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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Depends.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2003-2004 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \section{Dependencies}
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
22 -- , ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
24 #include "gadts.h"
26 module Darcs.Patch.Depends ( get_common_and_uncommon, get_tags_right,
27 get_common_and_uncommon_or_missing,
28 optimize_patchset, deep_optimize_patchset,
29 slightly_optimize_patchset,
30 get_patches_beyond_tag, get_patches_in_tag,
31 is_tag,
32 patchset_union, patchset_intersection,
33 commute_to_end,
34 ) where
35 import Data.List ( delete, intersect )
36 import Control.Monad ( liftM2 )
37 import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..), MonadError(..))
39 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Named, getdeps, commutex,
40 commuteFL,
41 patch2patchinfo, merge )
42 import Darcs.Ordered ( (:\/:)(..), (:<)(..), (:/\:)(..), (:>)(..),
43 RL(..), FL(..),
44 (+<+),
45 reverseFL, mapFL_FL, mapFL, concatReverseFL,
46 lengthRL, concatRL, reverseRL, mapRL,
47 unsafeCoerceP, EqCheck(..) )
48 import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( partitionRL )
49 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, just_name, human_friendly )
50 import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet, SealedPatchSet )
51 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( sloppyIdentity )
52 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, piap, info, n2pia,
53 hopefully, conscientiously, hopefullyM )
54 import Darcs.Progress ( progressRL )
55 import Darcs.Sealed (Sealed(..), FlippedSeal(..), Sealed2(..)
56 , flipSeal, seal, unseal )
57 import Printer ( errorDoc, renderString, ($$), text )
58 #include "impossible.h"
59 \end{code}
61 \begin{code}
62 get_common_and_uncommon :: RepoPatch p => (PatchSet p C(x),PatchSet p C(y)) ->
63 ([PatchInfo],(RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) :\/: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x y))
64 get_common_and_uncommon_or_missing :: RepoPatch p => (PatchSet p C(x),PatchSet p C(y)) ->
65 Either PatchInfo ([PatchInfo],(RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) :\/: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x y))
66 \end{code}
68 \begin{code}
69 get_common_and_uncommon =
70 either missingPatchError id . get_common_and_uncommon_err
72 get_common_and_uncommon_or_missing =
73 either (\(MissingPatch x _) -> Left x) Right . get_common_and_uncommon_err
75 get_common_and_uncommon_err :: RepoPatch p => (PatchSet p C(x),PatchSet p C(y)) ->
76 Either MissingPatch ([PatchInfo],(RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) :\/: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x y))
77 get_common_and_uncommon_err (ps1,ps2) = gcau (optimize_patchset ps1) ps2
79 {-|
80 with_partial_intersection takes two 'PatchSet's and splits them into a /common/
81 intersection portion and two sets of patches. The intersection, however,
82 is only lazily determined, so there is no guarantee that all intersecting
83 patches will be included in the intersection 'PatchSet'. This is a pretty
84 efficient function, because it makes use of the already-broken-up nature of
85 'PatchSet's.
87 'PatchSet's have the property that if
89 (info $ last $ head a) == (info $ last $ head b)
91 then @(tail a)@ and @(tail b)@ are identical repositories, and we want to take
92 advantage of this if possible, to avoid reading too many inventories. In
93 the case of --partial repositories or patch bundles, it is crucial that we
94 don't need to read the whole history, since it isn't available.
96 TODO:
98 The length equalising isn't necessarily right. We probably also be
99 thinking about not going past the end of a partial repository, or favour
100 local repository stuff over remote repository stuff.
102 Also, when comparing l1 to l2, we should really be comparing the
103 newly discovered one to /all/ the lasts in the other patch set
104 that we've got so far.
