL(x y) TaggedPatch p C(x y) -> Bool) -> FL (PatchChoice p) C(a b) -> [Tag]
244 m2ids m (PC tp@(TP t _) _:>:e)
245 | m tp = t:m2ids m e
246 | otherwise = m2ids m e
247 m2ids _ NilFL = []
249 force_matching_first :: Patchy p => (FORALL(x y) TaggedPatch p C(x y) -> Bool)
250 -> PatchChoices p C(a b) -> PatchChoices p C(a b)
251 force_matching_first m (PCs e) =
252 let thd (PC (TP t _) _) = t
253 xs = m2ids m e
254 not_needed = case pull_firsts $ set_simplys xs True e of
255 _ :> rest -> mapFL thd rest
256 ch pc@(PC tp@(TP t _) _)
257 | t `elem` not_needed = pc
258 | otherwise = PC tp InFirst
259 in PCs $ mapFL_FL ch e
261 force_firsts :: Patchy p => [Tag] -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
262 force_firsts ps pc = force_matching_first ((`elem` ps) . tag) pc
264 force_first :: Patchy p => Tag -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
265 force_first p pc = force_matching_first ((== p) . tag) pc
267 select_all_middles :: Patchy p => Bool -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
268 select_all_middles b (PCs e) = PCs (mapFL_FL f e)
269 where f (PC tp InMiddle) = PC tp (if b then InLast else InFirst)
270 f pc = pc
272 reverse_pc :: Patchy p => PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(y x)
273 reverse_pc (PCs e) = PCs $ invert e
275 force_matching_last :: Patchy p => (FORALL(x y) TaggedPatch p C(x y) -> Bool)
276 -> PatchChoices p C(a b) -> PatchChoices p C(a b)
277 force_matching_last m (PCs e) =
278 let thd (PC (TP t _) _) = t
279 xs = m2ids m e
280 not_needed = case pull_lasts $ set_simplys xs False e of
281 rest :> _ -> mapFL thd rest
282 ch pc@(PC tp@(TP t _) _)
283 | t `elem` not_needed = pc
284 | otherwise = PC tp InLast
285 in PCs $ mapFL_FL ch e
287 force_last :: Patchy p => Tag -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
288 force_last p pc = reverse_pc $ force_first p $ reverse_pc pc
290 force_lasts :: Patchy p => [Tag] -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
291 force_lasts ps pc = reverse_pc $ force_firsts ps $ reverse_pc pc
293 make_uncertain :: Patchy p => Tag -> PatchChoices p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
294 make_uncertain t (PCs e) = PCs $ mapFL_FL ch e
295 where ch pc@(PC x _) = if t == tag x then PC x InMiddle else pc
297 make_everything_later (PCs e) = PCs $ mapFL_FL ch e
298 where ch (PC tp InMiddle) = PC tp InLast
299 ch (PC tp InFirst) = PC tp InMiddle
300 ch x = x
301 \end{code}