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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Core.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 \section{Patch relationships}
21 \begin{code}
22 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
23 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
24 -- , GADTs, PatternGuards #-}
26 #include "gadts.h"
28 module Darcs.Patch.Core
29 ( Patch(..), Named(..),
30 join_patchesFL, concatFL, flattenFL,
31 nullP, is_null_patch, infopatch,
32 n_fn,
33 adddeps, namepatch, anonymous,
34 merger_undo, is_merger,
35 getdeps,
36 patch2patchinfo, patchname, patchcontents,
38 where
40 import Prelude hiding ( pi )
41 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fn2fp, fp2fn, norm_path )
42 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, patchinfo, make_filename )
43 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( Patchy )
44 import Darcs.Ordered
45 import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( Prim(..), FromPrim(..), Effect(effect, effectRL) )
46 #include "impossible.h"
48 data Patch C(x y) where
49 PP :: Prim C(x y) -> Patch C(x y)
50 ComP :: FL Patch C(x y) -> Patch C(x y)
51 Merger :: Patch C(x y)
52 -> RL Patch C(x b)
53 -> Patch C(c b)
54 -> Patch C(c d)
55 -> Patch C(x y)
56 Regrem :: Patch C(x y)
57 -> RL Patch C(x b)
58 -> Patch C(c b)
59 -> Patch C(c a)
60 -> Patch C(y x)
62 instance FromPrim Patch where
63 fromPrim = PP
65 data Named p C(x y) where
66 NamedP :: !PatchInfo -> ![PatchInfo] -> !(p C(x y)) -> Named p C(x y)
68 instance Effect p => Effect (Named p) where
69 effect (NamedP _ _ p) = effect p
70 effectRL (NamedP _ _ p) = effectRL p
72 is_null_patch :: Patch C(x y) -> Bool
73 is_null_patch (ComP ps) = and $ mapFL is_null_patch ps
74 is_null_patch _ = False
76 nullP :: Patch C(x y) -> EqCheck C(x y)
77 nullP (ComP NilFL) = IsEq
78 nullP (ComP (x:>:xs)) | IsEq <- nullP x = nullP (ComP xs)
79 nullP _ = NotEq
81 is_merger :: Patch C(a b) -> Bool
82 is_merger (Merger _ _ _ _) = True
83 is_merger (Regrem _ _ _ _) = True
84 is_merger _ = False
86 merger_undo :: Patch C(x y) -> Patch C(x y)
87 merger_undo (Merger undo _ _ _) = undo
88 merger_undo _ = impossible
89 \end{code}
91 %Another nice thing to be able to do with composite patches is to `flatten'
92 %them, that is, turn them into a simple list of patches (appropriately
93 %ordered, of course), with all nested compositeness unnested.
95 \begin{code}
96 {- INLINE flattenFL -}
97 flattenFL :: Patch C(x y) -> FL Patch C(x y)
98 flattenFL (ComP ps) = concatFL (mapFL_FL flattenFL ps)
99 flattenFL (PP Identity) = NilFL
100 flattenFL p = p :>: NilFL
102 \end{code}
104 \begin{code}
105 join_patchesFL :: FL Patch C(x y) -> Patch C(x y)
106 join_patchesFL ps = ComP $! ps
108 infopatch :: Patchy p => PatchInfo -> p C(x y) -> Named p C(x y)
109 adddeps :: Named p C(x y) -> [PatchInfo] -> Named p C(x y)
110 getdeps :: Named p C(x y) -> [PatchInfo]
112 namepatch :: Patchy p => String -> String -> String -> [String] -> p C(x y) -> IO (Named p C(x y))
113 namepatch date name author desc p
114 | '\n' `elem` name = error "Patch names cannot contain newlines."
115 | otherwise = do pinf <- patchinfo date name author desc
116 return $ NamedP pinf [] p
118 anonymous :: Patchy p => p C(x y) -> IO (Named p C(x y))
119 anonymous p = namepatch "today" "anonymous" "unknown" ["anonymous"] p
121 infopatch pi p = NamedP pi [] p
122 adddeps (NamedP pi _ p) ds = NamedP pi ds p
123 getdeps (NamedP _ ds _) = ds
125 patch2patchinfo :: Named p C(x y) -> PatchInfo
126 patch2patchinfo (NamedP i _ _) = i
128 patchname :: Named p C(x y) -> String
129 patchname (NamedP i _ _) = make_filename i
131 patchcontents :: Named p C(x y) -> p C(x y)
132 patchcontents (NamedP _ _ p) = p
133 \end{code}
135 \begin{code}
136 n_fn :: FilePath -> FilePath
137 n_fn f = "./"++(fn2fp $ norm_path $ fp2fn f)
138 \end{code}
140 The simplest relationship between two patches is that of ``sequential''
141 patches, which means that the context of the second patch (the one on the
142 left) consists of the first patch (on the right) plus the context of the
143 first patch. The composition of two patches (which is also a patch) refers
144 to the patch which is formed by first applying one and then the other. The
145 composition of two patches, $P_1$ and $P_2$ is represented as $P_2P_1$,
146 where $P_1$ is to be applied first, then $P_2$\footnote{This notation is
147 inspired by the notation of matrix multiplication or the application of
148 operators upon a Hilbert space. In the algebra of patches, there is
149 multiplication (i.e.\ composition), which is associative but not
150 commutative, but no addition or subtraction.}
152 There is one other very useful relationship that two patches can have,
153 which is to be parallel patches, which means that the two patches have an
154 identical context (i.e.\ their representation applies to identical trees).
155 This is represented by $P_1\parallel P_2$. Of course, two patches may also
156 have no simple relationship to one another. In that case, if you want to
157 do something with them, you'll have to manipulate them with respect to
158 other patches until they are either in sequence or in parallel.
160 The most fundamental and simple property of patches is that they must be
161 invertible. The inverse of a patch is described by: $P^{ -1}$. In the
162 darcs implementation, the inverse is required to be computable from
163 knowledge of the patch only, without knowledge of its context, but that
164 (although convenient) is not required by the theory of patches.
165 \begin{dfn}
166 The inverse of patch $P$ is $P^{ -1}$, which is the ``simplest'' patch for
167 which the composition \( P^{ -1} P \) makes no changes to the tree.
168 \end{dfn}
169 Using this definition, it is trivial to prove the following theorem
170 relating to the inverse of a composition of two patches.
171 \begin{thm} The inverse of the composition of two patches is
172 \[ (P_2 P_1)^{ -1} = P_1^{ -1} P_2^{ -1}. \]
173 \end{thm}
174 Moreover, it is possible to show that the right inverse of a patch is equal
175 to its left inverse. In this respect, patches continue to be analogous to
176 square matrices, and indeed the proofs relating to these properties of the
177 inverse are entirely analogous to the proofs in the case of matrix
178 multiplication. The compositions proofs can also readily be extended to
179 the composition of more than two patches.
180 \begin{code}
182 \end{code}