106 with_partial_intersection :: forall a p C(x y). RepoPatch p => PatchSet p C(x) -> PatchSet p C(y)
107 -> (FORALL(z) PatchSet p C(z) -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(z x)
108 -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(z y) -> a)
109 -> a
110 with_partial_intersection NilRL ps2 j = j (NilRL:<:NilRL) NilRL (concatRL ps2)
111 with_partial_intersection ps1 NilRL j = j (NilRL:<:NilRL) (concatRL ps1) NilRL
112 with_partial_intersection (NilRL:<:ps1) ps2 j =
113 with_partial_intersection ps1 ps2 j
114 with_partial_intersection ps1 (NilRL:<:ps2) j =
115 with_partial_intersection ps1 ps2 j
116 -- NOTE: symmetry is broken here, so we want the PatchSet with more history
117 -- first!
118 with_partial_intersection ((pi1:<:NilRL):<:common) ((pi2:<:NilRL):<:_) j
119 -- NOTE: Since the patchsets have the same starting but different ending
120 -- we can coerce them. The type system is not aware of our invariant on tags,
121 -- but both pi1 and pi2 should be tags, thus we check they are both identity
122 -- patches.
123 | info pi1 == info pi2
124 , IsEq <- sloppyIdentity pi1
125 , IsEq <- sloppyIdentity pi2 = j common NilRL (unsafeCoerceP NilRL)
126 with_partial_intersection (orig_ps1:<:orig_ps1s) (orig_ps2:<:orig_ps2s) j
127 = f (lengthRL orig_ps1) (last $ mapRL info orig_ps1) (orig_ps1:>:NilFL) orig_ps1s
128 (lengthRL orig_ps2) (last $ mapRL info orig_ps2) (orig_ps2:>:NilFL) orig_ps2s
129 where {- Invariants: nx = length $ concatReverseFL psx
130 lx = last $ concatReverseFL psx -}
131 f :: Int -> PatchInfo -> FL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(r x) -> PatchSet p C(r)
132 -> Int -> PatchInfo -> FL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(u y) -> PatchSet p C(u)
133 -> a
134 f _n1 l1 ps1 ps1s _n2 l2 ps2 _ps2s
135 | l1 == l2 = j ps1s (unsafeCoerceP (concatReverseFL ps1)) (unsafeCoerceP (concatReverseFL ps2))
136 f n1 l1 ps1 ps1s n2 l2 ps2 ps2s
137 = case compare n1 n2 of
138 GT -> case dropWhileNilRL ps2s of
139 ps2':<:ps2s' ->
140 f n1 l1 ps1 ps1s
141 (n2 + lengthRL ps2') (last $ mapRL info ps2') (ps2':>:ps2) ps2s'
142 NilRL -> -- We keep going round f so the l1 == l2 case
143 -- has a chance to kick in
144 case dropWhileNilRL ps1s of
145 ps1':<:ps1s' ->
146 f (n1 + lengthRL ps1') (last $ mapRL info ps1')
147 (ps1':>:ps1) ps1s'
148 n2 l2 ps2 ps2s
149 NilRL -> j (NilRL:<:NilRL) (concatReverseFL ps1) (concatReverseFL ps2)
150 _ -> case dropWhileNilRL ps1s of
151 ps1':<:ps1s' ->
152 f (n1 + lengthRL ps1') (last $ mapRL info ps1') (ps1':>:ps1) ps1s'
153 n2 l2 ps2 ps2s
154 NilRL -> -- We keep going round f so the l1 == l2 case
155 -- has a chance to kick in
156 case dropWhileNilRL ps2s of
157 ps2':<:ps2s' ->
158 f n1 l1 ps1 NilRL
159 (n2 + lengthRL ps2') (last $ mapRL info ps2')
160 (ps2':>:ps2) ps2s'
161 NilRL -> j (NilRL:<:NilRL) (concatReverseFL ps1) (concatReverseFL ps2)
164 'gcau' determines a list of /common/ patches and patches unique to each of
165 the two 'PatchSet's. The list of /common/ patches only needs to include all
166 patches that are not interspersed with the /unique/ patches, but including
167 more patches in the list of /common/ patches doesn't really hurt, except
168 for efficiency considerations. Mostly, we want to access as few elements
169 as possible of the 'PatchSet' list, since those can be expensive (or
170 unavailable). In other words, the /common/ patches need not be minimal,
171 whereas the 'PatchSet's should be minimal for performance reasons.
173 'PatchSet's have the property that if
175 (info $ last $ head a) == (info $ last $ head b)
177 then @(tail a)@ and @(tail b)@ are identical repositories, and we want to take
178 advantage of this if possible, to avoid reading too many inventories. In
179 the case of --partial repositories or patch bundles, it is crucial that we
180 don't need to read the whole history, since it isn't available.
182 TODO:
184 The length equalising isn't necessarily right. We probably also be
185 thinking about not going past the end of a partial repository, or favour
186 local repository stuff over remote repo stuff.
188 Also, when comparing l1 to l2, we should really be comparing the
189 newly discovered one to /all/ the lasts in the other patch set
190 that we've got so far.
193 gcau :: forall p C(x y). RepoPatch p => PatchSet p C(x) -> PatchSet p C(y)
194 -> Either MissingPatch ([PatchInfo],(RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) :\/: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x y))
195 gcau NilRL ps2 = return ([], NilRL:<:NilRL :\/: concatRL ps2 :<: NilRL)
196 gcau ps1 NilRL = return ([], concatRL ps1 :<: NilRL :\/: NilRL:<:NilRL)
197 gcau (NilRL:<:ps1) ps2 = gcau ps1 ps2
198 gcau ps1 (NilRL:<:ps2) = gcau ps1 ps2
199 gcau ((pi1:<:NilRL):<:_) ((pi2:<:NilRL):<:_)
200 | info pi1 == info pi2
201 , IsEq <- sloppyIdentity pi1
202 , IsEq <- sloppyIdentity pi2 = return ([info pi1], NilRL:<:NilRL :\/: unsafeCoerceP (NilRL:<:NilRL))
203 gcau (orig_ps1:<:orig_ps1s) (orig_ps2:<:orig_ps2s)
204 = f (lengthRL orig_ps1) (unseal info $ lastRL orig_ps1) (orig_ps1:>:NilFL) orig_ps1s
205 (lengthRL orig_ps2) (unseal info $ lastRL orig_ps2) (orig_ps2:>:NilFL) orig_ps2s
206 where {- Invariants: nx = lengthRL $ concatReverseFL psx
207 lx = last $ concatReverseFL psx -}
208 f :: Int -> PatchInfo -> FL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(r x) -> PatchSet p C(r)
209 -> Int -> PatchInfo -> FL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(u y) -> PatchSet p C(u)
210 -> Either MissingPatch ([PatchInfo],(RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) :\/: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x y))
211 f _n1 l1 ps1 _ps1s _n2 l2 ps2 _ps2s
212 | l1 == l2 = gcau_simple (unsafeCoerceP (concatReverseFL ps1)) (unsafeCoerceP (concatReverseFL ps2))
213 f n1 l1 ps1 ps1s n2 l2 ps2 ps2s
214 = case n1 `compare` n2 of
215 GT -> case dropWhileNilRL ps2s of
216 ps2':<:ps2s' ->
217 f n1 l1 ps1 ps1s
218 (n2 + lengthRL ps2') (unseal info $ lastRL ps2') (ps2':>:ps2) ps2s'
219 NilRL -> -- We keep going round f so the l1 == l2 case
220 -- has a chance to kick in
221 case dropWhileNilRL ps1s of
222 ps1':<:ps1s' ->
223 f (n1 + lengthRL ps1') (unseal info $ lastRL ps1')
224 (ps1':>:ps1) ps1s'
225 n2 l2 ps2 ps2s
226 NilRL -> gcau_simple (concatReverseFL ps1) (concatReverseFL ps2)
227 _ -> case dropWhileNilRL ps1s of
228 ps1':<:ps1s' ->
229 f (n1 + lengthRL ps1') (unseal info $ lastRL ps1') (ps1':>:ps1) ps1s'
230 n2 l2 ps2 ps2s
231 NilRL -> -- We keep going round f so the l1 == l2 case
232 -- has a chance to kick in
233 case dropWhileNilRL ps2s of
234 ps2':<:ps2s' ->
235 f n1 l1 ps1 NilRL
236 (n2 + lengthRL ps2') (unseal info $ lastRL ps2')
237 (ps2':>:ps2) ps2s'
238 NilRL -> gcau_simple (concatReverseFL ps1) (concatReverseFL ps2)
240 lastRL :: RL a C(x y) -> Sealed (a C(x))
241 lastRL (a:<:NilRL) = seal a
242 lastRL (_:<:as) = lastRL as
243 lastRL NilRL = bug "lastRL on empty list"
245 dropWhileNilRL :: PatchSet p C(x) -> PatchSet p C(x)
246 dropWhileNilRL (NilRL:<:xs) = dropWhileNilRL xs
247 dropWhileNilRL xs = xs
249 -- | Filters the common elements from @ps1@ and @ps2@ and returns the simplified sequences.
250 gcau_simple :: RepoPatch p => RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -- ^ @ps1@
251 -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(u v) -- ^ @ps2@
252 -> Either MissingPatch ([PatchInfo],(RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) :\/: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(y v))
253 gcau_simple ps1 ps2 = do
254 FlippedSeal ex1 <- get_extra common ps1
255 FlippedSeal ex2 <- get_extra common ps2
256 let ps1' = filter (`elem` common) $ ps1_info
257 return (ps1', (unsafeCoerceP ex1 :<: NilRL) :\/: ex2 :<: NilRL)
258 where common = ps1_info `intersect` mapRL info ps2
259 ps1_info = mapRL info ps1
261 data MissingPatch = MissingPatch !PatchInfo !String
263 instance Error MissingPatch where
264 -- we don't really need those methods
265 noMsg = bug "MissingPatch doesn't define noMsg."
267 -- | Returns a sub-sequence from @patches@, where all the elements of @common@ have
268 -- been removed by commuting them out.
269 get_extra :: RepoPatch p => [PatchInfo] -- ^ @common@
270 -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(u x) -- ^ @patches@
271 -> Either MissingPatch (FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(y))
272 get_extra = get_extra_aux (return $ unsafeCoerceP NilFL)
273 where
274 get_extra_aux :: RepoPatch p => Either MissingPatch (FL (Named p) C(x y))
275 -> [PatchInfo]
276 -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(u x)
277 -> Either MissingPatch (FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(y))
278 get_extra_aux _ _ NilRL = return (flipSeal NilRL)
279 get_extra_aux skipped common (hp:<:pps) =
280 if info hp `elem` common && is_tag (info hp)
281 then case getdeps `fmap` hopefullyM hp of
282 Just ds -> get_extra_aux (liftM2 (:>:) ep skipped) (ds++delete (info hp) common) pps
283 Nothing -> get_extra_aux (liftM2 (:>:) ep skipped) (delete (info hp) common) pps
284 else if info hp `elem` common
285 then get_extra_aux (liftM2 (:>:) ep skipped) (delete (info hp) common) pps
286 else do
287 p <- ep
288 skpd <- skipped
289 case commuteFL (p :> skpd) of
290 Right (skipped_patch' :> p') -> do
291 FlippedSeal x <- get_extra_aux (return skipped_patch') common pps
292 return $ flipSeal (info hp `piap` p' :<: x)
293 -- Failure to commute indicates a bug because it means
294 -- that a patch was interspersed between the common
295 -- patches. This should only happen if that patch was
296 -- commuted there. This uses 2 properties:
297 -- 1) commute is its own inverse
298 -- 2) if patches commute in one adjacent context then
299 -- they commute in any context where they are
300 -- adjacent
301 Left (Sealed2 hpc) -> errorDoc $ text "bug in get_extra commuting patches:"
302 $$ text "First patch is:"
303 $$ human_friendly (info hp)
304 $$ text "Second patch is:"
305 $$ human_friendly (info $ n2pia hpc)
306 where ep = case hopefullyM hp of
307 Right p' -> return p'
308 Left e -> throwError (MissingPatch (info hp) e)
310 missingPatchError :: MissingPatch -> a
311 missingPatchError (MissingPatch pinfo e) =
312 errorDoc
313 ( text "failed to read patch in get_extra:"
314 $$ human_friendly pinfo $$ text e
315 $$ text "Perhaps this is a 'partial' repository?" )
317 get_extra_old :: RepoPatch p => [PatchInfo]
318 -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(u x)
319 -> FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(y)
320 get_extra_old common pps =
321 either missingPatchError id (get_extra common pps)
323 \end{code}
325 \begin{code}
326 get_patches_beyond_tag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p C(x) -> FlippedSeal (RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x)
327 get_patches_beyond_tag t ((hp:<:NilRL):<:_) | info hp == t = flipSeal $ NilRL :<: NilRL
328 get_patches_beyond_tag t patchset@((hp:<:ps):<:pps) =
329 if info hp == t
330 then if get_tags_right patchset == [info hp]
331 then flipSeal $ NilRL :<: NilRL -- special case to avoid looking at redundant patches
332 else case get_extra_old [t] (concatRL patchset) of
333 FlippedSeal x -> flipSeal $ x :<: NilRL
334 else hp `prepend` get_patches_beyond_tag t (ps:<:pps)
335 where
336 prepend :: (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> FlippedSeal (RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(x) -> FlippedSeal (RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(y)
337 prepend pp (FlippedSeal NilRL) = flipSeal $ (pp:<:NilRL) :<: NilRL
338 prepend pp (FlippedSeal (p:<:ps')) = flipSeal $ (pp:<:p) :<: ps'
339 get_patches_beyond_tag t (NilRL:<:pps) = get_patches_beyond_tag t pps
340 get_patches_beyond_tag t NilRL = bug $ "tag\n" ++
341 renderString (human_friendly t) ++
342 "\nis not in the patchset in get_patches_beyond_tag."
344 -- | @get_patches_in_tag t ps@ returns a 'SealedPatchSet' of all
345 -- patches in @ps@ which are contained in @t@.
346 get_patches_in_tag :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
347 get_patches_in_tag t pps@((hp:<:NilRL):<:xs)
348 | info hp == t = seal pps
349 | otherwise = get_patches_in_tag t xs
351 get_patches_in_tag t ((hp:<:ps):<:xs)
352 | info hp /= t = get_patches_in_tag t (ps:<:xs)
354 get_patches_in_tag t ((pa:<:ps):<:xs) = gpit thepis (pa:>:NilFL) (ps:<:xs)
355 where thepis = getdeps $ conscientiously
356 (\e -> text "Couldn't read tag"
357 $$ human_friendly t
358 $$ text ""
359 $$ e) pa
360 gpit :: RepoPatch p => [PatchInfo] -> (FL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(x y) -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
361 gpit _ sofar NilRL = seal $ reverseFL sofar :<: NilRL
362 gpit deps sofar ((hp:<:NilRL):<:xs')
363 | info hp `elem` deps
364 , IsEq <- sloppyIdentity hp = seal $ (reverseFL $ hp :>: sofar) :<: xs'
365 | IsEq <- sloppyIdentity hp = gpit deps sofar xs'
366 gpit deps sofar (NilRL:<:xs') = gpit deps sofar xs'
367 gpit deps sofar ((hp:<:ps'):<:xs')
368 | info hp `elem` deps
369 = let odeps = filter (/=info hp) deps
370 alldeps = if is_tag $ info hp
371 then odeps ++ getdeps (hopefully hp)
372 else odeps
373 in gpit alldeps (hp:>:sofar) (ps':<:xs')
374 | otherwise
375 = gpit deps (commute_by sofar $ hopefully hp) (ps':<:xs')
376 commute_by :: RepoPatch p => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> (Named p) C(w x)
377 -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(w z)
378 commute_by NilFL _ = unsafeCoerceP NilFL
379 commute_by (hpa:>:xs') p =
380 case commutex (hopefully hpa :< p) of
381 Nothing -> bug "Failure commuting patches in commute_by called by gpit!"
382 Just (p':<a') -> (info hpa `piap` a') :>: commute_by xs' p'
384 get_patches_in_tag t _ = errorDoc $ text "Couldn't read tag"
385 $$ human_friendly t
386 \end{code}
388 \begin{code}
389 is_tag :: PatchInfo -> Bool
390 is_tag pinfo = take 4 (just_name pinfo) == "TAG "
392 get_tags_right :: RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(x y) -> [PatchInfo]
393 get_tags_right NilRL = []
394 get_tags_right (ps:<:_) = get_tags_r (mapRL info_and_deps ps)
395 where
396 get_tags_r :: [(PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])] -> [PatchInfo]
397 get_tags_r [] = []
398 get_tags_r (hp:pps) = case snd hp of
399 Just ds -> fst hp : get_tags_r (drop_tags_r ds pps)
400 Nothing -> fst hp : get_tags_r pps
402 drop_tags_r :: [PatchInfo]
403 -> [(PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])] -> [(PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])]
404 drop_tags_r [] pps = pps
405 drop_tags_r _ [] = []
406 drop_tags_r ds (hp:pps)
407 | fst hp `elem` ds = case snd hp of
408 Just ds' -> drop_tags_r (ds'++delete (fst hp) ds) pps
409 Nothing -> drop_tags_r (delete (fst hp) ds) pps
410 | otherwise = hp : drop_tags_r ds pps
412 info_and_deps :: PatchInfoAnd p C(x y) -> (PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])
413 info_and_deps p
414 | is_tag (info p) = (info p, getdeps `fmap` hopefullyM p)
415 | otherwise = (info p, Nothing)
416 \end{code}
418 \begin{code}
419 deep_optimize_patchset :: PatchSet p C(x) -> PatchSet p C(x)
420 deep_optimize_patchset pss = optimize_patchset (concatRL pss :<: NilRL)
422 optimize_patchset :: PatchSet p C(x) -> PatchSet p C(x)
423 optimize_patchset NilRL = NilRL
424 optimize_patchset (ps:<:pss) = opsp ps +<+ pss
425 where
426 opsp :: RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(x y)
427 opsp NilRL = NilRL
428 opsp (hp:<:pps)
429 | is_tag (info hp) && get_tags_right ((hp:<:pps):<:NilRL) == [info hp]
430 = (hp:<:NilRL) :<: opsp pps
431 | otherwise = hp -:- opsp pps
433 (-:-) :: (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(a x) -> RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(a y)
434 pp -:- NilRL = (pp:<:NilRL) :<: NilRL
435 pp -:- (p:<:ps) = ((pp:<:p) :<: ps)
437 slightly_optimize_patchset :: PatchSet p C(x) -> PatchSet p C(x)
438 slightly_optimize_patchset NilRL = NilRL
439 slightly_optimize_patchset (ps:<:pss) = sops (progressRL "Optimizing inventory" ps) +<+ pss
440 where sops :: RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(x y)
441 sops NilRL = NilRL
442 sops (pinfomp :<: NilRL) = (pinfomp :<: NilRL) :<: NilRL
443 sops (hp:<:pps) | is_tag (info hp) = if get_tags_right ((hp:<:pps):<:NilRL) == [info hp]
444 then (hp:<:NilRL) :<: (pps:<: NilRL)
445 else hp -:- sops (progressRL "Optimizing inventory" pps)
446 | otherwise = hp -:- sops pps
447 \end{code}
449 \begin{code}
450 commute_to_end :: forall p C(x y). RepoPatch p => FL (Named p) C(x y) -> PatchSet p C(y)
451 -> (FL (Named p) :< RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(() x)
452 commute_to_end select from = ctt (mapFL patch2patchinfo select) from NilFL
453 where
454 -- In order to preserve the structure of the original PatchSet, we commute
455 -- the patches we are going to throw away past the patches we plan to keep.
456 -- This puts them at the end of the PatchSet where it is safe to discard them.
457 -- We return all the patches in the PatchSet which have been commuted.
458 ctt :: [PatchInfo] -> PatchSet p C(v) -> FL (Named p) C(v u)
459 -> (FL (Named p) :< RL (RL (PatchInfoAnd p))) C(() x)
460 -- This unsafeCoerceP should be fine, because if we run out of
461 -- patches in the selection the ending context of the second param
462 -- should be x (because we have commute all of the selected sequence,
463 -- with context C(x y), past the elements of the second parameter.
464 -- Unfortunately this is hard to express in the type system while
465 -- using an accumulator to build up the return value.
466 ctt [] ps acc = (unsafeCoerceP acc) :< ps
467 ctt sel (NilRL:<:ps) acc = ctt sel ps acc
468 ctt sel ((hp:<:hps):<:ps) acc
469 | info hp `elem` sel
470 = case commuteFL (hopefully hp :> acc) of
471 Left _ -> bug "patches to commute_to_end does not commutex (1)"
472 Right (acc' :> _) -> ctt (delete (info hp) sel) (hps:<:ps) acc'
473 | otherwise
474 = ctt sel (hps:<:ps) (hopefully hp:>:acc)
475 ctt _ _ _ = bug "patches to commute_to_end does not commutex (2)"
476 \end{code}
478 \begin{code}
479 patchset_intersection :: RepoPatch p => [SealedPatchSet p] -> SealedPatchSet p
480 patchset_intersection [] = seal (NilRL :<: NilRL)
481 patchset_intersection [x] = x
482 patchset_intersection (Sealed y:ys) =
483 case patchset_intersection ys of
484 Sealed ys' -> with_partial_intersection y ys' $
485 \common a b ->
486 case mapRL info a `intersect` mapRL info b of
487 morecommon ->
488 case partitionRL (\e -> info e `notElem` morecommon) a of
489 commonps :> _ -> seal $ commonps :<: common
491 patchset_union :: RepoPatch p => [SealedPatchSet p] -> SealedPatchSet p
492 patchset_union [] = seal (NilRL :<: NilRL)
493 patchset_union [x] = x
494 patchset_union (Sealed y:ys) =
495 case patchset_union ys of
496 Sealed ys' -> with_partial_intersection y ys' $
497 \common a b ->
498 case gcau_simple a b of
499 Left e -> missingPatchError e
500 Right (_, (a' :<: NilRL) :\/: (b' :<: NilRL)) ->
501 case (merge_sets (a' :\/: b')) of
502 Sealed a'b' -> seal $ (a'b' +<+ b) :<: common
503 _ -> impossible
505 merge_sets :: RepoPatch p => (RL (PatchInfoAnd p) :\/: RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(x y) -> Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(y))
506 merge_sets (l :\/: r) =
507 let pl = mapFL_FL hopefully $ reverseRL l
508 pr = mapFL_FL hopefully $ reverseRL r
509 p2pimp p = patch2patchinfo p `piap` p
510 in case merge (pl:\/: pr) of
511 (_:/\:pl') -> seal $ reverseFL $ mapFL_FL p2pimp pl'
512 \end{code}